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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5532557 No.5532557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The perfect lunch.

>> No.5532562
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>> No.5532565
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>> No.5532600

Id stick my dick in that burger, with fries up my butt, while sucking hard on that mexicoke.

>> No.5532605
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is one of those supposed to be a side dish?

>> No.5532635

>fast food for lunch (ever)

Do people really do this?

>> No.5532646


>homemade burger

Do people really shitpost?

>> No.5532650
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When exactly do you expect me to eat fast food?

>> No.5532656


>> No.5532657

Who in the hell has time for more at lunchtime? I don't really know anyone who gets more than 30 minutes. Whatever you get usually has to be prepared in less than 5 minutes if you want time to actually sit down and eat it.

>> No.5532673

>pink slime : The perfect lunch

>> No.5532804
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that's a good lookin burger

>> No.5532814

fast food and homemade burgers are both delicious as fuck you food plebs

>> No.5532833

I usually get a soup, baked potato or sandwich from a local sandwich bar.

>> No.5532856

>mexican coke
Fuck yea

>> No.5532908

ITT: How to get type 2 diabetes.

>> No.5534555
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>> No.5534557
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>> No.5534560

Carbs on carbs bruh

>> No.5534561
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>> No.5534606
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3000 calories

>> No.5534612
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Sandwiches are the tits, imo. Fuck fast food, you can buy a week's worth of bread, meat, greens, and cheese for $15 versus paying $30 for Burger Shit or wherever you eat.

>> No.5534617

where are you getting meat for a weeks worth of sandwiches for 15 let alone all the other shit (esp cheese)

>> No.5534630

You remind me of my fat fucking roommates, they would only eat gigantic sandwiches piled with meat and cheese.
My sandwiches typically have one slice of cheese, 3-4 slices of folded meat, a few slices of tomato, and as much lettuce as meat and cheese. My sandwiches looked fucking killer and were cheaper, yet more filling compared to theirs.
I live in Alaska where everything is 1.5x more expensive compared to the continental US. So you need to try harder.

>> No.5534637

except lettuce doesnt fill you up like meat and cheese so it couldnt be more filling and I didnt say anything about the quantity of meat I was using but you are obviously buying shit meat and cheese if 7 slices of cheese, 28 slices of meat, 14 slices of bread plus atleast a head of good lettuce is less than 15

especially if its 1.5x more expensive than normal

>> No.5534639
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Can someone post a kawaii bento already, jesus it's like we're not on 4chan or something

>> No.5534640

Is it the overpriced sliced deli shit? No.
It it better than Subway? Absolutely.
>lettuce doesn't fill you up like meat and cheese

>> No.5534641

not every board on 4chan is about faggot weeabo shit. take it to /a/

>> No.5534647

>he doesnt slice it himself

>he thinks that prepackaged solution added shaped shit is meat
the slices arent all the same shape when it comes from real meat, if you cant roast a turkey breast atleast but a whole cooked one and slice it yourself

>> No.5534649

do you actually think vegetables like lettuce and tomatoes are as filling as protein and fat? god you're actually retarded

>> No.5534653

How do people type these massive run on sentences? Don't you take natural pauses when you speak, or do you talk like that too?

>> No.5534659

haha what a faggot

>> No.5534668

Bologna sandwiches wet with ketchup, bag of salt and vinegar chips on the side, two mountain dews and for dessert as many little debbies as it takes to fill me up from there. Sorry folks, can't mess with perfection.

>> No.5534693

This might be a valid comparison if you're comparing a sandwich with only protein/fat on it to a sandwich with only vegetables on it, but you're not, so go fuck yourself.

>> No.5534716

Typing like a flustered bitch will do that to your writing.

>> No.5534719
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>tfw used to pick up 2 forks when I ordered this to go so I wouldn't look like a fat ass

>> No.5534722

i hate to be that guy, but the soda kills it, OP. the burger and fries look delicious, but the soda is completely pointless.

>> No.5534726
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get a load of this faggot

>> No.5534728
File: 94 KB, 800x489, mre1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butthurt weeaboo detected. You heard him. Go to /a/ and watch your chinese shit over there.

>> No.5534732

what the fuck is that image from

>> No.5534733


hardcore trolling. try better new kid.

>> No.5534735

Something about Strawberry Dairyshake Powder just sounds wrong.

>> No.5534736


>> No.5534740


i just looked it up and the dude who made it was paralyzed and died in 2010 from surgery on his bedsores


>> No.5534745


I don't see /k/osmoline in this picture

>> No.5534769

its like you have no idea what 4 "chan" is all about, you dumbshit

>> No.5534778
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>> No.5534780

Probs just from reading too much pomo bullshit. That shit finds it's way into your use of language super quick.

>> No.5534842

I don't drink soda, but it's clearly not pointless - ice cold sweet acidity to cut through the denseness of the chips and burger.

>> No.5534847

>your post
>how to be a pleb and actually give a fuck
I want to live my life happy, which includes delicious food. If that results in poor health way down the road, so be it. I would have no regrets.

>> No.5534859

You will once you get that tingling sensation.

