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File: 26 KB, 380x380, EGGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5536659 No.5536659 [Reply] [Original]

so I know that deviled eggs differ greatly from contry to contry so post how you make them

>> No.5536687

I don't think they do...

I hard boil eggs, take the yolk, mix it with some mayo, mustard and a little white wine vinegar, and then put it back in the egg. Then I sprinkle paprika on top.

>> No.5536686

I boil my eggy weggs
Then I removan da shells cause nobody wants a crunch
then I cut um in halvsies because the next step is
I take out the yellowsies in the inside
When have all yellowsies I mash them with some mustard stuff and a bit of mayo
how much? I don't know it happens until goood
then this now here is the tricky parts
i taken da yellow mash and slop it into the eggy weggs hole
then i nom!
also sometime i put in little green flakes that i chops from a green straw thing at the store

>> No.5536970

Murka here. Since I only make devilled eggs for occassions, they really need to stand out so I pickle the eggs before devilling using either a beet or curry/mustard brine. Unless I'm making bacon ranch eggs, then just plain hard boiled and add ranch dressing and crumbled bacon to the yolk.

For the pickled eggs I'll mix the yolks with mayo, paprika, and usually dill,then garnish with a sliver of either pickled beet or onion.

>> No.5538516

Canadian here.

I add salt and pepper, whipped dressing (not mayo), plain mustard, sometimes chives, and a little bit of pickle juice. Topped with smoked paprika.

>> No.5538522

mods please ban this underage piece of ahit

>> No.5538530

I don't have time to type out my deviled egg recipe right now (maybe I'll do it later) because I'm about to walk out the door. BUT, the last time there was a deviled egg thread, someone got so supremely buttpained by my recipe, they made a whole new thread just to bitch about it. That was hilarious. Anyway, deviled eggs are god tier.

>> No.5538534

Canadian here. This is exactly what I do.

>> No.5538541

>Boil about an inch of water in the bottom of a saucepan
>Steam eggs in steam basket 12 minutes
>Ice bath, shell, and half eggs
>Separate yolks, stir with a fork until mashed
>Add yellow mustard and mayo to taste, salt and pepper
>My gf's mom adds bacon bits here, it's breddy gud but I never have bacon bits at home
>Add yolk mix back to whites with either a spoon or ziploc pastry bag trick
>Mandatory paprika. Sometimes I'll add a little shredded cheddar cheese if I feel fancy.
Steaming eggs is the best, yo.

>> No.5538637

for each yolk mash in a teaspoon of butter and a spoon of mayo. add a bit of dry mustard a bit of sweet pickle relish dust with fresh paprika and black pepper good stuff. but only on holidays.kill yourself eating like that everyday. My mom was.Britbong. Also eggs and tomatoes. melt a bit of butter, add some fresh chopped or canned tomatoes. maybe some mushrooms, salt and pepper for each person, two eggs, soft scramble,serve on toast. looks like hell, tastes like heaven.Beans and bacon on toast. Milk in hot tea, cool, not ice cold beer, malt vinegar on fries. friends might say how can ya eeat that shit. I donno, tastes pretty good to me I am thoroughly American and have cousins in Germany,but rule Britannia or you can do what some/many 'round here do - mix the yolks with some mustard and that's it? any ways, I happen to be a big fan of bangers and mash (though honestly, you can keep the kidney pie to yourselves)

>> No.5538786
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no,no,be nice. aside from the iratatiing pphases, raises a valid point. I can't get eggs to peel correctly. low or high altitude (sea level or denver now about 2200absold or young eggs. they look like a rat's been gnawing and know what? that might be a good thing.Not all of us can do all things,pretty boring if all alike.Do the best you can. Probably pretty good

>> No.5540248

I am having difficulty with the idea that deviled eggs are an international food.

>> No.5540424

I do them a few ways,

If I have to make millions of them for people I don't necessarily care about, they get a bit of dijon, mayo, salt, and the yolks, topped with paprika, cayenne, and pepper.

If I don't have to make too many for people whose company I genuinely enjoy, I'll make up some garlic aioli, mix that with the yolks and some chives, top with smoked paprika, or if I've got some dried chilies going (habaneros right now), I'll mill one or two and add a small pinch of that.

Saturday afternoon I made some devilled egg foo yung - eggs boiled in chicken stock - cracked halfway through to let some of that flavour in, soy, rice wine vinegar, ginger and chili flakes with the yolk instead of mayo. Nothing on top.

