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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 246 KB, 580x387, rp-3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5525119 No.5525119 [Reply] [Original]

I can just cook my rice on the stove they said


But in all seriousness, it shows the versatility of the rice cooker. I usually cook rice and steam vegetables at the same time. Sometimes I chop up some ribs, mix with black bean sauce and I have steamed ribs.

>> No.5525140

>steamed veggies
I can do all of that and more in the microwave.

>> No.5525147

Minute Rice isn't real rice

>> No.5525152

Oh it's real. I saw it on the internet.

>> No.5525158

But you don't get any weeb points by using a microwave.

>> No.5525159

And I bet you use plastic to do that.

Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.5525168


>> No.5525286

>live in SEAsia
>eat rice everyday
>eat rice my whole life
>dependent on rice cooker
>tfw can't cook rice without rice cooker
I don't get the hate that rice cookers get here

>> No.5525307

Rice cookers are great, some people just dont understand spending 150 bucks on zooooojeeruushi when you can get a black and decker model that does the same thing for 15 bucks.

So.. The weeb fools get made fun of a lot for "muh fuzzylogics"

>> No.5525308

People who grew up on Rice a roni and Uncle bens.

>> No.5525314

>not steaming rice with a simple fucking sauce pan or pot


>> No.5525316

Just buy an electric pressure cooker, it makes rice just as easily, a little quicker actually and you can use it for a million other things (beans, roasts, caramelized vegetables, steamed vegetables)

>> No.5525337

Why would I do that when we have a rice cooker? And I usually cook other stuff on the stove while the rice cooker's cooking.

I don't get it. Does it magically make the rice better if I use a saucepan?

While I do feel bad that I can't cook rice without a cooker, I think all I need is a 2-minute lecture from grandma/mom. They used to use the lines in one's index finger (or middle, can't remember) to measure the amount of water needed.

Basically, I'm just saying that we have a tool for cooking rice. We eat rice everyday, almost three times a day. Why complicate things?

>> No.5525340

Jealousy from poorfags.

>> No.5525344


I wish they had more Japanese models overseas.

>> No.5525365


Buy from Amazon Japan

>> No.5525407

I dont get why people like steamed rice when they can have pilaf by just adding a bit of oil and salt into the water when cooking.
I always use a rice cooker for rice related foods since they are pretty traditional where I live and boy its EZ cookin'


>> No.5525438

Because they like clean tasting rice and not salt oil rice?

No need to load everything up with salty oil.

>> No.5525444

>No need to load everything up with salty oil.

>> No.5525451

This, there isn't a single food out there that isn't improved by oil and salt.

>> No.5525454

You know what else does all that and more, you dirty weeb?
Slow cooker.

>> No.5525482


Yeah, if you want to wait 10 hours for your food to be ready

>> No.5525486

>slow cooker
>cooks rice in 20 minutes like the rice cooker

You do know what the "slow" in slow cooker means, right?

>> No.5525504


>> No.5525517


>> No.5525519


>> No.5525521
File: 63 KB, 380x376, 1391387418484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I bought one of these jap rice cookers can I make chili in it?

Those cakes make me moist

>> No.5526034

Yep. So many possibilities.

However, most aren't that large.

>> No.5526043

Tatung superior nippon inferior

>> No.5526052

My family swears by Tatung but I'd rather have a Zoji.

One less step of putting water on the outside.

I like the rice from Zoji's better but Tatung does have a better steaming option.

>> No.5526056


Get a crocpot instead for chili bro, alot bigger and usually more options

>> No.5526127

I grew up with Zojirushi rice cookers so I'm biased in their favour, as is everyone in my entire family, apparently.

I don't understand the hate towards rice cookers either. I can cook rice in a pot, but a rice cooker is easier and lets me cook other things whilst the rice is cooking. Even the plain one button ones can cook more than just rice, as well.

>> No.5526129

They're hypocrites and probably use other helpful machines like toasters and microwaves.

>> No.5526140

for your imfornation i exclusively use an open hearth and thermite depending on dish

>> No.5526273

Ok, now I'm convinced to buy a rice cooker.