>> No.5534879

>enjoy not being able to get any pussy fag

>> No.5534887

i cant wait till cookout opens up today.

i will get myself an all the way BURGER, and doulbe fries plate, and goto the mexican store to get a mexican coke.

>> No.5534909
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>> No.5535079


Unless you fucking eat this every day and don't have a routine of working out then you don't have to worry about health complications.

Its called having a balance faggot

>> No.5535102


Nice freedom scooter, my aunt has the same one

>> No.5535112
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fucking plastic cheese plebs
this is a real sandwich with mother fucking SWISSECHEESEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5535161

>unmelted swiss
>calls others plebs

>> No.5535187
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>> No.5535192

Alaska is on the same continent. Muh education.

>> No.5535193

>Sandwiches can't be fast foods

>> No.5535281

It's too big. Coke goes great with a burger, but one of those older 8oz servings would be better.

>> No.5535431

>the same cold sandwiches all week long

that's no way to live a life

>> No.5535436

>this nigga buying $1 budding meat packages and saying it's better than subway

>> No.5535547


>Mashed potatos with pickled onions and gherkins

What is this called?

>> No.5535612


>> No.5536021

le epik murrican meymey ftw

>> No.5537460

Now THAT looks good.

>> No.5537462

at the very worst you're buying the same quality meat subway has
so at the worst, it's cheaper
at the best, it's going to be better
what do you have to lose?

>> No.5537899
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>> No.5537935
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>> No.5537955

why don't you guys just bring a lunch from home?

>> No.5537963
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>> No.5537966

Every job so far in my 16 years of working adult life has given a 0-30 minute lunch. til now. Been working for Walmart for 3 months and we are given a 1 hour lunch here. It took some getting used to but now I really really like it.

>> No.5537967

some places dont stock a fridge and microwave in the breakrooms. and then EVERY place has little cunts that steal other peoples food.

>> No.5537978


>thinking it is swiss
>thinking it's not god tier goat cheese


>> No.5537983

white collar work, hour lunch on busy days. hour and a half on most days. not a bad gig and plenty of time to make it home and cook a quick lunch.

>spoiler/ But honestly I usually just go to the nearby German place and get a ruben/spoiler

>> No.5538002

>woodsorrel weed salad with sprouts
>under ripe tomatoes

yea, yum

>> No.5538003

Let me guess, 1 hour unpaid lunch?

>> No.5538005

>sugar water pairs well with a burger

>> No.5538017

yes. but i still get an 8 hour work day... and two 15 minute paid breaks

>> No.5538020

I think I'd rather just skip lunch and not spend an extra hour in the proximity of a Wal-Mart.

>> No.5538035

funny, thats what its cool to think, eh? i actually like my job. Im treated fairly, every member of management is friendly and while we all work hard, they do too. i LIKE my direct manager, hes a hardass but totally fair and we crack jokes all the time, I call him "your Highness" and he carries around a ruler and acts like its a scepter. I dont think walmart is this shit job that is the worst in the world, I think its just trendy to act like it is

>> No.5538037

>Im treated fairly, every member of management is friendly and while we all work hard, they do too. i LIKE my direct manager, hes a hardass but totally fair and we crack jokes all the time, I call him "your Highness" and he carries around a ruler and acts like its a scepter.
sigh, the life of the working class.

>> No.5538588

What do you prefer to drink with a burger?

>> No.5538650
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NC/TN fag? used to work closing (9:00-6:00am) at the coke-out in ashevegas—never in my life have i been more depressed, especially because all i could eat was french fries and milkshakes (vegetarian).

damn i miss those blue mountains

>> No.5538697


I'd be really thirsty after all these

>> No.5538699

lol taking pics of your food during a riot

>> No.5538916

Now this is something I could have for lunch. OP's burger looks fantastic too.

>> No.5538927
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>> No.5538949
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>> No.5538967

what is this? it looks so good

>> No.5538982

looks like a falafel wrap

>> No.5539005


>Not knowing continental U.S. refers to the continuous 48.
>Being this bad of a troll/murican

>> No.5539155

can't do that sadly

>> No.5539215

>gets a rise out of you
>n-no I'm just posting to let you guys know I don't care and recognize you are trolling

>> No.5539258
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>> No.5539260

youre an idiot.

>> No.5539266

Contiguous you dolt

>> No.5539312

This. Everyone else fuck off. And if you live in an area where you can't get carne asada fries, RIP

>> No.5539319

confirmed for dirty southerner

props on the mexican coke though.

>> No.5539326

Northeast here. We use cookout as well. There are Americans who don't?

>> No.5539357

What the fuck. Is that in Mendoza?
we do not sell wine and empanadas on McDonals. Only in the wine harvest festival.

>> No.5539363
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>> No.5539427

Not the term cookout. There's a chain food place in the south called Cook-Out. They have spinning signs.

>> No.5539440

Fuck off hipster

>> No.5539442

You're not rich, you're working class just like everyone else

>> No.5539466
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>Gonna go down south for fourth of July
>mfw going to cookout and Captain D's and all those Vriginia or lwer restaurants

>> No.5539470

>be Florida fag
>visit uncle in Tennessee
>go to cook-out
>tfw none in Florida

>> No.5539478

>Captain D's

mine negra