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File: 96 KB, 543x365, beers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5533560 No.5533560 [Reply] [Original]

What is beer supposed to taste like? I usually like drinking bitter things like coffee but this is on a whole other level. It seriously feels like I am drinking piss. Am I drinking the wrong Beer or something? I tried Sam Adams and Blue Moon. I liked Blue moon more than sam adams. I want to know more about this universally loved drink

>> No.5533566


It's an acquired taste.

>> No.5533573

People love beer because it's a drug, you drink it to become intoxicated, not because you're thirsty...it actually dehydrates you, so it's not much of a beverage for actual thirst quenching. Some people say they drink it for taste, but i call BS and think they're just being hipsters. I love beer and drink a shitload of it every day for years, and I still think it tastes like piss, even the "good" stuff. It's kind of like how pizza can only get "worse" but is never really bad...beer can get a little "better", but it's still never really good.

>> No.5533575

That's an interesting way to put it actually and it makes sense to me.

>> No.5533580

Beer is a very subjective thing. The reason people call it an acquired taste is not just because it is bitter, but also because you have to try a wide variety of styles and brews before you find one that appeals to you. Try lambics first.

>> No.5533582

So just because you don't like beer, no one can genuinly like beer?
To throw your own example back at you, I've never been a huge fan of pizza. Some are decent and homemade pizzas or fancypants pizzas at certain restaurants can be real good but your regular, bought circle of fat and turkish sweat? Never cought my fancy.

>> No.5533588
File: 66 KB, 500x468, Gulden-Draak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of this.
I've drank many, many different kinds and types of beer, and there aren't too many of them that I can honestly say I went "Hey this tastes great! I'm gonna drink more just for the taste itself!"
You drink to get drunk.

Now, thats not to say they 'all' taste like piss and bitterness and smell awful.
Pic very related.
This is Gulden Draak. A sneaky little brew from Belgium who happens to be my favorite beer,
...and it doesn't even taste like a goddamn beer. It tastes and smells dark and fruity, like a really thick fruit juice that warms your throat on the way down.
The 'sneaky' part is that you can't even tell its an alcoholic beverage until you're already falling back off your stool, flat on your ass and vomiting everywhere.

If you're really wanting to get into beer, I say keep trying. Try different things. You'll eventually find one that just 'clicks' with you.

>> No.5533599

Beers, and especially microbrews, run the gamut from 15% ABV stouts that look like road tar and taste like turkish coffee and liquid smoke to <2% ABV table beers that taste like carbonated water with a few drops of fruit juice and angostura bitters mixed in - and are consumed at pretty much the same rate. The darker beers with stronger flavors are generally consumed on their own and the lighter beers are selected to accompany food or for situations where one wants to drink but not get drunk.

I personally prefer microbrewed beers with herbs, fruit juices, etc. for interesting flavors for when I want something refreshing or lighter beers to go with food, myself; when I drink to get inebriated I choose liquor.

>> No.5533602

If you can like coffee - real coffee, not coffee-flavored milkshake frappes - then you can like beer.

>> No.5533609

Beer has a huge range of bitterness and taste.
As >>5533588 says
>If you're really wanting to get into beer, I say keep trying. Try different things. You'll eventually find one that just 'clicks' with you.

>> No.5533611

I'm more into the thick 'heady' sort of brews like Guinness, and a lot of beers from Germany I can't even fucking spell or pronounce. (They know how to make a goddamn brew)
I call them 'steak beers', because it tastes like you can almost chew it as you're drinking, and it goes so great with food.
If I want 'fruity', i'll just get wine instead.

>> No.5533612

This. My advice to you, dear OP, is to try some darker beers and stouts. A lot of them will actually use coffee in the brew and that shit is the bomb. Being a Canadafag I like Half Pint's Stir Stick Stout and Mill Street's Coffee Porter. If you can track those down I bet you'd like 'em.

>> No.5533614

>I love beer and drink a shitload of it every day for years, and I still think it tastes like piss
Complete horse shit. If you've genuinely been drinking for years, it tastes much better than piss. That's literally the exact way people who are JUST getting into beers describe it as tasting.