Anything else besides rice and pancakes?

>> No.5526290

Why bother buying the rice cooker in the first place? It's hardly difficult to cook rice in a saucepan or pot, you can cook just as much given you have a comparably sized pot, and you can cook it relatively ahead of time and leave the stove free for other things.

What I'm saying is that yes, a rice cooker is fine and good and feel free to use it, but it isn't really superior or inferior to cooking in a pot or saucepan. They both do the same thing, at about the same speed, at about the same quantity. What gets silly about rice cookers is that people think they are so needed and versatile, when they're nowhere near as needed or versatile as what they are a more advanced version of: a basic pot or pan.

>> No.5526321


I wouldn't say a rice cooker is superior, but for someone who makes rice often, it's extremely useful. Put in a cup of rice and between 1 and 2 cups of water or broth depending on your rice, turn it on, and then you don't have to give it any more attention. You could come back an hour later and the thing stops cooking on its own and just waits for you to get your rice. At the same time you can also easily steam some vegetables to add to the rice. Considering my rice cooker was $20, it seems like something most people ought to have laying around, especially if they cook rice with any regularity

>> No.5526327
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Probably. But it would be better do do it in a crock pot or dutch oven.

>> No.5526334


>> No.5526335

i prefer my rice in a rice cooker. In the pan it never comes out as good. Even the one with the one flip switch always yields better rice for me.

>> No.5526338 [DELETED] 

im not apart of this stpuid thread side from pointing out that the bird in the pic is a nignog

>> No.5526339

back to stormfront with you redneck.

>> No.5526362

>takes 10 hours
>most are not available in nonstick for a budget friendly price

I got my rice cooker for $20 and I love it. Rice is 1000x more filling and cheaper than pasta.

>> No.5526366 [DELETED] 


>> No.5526368

Rice cookers are extremely convenient for people and families who eat rice multiple times a day. It just makes the whole process much simpler. Just fill it up, push a button, and come back later when it's done. It's very consistent and keeps the rice warm till you want to eat it. It's hard for people who don't eat shittons of steamed rice on a daily basis understand the importance of rice cookers.

>> No.5526373

You know, even though I've never even been to reddit, I would rather be known as a redditor than some faggit from stormfront.

>> No.5526378 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 591x534, niggesdoublenagers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double nogg pls go

>> No.5526382

stormfront gtfo.

>> No.5526381
File: 42 KB, 551x600, cuckoo_pressure_rice_cooker_10cup___crp-g1015f_red___view_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I cook that shit with this thing?

It has all these fancy intelligent auto modes that work fantastic for cooking rice or rice mixed with other grains, but I don't know what setting would allow me to cook pancakes.

>> No.5526387 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 666x403, bill clinton and barrack obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurrrr he does stormfrints cuz he doesnt stand for my faggotry

>> No.5526391

I call racist pieces of filth like you stormfronters. Shit like you is barely human.

>> No.5526400

>implying millions of people are racist for no reason

>> No.5526408

Very small rocks

>> No.5526410 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 480x360, niggermaymay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am human
this is not

>> No.5526419 [DELETED] 
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lel whatevs nigger

>> No.5526428
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>> No.5526431
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>> No.5526433
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>> No.5526436
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>> No.5526438
File: 23 KB, 228x221, nvrevr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pilaf master race here, Rice cooker fags will NEVER EVER experience rice on the same level as us.

>> No.5526440

Truth, or a risotto or a nice paella with a crispy bottom

>> No.5526442

D'awwwww! Look at the sub-humans trying to act like us. Maybe one day they can join us in enlightenment.

>> No.5526445 [DELETED] 

Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cre8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8.

>> No.5526468

>shit like you is

Damn Tyrese get it together

>> No.5526478

i like how the anitblack comments get pruned but the antiwhite stay up. must have a feminist janitor that thinks only white males can rape

>> No.5526505


What antiwhite comments?

>> No.5526529

I have my shit together Jedidiah Bo Bob. Maybe you should stop fucking your sister long enough to see that.

