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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 375x203, Waffles-vs-Pancakes1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5542545 No.5542545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The ultimate showdown, 2 contestants enter, one leaves...
Which one is better and why?

>> No.5542549

Nothing can beat a hearty pancake.

>> No.5542553

except a good waffle. but they have to have small holes not those giant Belgian gayfers and need to be square because reasons

>> No.5542554

^strawpoll for the query

>> No.5542557
File: 660 KB, 1024x768, crepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything besides the mighty crepe

>> No.5542563

except he was asking between the two boobookittyfuck

>> No.5542565

i fucking love those things, unfortunately don't know how to cook them
i heard they're hard to make

>> No.5542566

Waffles for the crispy texture

>> No.5542751

1 egg,1 cup flour, salt, keep adding milk till it's very runny

pour a bit into a pan on a medium heat and lift the pan around till it coats the bottom in a thin enough layer

once it's cooked through flip it and let it crisp on the other side for a few minutes

>> No.5542765


i think they're easier to make than pancakes.

i always fuck up pancakes. the outside in burnt, the center is uncooked batter. but i've never made bad crepes.

>> No.5542775

Waffles because the syrup goes into the grooves and doesn't run off the patty. The syrup runs off the pancake patty and is messy and I don't like it.

>> No.5542788
File: 58 KB, 610x346, Clatite-pufoase1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is how we make them in Romania. I never had American ones but these are delicious.

>> No.5542793
File: 276 KB, 800x600, Clatite-cu-gem-catering-timisoara-livrare-la-domiciliu-30542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5542806


This is how my dad taught me to make them.

I don't live in the states but I went to a friends once and they made their pancakes like they do in America and I was like "wtf are these??"

>> No.5542814


I've yet to make American pancakes, how are they in comparison to those? BTW those that I've shown are normally made thinner but I like them chubbier like pic because they taste way better to me.

>> No.5542822


Like once in OP's pic. They're dense and thick so they don't roll them up or anything.

How do you usually have yours? We've always had lemon trees growing at our place so I'd sprinkle some brown sugar on them then squeeze lemon juice all over it then roll them up.

>> No.5542831


Yeah I know but I mean the taste, are they better or do they taste similar?

I usually eat them with jam, a very thin layer. Just sugar is good too though, but I've found jam to be better. I'll try adding some lemon too, might be better.

>> No.5542896


Oh right, uhh hard to say. More doughy I guess? Not that much difference really but the density and thickness means you taste the batter more than anything you'd put on them.

>> No.5542915


Sounds like the way we do them is better.

>> No.5542943

>dense and thick

you must be eating some shitty pancakes, my friend. they should be thick because of how light and fluffy they are.

>> No.5542957

>Be at my ex girlfriend's house.
>"Hey anon, I'm making pancakes tomorrow morning.
>Best girlfriend ever. Make even more love than usual. Keeper etc.
>We wake up and go into kitchen.
>She pulls out a box.
>What is this devil concoction?
>She adds water and pours it onto the frying pan
>What the fuck are you doing.
>I don't like this game any more. I want to go home.
>Eat panfake.
>Tastes like dough.
America, what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.5542971
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>They are now selling shake'n'bake bacon and egg mixes in my country now

Shit looks disgusting as fuck and cost just as much as buying fresh eggs and bacon

>> No.5542976

Ugh. Just why? Who has this little time on their hands? I understand that frying takes a minute because the oil needs a minute to heat up and stuff, but come on. And it doesn't taste remotely like it's advertised most of the time anyway.

>> No.5542983
File: 76 KB, 600x450, 54943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pancakes, but English pancakes, not the thick sickly American "pancakes".

>> No.5542992

do euros actually make every meal from scratch?

>> No.5543001

I do anyway. It costs less and it's better for you. And in some cases it takes less time. Imagine being such a failure of a human being that you were incapable of doing that.

>> No.5543005

the people on this board make it sound like every european is a master chef that cooks every single meal from scratch

>> No.5543007

Half the threads I see on this board are instant food rivalry threads, around a quarter of the threads I see are about fast food, and the last quarter if even that much contain some kind of recipe. I wouldn't say that everyone from every country in Europe is a master chef, but we do learn to do things like boil vegetables from a very young age. I can honestly say that since I was 16 or 17 not a single person in my friend's group didn't know how to boil and fry. This is why it mystifies me that people use instant shit all the time and don't even check the label to see what they're eating, and then they have the nerve to call it cooking.

>> No.5543009

>Pancakes, but English pancakes, not the thick sickly American "pancakes".
Are you dumb? Those are crepes or swedish pancakes, not "English" style. No such thing.

>> No.5543012

The real reason to make every meal from scratch is that it tastes better (provided you know what you're doing), caring about the cost is for poor people.

>> No.5543013

Sometimes I think about buying one, empty it, fill it with protein shake, and bring along to the gym, just to see the look on peoples faces.

>> No.5543015

those are crepes, and they're french

>> No.5543016

Nope, you're dumb. Those are English pancakes, typically made on Shrove Tuesday/Pancake day.

>> No.5543017
File: 178 KB, 500x411, 1384106117821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people can't tell the difference between a crepe and a pancake

They may look similar but they're entirely different in taste and texture.

