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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 180x180, 4E48C53A-D02B-C3F5-4E41-969D645B1668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5533846 No.5533846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does Parmesan always taste different? It doesn't matter if it is the same brand, sometimes I get awful tasting kroger, and sometimes I get the most amazing ever. It happens with Kraft too.

Is there a specific date you are supposed to open these? I've checked dates every time and they dont seem to have any correlation. Did they just derp when making it, and its super easy to do with parmesan?

>> No.5533867

You're not the same guy that posted this exact same question some weeks ago, are you?

Anyways, the parm is made in multiple facilities that kraft and kroger buy from, slap their label on, and sell. And it's cheese, it's not like a cracker or something where you can achieve complete product uniformity across multiple factories, especially when you consider that milk from two different cows will not taste exactly the same.

Regarding the sell-by date, I really doubt that has anything to do with it.

>> No.5534193


There's that word again.....

>> No.5534304

What's Pepsi's excuse? Some cans are the most delicious thing you can consume and some are complete shit.

>> No.5534441

this isn't parmesan

>> No.5534465

It's skunked.

>> No.5534494

What's up with /ck/ calling kraft and kroger green cans parm as well as calling american processed singles cheese.

>> No.5535609
File: 29 KB, 578x397, 1376909682269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope you're a troll, posting the image as Parmesan. I'm a German and I would slowly kill you for that, can you imagine what and Italian would do ?

>> No.5535611

That may actually frighten someone if you weren't a limp-wristed europussy.

>> No.5535618

Types the fat wristed canklebest, after brushing stray cheetos from his bow section and pushing his cracked, cumstained spectacles up his greasy spic nose.

>> No.5535621

I'd sit on you and squish the pink fluffy stuffing right out of you, m8

>> No.5535627

I'd probably have a few seconds to scuttle out from under your boulder sized ass.

>> No.5535659

To a lot of Americans the Kraft stuff is the only kind of parmesan that exists. They don't even think of where it comes from. Also finding genuine stuff is fairly difficult.

Kraft singles are cheese-y and function similarly to cheese in their application, so some people call them cheese.