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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 277x395, Cheesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5540084 No.5540084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know.....I really think 65% of /ck/ is just like this. Really I do.


>> No.5540092

see >>5539963

Also, that's fucking disgusting man.

>> No.5540117
File: 93 KB, 171x278, 1403250877876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that last comment

>> No.5540123


woop de doo you made a shitty bowl of brown, so superior

>> No.5540126

Even though these people are now richer than I could even imagine, I still feel really sorry for them.

>> No.5540129
File: 14 KB, 270x270, watwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she's kiss-licking the ketchup bottle

>> No.5540132


That part's not too interesting. It's INCREDIBLY obvious that there was a lot of coaching going on behind them scenes.

>> No.5540138
File: 2 KB, 111x107, reaction (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh what the actual fuck.
> dat 'sketti' goo
how did they even manage to survive off of stuff like this for years?

>> No.5540141

IDK if there was coaching going on or not. That anyone would behave that way, particularly in front of a camera, is repugnant.

>> No.5540148

their time is coming soon.

>> No.5540152


it isn't tat much worse than proper tomato sauce dude.

>> No.5540156

Dude. You really need to learn to cook.

>> No.5540159


nutritionally it's not that much worse and i doubt it is taste wise either

i know how to cook

>> No.5540168

I know it is.

>> No.5540172

Apparently not, since you think ketchup microwaved with margarine is similar to a well made tomato sauce. Seriously, you hitched your wagon to a dying horse.

>> No.5540174


>> No.5540178


but it is similar to a well made tomato sauce. it's tomato puree and fat emulsified together and reduced

>> No.5540181

>it is similar to a well made tomato sauce
Everyone feel free to disregard anything this anon posts.

>> No.5540184


a poorly made tomato sauce is similar to a well made tomato sauce, by virtue of being a tomato sauce. you're a dingus.

there's nothing particularly virtuous about a well made tomato sauce other than the fact that it tastes good.

>> No.5540185

Ketchup isn't just tomato puree. Specifically (as per the brand used in that video0:

The ONLY thing that has in common with tomato sauce is the tomatoes (well, and salt). You must make some really shitty tomato sauce.
Oh, and lets not forget the margarine:
Vegetable Oil Blend (Liquid Soybean Oil, Palm Oil, Palm Kernel Oil, Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil), Water, Whey (Milk) Salt, Vegetable Mono and Diglycerides, Soy Lecithin, (Potassium Sorbate, Calcium Disodium EDTA) Used to Protect Quality, Citric Acid, Artificial Flavor, Vitamin A (Palmitate), Beta Carotene (Color).

Yeah, that sure is the same as a well made tomato sauce. Get fucked.

>> No.5540189

You are well and truly stupid.

>> No.5540193


you guys are grasping at straws here. you just have a thing against cold war cookery, which is fine. i'm happy to admit that i would infinitely prefer to eat a sauce made with sweated onions and good milled tomatoes and fresh basil over sketti. but sketti is not the worst thing in the world for a person to eat and in terms of nutrition, tomato sauce isn't exactly the holy grail in the first place.

>> No.5540194
File: 47 KB, 450x488, 36818597DRs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know what? i think so also ave mariea on crackers where you gonna get that 'cept f ck .not bad very good infact

>> No.5540196

>autism: the post

>> No.5540199

There's no "grasping at straws". We (thankfully) don't live in a third world country, so there is no reason at all to eat that crap. Also, my grandparents, who lived thorough not only the Cold War, but WWII rationing, would never in a million years have eaten that garbage. You are ill-informed if you think "sketti" is remotely acceptable to anyone who knows how to cook. Your opinions are invalid, and you should feel bad for trying to press your stupidity.

>> No.5540202

>being informed = autistic

Your logic is extremely flawed, but what can you expect from someone with the IQ of a turnip?

>> No.5540213

>assblasted damage control: the post
you're still autistic, assburger.

>> No.5540216


nah mate. you're just your average hysterical middle class dude who balks at 'chemicals' and shits on poor people for having lifestyles that aren't functionally that much worse.

i'm entirely confident that i'm not defending sketti out of ignorance about good tomato sauce. i'm just not a twat.

>> No.5540217

I see your stupidity knows no bounds. Keep it up, sport, you're only making yourself look foolish.

>> No.5540218

So if you had children you would have no qualms feeding them that putrid dreck?

>> No.5540222

>getting your assburgers mad on the internet
not my fault you were born feet-first

>> No.5540226



learn what words mean.

no, i wouldn't feed them sketti, but then again, i haven't tried it.

