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5543110 No.5543110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


late in this summer i'm going to germany, what should i try and/or bring back
more precisely i'll go to munich city so if someone have local meals, foods, ingredients, specialties or restaurants to advise me feel free.

>> No.5543112

Bavarian cuisine a shit

>> No.5543126

>what should I bring back?
The third reich.

>> No.5543128

>more precisely i'll go to munich city so if someone have local meals, foods, ingredients, specialties or restaurants to advise me feel free.

Eat Toast Hawaii and Churrywurst.

>Not Danzig

>> No.5543131
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>> No.5543137

>Toast Hawaii
thank for that my sister doesn't eat meat but like cheese

>> No.5543150

Hey guys, I've been trying to find the name of this thing I ate in Germany when I was a kid.

It was like a big triple sandwich with three pieces of toasted bread, some sauce and vegetables, but the main thing in it was some stake with mushrooms.

I remember it was a local thing but I forgot the name of the town I had it too. It was the best thing I've ever tasted.

>> No.5543153

Bavarian cuisine is pretty shit for vegetarians.
Some other options:
-Semmelknödel (dumplings made from bread crumbs) (I actually don't know whether they usually include meat, my mother makes them with some, but when I ordered them once they hadn't)
-vegetarian Maultaschn (swabian but they should be on the menu anyway)
- Brezn mit süßem Senf (Pretzel with sweet mustard), usually comes with a white sausage that you can snatch of her dish

But always ask if there's meat in there. We always find a way to hide meat in our meals.

She might also like sweet dishes, its pretty common to eat sweet for lunch/dinner as the ingredients are cheap and usually already available at home - namely sugar, flour, eggs.
Examples: Apfelstrudel, Dampfnudeln, Kaiserschmarrn

... Hamburger? This sounds like something McDonalds would sell

>> No.5543157

weißwurst, schweinhaxe, schweinebraten mit knödel und rotkohl, paniertes schnitzel, leberkäse, saures lüngerl (lung)...

>> No.5543162


Also bitte. What's more, you hardly ever get a decent batch in any restaurant.

>-Semmelknödel (dumplings made from bread crumbs) (I actually don't know whether they usually include meat, my mother makes them with some, but when I ordered them once they hadn't)

Well over here the variant with bacon's called Tirolerknödeln.

>> No.5543166

>But always ask if there's meat in there. We always find a way to hide meat in our meals

(op here) godly advise for her i think

>> No.5543178

>... Hamburger? This sounds like something McDonalds would sell

Based fucking retard.

>> No.5543181

Who cares whether it is Bavarian, you can get it in every restaurant there and I always got a mountainful.

>> No.5543198

Munich here.
Check out Kloster Andechs (old monastery). They have really good beer and Schweinshaxn.
Try Steckerlfisch - it's basically salted fish grilled on a stick, but damn this shit is good.
Have breakfast with white sausage, sweet mustard, fresh brezn and wheat beer.

And swim in the Eisbach if it's warm enough.

Feel free to ask whatever, I'm kinda bored right now.

>> No.5543229

>Feel free to ask whatever
k, ty.
it seem that for halloween (or other feast) there are special haribo/sweeties. is there way to have access ?
and is there a places to find/buy wood handtools (plan for example) ?

>> No.5543252

Idk how special the haribo sweeties are, but usually every supermarket has quite a lot of them.

About the handtools. No idea.
Maybe at the Tollwood festival, which is twice a year. You should check it out if you can - great food as well.

>> No.5543267

oh, and is there outlet stores/center near the city

>> No.5543280

unfortunately not. Munich is expensive as fuck.

>> No.5543285


>> No.5543288

- Waldwirtschaft
- Wirtshaus in der Au
- Augustinergarten

>> No.5543578

I'm german and never heard of such a thing. Maybe it would help to find out the city you were.