>> No.5543024

Pancake Day
>God save the Queen

>> No.5543038

ROFL, really? I guess bacon flavored pancakes might be up someone's thing. I wouldn't buy it, but I have no issue with packaged pancake mix. It's often purchased to make some convenience simple, like camping and cooking over a campfire or like a once a week treat. People staying over at the Days Inn suites might be doing a Sunday breakfast, or heading out to sightsee. The reason pancake mixes exist at all is to use powdered buttermilk, not a kitchen staple, let alone a convenient one. I find the mixes a little sweet, but I don't have a problem with them in concept.

>> No.5543048
File: 9 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not pancakes with bacon flavour. It's powdered scrambled eggs with bacon, you just add milk and pour it into a pan.

>> No.5543050

And I thank god for living in Denmark, buttermilk is cheap and easy as fuck to get.

>> No.5543139
File: 683 KB, 1600x1200, waffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pancakes a shit
Nothing in the world can beat a Liège waffle.

>> No.5543141

waffles are dry faggots

pancakes all day

>> No.5543194

I like both, but if I really had to choose, I'd choose waffles. I eat pancakes more; but the crispy-softness of a waffle really beats out a pancake.

Especially if the waffle has things like small chunks of fruit in the groves with maple syrup served right ontop; its just the bomb.

>> No.5543206

this guy gets it

>> No.5543263

Also, I'd like to state that I also really love a big fucking flapjack.

In this case it's: crepe = thin pancake, pancake = medium sizes and slightly thicker than a crepe, flapjack = big fucking pancake, almost like a regular cake but not as wide, tall pancake and very fluffy

A plate of 2 big fluffy flapjacks with fruit between them smothered in syrup; so fucking good

>> No.5543272


Most of the time, but sometimes we do cut corners. Personally, I only buy ready-made pesto (don't have a garden for the basil) and mayo (don't like it, never learned how to make), but I've seen way worse.

>> No.5543289

>Which one is better and why?
cake for breakfast? no thanks.

>> No.5543295

A friend from Germany said they have to make everything from scratch because they don't get prepackaged shit like canned cake frosting and brownie or pancake mix. But that was like 15 years ago, things may have changed now.

>> No.5543305

not in UK

>> No.5543320

>(don't have a garden for the basil)
Could you grow it inside? I have a stem right by my kitchen window and it's growing at such a rapid speed.

>> No.5543359

i voted waffles since, me personally, i can do a lot more with them, add whipped cream, cherries, syrup, etc. while with pancakes i try it and its just not as good, if i want something a bit more interesting than i normally do. Otherwise it completely depends on my mood

>> No.5543372


No. I have no windows where I live and if i did I would keep them covered with newspapers. The UV light singes my eyelids due to a skin condition I inherited from my mothers dad's brother. The only plus side is it allows me to piss 8 feet.

>> No.5543383

>desert breakfasts

Who gives a fuck, there's normally only one of them on the menu at a time anyway.

>> No.5543387
File: 9 KB, 290x174, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desert breakfasts

>> No.5543495


>> No.5543500

Dutch Baby
Apple Pancake
Kijafa Cherry Crepes

>> No.5543953

They are pancakes, you know, actual pancakes. The ones eaten by the Romans and are in the bible, nah, America says something thousands of years old is wrong. God damn you people are scum.

>> No.5545215
File: 37 KB, 587x465, canadianpancake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're dense and thick so they don't roll them up or anything.
Only shitty ones. My mother makes them like that.
If your pancakes aren't 50% egg foam they are unfortunate.

>> No.5545226

Cake is the best for breakfast if you are going to be doing brain work: meat and grease if you are going to be doing leg work.

>> No.5545261

Kebab defender here.
Nothing beats Kebab.

>> No.5545407
File: 87 KB, 400x706, Girls-Body-In-Kebab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont eat people or support terrorist groups like al qaeda or hummus

>> No.5545420

I'll stick with oatmeal, thanks.

>> No.5545445

Waffles are superior. It has that cripsy while being soft thing going on. The grooves on waffles are better for handling syrups and toppings meanwhile pancakes get all the syrup running off the sides and it becomes a fucking mess.

I can enjoy eating all my waffle yet I can only handle a few bites of pancake before it gets all shitty and rubbery. Throw your W's on the sky if you feel my vibe!

>> No.5545458

kind of disappointed the first reply wasn't french toast
all breakfast food is the best though, it's hard to pick a favorite

>> No.5545980

I will maul and devour anybody who tells me I cannot have waffles with my pancakes.

>> No.5545993
File: 3 KB, 220x189, lookatwhatthesfaggotsgettrolledby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a man of means and ability I prefer to cook pancakes in a waffle iron to give them a crispier texture while retaining the fluffy insides of a pancake.

To put it simply, I have transcended the traditional breakfast world and you are all now my subjects as I rule on high from my throne atop Breakfastia Mountain.

>> No.5546006

naw nigga that's just Belgian Waffles.

>> No.5546015
File: 10 KB, 300x218, 1283978123825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not question me, minion. I may be benevolent but I will not hesitate to smite your taste buds so all you may savor for the rest of your life is the taste of vegemite and lemon juice.