>> No.5526531

Owning a rice cooker is as practical as owning a juicer.

>> No.5526533

>shit like you is barely human

>> No.5526536

gonna try making a giant brownie in my rice cooker tomorrow
will report back later with results

>> No.5526538


"Shit like you" means you, not me and the rest of the white community

>> No.5526540

If you're stupid enough to hate someone because of the color of their skin, then you are barely human. I see no reason to give you any respect what-so-ever.

>> No.5526547

try like $250. and it holds rice hot for a long time. 39 hours last time I made rice. going to try for 3 days with my current batch.
it's hard to believe, but there wasn't any degradation after 39 hours.

>> No.5526554

(' -')7

>> No.5526555

>13% of the population but commits most violent crime and 100% of white on black rape
but if you dont like it youre barely human for mentioning it

>> No.5526557
File: 68 KB, 338x294, 1363585350557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% of white on black rape
>white on black rape
>white on black

>> No.5526560
File: 12 KB, 244x251, 1265948370779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>100% of white on black rape

I think you meant black on white rape, but either way that was a weird thing to say. How could it be any less than 100% when you're so specific with it? That's like saying "men commit 100% of the crimes that involve men commiting crimes"

>> No.5526562

my bad 100% of black/white rapes are committed by blacks against white. Long day at work

>> No.5526563

>stupid enough to hate someone because of the color of their skin
you've got some real life learning to do, but we're talking about rice cookers. try to stay on topic.

>> No.5526566

But anon-kun. ALL black on white rape is 100% black on white. I would propose that ALL white on black rape is 100% the white mans fault.

>> No.5526574


>> No.5526575

>because of the color of their skin
Let's not get into this discussion friend, you seem to be too ignorant to bother with.

>> No.5526577

too bad there isnt any white on black rape. see >>5526574

>> No.5526582

>The requested URL /content/pub/pdf/cvus08 was not found on this server.

>> No.5526583

I don't understand why so many Asians say they can't cook rice without a rice cooker. That's so fucking bizarre to me.

>Take 1 Cup of Rice
>Take 2 Cups of Liquid
>Put Liquid in Pot, turn on heat
>When boiling put rice in liquid
>When it's boiling again cover pot and turn heat down to low
>Wait 20 minutes and turn off heat
>Wait another 10 minutes

And bam delicious rice, how is that hard?

>> No.5526596

I can understand the rice cooker for a number of reasons, but the number one I can come up with is because rice is a staple food with breakfast/lunch/dinner. Someone might not have enough time in the morning to cook rice before going to work, thus having a rice cooker that can cook the rice on a timer is really a godsend. Its completely an Asian thing. Or weeaboo if you're trying to act japanese.

>> No.5526597

This. I like specialty tools and I'll be on /ck/ defending garlic presses all day but I really don't see the appeal of a rice cooker.

>> No.5526600

Asian here. I can't get it right. Did same recipe.

Boil rice.
Turn to low.
Crusty bottom layer rice stuck to pot.

Tried it again b/c some people said add water.
Mushy rice.

Added less water.
Stuck to bottom.

I know koreans like the rice at the bottom. I'm using electric if that makes a diff.

>> No.5526606

Sometimes rice will get stuck to the bottom, especially if you don't remove the rice immediately after steaming. It's not a big deal and it should come off pretty easily. The rest of the rice should be fine.

>> No.5526607

Most people forget you have to stir the rice. About half way through.

>> No.5526614

I stirred halfway

It comes off if i add water and boil it but i dont like it.

>> No.5526615
File: 2.73 MB, 240x135, 1378104533339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people forget you have to stir the rice

>> No.5526616

I... I dont know what to say then. I've never had rice stick to the bottom of the pan on me. Maybe you have the temp too high?

>> No.5526622

What? You don't have to stir a pilaf?

You just have to keep the stove light on very low. Also to definitely ensure no stuck rice add some oil, just a tablespoon or two of butter definitely prevents anything.

>> No.5526623

I think rice hates me for generations of my people eating it.

I can literally turn it from boiling to 1 or my electric stove which feels low and this happens.