>> No.5543595

Sausage in spiced ketchup and curry powder. It's a classic
Smoked pork. You've probably had it in the states, but it's also a classic. Best with potato salad.
Roasted ham hock. Find a good place though, some restaurants don't cook it enough and you have globs of uncooked fat which is gross.
Essentially north Euro pizza. Has cream, onions, cheese and ham usually, but for your sister you can nix the ham and ask for mushrooms or something instead. Great snack while drinking.
Turkish-German invention. Basically a kebab/gyro. Everyone has their favourite spot, so you'll never find 'the best one' in town really. I prefer the ones where they marinade the salads/vegetables in vinegar and spices before putting it into the bread, while my cousins prefer the vegetables to be fresh and without anything.
For your sister, she'll have a lot of good salad options. Though Germans aren't known for them, they make great salads. Most of them use vinegar as the dressing base, so I hope she likes that, but they really are very refreshing in summer, and for you when you eat meat they're perfect because the vinegar cuts the feeling of grease from your mouth.

Trying to think of anything else but that's what I have for now.

>> No.5543892

One time I went to an ethiopian restaurant called "blue Nile" in the Siegesstraße 22.
I really liked it!

>> No.5543992

>weißwurst, schweinhaxe, schweinebraten mit knödel und rotkohl, paniertes schnitzel, leberkäse, saures lüngerl (lung)...

>She might also like sweet dishes, its pretty common to eat sweet for lunch/dinner as the ingredients are cheap and usually already available at home - namely sugar, flour, eggs.
Examples: Apfelstrudel, Dampfnudeln, Kaiserschmarrn

this is good advice! Maybe you can just image search for the names to get an idea what it is, some things probably don't translate very well.

Here are some tips for grocery shopping - if you want brand food (or better yet, sweets) you probably want to stay away from the discounters, namely Aldi, Lidl, and Penny Markt. You can stick to a supermarket chain called "Rewe". They have alot of brands, and their off brand stuff is labeld with Rewe.

>> No.5544019

You get Haribos everywhere in Germany, even in the discount markets. It is true that for Easter, Halloween, and Christmas Haribo releases special boxes of gummies, however they are nothing special, they just look different. They are only available for a limited time at Aldi for the corresponding holliday.

As far as sweets go I suggest "Haribo" (can't ever go wrong with that) for gummies (otherwise there's only "Trolly" and off brand shit, forget about those.

We also have good chocolate, stick with "Milka" (they increased their portfolio immensley over the last few years, e.g. chocolate covered pretzels, cookies, etc.). Alot of variety there. There is also "Lind", which is Swiss chocolate, and priced at a premium.

>> No.5544025

>stay away from Aldi, Lidle and Penny
Why? They're perfectly fine brands.

Oh, also what that anon said. Look for sweet foods as well. I don't think it's typical for Munchen, but Kirsch Knodel is fucking delicious as well, and during summer they switch up the cherry (kirsch) with other fruits. It's like a dumpling filled with fruit and usually covered in melted butter or cream

>> No.5544030
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>implying milka > ritter sport

>> No.5544062
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As far as specialities go, it's hard to come up with alot of things that aren't available everywhere else, but here are some suggestions

pic related, a taste of the Third Reich. Its a dark chocolate with cocoa, six pieces are like an energy drink. It's not available everywhere, and sometimes they are only at the counter of a supermarket with the other candy bars.

Not German, but Austrian. It's a soft drink made of herbs, very tasty. Should probably be widely available.

I think it's not availale in the US, we have licensed Poky called Mikado.

Our second soft drink speciality. Very tasty, but stick with lemon at first. Popularity exploded this year, should be widely available, however they are only sold in sixpacks.

Didn't try alot of them yet, not really a fan, its labeled as a hipster drink

>Club Mate
another hipster drink, and it isn't widely available. If you get the chance try it.

Those are some things from the top of my head, there's probably more though. It's hard to think of any other snacks (like potatoe chips) that you should try, most of them are nothing special.
Hope this helps anon!