>> No.5540229

Fat people are disgusting and should be sent to camps until they are cured

>> No.5540232

>not ignorant

Hmmm, yeah. You know, you are of course free to eat all the dog shit you like, but some people have standards and it's fucking hilarious that people like you and this guy >>5540213 think that anyone who doesn't willfully and defeatedly eat shit is "hysterical" or "autistic". Your attitudes are called "Anti-Intellectualism", and there's nothing noble or good about it. It's basically taking the path of least resistance, more or less.

>> No.5540242


>Your attitudes are called "Anti-Intellectualism"

no they aren't. please learn what words mean.

i just don't like smug cunts talking shit on people's lifestyles when their own is probably no more appealing.

>> No.5540243

So you would admit that it is a disease?

>> No.5540253

>assuming things that you have no idea whether are true or not
>calling other people smug cunts while being a smug cunt
>not knowing what words mean
>having no insight into one's self

Yeah, you seem so balanced. Now you're just starting to sound like a narcissist. Again, your opinions have been ruled invalid.

>> No.5540259



you and words really don't get along do you.

at every turn of this argument you have called me an idiot who doesn't know how to cook, based singularly on a claim i was making. if you think that's a reasonable standard of argument then good luck with your future endeavours i guess.

>> No.5540260

I j-just ate corn chips dipped in s-spaghetti sauce.

>> No.5540265

Because anyone with knowledge of food and cooking would never compare microwaved margarine and ketchup to tomato sauce from scratch. It's an asinine comparison. You made an outrageous claim that infers you have no knowledge of cooking. Earlier in the thread you said it was "tomato puree and fat emulsified together and reduced". Do you even know how microwaves work? There's zero reduction going on there. You are just plain old wrong. Period.
Also, attempting to insult my vocabulary usage is a poor effort at redirection.

>> No.5540268

>I make everything from scratch

Do I detect a supreme gentleman?

>> No.5540270


>Also, attempting to insult my vocabulary usage is a poor effort at redirection.

i'm not 'insulting' it i'm just pointing out that you keep misusing words. you just see 'narcissist' as a generic term for someone whose ego you want to put down. that's not what it means. i don't think you can infer obsessive self-love from my posts.

the tomato ketchup is reduced. what i meant was that a tomato sauce and sketti are pretty similar once the ketchup has been thinned out with margarine. it depends how much of the margarine they're using, but in terms of viscosity, sugar content and so on, probably pretty similar.

>> No.5540271


That's reality TV for you.

>> No.5540274
File: 163 KB, 600x808, refinedgentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet.

>> No.5540282

I think you might want to check your own word usage, and perhaps meaning and intent as well, since you don't seem to grasp that.
> but in terms of viscosity, sugar content and so on, probably pretty similar.
That is completely wrong. As I said, you don't appear to know enough about cooking.

>> No.5540287

> you just see 'narcissist' as a generic term for someone whose ego you want to put down. that's not what it means. i don't think you can infer obsessive self-love from my posts.
not that poster, but narcissism does not necessarily mean obsessive self love either. you dont have to think you're the best guy in the world to be a narcissist, just the only guy that matters.

>> No.5540291


>I think you might want to check your own word usage, and perhaps meaning and intent as well, since you don't seem to grasp that.

what a vague and meaningless insult.

>That is completely wrong.

he says, with absolutely no qualification.


ok, but the crucial aspect is overriding vanity, which isn't to be seen here.

>> No.5540293

If you really, truly believe that "sketti" is similar enough to homemade tomato sauce to be exchangeable and not a horrendous mockery of good food, I suggest you do a little experiment and make both scratch tomato sauce, cooked on the stove, and "sketti" made in the microwave, and serve them side by side to a few friends of yours. See what happens. Also, be sure to document the entire process from start to finish. Then report back. Of course, you won't do this, but that is the only way to make anyone take your terrible opinions seriously.

>> No.5540298


i've made the concession that there obviously is a difference several times. it's just that there's not a big enough difference to warrant shitting all over the people who eat it.

>> No.5540305

My qualification is that I actually do know how to cook, unlike you. Not only that, any simpleton knows that any sauce made with ketchup would be much sweeter than a proper tomato sauce, due to the heavy amount of corn syrup involved. I have never met a single person, professional or otherwise, who adds corn syrup to their homemade tomato sauce. I have seen people add a scant spoonful of brown sugar or demerara sugar, or other raw sugar to tomato sauce, particularly if tomatoes are not in peak season, but that's a spoonful to an entire pot of tomato sauce. Which is nowhere near the amount of corn syrup added to ketchup. I have also made homemade ketchup, and the process is quite different. Just because both are made from tomatoes does not make them interchangeable. You need to learn more about cooking if you want to argue with people on /ck/, because many of us do know how to cook well.

