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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5541738 No.5541738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So hubby and I like box Mac n cheese (Amy's brand specifically). This is something we should be able to easily replicate at home, right? It's just cheese powder and dry noodles.

Anyone done this before?
Where can I get the best cheese powder? I know Penskeys sells it, anyone have any experience with it?

>> No.5541762

Never used this, but you can make your own with cheddar plus maltodextrin, then add spices (onion powder, mustard powder, cayenne, etc)

>> No.5541765

I make home made mac and cheese but it is nothing like the box stuff

>> No.5541786

Why use maltodextrin? Can I use corn starch instead?

>> No.5541787

>yellow #5, yellow #4, partially hydrogenated soybean oil...
Just like mom used to make.

>> No.5541794

The whole point is I can make it without all the additives, ya dingus. Besides, I plan on using white cheddar powder.

>> No.5542056

maltodextrin serves a different purpose here, alternatively you can dehydrate it in a dehydrator

>> No.5542059

I think rogue creamery sells a blue cheese powder.

>> No.5542071

>So hubby and I like box Mac n cheese
Stopped reading there. My condolences.

>> No.5542072

specifically N-Zorbit M, not any malto will do

>> No.5542330

You still haven't explained why I need it at all.

>> No.5542605

You still never explained why you need powdered cheese.

>> No.5542608

to turn it into a powder duh

>> No.5542639

To make macaroni and cheese.

>> No.5542743

Amy's makes boxed mac n' cheese?

>> No.5542747

Why don't you use cheese instead of cheese powder?

Maybe OP's talking about Annie's?

>> No.5542748


>> No.5542769

Powdered cheese, what the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.5542784

I like to make Mac n Cheese with real cheese using a roux but it doesn't taste quite the same as processed Mac n Cheese (the kind most are used to). If you want to make good Mac find a recipe that uses Velveeta. There are a ton of good ones out there just use Google or check All Recipes.

>> No.5542789

>being this used to the taste of processed food

>> No.5543352


Your taste is trash, but so is mine.

Anyone have any good cheese powder to buy?

>> No.5543360


You have failed in your wifely duties. You are cooking him and your family shit tier food. You are probably also fat. I bet you just leave your shit laying around the house too. Do you even suck his dick anymore? You have become a disobedient avocado.

>> No.5543362

yep, lame female twats are slowly taking over /ck/

>> No.5544893
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Hey y'all, Op here. I just wanted to clarify a few things.

We live in a very small town in the Rockies. It's very isolated and three hours from any major city. We're two hours from the expressway. We get snow about six months a year, so travel is sketchy at least half the year. Sometimes it is impossible to leave the house. We don't leave for weeks at a time. Because of this we need to store a large amount of food. I try to make my food storage as energy efficient as possible, so I try not to store much in the fridge long term and we stock our freezer with meat.
These factors lead me to stock my pantry with lots of dehydrated stuff. Stuff like powdered cheese.
Now, I already use powdered cheese, and I already have macaroni noodles. Why not combine the two! I came here to see if anyone else had done this before, and any good sources for powdered cheese (king Arthur is where I get mine).
As to feeding my hubby Mac n cheese- we eat it once a week. He likes it, so why not.

>> No.5544899

>liking box mac n cheese
>not liking the real shit
you mother fucker

>> No.5544902

you have become a retard

>> No.5544908

Buy ridged corkscrew Barilla (cellentani) or ridged elbows. Holds sauce more than boxed low quality elbows which are not ridged.

Barilla elbows have a back of the box recipe for mac n cheese, which involves you making a roux and sauteeing an onion, boiling the pasta in milk in the same pot, and adding fresh grated cheese at the end. It's the real deal. Just buy cheese in 1 lb blocks to save a little money.

>> No.5544909
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baked or die

>> No.5544917
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Aaawwhh god that would be amazing right about now

>> No.5545043

interesting explanation and situation. i have no experience with cooking mac and cheese like that, so good luck!