>> No.5544072

of course they are, but you might end up with inferior stuff

yeah totaly forgot about them. Ritter Sport is the shit, definitely get a few of them, they have alot of variety as well

>> No.5544099

Schneider Weisse. Check if they still have fried cow's udder.

>> No.5544116

>fried cow's udder.
damn that sounds nasty, even as a German

>> No.5544133
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If you can't drink this you are a girl

>> No.5544159

>implying i don't make my own sauerkraut/pickles and always drink the leftover liquid

>> No.5544187

Avoid the zyklon knishes like the ten plagues of moses.

>> No.5544196

I love drinking the leftover kraut brine

>> No.5544197

box full of kinder eggs

>> No.5544243

WW II memorabilia.

>> No.5544254

>Sausage in spiced ketchup and curry powder. It's a classic
i have to advise against this if you are in bavaria
you should only get this if you are in berlin or the ruhrgebiet otherwise you will be dissapointed

>> No.5544270
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you forgot the best thing

>> No.5544272

and in Hesse

>> No.5544283

Try and escape with your life.

>> No.5544288
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>> No.5544352
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thank me later

>> No.5544358

even moot loves these, especially with hazelnuts
but it turned out that they are with artificial flavor

>> No.5544371

OP if you want Haribo, go to Denmark instead. Serious.

>> No.5545884

what the fuck
do you really drink this in germany

>> No.5545912

only grandmas and yoga teachers do

>> No.5546408

>Not German, but Austrian. It's a soft drink made of herbs, very tasty. Should probably be widely available.

Tell the guy to ge Mezzo Mix. The folks who never had a regular Spezi apparently all fucking love Mezzo Mix.

>> No.5546411


Bionade is crap, but the Fritz Cola line of softdrinks is great.

Though that sorta softdrink galore is more of a Hamburg thing, apparently.

>> No.5546451

>Also bitte. What's more, you hardly ever get a decent batch in any restaurant.
It's fucking Käsespätzle. The sheer amount of cheese saturates like fuck. I'm always overwhelmed by the portions.

>> No.5546468

If you can, try to bring back Wurst and Bread. German Bread and Wurst are just GOAT.
And try Mett/Keck. It's raw, ground meat, a very common dish for work or supper.

>> No.5546494

there's a difference between self made and industrial made spätzle though, I doubt restaurants in Bavaria make them themselfes

>> No.5546521

Depends. In a restaurant you normally get the real Spätzle. Industrial spätzle are only for bad restaurants and lazy people.
Spätzle aren't that hard to make. You just need to make a good dough and boil them the right amount of time. Then going from Spätzle to Käsespätzle is really simple. Just put them in a pan with butter, put some cut cheese under them and let them warm up - done.

>> No.5546564

this doesn't even exist

>> No.5546608

well, that's not true

>> No.5546612

As far as beer goes you should try Augustiner.

>> No.5546616

I know they're easy as fuck, I've only recently got to taste real Spätzle, as my girlfriend is from Baden-Würtemberg. Im from Hessen myself, we don't really have Spätzle here except for the industrial made ones, so I'm expectings its the same in Bavaria.

>> No.5546623

>Ritter sport
You can get those here at Trader Joe's tastes good man

>> No.5546757
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it has been said before, but especially if you're in munich, weißwurst is what you need to eat.
it's without a doubt the most wonderful thing humanity has ever stuffed into a sausage casing.
sweet mustard and some pretzels make it a delicious meal that i personally cosume at least twice a week. it just never gets old.

>> No.5546764

Get some really cool beer steins. Prost!

>> No.5546854

This nigga knows what's up. I tried Currywurst in Cologne, it was nothing like Berlin, disappointing. Not sure about Döner. If it's like Berlin then you'll cum your pants.