>> No.5526627


>>When boiling put rice in liquid
>>When it's boiling again cover pot and turn heat down to low
>>Wait 20 minutes and turn off heat

These three steps can be eliminated with a rice cooker

>> No.5526628
File: 923 KB, 500x280, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stir the rice

>> No.5526630

Do you use the same pot every time?

>> No.5526635

Depends on the model, even the 'a step above basic' model comes with a steamer nowadays, so you can say..steam some veg or chicken as the rice cooks.

Most of the fancier ones these days have different setting for different types of rice, with options for steamed cakes/pastries, soups. Some also lets you do light stir-frying in it.

You forget that unlike Western style homes, Asian homes in urban areas usually have tiny kitchens by Western standards and the stove only has 2 places for the pots and pans to go on. If you cook your rice on one, that means you only get one open spot to cook the rest of your food in. By the time you cook and plate say..2 or 3 dishes, the previous ones one already be cold.

Read the manual.

Turn the heat to low sooner if you don't want the crusty layer of rice on the bottom. Adding water is an extreme measure when you didn't add enough water to begin with and most of the water is gone but the rice is still not yet done cooking.
Using electric or gas does make a difference in terms of when you turn the heat to low. With a gas stove, once the flame goes to low, the temp change of the cooking vessel is much faster/responsive than a electric glass top.

>> No.5526638

I don't stir the rice and it comes out fine. I do fluff the rice though.

That's not how I do it but if it works for you, go for it.

>> No.5526642

> I do fluff the rice though.
Isnt that the same thing?

>> No.5526643

You've never owned a rice cooker.
Stop pontificating without experience.
I used to be a rice cooker hater. Then I got one.
It cooks rice slightly better that I can with a sauce pan. It's programmed to do that.

I was the go to guy for rice cooking, here's the recipe:
2 part rice
3 part water
high heat until the water lowers enough to clearly see steam vents.
cover and reduce heat to low.
12 minutes.

That recipe works, but it doesn't take into account the type of rice used. All rices are different and rices dry out more the longer they are stored. But shit, asn, learn to boil rice.
Then buy a rice cooker like the master (white) race does.

>> No.5526645
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>> No.5526646

That's done once it is cooked.

>> No.5526648

Yes. A simple stainless steel pot with a copper bottom.

I only did it like 5 times because my family cooks a mixture of half white half brown rice.

I am opposed to rice-mixing and wanted my own white rice only.

>> No.5526650

I'll stick to a sauce pan. Rice maker is just too specialized and too expensive for anything I'll ever use it for. You use a rice cooker for one reason and one reason alone, to cook rice. Unless you eat A LOT of rice, you dont need one AT ALL.

>> No.5526652

>because my family cooks a mixture of half white half brown rice.
in the rice cooker i mean. Now we have a smaller spare rice cooker that I use for white rice only.

>> No.5526654
File: 6 KB, 261x193, stickyrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one ever talks about sticky rice?
It's the best rice.sticky

>> No.5526657
File: 78 KB, 320x294, weeaboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.5526658

>only did it like 5 times
My first 12 or so batches were questionable.
It takes time.

>> No.5526659
File: 30 KB, 350x189, copper-bottom-pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your problem. Try something with a copper bottom, it heats up slower and will probably help with the rice sticking to the bottom. Also be sure to salt the water before you put the rice in.

>> No.5526660

I made this last night.
It really isn't like a pancake at all. It's more like bread.
Also, it only looks good turned upside down like that, the top is white, clammy, and unbrowned.

>> No.5526663

But he did?

>> No.5526665

Fuck me, I'm tired. I didn't even see that part.

>> No.5526670
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>> No.5526673
File: 407 KB, 1632x920, june 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and I wouldn't argue with that statement.
It actually does a lot more than JUST cook rice, but it is a specialized piece of machinery.
If I didn't have one, I wouldn't sing its praises.
But I do have one. And it is very useful.
I could live without it, but I would miss it.

>> No.5526675

Who else here adds a dash of coconut milk for that nice creaminess?

