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5533414 No.5533414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

which dead plant do you prefer to soak in hot water?

>> No.5533415


>> No.5533421
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>yerba mate

south america get out pls

jk, I love mate :)

>> No.5533430


>> No.5533440

i like both, but coffee is my every day drink. tea is only for certain moods/foods.

>> No.5533442

anything tasty, nonpoisonous and without caffeine

>> No.5533446

can someone please tell me a good store bought coffee?

it always smells so delicious in the aisle but when i get home and make a pot all i taste is bitterness if i don't add a bunch of cream

>> No.5533450
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>> No.5533456

honestly I think I enjoy both equally. I mainly drink espresso and earl grey though.

>> No.5533475

As a store bought coffee carnoisseur, I can say with confidence folgers is the best.

>> No.5533477

Examples? Anything that goes well with milk and honey?

>> No.5533479

depends on what i'm eating and how i'm feeling

>> No.5533482

please, i beg, do not troll me
i want the smell of that aisle to be a taste in my mouth
i need real recommendations

>> No.5533484

I would not troll you anon. Of every brand of coffee I've bought off the shelf, even the Starbucks bullshit, folgers has been the best.

>> No.5533487


the real saladin would drink coffee you fucking poser

>> No.5533488

Honestly, I like Costco brand coffee the best. Be careful though, since coffee deteriorates over time, so if you buy big amounts at once, it will go bad over time.

>> No.5533542

If you can find it, try Kicking Horse coffee. They sell whole bean and pre-ground, try whichever is more convenient/preferred; I like Grizzly Claw, Kick ass, and Z-Wrangler.

>> No.5533549

i am too inexperienced to offer a confident suggestion

>> No.5533553

tea all the way

>> No.5533666

do you live near a whole foods? they sell local roasted coffee as well as the main hipster high quality coffees: intelligentsia, stumptown

>> No.5533667

coffee makes me shit so I try not to drink if if I'm going out

I wanna start putting tea into my diet because the vitamin C

>> No.5533677

It used to be tea and only tea, but eventually I found out that if you buy really expensive coffee and make it properly and add milk that it tastes good.
But I'd still pick tea.

>> No.5533685

Grind your own beans

>> No.5533820

Try the french roast from Trader Joe's

>> No.5533821

Barley and hops

>> No.5533876

Esspresso Italiano if you like non-bitter low-acidity coffee. Apparently it uses mostly Arabica beans. Bridgehead is also just generally good. If you want coffee that tastes like the smell of grounds, you will need a better brewing method like aeropress, french press or overnight cold brew. Overnight cold brew will be the most delicious but will also cost the most amount of time (12 hours overnight). Aeropress is the simplest and quickest way to get taste-like-it-smells coffee.

>> No.5533895
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I used to prefer coffee, but after upping the quality of the tea I buy I think I might be starting to favor black tea a little. I enjoy watering it down over the day so that I transition from hot tea to iced tea, flavor wise.

>> No.5533920

>Esspresso Italiano
is this a brand? I've googled it and got results for some sort of italian coffee tasting organization. i can't find any info on this at all.

>> No.5533960

He may mean an Italian roast?

>> No.5533961

I don't know anything aside from rooibos, so if you can suggest anything else, I can at least look them up.

>> No.5533967

had an extra s

>> No.5533981

that's the organization i was talking about, it doesn't seem to be a brand of coffee

>> No.5534021

Both you ego tripping cock gobbler

>> No.5534022
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Here's what it looks like.

>> No.5534031

this company could not do a worse job at brand recognition

>> No.5534050

Find a local roaster. See if they have direct trade coffee. If they don't, then look for another roaster. If they do, try their offerings. Well done specialty coffee is a different world entirely than the coffee you've been drinking.

Grab a decent burr grinder and an aeropress and at least some sort of water filter. You'll make coffee that is better than how that big brand stuff smells.

>> No.5534052

Why are we not allowed to enjoy Coffee with milk and sugar?

>> No.5534061

Also, if the coffee does not display the date it is roasted on, or that date is more than 2 weeks old, do not buy it. Roasted coffee is at its prime for 10-14 days post roast. It is garbage after 3 weeks. Ground coffee is at its prime within 30 seconds of grinding, and loses most of its aromatic compounds within about 5 minutes.

>> No.5534108
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For Burr grinders, I would recommend the Hario Skerton (manual grinding) for $35 or the Baratza Virtuoso for $220 (electric grinding). I currently use a Hario but ordered a Virtuoso online. The Hario produces very consistent and fine grinds but it's time consuming as well as a pain in the ass to grind.

>> No.5534133

>very consisten
I always get chunks in mine. Still seconding the recommendation though.

>> No.5534159

Because people want to feel like they're better than you.

>> No.5534224

I enjoy my hot cocoa black.
>marshmallows, milk, melted chocolate pieces
stay pleb

>> No.5535286

nicely done

>> No.5535289

I can second Kicking Horse, my friend orders it online and the coffee at his house is consistently good

>> No.5535297

I quit both since they're horrible for me but coffee tastes much better and makes me feel better.

>> No.5535320

I drink Yuban coffee quite often. They sell it at all the major grocery stores. It's certainly cheap and does delivers a nice amount of caffeine. MMM Yuban.

>> No.5535412

Daily reminder that anybody who puts anything into coffee is a girl and/or of the homosexual persuasion. Milk's okay in tea, though.

>> No.5535423

Anybody who drinks tea is of the homosexual persuasion.

>> No.5535432

>Anybody who drinks the most consumed beverage in the world is gay

Uh, okay.

>> No.5535477
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>> No.5535478

anyone who equates sugar and cream to weakness has self-esteem problems and is trying to boost their own self-worth

>> No.5535484

>Implying gay people are weaker than straight people

Why so homophobic?

>> No.5535488

cuz fags are gay

>> No.5535491
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>> No.5535540
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>> No.5536030
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>> No.5536035

tea master race

>> No.5536043

Pilon maybe

>> No.5536064 [DELETED] 

Coffee is the masterrace. Tea is just brown water.

>> No.5536131

I drink both, depending on the season and weather. During the spring, summer or rainy days, I prefer tea, and during fall and the winter, I prefer coffee. Of course, this isn't mutually exclusive. I also like to add a tablespoon of cannibutter to both, then some spices for tea.

>> No.5537210


My nigga.

Hibiscus tea is the best anything.

>> No.5537217

I tried chamomile tea the other day. Fucking gross.

>> No.5537224

colombian coffee > green tea > other coffee > black tea > decaf coffee > the rest

>> No.5537243

I drink matcha for the health benefits but I think it tastes like shit. I generally prefer to drink water, I only drink tea once or twice a day

>> No.5537247
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>Milk's okay in tea, though.

Baby wants his ba-ba?

>> No.5537254
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>> No.5537521

Both. Coffee in the AM, Tea in the PM.

>> No.5537586


This, exactly.

>> No.5537589

good coffee and good tea need nothing else

bad coffee needs sugar/milk or creamer, I don't drink bad tea

>> No.5537630

Rooibos tea can go well with milk and honey, but not everyone likes it.

>> No.5538303

So pleb.

>implying all colombian coffee is of the same quality
Confirmed for clueless about coffee

>> No.5538334

I tried turkish coffee while i was in turkey a few weeks ago and i loved it so fucking much.

I want to get in to buying it and making it daily but i don't want to put in the money or effort. I'll just buy a turkish wife