>> No.5540307

I can shit all over anyone I like who eats like pigs at a trough. If you act like a pig, don't be surprised when people call you a pig.

>> No.5540310
File: 1.49 MB, 230x172, Euphoric.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5540311

how can one of her children be fit and another just a bit overweight?

>> No.5540316


as someone who 'knows how to cook' i don't really feel the need to add corn syrup to my tomato sauce, but i also understand why it's in ketchup and why it's not any great transgression to sub it for sugar - ketchup is a jam-like preparation that is designed to be smooth and viscous. this is why they add a low-DE syrup to it, to combine with the pectin and bulk out the fluid.

obviously this is a highly concentrated, very sweet product, which is why the addition of margarine pulls it back a little more into 'sauce' territory.

the fact of the matter is that any tomato sauce is going to be fairly high in sugar and usually quite high in fat too. the fat in sketti is low quality and the raw produce is too, but depending on how you mix it, it is fairly similar in overall composition to a homemade tomato sauce. nothing you say will get around that.

and look, i don't need to insult your cooking knowledge to make a point. i'm confident in mine and i can't say anything about yours. let's try to stay back down on planet earth.

>> No.5540317

you're a retard.
You should just leave this place, you ruin all the fucking threads with your idiocy and autism.
The original question was
>how did they even manage to survive off of stuff like this for years?

The answer that anon provided is correct.
It isn't much different from tomato sauce and you can survive on it fine.

>> No.5540353

And you wonder why you were called a narcissist. You obviously take perverse pleasure in playing "devil's advocate", but you are very deep in the wrong here.

>obviously this is a highly concentrated, very sweet product, which is why the addition of margarine pulls it back a little more into 'sauce' territory.
No, no it doesn't. Any runny liquid isn't a sauce.
Also, there is no pectin in ketchup. And no it isn't similar in composition to tomato sauce, as was stated before, just because both are made from tomatoes does not make them interchangeable.

And as for you,
If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
You can survive on lots of edible things fine, that doesn't make it remotely acceptable to eat those things when you have access to better food.
It is truly hilarious that people are actually defending eating "sketti" now on here, only to be contrarian, when the disgust for it has been standard on /ck/ since the "Boo Boos" first snorted up their sketti on television. Your arguments are as ridiculous and fake as that fat little girl's pageant hair.

>> No.5540363

A polemical inclination isn't the same as narcissism.

>> No.5540366


>Also, there is no pectin in ketchup

yes there is.

>> No.5540370


>And no it isn't similar in composition to tomato sauce

yes, it is. do you understand the concept of concentration and dilution?

>> No.5540374

There is some natural pectin in tomatoes, but no pectin should be added, like used for a lot of jelly/jam making, unless you are buying a pretty inferior brand of ketchup.

"Tomatoes used in ketchup had less pectin, and were often picked unripe. More recently, industrially made ketchups have more pectin added, or sometimes even a thickener like corn syrup or corn starch."

>> No.5540375

Composition in regard to foods isn't just about concentration and dilution.

>> No.5540379


... obviously not, but in this case it is an important part of it.


telling me stuff i already know dude.

>> No.5540383

It's barely an important part of it in the context of this thread. It's amazing, the lengths you are trying to go to just to make your shit taste seem valid. If you are so insistent, you should to this >>5540293, then at least you'd have a leg to stand on. Somehow I doubt most people would willingly choose ketchup and margarine on their pasta over a homemade tomato sauce. Whenever people are insistent about some opinion of theirs being superior, it's always a good idea to think about doing/saying/eating said opinion in public. I find most people backtrack pretty quickly.

>> No.5540394


you keep acting like i'm saying sketti is no worse. it's obviously worse. it just isn't 'putrid dreck' that will turn your kids into dwarves and melt your anus, and it probably tastes fine, especially if you're a kid. you and whoever else is on your side just really want to shit on poor/stupid people, and that's annoying, because from the way you argue it's pretty clear that you're no more respectable than they are.

>> No.5540418
File: 477 KB, 408x224, indeed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys,
are pretty entertaining,
even teal'c thinks so

>> No.5540423

Shut the fuck up you child

>> No.5540425

>not being a smug cunt

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.5540428

you're wrong faggot

>> No.5541112

I think she lost a lot of weight irl and is actually a good parent outside of this show

>> No.5541132

>the other 30%


>> No.5541151

>ratings and comments disabled

>> No.5541189

If you meant the other 35% understand cooking and the meaning of quality then you might be right. He comes off a tad smug but nothing he said was wrong

>> No.5541198
File: 283 KB, 1000x1000, pukinglolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That made me laugh and want to vomit a little at the same time.
Every time,

>> No.5541513

kill yourself