Then again, maybe your pallet is completely fucked, which is pretty standard for the average American.

>> No.5533629
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>tfw you're broke as fuck and you just want to get drunk so you grab a 30 of natty ice as you read people shitposting about 'quality beer' and 'muh hops' on /ck/

>> No.5533646

Different beers
Different occasions

You don't drink fancy beers when you aim for intoxication. That's just silly. A few down and taste is dulled anyhow. Might as well go for the cheap shit then

>> No.5533656

This is bullshit, your theory is completely picked apart by the fact that millions of people (including me) only drink 1 or 2 at a time. Which means we aren't drinking it to get pissed, but for enjoyment. Personally a bit fan of the samuel adams OP posted.

3/10 if troll

>> No.5533664

I'm always hearing people say Guinness (naughtiness drug) is thick. I don't think I've ever had a thinner, more slamable beer.

>> No.5533688

Compared to most lager which most people see as the standar beer it is

>> No.5533729
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Drinking HFC, GMO barle, and synthetic hops

>> No.5533772

Nah, i genuinely drink shitty malt liquor because i've paid for "good beer" before that people have recommended and at the end of the day it wasn't worth it, tasted a little better sure...but i don't drink for the taste, and being a little better than piss is still piss.

>only drink 1 or 2 at a time.
why? what's the purpose of drinking alcohol if you're not going to get drunk? it does not quench thirst, seeing as it's alcohol. and no it doesn't pick a part my theory, just because millions of people do it doesn't mean those millions aren't ass backwards fuckhats who are just drinking to look cool or something.

>> No.5533778
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you don't have to get drunk in order to feel the effects of alcohol

>> No.5533785
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>Food Babe

>> No.5533790

I really hope this goes through.
I'd love to see 'exactly' what goes into that shit. Kinda wierd that everything else you eat or drink is required to list that shit

>> No.5533804
File: 8 KB, 225x225, indexasdasdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bullshit
if people just drank to get drunk vodka would be the go to
beer can range from very good to pisswater (stay away from things like coors light, bud, natural ice)

>> No.5533831
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Are you 16?

Beer is so diverse in it's flavor, it's impossible to tell you what it's "supposed" to taste like

Don't base your judgement because you "tried Sam Adams and Blue Moon"

It can be a bit of an acquired taste, but you won't ever understand until you actually start drinking beers. Good beers. Don't drink piss and complain it tastes like piss.

basically, lurk more faggot

>> No.5533839
File: 98 KB, 640x480, Kuhnhenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is beer supposed to taste like?

1. Go to your local brew pub, which usually have sample "platters" with several small glasses
of different beers and see which one you like the best.

2. IMPORTANT PART: You'll be getting drunk, so write down which ones you liked and which
sucked, so that next time you're there (or shopping for beer) you'll remember what kinda beers
appeal to your taste.

3. Come back to /ck/ armed with this knowledge and behave like a pretentious beer snob, telling
others that they're pleb faggets for drinking [ X kinda beer ] instead of [ Y kinda beer ].

>> No.5533864

>all these pleb responses
>implying beer doesn't taste good

I love beer and love the taste of it, especially on a hot summer day. Here's what I've learned about beers over the years.

Beer is best appreciated ice cold. Many people (beer snobs in particular) will disagree and say that the cold actually hinders the true taste of the beer. In my opinion warm beer is generally just too sour and rancid tasting to enjoy. It may be different for you OP. If you don't like ice cold beer let it sit at room temp for a while longer.

There is a big difference between cheap college party beers and more pricey quality brews. Natty Lite, Keystone, Busch Lite, etc all taste like shit because they're cheap. If you want to acquire a taste for beer stay away from the poor quality ones.

Also some people prefer dark beers and others prefer light beers. Dark beers generally sit heavier in the stomach, are much more bitter, and use a lot of spices. Light beers on the other hand are smooth and crisp, though they generally have less unique flavors to them.