>> No.5545171

>So hubby and I

Attention whoring or trolling?

>> No.5545373
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Why thank you.
Here, have a biscuit.

>> No.5546538


>> No.5546547


perhaps just a simple explanation/narrative, anon.

>> No.5546549

>hubby and I

and into the trash it goes

>> No.5546550

uh oh, someones butthurt

>> No.5546628

People will go "aww u amerifat" over this but I noticed when I had macaroni cheese it was actually fairly sweet, so you'll need to add sugar in it.
P.S Not american :D

>> No.5546637

That's what you call "butthurt" ?

Go fuck yourself, cunt.

>> No.5547088

What else do you use cheese powder for?

>> No.5547278
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1402464453583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Americans like instant products so much more than home made food? I mean, fuck, you're asking how to make instant food yourself. I hope you paid attention in advanced chemistry you weird fuck.

>> No.5547289


Probably the same reason why you didn't read the thread. If you had, you'd know the reason why OP wants cheese powder specifically.

>> No.5547294

So... she needs to make her own instant food because she can't fucking get to a city? Fuck, US. Get your shit together.

>> No.5547298

sorry that we like to be away from fucking mudslimes and enjoy nature. faggot

>> No.5547307

I'm sorry we haven't a;; haven't bred our way into a hong kong style dystopia yet.

>> No.5547309

>sorry that we like to be away from fucking niggers that run most of our country and hide in the woods.

It's ok m8. No need to shitpost.

>> No.5547319
File: 20 KB, 460x276, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>packaged as a down to earth mom & pop farm product
>artificial coloring, yellow #5

There should be laws against shit like this.

>> No.5547322

>Why don't you use cheese instead of cheese powder?
Not OP, but it really wouldn't be the same thing now would it?

>> No.5547326

Here's two I just found:



Here's a white cheddar:


>> No.5547328

You wanted White cheddar powder. Your wish is my command...


>> No.5547343
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>partially hydrogenated soybean oil

>> No.5547344

ha. same link.

>> No.5547357

Yeah. I know. Just wanted to make sure OP got it, since my first post wasn't directed to her. i know its overkill, but I wanted to help.

>> No.5547383

I love homemade macaroni cheese, especially making my own.

>whole milk
>extra mature or vintage cheddar (grate it)
>ground pepper

>mix sauce and macaroni in a casserole dish
>top with sliced tomatoes
>sprinkle some grated parmesan and more cheddar on top

It's so fucking lush, I don't understand how people can enjoy that instant stuff it's so flavourless and has plastic texture.

>> No.5547386

Oh and obvious bake for at 200 C after topping for 20-30 minutes/until golden brown on top.

>> No.5547390

>barry farm
>doesn't even make sense

>> No.5547509

Op here. Thanks for the links anon!

>> No.5548840

Homemade macaroni and cheese is piss easy, I made mine recently it's so easy just get

>2 cups grated sharp cheddar
>1 cup grated pecorino
>1 cup heavy whipping cream
>1 cup half and half
>2 cups milk
>4 tablespoons flour
>4 tablespoons butter
>box of macaroni

get 2 pots, one medium and one big one

boil water in the big one while you make a roux in the other

roux: put the butter in the medium pot, when it melts put the flour in and mix and whisk until blonde and nutty aroma

then add the milk, cream, and half and half and mix until hot, then slowly add your cheddar and pecorino, but not all of the pecorino, but almost all of it. Mix nonstop when adding.

Meanwhile in your pot, when the water is boiling add all the macaroni

Finally when the cheese sauce is done and the macaroni is, drain the macaroni of all water, put back in the big pot, then add the cheese. Mix in giant pot until coated, then put in a pyrex glass pan, top with pecorino and cheddar and breadcrumbs (just a bit)

then put it in the oven until golden brown.

Better than box shit.

>> No.5548845

>didn't read thread

>> No.5549344


>> No.5549373


>> No.5550492
