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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5527134 No.5527134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

failed attempt thread

>> No.5527136
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>> No.5527138
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>> No.5527140
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>> No.5527142
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>> No.5527156
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Pan needed to be hotter.

Are those suppositories?

>> No.5527181

Keep em coming this shit is hilarious, and some of them traumatizing

>> No.5527618

my guess is the cupcakes hadn't cooled off enough and melted the frosting.

>> No.5527637

Done that before, you'll never be able to comprehend the rage I felt.

>> No.5527651
File: 95 KB, 800x600, HAOW DO I TOST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one speaks for itself

>> No.5527655
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>> No.5527659
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>> No.5527665
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>> No.5527715
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>> No.5527728

Raged a little bit at this.

>> No.5527753

>this one speaks for itself

but does it really? I don't understand what happened at all.

>> No.5527754

That looks like some sort of bloody flesh-cake.

>> No.5527758

they put the toast on top of the toaster

>> No.5527779

I wish I had a picture of this but my daughter actually managed to catch water on fire...how do you do this i hear you cry...that what fucking happens when you put water on the stove, boil it dry and catch the fucking pan on fire....

>> No.5527781

I get it!

Oh. Now I get it!

>> No.5527797


Is that like Cthulhu pie, you worship it so it doesn't devour you first?

>> No.5527811

I have laughed at some stupid shit in my time, but I have never laughed at food this much.

>> No.5527819
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Did some one say Cthulhu pie

>> No.5527836
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>> No.5527845
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>> No.5527850
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>> No.5527878

>muh nippon culture

>> No.5527890

Holy shit!

>> No.5527900

You mean, horry shit!

>> No.5527905

There's no way this is a "failed attempt". This is clearly the work of an expert culinary japester. This is on par with those every-fucking-food-imaginable-garnishing-a-Bloody-Mary images. I totally lost it.

In the hands of a master, every action is a medium for comedy.

>> No.5528004

I want this pie, I want to worship it so Cthulhu will devour me last....The ultimate eveeel pie...the sweet sweet taste of madness....

>> No.5528014


Whoa there, this is from glorious nippon. They have the best cuisine in the world and you are racist to criticize their culture american piggu.

>> No.5528022
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x1418, Necronomisagna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5528023

No, I mean exactly what I said, which was "Holy shit!". What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5528043

Wow a whole kitchen of elder gods and unholy books of lore all mixed together...well time for me to go back to my undercover mundane life....

>> No.5528055

You don't have to. The necronomisagna can take you places. Places in time. Places beyond the stars. Maybe you would like to visit the land of Cleopatra, a world of spices and perfumes.

All you have to do is taste the book. Put your tongue in it's forbidden pages.

>> No.5528843

Wow no cussing dude.

>> No.5529524

How do you even do that?? I've never had a pizza crust dribble out through a rack.

>> No.5529528

It's "horry shittu!"

>> No.5529575


So... She caught the pan on fire, not the water.

>> No.5529705


All these expectations vs reality ones make me sad for some reason.

>> No.5529712

It's because you just know some mom promised her kid a delicious, cool looking, awesome dessert and they probably worked so hard with such high expectations

And then their treat comes ou looking like shit and they probably had no time or courage to try again, so they have to sit there debating on whether they want to disappoint their kid with a horrific looking sweet treat, or just let then down by saying it just didn't work out

>> No.5529781


My mom used to make me and my siblings cakes based on TV shows and such that we used to like. She put so much effort in, but they always came out poorly.

They tasted delicious though, and we were kids and didn't really care. I love her for it.

>> No.5529913
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>> No.5530302

Hmm Send me the recipe :) I am ready to go beyond the stars, I could go the land of Kush....as long as I don't have take any politicians with me

Seriously that was an awesome response!

>> No.5530304

I always thought it was supposed to be a pizza.

>> No.5530309

the only damn reason the water did not catch on fire is because in this universe water is not flammable. That was the second worst thing she did the other was boiling eggs dry, i cam home to exploded eggs on our kitchen ceiling....thankfully the stupid wore off and now she can cook without being a danger to herself and others...

>> No.5530976
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Good. We're glad you finally figured that out.

>> No.5531003


>> No.5531008

I can always sort of tell what they did wrong
with the exception of OP's, I think it's pretty interesting how each and every person fucked up in their own special way

>> No.5531029

that top cake is so fucking cool. saved, this is my next birthday cake.