Also you might try some flavored beers. My favorite beer during the Summer is always Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy. Very refreshing and has a great lemonade taste. Red's Apple and Strawberry Ales are really popular right now but I'm not a fan of either.

>> No.5533870

Relevant to this thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCbOK5qAI4w

>> No.5534000

It tastes good cold because it numbs your mouth to how shitty it really tastes

The 'sour and rancid' taste you describe is exactly right.

>> No.5534035

anybody have a copy of his toast?

>> No.5534043

bullshit man. I think one of the most delicious drinks is Guinness. Holy shit I can destroy them. But I try to avoid alcohol so I can't have it as much anymore. Prob my 2nd fav drink of all time.

>> No.5534049

Like I just said, I drink Guinness sparingly now. It tastes delicious as hell. Who cares about the buzz? I don't drink coffee for caffeine.

>> No.5534111

if it taste sour and rancid either somebody fucked up the fermentation and it got infected or its old and starting to turn to vinegar.....
even the shittiest of beers is not supposed to beer sour or rancid (except maybe lambics)

>> No.5534119


>> No.5534140

>understands what he means perfectly well but implying because its not spelled properly and am lacking a legitimate counter

tl;dr jackassery

>> No.5534156

and on top of that fails because the etymology is the same

>> No.5534166

Guinness is ok for a cheap macro beer, but its really easy to find better stouts

>> No.5534175

Mah nigga, if you really want to live it up get some murphy's or beamish. I can down a four pack in like 20min.

>> No.5534176

The etymology of pallet and palate is not the same. Even if it were, that doesn't excuse being unable to differentiate between the two.

>durrrr you know what I meant it all means the same
This is how we know you aren't educated or leading a productive life.

>> No.5534201

the purpose of language is what?
oh right to convey information
did he do that effectively?
oh shit! he did!

discrediting an argument or statement because a word was not spelled properly.... that to me is much more of a red flag indicating a lack of education and focus on the trivial

i wasnt even the one who posted that
im just sick of farking grammer nazis focusing on literally the least important aspects of an exchange

>> No.5534219

I knew you were going to counter with, "the purpose of language is to articulate thoughts...".

You should consider the shortfalls of your life and how others perceive you and maybe connect the dots...

>> No.5534247


yes because im so concerned with how i am perceived on 4chan

if this is how you conduct yourself irl perhaps it is you who should be concerned with how you are perceived
because you come off here as a petty self absorbed dolt with no common sense and a plethora of anxiety and self esteem issues hidden by a thin veil of confidence and authority on matters of little to no concern
.....something of a troll

>> No.5534267
File: 1.96 MB, 2592x1944, 6811f73679d19edfb5f399eb1d780f992120850085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for when you want to get faded, but you're low on funds..
>dat slogan

>> No.5534328

Here drink this obscure/hipster "release" (beer) of this "only brews 2 gallons a year" brewery its out of this world, make sure you snap a pic so you can post it in your social feed and make sure to write the most acid triped review in beer advocate.

>> No.5534349


Stopped reading there.

>> No.5534363

case in point

>> No.5534407

Bullshit. You can definitely taste the alcohol in Gulden Draak (at over 10% ABV, I'd be surprised if you couldn't). It's just that the beer is so loaded with delicious flavor that you don't really care. That throat-warming sensation? That's the alcohol. There are some (though not many) wines that aren't as strong. It is one of my favorites, though, I drink a bottle or two every Christmas.

>> No.5534409

>light beer
>getting drunk on the cheap
You're doing it wrong.

>> No.5534413

When Americuns say light beer it means low carb not low alcohol.

>> No.5534422

Reducing the calories still results in a loss or limiting of alcohol content. Usually it's not a significant loss because most original versions they make light versions of are 5% or less ABV anyway, but there IS a loss. You're going to have to drink a LOT of light beer VERY quickly to get drunk. Not cost effective. And they taste like shit also. I'd much rather go for an ice beer if I want to get drunk and have a bad time doing it.

