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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 557 KB, 1936x2592, kidney stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5542148 No.5542148 [Reply] [Original]

How much water do you drink on a daily basis, /ck/?

>> No.5542153

more than enough to not get those

>> No.5542201

Do you know when a kidney stone is coming? If so I imagine you could get wasted/high as fuck and not have to deal with it. Or do they just come unannounced?

>> No.5542203

Thanks OP, I just finished a glass and now I'll be having another.

>> No.5542207

about a gallon

think i'll have a glass right now, though...

>> No.5542209


Can't... stop... staring at it.

I want it.. inside me.

>> No.5542292

Enough tap water to poison me to death before I get anything as horrible as that.

>> No.5542299

zero cups
soda everyday for several years now
I remember several years ago having some water when I ran out of soda, but not sure of the exact date.

>> No.5542338

that did NOT PASS through your urethra

>pls rspnd
>tell me they did something else to get that thing out

>> No.5542347

I only drink coke zero because it has been sterilized unlike water

>> No.5542348

it's the only way to get it out
I mean there's surgery
but that's like getting shot in the foot and cutting off your ankle to get it out

>> No.5542349

Once the blood starts running, you are going to have kidney stones soon.

>> No.5542352

Well either he pissed it out or he cut himself open and performed surgery on his kidney. Which sounds more plausible?

>> No.5542355


whats the story on this guy?
did he literally never drink water and overload on creatine and whey powder and other shit?

>> No.5542356 [DELETED] 

Usually about a liter, sometimes another 1/3-1/5 liter.

>> No.5542360

There's only two ways to get it out whole like that.

>> No.5542394

a gallon of coffee still counts right?

>> No.5542457


>> No.5542471

Probably like three bottles because I'm poor yet refuse to drink tap water

>> No.5542500

Jesus Christ what the fuck

>> No.5542505


about 4-6 liters

used to drink less during cold weather and i get leg cramps very often.

>> No.5542506


some people have shit genetics, my female cousin had to go into the hospital to have one removed about a year ago

also I drink around 7-8 liters a day, no diabeetus I just do fuckloads of exercise and I've always been a very thirsty person

yes i pee all the time

>> No.5542518

low key britafilter shilling

>im ok with this

>> No.5542524

Wouldn't that completely destroy your dick?

>> No.5542527


How does one get so many?

>> No.5542542

actually, when I first saw that pic, the kindly anon who posted it explained that it came out of a dog.

>> No.5542546

looks chewy. yum

>> No.5542576

Normal day maybe 3 litres. On days I ride my bike probably 6 litres or more depending on temp. Even then I don't piss that much due to low humidity living next to the rockies

>> No.5542577
File: 144 KB, 500x360, staghorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're almost lucky if it does pass.. sometimes they grow so big they fill your kidney and can't pass out at all. Those are called staghorns.

>> No.5542583


>> No.5542598

it doesn't actually belong anywhere else
I mean technically we could be having bowel movement threads

>> No.5542599

no thats not food or cooking. take it to /b/

>> No.5542602

that's like saying we can't have a thread about farms and how they work and how badly they are failing and how unfairly they split wages
incredibly stupid

>> No.5542603

12 glasses a day should be enough, right?

>> No.5542609

Could you cook these? Like are they like glass or crystal, or more like compact salt? Recipes?

>> No.5542614

you cant thats why it doesnt belong here. can you even reading comprehension?

>> No.5542647
File: 13 KB, 250x173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> bowel movement threads
> no that's not food

>> No.5542696

Speaking of bowel movements, and GI health, how much fiber do you guys eat every day?

>> No.5542732

It's not food. You're not even allowed to have threads about excessive drinking or pot without the mods either banning the OPs or letting the OP get wrecked before banning them