>> No.5531040

>making your own birthday cake.
I feel so bad for you.

>> No.5531052

nah, I'll get some pretentious richfag specialty bakery to do it, unless somebody volunteers to make a fucked up looking cake like the bottom pics. which would be just as awesome.

>> No.5531063

Haha, aw. Why feel bad about that? Not that guy but I always make my own birthday cakes. I'm the only half-competent baker in this house so if someone wants a cake...it's gonna be me that has to make it.

>> No.5531093

This is why you let your cakes cool completely before frosting them. They're still in the pan and everything...they might have looked somewhat close to the original picture if they'd been more patient with the decorating.

>> No.5531684

what the fuck even happened here?

>> No.5532121


My fucking sides are moving on their own.

>> No.5532125

Help me jesus oh lord im wheezing

>> No.5532152


Love it.

>> No.5532284

dough composition

>> No.5532297

That is so dissappointing

>> No.5532303


when i was a kid my mum made me thunderbird 2, thomas the tank engine, a bunch of other novelty cakes. i remembered them being amazing but i saw pics when i was older and they looked like shit. kids live in their imaginations.

>> No.5532501

I demand an image of such a bloody mary. It sounds hilarious.

>> No.5532888
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You've never seen it?

>> No.5532896
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>> No.5532910

heh. someone was having a slow night at work

>> No.5532913
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>> No.5532916
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>> No.5532917


what's holding it up?

>> No.5532920
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>> No.5532921
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>> No.5532926
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>> No.5532931

>well I have a big bowl of cheetos to eat, talk to you later

>> No.5532944
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>> No.5532946
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>average /ck/ user

>> No.5532951

>fuck it, might as well start eating from pet food dishes.

>> No.5532953
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>> No.5532954
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>> No.5532957
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>> No.5532958
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>> No.5532963
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>> No.5532964

All of these infomercials are manufactured to make the users look like idiots without their stupid as seen on TV wonderproduct. That's different from real people fucking up.

>> No.5532965

>hey you! you're stupid and you need this because you're so stupid! buy it!

>> No.5532968
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>> No.5532970

The hell you say

>> No.5532976

The smaller bloody mary gets me every time

>> No.5532980

Jesus and the power of love

>> No.5532995


>> No.5533032

This is like an upside down atom bomb.

>> No.5533039
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> would eat while laughing

>> No.5533069

Rotary Sushi in Japan sometimes has stuff like this.

It's cheap and meant for kids who don't like sushi.

>> No.5533459

Holy fuck Im dying

>> No.5533486
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>> No.5533642

this happens on those slick cafeteria trays at buffets. My reflexes have adapted to catching the little plastic cup filled with liquid and letting it slide back to its original position in one maneuver.

>> No.5533652

should have made a bag-bowl. and who doesn't like the refreshing cool feeling of concession condensation on through on their rusack?

>> No.5533674


>> No.5533682

it didn't even spill

>> No.5533689

How the hell do you fuck that up?

>> No.5533706

No picture but a few years ago two grills I know managed to burn boiled potatoes.

How the hell can you not notice that almost all water is gone?

>> No.5535667
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I remember seeing a bunch on a "Pinterest vs Reality" blog, but I don't have it bookmarked.

>> No.5535748

why god why?

>> No.5535752

You're missing the point. It's not about making it, it's about the fact that you expect to be responsible for your own cake at all. If there isn't someone else in your life throwing a birthday party for you, then you should take a long look at the decisions that have brought you to this point in your life.

>> No.5536212

psych/biochem major here, everyone lives in their imagination. Think about how you perceive the world step by step; the information exists outside of you, your senses communicate with your brain where they are processed and made sense of, then you can remember the processed information in your short term memory, which you probably think is the the world around you but you can't actually know what that shit's like because you're not equipped to.
Kids are actually more capable of understanding reality as it really is, because the earliest stages of development are for making sense of existence. But, yeah, all your long term memories are like 70% bullshit, we dont really need to remember all that shit, that'd be a waste of energy. Every time you try to recall something you "can't remember," you're probably making that shit up. We're pretty good at bullshitting, though. Inferring shit and shit.

>> No.5536247
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pic related

>> No.5536290


Lol looks like the shark turned into a zombie whale.