>> No.5526683

I added dried porcini mushrooms to this batch.
But I've done the coconut with a little... now don't tell anyone... and you really have to use a scant amount of it... otherwise it'll be obvious... vanilla. shhhh...

>> No.5526687

multiply the time/attention/space that your excess steps take by 400 (roughly the amount of times a rice eating family might make rice in a year). you are saving significant amount of time/attention/stove space by only having to add rice/water and press a button.

>> No.5526689

Also prob saves electricity.

>> No.5526692

Who the fuck eats rice 400 times a year, without at least part of that being risottos/something you can't use a rice cooker with.
This isn't /thirdworld/

>> No.5526699

My family prob used it 320-340 times out of the year at least once a day.

Several times twice a day.

So families that eat rice for breakfast or use it for rice porridge etc etc.

The more you know.

>> No.5526709

Pretty much every asian family does, which is why a bunch of white people who really don't have a need for rice cookers because they don't eat rice daily are arguing against people who do eat rice daily. Steamed rice is a staple for dinner and sometimes lunch.

>> No.5526720

What do they eat instead? Bread and potatoes?

>> No.5526818

>people having problems cooking rice without a specialty machine
>i'm on /ck/

>> No.5526830

>being this amateur on ck
>oh, wait. it's an amateur board full of poor fags.
Carry on with your super awesome stovetop recipes. Someday you'll be able to afford one and you'll join us. Until then, go fuck yourself.

>> No.5526835
File: 171 KB, 500x500, hot shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on!!!
Brag about your really overpriced gas burners faggot.
Sell it hard same way they sold you.
I am waiting.

>> No.5526838

>thinks rice cookers are expensive
Stay poor, Poorfag, stay poor.

>> No.5526858

Buddy, good ones are. Unless you consider $250 inexpensive. Oh, you bought the $50 one? lol.

>> No.5526865

If it were versatile it wouldn't just be called a rice cooker

>> No.5526876
File: 7 KB, 401x263, notyourbuddyguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this tryhard

>> No.5526969


>> No.5526970

Try this one.


>> No.5526973


There are really only three tiers of rice cooker: thermocouple, standard micom, and induction.

The mid tier is as good as anyone needs except health freaks with their GABA. They can be had for around $150 if you don't bother to shop around but I've seen them for as little as $75. The induction kind starts around $300.

I don't even know where you're getting the $250 figure, it's like you want a jumbo family sized micom or you live in some weird place where the prices are fucked up, probably Australia.

>> No.5527002

But muh minimum wage

>> No.5527005

Your logic will fall upon deaf ears here, the silent majority agree with you here anon

>> No.5527025

A rice cooker is no more specialized than a coffee maker right? And just about anyone who has coffee daily has a coffee maker, so wouldn't it make since if you ate steamed rice daily that you would have a rice cooker?

>> No.5527027

i posted pic
Zojirushi NP-GBC05 3-Cup (Uncooked) Rice Cooker and Warmer with Induction Heating System
copy paste that into amazon

>> No.5527030

But this is wrong.
Right would be
1 cup rice + 3 cups water
put all in pot
cook until holes in rice are created
turn down heat
once you cant see any more water turn off the heater, put on lid and let it sit for a while
perfect rice every time

>> No.5527033

posted pic here >>5526673
Look it up. <$250

Now cry.

2 parts rice, 3 parts h2o.
But it isn't a science like a rice cooker, so it's open to interpretation.

>> No.5527061

Anyways, apologies for that guy dissing Australia.
Fucking cunt.
He has no idea.

>> No.5527086

I have coffee daily and I make it in a pot
fuck off and die

>> No.5527103

Need to get a smaller rice cooker, been using tefal 8 in 1 multi cooker but it's taking up too much space. How important is locking on the lid? Only one I can find that looks good is Weking 1L model, is it actually good? Needs to be available in UK. I just want something small so I can do 1/2 to 2 cups easily.

>> No.5527132

Congratulations your different

>> No.5527135


In my experience the ones with the locking lid produce better rice than the ones with the lift-off lid.