>> No.5534439

light beer refers to the calories, and in order to reduce the calories (as well as carbs) it necessarily has to have less alcohol than the real thing as both the amount of alcohol and the amount of residual carbs are correlated to the amount of malt used (and extra bonus for the giant breweries, using less malt means it costs less to make as it is more water)

>> No.5535701

no it doesnt

>> No.5536213
File: 7 KB, 150x150, uhm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a sip of beer years ago. I can never stomach the taste.

Also had a sip of gin and got a mild headache. I keep trying wine but I can't get past the smell.

There is no hope for me.

>> No.5536218
File: 6 KB, 226x251, 1401573403918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's time to come out the closet

>> No.5536219

I'd say inviting grammer nazis into a thread isn't conducive to effective conveying of information.

>> No.5536225

Beer in an IV drip, thank me later.

>> No.5536234
File: 78 KB, 745x305, out of the closet and into happiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm not a lesbian, anon, although my grandma suspected before.

I just feel like I'm missing something from not enjoying anything alcoholic.

>> No.5536237

>IV drip
N-No, thank you.

>> No.5536252
File: 90 KB, 988x659, 73459102353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always try cider or sangria.

>> No.5536333

cider is good shit

>> No.5536335

Will try soon. Any other good recommendations of fruity alcoholic beverages that's good for a beginner?

>> No.5536352


Pretty good suggestion. A good sangria doesnt taste like poison.

>> No.5536355

smirnoff ice is good. tastes like alcoholic sprite

>> No.5536361

Blue moon is foul.

>> No.5536371


>Natty Ice
>Not The Beast
>Or a 30 rack of 'Gansett

>> No.5536384


Have you tried cider? If you enjoy cider, then try an old american cocktail, the Stonewall:

12 oz hard cider
3 oz dark rum

There are many kinds of mixed drinks. Vodka is good because it goes with almost anything. My personal favorite vodka mixed drink is a Cap Codder:

Cranberry juice
Twist of lime

>> No.5536386


Sorry, I didn't scroll down enough to see this. Please view the below for my thoughts:


Or you could try mimosa, equal parts orange juice and champagne. Or a screwdriver, orange juice with vodka. Or a vodka soda with lime, just zeltzer with vodka and lime.

>> No.5536440

>smirnoff ice
I have no idea what that is, but I'll take note.

Haven't tried cider. I'll probably get knocked out with vodka, so I'll skip that one for now.

But I'll try mimosa or sangria next time. Thanks, anons.

>> No.5536449

where do you live? You could find it in any place that serves alcohol practically

>> No.5536471
File: 4 KB, 209x241, sapporo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this is a beer thread and i don't feel like making a new one,
Can you buy Sapporo Beer in the US?

>> No.5536472


>> No.5536476


>> No.5536477


>> No.5536479

I don't know

>> No.5536482

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.5536484


>> No.5536504

super helpful thanks

>> No.5536509

and you're not so big

>> No.5536546


You have obviously only been drinking shit tier beer then.

>> No.5536554


life is unfair...

>> No.5536576


>> No.5536607


>> No.5537060

who the fuck doesnt love beer?

>> No.5537780

1. Beer does not dehydrate you. It was used in place of water for hundreds of years.
2. The whole drug thing is bullshit. I used to not like the taste of beer much, so didn't drink much. Moved onto porters and stouts and holy shit dat chocolate/coffee vibe.
3. Claiming no one really likes beer is absolute horse shit. I've since started drinking several craft beers, ales etc, and brewing my own, and can tell you straight up I love beer. That said I very rarely get drunk. Maybe once a month.

Maybe you drink to get drunk but what's the point drinking something you don't like? I stopped drinking shitty cheap beer when I was 17. (Irishfag here)
That said there is a few cheap brands that actually taste pretty good. Aldi has a great range of good beers for reasonable prices. 6 pint bottles of wheat beer for 7 euro etc.

Plenty of people drink one or two in the evening because they like the taste, and they want too. If the only purpose of eating was to not be hungry anymore we'd all just consume grey vitamin paste. Some drinks taste absolutely fantastic, and some don't. Some people like them.