>> No.5546875
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i had pic related at curry36 in berlin. braised onions, soft buns and the best currywurst i ever had. i'm not a huge fan of currywurst though, so i don't have a lot to compare.
same goes for döner,i rarely eat one. but i heard they really suck in düsseldorf.

>> No.5546882

all of these recommendations have nothing to do with Munich or Bavaria (neither do Spätzle btw)
try Schweinsbraten Schweinshaxn Semmelknödel Kartoffeknödel Weißwurst Obatzda a gscheite Brezn Steckerlfisch Helles / Starkbier / Weißbier / dunkles Weißbier

>> No.5546885

Fuck, that German beer as well, seriously thinking about heading the lee for Oktoberfest

>> No.5546906

>Düsseldorf and bad döner
> try it at Bachstraße 126, 40217 Düsseldorf

>> No.5546956
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And you chose the wrong kind.

>> No.5547117


This. I went to Germany a few years ago, and I still miss the bread and sausages.

>> No.5547127

as mentioned before by many others you should definitely experience our Deutsche Brotkultur

>> No.5547163
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no u

>> No.5547610


Eh, you basically need good Spätzle and a good blend of Emmentaler, sour and sweet cheese and lots of deep fried onions.

Most restaurants fuck up on both accounts by using industrial spätzle and a crappy blend of cheese. Quite often they don't even get the deep fried onions right either.

>> No.5547642




Röggelchen (the best ones can be bought in Düsseldorf at the Hinkel bakery)

>> No.5547712

He said Munich, not Berlin, you ass.
It's the regular white looking brotwurst you want OP, with that kickass mustard, simple, but amazing.
Bavaria is the best part of Germany for food, you can literally close your eyes, point to something random on the menu and it will be amazing.
Go to as many of the beer gardens as you can HofBrau, LowenBrau, AugustinerBrau, OMNOMNOM.
>my sister doesn't eat mea
Then you're going to the wrong country. Learn how to pronounce their word for vegetarian (I'ts like vegitarieche or some shit), but even their kickass potato salad often has ham in it.
Mah nigga
LEberknodel Suppe reporting in.
There was actually one place my vegetarian friend loved, they had something that seemed similar to a flalfel that they put in there. But it's all about the lamb and DAT garlic sauce (gnoblouche or whatever)
yep yep

In case you can't tell I love fucking Bavaria, it is best Germany

>> No.5547745

You got a good point about the salads
>those grated carrots, slightly sweet
>Dem paper thin cucumber slices
>Dat in house made salad dressing EVERY TIME.
I recommend a sent dressing if they have it, but in almost 5 years I think there was only one time I got a salad with a weird dressing I didn't like. It's always a little different, but always good. Pisses me off here in the US how if the carrots are grated they're all dry and shitty from a bag and the cucumbers are always sliced thick as fuck, does anyone actually like a huge fucking slice of cucumber half the width of a deck of cards in their salad? wtf?

>> No.5547747

>sent dressing
I meant SENF dressing.

>> No.5547800

Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime
Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 300 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis
Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia
redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du
rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa,
sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana
Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf De runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn
miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona.

>> No.5547833

>Then you're going to the wrong country.
Are you kidding me ?
Even McDonalds has a veggie Burger in Germany (which does taste awful, but it is vegan !). Every Restaurant has something vegan/vegetarian. Shops sell lot of tofu products. You even have the so called "Reform haus" where you can buy lot of vegan stuff. And every Döner sells also Falafel.

>> No.5547841

Klapp klapp klapp
Really nice, never saw this paste in Austrian dialect.

>> No.5547932
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made me reply

>> No.5548167

Nah, Bavarians are usually good at Spätzle. I supppose it's the proximity to BaWü.

>> No.5548209

part of swabia is located in bavaria after all.

>> No.5548684
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gefüllte rinderrouladen

>> No.5548692

German sushi

>> No.5548704
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you should get some dönerteller

>> No.5548711
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and of course schweinshaxe

>> No.5548884
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>> No.5548886