>> No.5536305

>psych/biochem major here
Opinion disregarded.

>> No.5536392

I made those a couple of months ago, and it was a terrible mistake. They are extremely massive and unbearably sweet. I don't know how that guy fucked it up though, as they aren't that hard to make.

>> No.5536470
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not my pic, but I know that feel

>> No.5536537
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Retards put RAW dough on the oven rack because HURR IT WORKED WITH MUH FROZEN PIZZASS.

They Deserved it.

So did you. And pic related for you.

No. Just no.

>> No.5536550

You're an idiot.
I buy thawed take and bakes from wal mart and bake them directly on the oven rack.
What happened in that picture is not a common occurrence, I've never seen it happen.

>> No.5536605

Yea, it looks like the oven fucked up during cooking, or that they didn't have the temperature up enough, so it just got warm enough to make the dough and sauce all soggy

>> No.5536634

>You're an idiot.
You don't even have enough information/evidence to deduce that of me.

>I buy thawed take and bakes from walmart and bake them directly on the oven rack.

>What happened in that picture is not a common occurrence
No fucking shit.

>I've never seen it happen.

They put raw, room temp. dough on the rack, like retards. Pizza dough is soft. It will fall through any large gaps such as with that rack.

>> No.5536649

I like when people come on 4chan and take all of their frustrations out on the most random shit.

>> No.5536674
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I'm crying holy shit

>> No.5537020

How do you even fuck that up?

>> No.5537072

Cookie dough needs more flour.

>> No.5537099

Looks like the egg leaked out from the bottoms.

>> No.5538055
File: 74 KB, 1500x1139, 71MyvuO8BoL._SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they used a hair straightener to cook the toast

>> No.5538061

The pan wasn't hot. Looks like they started with a cold pan, turned the heating element on, placed the ingredients in the pan as it warmed up and expected it to work out.

>> No.5538069

Why? It's a hotdog served with a different carb than you are used to.

>> No.5538089

oh my god i never noticed the other bloody mary on top of it. oh god my sides

>> No.5538131
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>unbearably sweet

get a load of this skinny faggot

>> No.5538568

Never forget

>> No.5538574

one single flood spore can destroy a bakery

>> No.5538582

Japanese people want to be white so bad.

>> No.5538586

Play-Doh - Fun to play with, not to eat.

>> No.5538606

>omg lookit this epic struggle plate xD

>> No.5538618

It is, the guy's just retarded.

>> No.5538624

kill me

>> No.5538914

/r/ing the version where "Thanks, Obama" comes up at the bottom

>> No.5538938

Stop being mean to your daughter

>> No.5538955
File: 20 KB, 240x236, Chinless Wonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they put the toast on top of the toaster

>> No.5538991

Really? I think they're funny as shit.

>> No.5539002

Keep it in reddit.

>> No.5539004


that pizza dough actually disintegrated. usually pizza dough, being a bread dough, has enough gluten development to hold together so even if it did fall through the rack it would fall in one piece. making pizza dough that actually falls to pieces is an act of severe technical incompetence, nothing to do with being raw and room temperature.

>> No.5539045
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>> No.5539069

I hate the "my sides" meme, but goddamn I actually laughed until my sides hurt. That is amazing.

>> No.5539071

/r/ is a board on 4chan you idiot

>> No.5539079

And your ``epic meme'' spouting belongs on reddit. Also, saying ``/r/ing'' is what crossies and /b/tards (but I repeat myself) say when they want to fit in.

>> No.5539087

That doesn't seem like such a bad product. Isn't that just some probably-overpriced version of what restaurants use anyway?

>> No.5539091
File: 41 KB, 375x375, shiggydiggycaptcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the guy you were talking to but..
>trying this hard as a newfag

>> No.5539092

R/ing REKT imagemacro amirite anon XD

>> No.5539129

Stop fucking trying so hard newfag

>> No.5539141

>fall through the rack
>in one piece

What kind of magical physics-bending dough do you have that can fall through the slats in an oven rack in a single piece.

>> No.5539143

>I buy thawed take and bakes from wal mart

Thanks for letting us know we shouldn't pay any attention to what you say.

>> No.5539148
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>> No.5539173

Pretty much all pizza dough would start sagging down and fall through. Especially ones like that with heavy toppings.

>> No.5539246

this actually brought me to crying tears hahahahaha... oh god my sides