>> No.5527283

So you overpaid for gaba. Enjoying your activated almonds?

>> No.5527302

Can't make Ja-pan #2 without a rice cooker.


>> No.5527309

Some Hispanic families do too. My Colombian mother serves rice at least once a day. She just drops a couple of garlic cloves and salt in the cooker and sets the timer.

>> No.5527322

So basically, the only people complaining about rice cookers are either those that don't make it daily or can't afford one.

>> No.5527324


>can't afford one.

rice cookers are cheap as fuck.

>> No.5527330

If you want the ones with burnt rice at the bottom.

>> No.5527345

The little burnt bits are the best part, anon.

>> No.5527376

Old folks seem to like it but I don't in particular.

>> No.5527394

I'm the anon you replied to, and while I understand where you're coming from, I don't completely agree to it.

> It's hardly difficult to cook rice in a saucepan or pot
Yes, that's true, but the possibility of things fucking up is higher than a rice cooker. We leave our rice cooker alone and let it do its thing. No peeksy, no stirring, no turning it off at the right time.

>and you can cook it relatively ahead of time
We usually don't cook our rice ahead. We cook it half an hour (or less) before a meal, usually while we cook other dishes. Freshly cooked rice is fucking glorious.

>but it isn't really superior or inferior to cooking in a pot or saucepan
Some people can argue that it isn't, yes. Rice won't magically taste better, but us rice eaters value rice cookers a lot because of its convenience -- you leave that shit to do its thing and it doesn't fuck up. I'm a third world dweller, which is probably poor to you westerners, but only terrible poorfags here don't have rice cookers -- everyone buys cookers. It's as normal as the sky being blue. I guess it's like not having a proper oven for you westerners and only relying on a small oven toaster.

Sorry but, "m-muh p-pots and s-saucepans" < rice cookers. For us, anyway.

The only saving grace of using pots instead of cookers are the crusty, overcooked bottom part of the rice (don't know the English term) that old people rave about, and using glorious pandan leaves to infuse flavor to rice.

I do agree with your point about versatility. While some expensive cookers have cool options and such, I'd rather have our cooker focus on what it does best -- cook glorious rice. If I want bread, I'll make some with our oven. But for people who live in a tiny apartment and value rice cooker more for eating rice everyday than an oven, cooking bread in a cooker and other cool versatile shit is heaven-sent. Sounds fun; god bless rice cooker technology.

tl;dr rice cookers are convenient and can do shit on its own

>> No.5527413

>It's hard for people who don't eat shittons of steamed rice on a daily basis understand the importance of rice cookers.
>You could come back an hour later and the thing stops cooking on its own and just waits for you to get your rice

This. Thank you. May the rice gods bless you.

>Asian here. I can't get it right.
Same here. I haven't tried grandma's technique that old people use before rice cookers were a thing, but I always get mushy rice too. Which is okay since I'll just make congee/porridge instead.

>> No.5527436

I've met more blacks named Jedidiah than whites, jussayin

>> No.5527442

I'm a lazy fucking NEET, so I love my ricecooker
Just put rice & water in, then press a button

That's it
Warm food without any effort. Too many people on /ck/ forget about convenience. Sure, we could make all our pasta and sauce from scratch, but doing so every day is a pain in the ass. People are lazy, that's why so many eat out these days instead of cook.

>> No.5527453

so what rice cooker should I buy?

>> No.5527627

No one ever regrets zojirushi

>> No.5527648


>> No.5528074

my rice is always sticky
don't really like that actually

>> No.5528192

mine always gets sticky. if i use less water, it's still sticky. short/med grain. steamer type tatung.

even if i wash it a lot.

i wonder if it's the local hard water

>> No.5528208
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wonder bread and Simply Sara's macaroni salad

and then they say "oh you're so lucky to be asian how do you stay so thin it must be genetics"

no, the genetics only explains our superior intelligence

>> No.5528229

Be careful, be sure to use the correct voltage for you country's outlets when buying foreign sht.