>> No.5537793



it's a waste of calories and money for the low ABV

i don't want my gut to be busting out of my shirt just to get drunk, either

>> No.5537803

You need to find a kind/brand of beer you actually like. I hated beer for years until I found one I liked and started drinking. From there I kept trying a new kind every time I went to the LC and slowly started liking more and more beer until now I drink it quite often and do enjoy it.

>> No.5537806

Beer does dehydrate you, anything with alcohol dehydrates you. The only reason beer and wine were drank so much in old times is because the alcohol in them cleaned them as water was filthy inside cities.

>> No.5538224


What the fuck? Beer is not supposed to have one general taste. It greatly depends on the type of beer. Pils is usually a bit bitter but other things like Hefeweizen aren't at all. They are sweet and rich in flavour almost buttery and fruity.

>> No.5538258

Lot of replies in this thread already, so I don't know if I'll be helping you OP, but I'll throw my two cents in. I felt the same way as you, beer is just piss, for a long time. I've found this is entirely because I'm american, and was drinking all the "Lite" or "Light" beers that people love in this country. As soon as I started trying darker beers like porters and stouts, my opinion turned around immediately.

tl;dr Try guinness.

>> No.5538263

It must be sad to live in America and want to learn to appreciate beer. Your description makes me wanna cry.

Aren't there any good Weissbiers to be had in the US?

>> No.5538275

There's plenty of good stuff in the US, you just have to be a snob about it. Most people are prefectly happy drinking Bud Lite or Corona with lime, you have to find the people who aren't happy about it.

>> No.5538291

Okay but if somebody thinks beer is always bitter they really need to try traditional South German Weissbier. It's sweet as fuck and really thick when it's not filtered into the Kristall version

>> No.5538331

>Pils is usually a bit bitter but other things like Hefeweizen aren't at all
holy...shit... i have ever drunken pilsners, and hated it. i though i hated breer in general. what are other types of beer which arent bitter. where i live people just drink" beer" never heard anyone call it differently. maybe because all common brands and pilsners

>> No.5538351


>> No.5538368

>Weissbiers feature fermentation by-products such as esters (which lend fruity flavors and aromas), especially isoamyl acetate, reminiscent of bananas, and the phenolic compound guaiacol, a metabolite of ferulic acid, which smells and tastes like cloves. Other phenolics sometimes found in Weissbiers evoke medicinal or smoky sensations. The bittering level of most Weissbiers is close to 15 International Bitterness Units, a very low level. Hop flavor and aroma are typically low.

Not bitter and not hoppy.

Best beer confirmed.

>> No.5538377

omg this!!!
continuously called a snob because i prefer a decent tasting beer over the bud/miller/coors everyone else here deems "regular normal beer"

and yes, that exact phrase has been used

>> No.5538631

>Aren't there any good Weissbiers to be had in the US?

We have literally thousands of microbreweries all over the country.

>> No.5538653
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>Wheat beers

>> No.5538656

what cartoon is this?

>> No.5538726

panty and stockings

>> No.5538755


>> No.5538763

eh most beers is shit, but being estonian masterrace, I get access to bunch of really, really good beers from estonia and czech and other places.

Only beer I couldn't stand and threw down the drain besides guiness is bear beer. Literal piss.

>> No.5540116

America is definitely one of the four best beer countries in the world. And no it's not because of Budweiser.

>> No.5540231


>> No.5540240

I still can't get over the fact that my favorite local liquor store has hundreds of varieties of beer from just my state; living in Colorado is great sometimes.

>> No.5541858


>> No.5541869

>one of the most delicious drinks is Guinness
Actually, as far as taste goes I would put dark bear at the shit end, Guinness being the apex of shittiness.