>> No.5540436

I once went to a party where i was tricked into eating deviled eggs thinking they were normal, but apparently my aunt's Frenchie boyfriend made them by filling the whites with the cheapest canned tuna he could find and then grating the yolks on top of it so the looked like shredded cheese. I didn't even know you could grate yolks. It was awful, awful, bad nasty. But that was probably because of the poor quality tuna, because T've put eggs in my tuna salad before and liked the results.

>> No.5540444

there are so many variations. My favorite ones are finely mincing a few radishes or pickled garlic and adding it to the yolks for a crisp surprising crunch.

a little curry powder is nice in the filling sometimes, or liquid smoke

bacos are amazing as a topper, they're colorful and they keep their crunch

>> No.5540449
File: 28 KB, 400x300, Huevos_rellenos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm spanish, I mix the yolk with tuna, mayo, olives and put roasted redd peper on top. You can put tomato sauce (tomate frito) instead of mayo but it isn't as common.

>Pic related.

>> No.5540455


please type it out i want to know what was so maddening about it

>> No.5540606

Canuckistan here

I hate having colourless food, so when mixing my yolks, I like to add in a little scallion. My mom and I had a C.O.R night so we tried it with balsamic vinegar and it was meh.

>> No.5540613

Fourteen eggs, twelve egg white, you do the math. Lots of fresh black pepper, fresh dill, dry mustard, & paprika. Oh, & fuck you if you're a miracle whip person.

>> No.5540614

make bacon bits yourself friend, you'll never go back.

>> No.5540628

I have to call up my older bro for a recipie from my mother, she made the best.

As we get older I realize that I should have written down all of these things that she told me. Time is a fucked up thing.

>> No.5540833
File: 53 KB, 415x415, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in glorious People's Republic China, we boil eggs in young boys' urine as special treat during festival.

Rest of year, we bury eggs in mud and mare's urine for month to proper condition them.

Is much delicious.

>> No.5540870

why? it's like everyone eats them.

>> No.5540872
File: 633 KB, 480x800, roland lumpfish caviar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much make them basically American:

However I have topped them with
Roland black caviar (relatively cheap)

>> No.5540893

In Spain are typical ass hell, even seen as an old-fashioned food.

>> No.5540896

what the fuck china

>> No.5540926

>never heard of Century Eggs
>Being this "cultured"

>> No.5540933

just get some vinegar or pickle juice in there, thats what makes em tangy. yall mustard/mayo fags are fukkin dead to me

>> No.5541008

I mix the cooked yolks with mayo, green onion, and a little mustard. Plus salt/pepper.
And then I like to top some of them with a little bit of bacon.

>> No.5541264

germanfag here
I do it the same way
stuff is fucking delicious
although common recipies inculde some fish stuff... disgusting
I usually decorate the eggs with parsley or tiny tomato slices

>> No.5541286

hard boil the eggs
remove the shell
take the yolk
mix it with some cayenne, mustard, mayo, and minced pickle
top with orange caviar

delicious stuff m8

>> No.5542610

How do they taste with tuna?

>> No.5542780

>avoc, 0 of 0
>feels, etc

Okay, I'm doing a giant batch of deviled eggs tomorrow, including avocado (made into guac first), pickle juice and much more... but no mayonnaise! I'll take some pictures if I'm not too busy with it, they come out super green. America, btw, and as far as I know, a pretty original recipe.

>> No.5543106

please serve this with prosciutto or something (green eggs and ham)

>> No.5543923
File: 44 KB, 450x336, Ruined Deviled Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ITT: people ruining perfectly good Deviled Eggs with all kinda retarded and unnecessary crap.

>> No.5544082

i dont think they differ that much
i mean they are such a simple dish
i just boil the eggs, remove the shell, half them, remove the yolks, mix the yolk up with the shell and put it back in the egg just like everybody else

>> No.5544091

A little mayo helps the yolk and the shell bind together.

>> No.5544145

Avocado could be nice, but that looks like there's way too much

>> No.5544155

>mix the yolk up with the shell
Say what now

>> No.5544160

Boil my eggs in the River Styx and then open them up and sprinkle them with the hottest coals in Hades and feed them to Persephone. Dumb bitch.

>> No.5544173
File: 142 KB, 826x738, 1361573513018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mix the yolk up with the shell .. just like everybody else