>> No.5528235
File: 54 KB, 624x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw america just got #rekt

>> No.5528531
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>> No.5528589

But I can cook rice and steam vegetables at the same time on the stove top. In fact I can do everything a rice cooker does on the stove top.

>> No.5528590
File: 15 KB, 320x239, Inner Cooking Pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> OEM Original Zojirushi Replacement Nonstick Inner Cooking Pan

$47 to (fuck right off!) $104.95!

>> No.5528596
File: 78 KB, 1023x883, VINTAGE PYREX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Congratulations on your primitive shitty burnt coffee, hipster.

>> No.5528602

I think when a "pancake" is more than half as tall as it's wide, it stops being a pancake and becomes a real cake.

>> No.5528606

it's a cake made in a rice pan.

>> No.5528612

What the fuck kind of cake isn't made in a pan? That's not why they call it a pancake.

>> No.5528617

rice cake

>> No.5528618

which brands are the best? I want one that can make pastries too

>> No.5528621

microwaves aren't unitaskers

>> No.5528625
File: 89 KB, 1024x768, Tatung-TAC-3A-SF-3-Cups-Indirect-Heating-Rice-Cooker-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tatung TAC-3A-SF 3 Cups Indirect Heating Rice Cooker

The above model says "3 cups" but other brands say "X cups dry / XX cups cooked", so what is it?

>> No.5528629

Anything you can use a microwave for, you can cook on the stove without microwaves traveling between your food. Also a lot of people use plastic and styrofoam in the microwave which is bad.

>> No.5528866

>I am opposed to rice mixing

>> No.5528889

And get fucked by the shipping fee.

>> No.5528924

What kind of rice do you gents like to use?

I like Basmati and Jasmine.

>> No.5528954

Started making this in my rice maker. I don't think I added enough mix, but we'll see how it turns out.

It's probably a joke, right?

>> No.5528961

Report back with pics.


>> No.5528999
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standing by

>> No.5529017
File: 291 KB, 1088x816, IMG_20140618_230540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opened it up, this looks a bit foreboding...
It had a bit of liquid on the top, but that went away pretty quickly.

>> No.5529022
File: 424 KB, 816x1088, IMG_20140618_230802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty hard to get out, this is one side.

It's somewhere 7-8 inches in diameter, I have a big rice cooker.

>> No.5529025
File: 316 KB, 1088x816, IMG_20140618_230819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the other side.

>> No.5529026
File: 364 KB, 1088x816, IMG_20140618_230910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the important shot. The inside is a bit gooier than I'd like. It tastes a bit eggy, too.

I just used the first pancake recipe I found online (http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easy-pancakes/ but I didn't pre-beat the eggs). I normally use mix but I was fresh out.

>> No.5529035


>> No.5529079

I had it with a bit of nutella since I was out of syrup and it wasn't very interesting plain.

Other than the egginess which was a bit gross, it was the opposite of fluffy, so I regret eating the whole thing all at once. Way too dense for one person. I guess it was a whole batch of pancakes, after all.

I'm gonna go clutch my stomach and cry all night. Thanks OP.

>> No.5529088

I wonder if you use a box mix of cake.

>> No.5529142

It sounds undercooked. The video in >>5527302 recommends flipping it and cooking it again, for a total of three times.

>> No.5529291

Marathons, the list goes on

>> No.5530740

Do you think it'd work with something that needs to be baked?

>> No.5532228


Except leave the house and then come back after 10 hours and not have it burn down while still keeping your food warm/hot.

>> No.5532238


>Rice maker
>too expensive

Unless you're buying a rice cooker that can cook about 20% of a bag of rice at a time they're not that expensive. Yes it is specialized because it's designed primarily to do that one thing but it will be exceedingly proficient at that one thing.

>> No.5532240

Change to long grain or Thai jasmine. Should give better results.

Don't reckon that would work. You'd come out with something edible but not something tasty.

As >>5529026 shows, thick cake batters do not work as well as a batter that is lighter and/or has more air in it.

If you want to do something that requires an oven, use an oven.

>> No.5532244


If you're burning your rice in a rice cooker then your method is flawed.