>> No.5541873

America is easily number 1 these days, nowhere else is so much great beer so readily available

>> No.5541885

Um more expensive craft beer usually taste terrible. I like beer and I hate Sam Adams and Blue Moon. That shit is plebeian and terrible

>> No.5541889

Agreed I think people who only drink IPA's and people who think only of Guiness/think it actually is a tasty example of a dark beer are competing for a special place in hell.

>> No.5541890

wait, what?

>> No.5541894

Guinness is the bud light of stout, top stouts are basically the pinnacle of beer, like breakfast stout

>> No.5542405

>implying a cold beer is not refreshing as hell

>> No.5543519

Guinness is NOT a stout. I know many(most) people appear to not know this. Guinness is vastly different from a stout, don't be confused when you read it's an "Irish Dry Stout", still not a stout.

>> No.5543591

Have you tried Magic Hat #9?

>> No.5543690

Angry Orchard, or a white Russian.

>> No.5543694

beer is pretty shit overall
i had a window of about 2 years where I liked beer but now it all tastes like shit. get some good liquor and learn to make your own drinks

>> No.5543748

My sister buys beer all the time, so I always have it. I like it to get a buzz, but I find it hard to even swallow.

I've had Bud Light, Rolling Rock, Sam Adams(like 6 different kinds), Blue Moon, Shock Top, and a few others I don't even know the name of.

All of them tasted pretty bad. Sam Adams Fall ones were the only ones that tasted at all decent.

>> No.5543767

Best Macro brewed beer ive had is coors original it is what a Macro brewed beer is supposed to taste like.

>> No.5543773

Depends on whether or not you're eating anything with it.
For just-beer beers, I like porters and reds. Dry ciders are good if you prefer sweeter drinks.
For food beers, a good IPA or lager can compliment fried foods. Why not swing by a local beer market and taste a few flavors?

>> No.5543841


I believe I've seen those in a Save Mart.

>> No.5543860

Beer is soooo icky OMG can you believe it.................like my BF for ever named terry loooves prosecco and is H-O-T you will never believe it OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!HE has a 81/2 tool and like whatever bby. GET REAL>

>> No.5544420


>> No.5544584

Crabbie's is the best thing ever.

>> No.5546576


>> No.5546594

This guy is right. I didn't start drinking beer until I was 22. Before that I only drank hard liquor and hated beer. It all comes down to forcing yourself to drink the stuff. Eventually you start to enjoy it and then you find yourself wanting to try every beer out there.

>> No.5546599

Im with OP. every beer i have tried so far tastes like permanent marker ink, even if the smell was amazing before i sipped. what should i try, to try to develop my palate for it?

>> No.5546745

Sounds like your drinking a lot of local beers (though I'm not too knowledgeable on American beer, could be wrong here), try branching out to imported beers.
Theirs the obvious ones like Corona (Mexico), Heineken (The Netherlands) and Guiness (Ireland). I personally like Asahi (Japanese), though when I was actually in Japan I mostly drank Kirin (which I found better, but is much harder to find outside Japan. You could buy 500ml cans of it from the millions of vending machines everywhere, not so everywhere else).

Though really, just keep trying new beers. The liquor shop I go to typically has random beers on sale, buying whatever happens to be on sale has taught me that Carlsberg is decent and Fosters is piss.

>> No.5546762

There isn't enough alcohol in beer to dehydrate you.

>> No.5546775
File: 141 KB, 418x426, pils.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my faves

>> No.5546782

a good wheat beer or framboise is a good starter

use framboise beer (a light bubbly fruity beer) to mix into other beers. Adjust the ratio as you start to find it too sweet. Eventually you'll be drinking it with just a splash and then not at all.

>> No.5546983

>forcing yourself to drink
or you could acknowledge that all beers are completely different and coors tastes nothing like sierra nevada which is nothing like a lambic

>> No.5547524

Did you read the rest of what I wrote? If someone things beer taste bad all beer is going to taste bad. It's just a matter of drinking enough till you can appreciate the different kinds of beer out there.

>> No.5547534

beer is piss water,premium beer is just frothy water with less piss.

>> No.5549282

They actually do have these I've bought them several times

>> No.5549327

thats pretty gay