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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5524128 No.5524128 [Reply] [Original]

Has /ck/ ever drop something at home and immediately feel dead inside?

Pic related the genocide of my nachos :(

>> No.5524154

instant noodles, back when i was young.

Shit was terrible 'cause I had carpet back then.

>> No.5524159

Yep. I dropped a whole platter of asian noodle salad with bourbon chicken that I had just spent over an hour making. That was sad. And (I didn't drop it) but once my cat sat on a birthday cake I made for a family member. That really sucked. Fucker sat right on top in the middle of it.

>> No.5524175

Thats my organic tortilla chips topped with mexican rice, refried pinto beans and chicken and queso fresco and sour cream .......ohh and carpet with a hint of dog piss. ;________;

>> No.5524353

>be starving college student
>pizzas done!
>take it out of the oven
>slides off sheet onto floor cheese side down infront of roomates gf.
>pick it up and eat it anyway

another one

>go to store, buy $12 bottle of rum
>put it on back seat
>get back to apartment
>open door, bottle falls and breaks in bag
>use coffee filter and jar to filter glass shards from rum
>drink it anyway

Man college was something.

>> No.5524368
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>bottle falls and breaks in bag

Oh shit, I've had that happen to me too, but a little differently.
>go to store, buy $20 bottle of vodka
>put on back seat
>get home
>get out of car, walk up sidewalk
>shoe catches on lip of the sidewalk
>trip and fall face first into sidewalk
>bottle smashes inside bag
>get up, dust myself off, pick up bag full of broken glass
>watch vodka running down sidewalk
>wash the scrapes on my hands, arms, and leg
>do a 180 back to car
>go to store
>buy $20 bottle of vodka......

>> No.5524781

I was about to put this cute Christmas cake we had last December in the fridge, and for some reason it decided to dive from the plate and into the floor, top first.

We removed the icing on top and proceeded to store it in the fridge. We ate it the next day.

5-sec-rule, motherfucker.

>> No.5524987

Dropped my Bag of Cornflakes

>> No.5525004

>Spend three hours making a Christmas trifle from scratch
>set it in the fridge
>two minutes later I hear a crash
>drunk mom tried to eat it and ended up spilling it all over the inside of the fridge.

>> No.5525032

Drunk Christmas moms get an automatic pass.

>> No.5525055

Dropping a beer sucks, not only does the beer get lost but it shoots all over the place and has to be cleaned up before it dries out and gets sticky and attracts insects, luckily that only happens maybe once every few years.
Poor beer, I remember thee!

>> No.5525058
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>> No.5525066


Tfw when you have lovingly cultivated 10.6x10^9 yeast organisms in a wild starter for weeks, only to kill billions of living organisms at 150 degrees F in the pursuit of fresh sour dough.

Get on my level.

>> No.5525079

I put some nachos in a grill awhile ago because the power was out and when I took them out and placed them on the grill table the pyrex dish just fucking exploded.
Was sad clown.

>> No.5525100

Not exactly a full drop but here's one

>Christmas Day
>baking Christmas cake, (not the fruit one)
>just finished frosting and decorating the cake with my nieces
>fun fun happy time
>"let's go watch a Christmas movie while we wait for it to cool"
>20 minutes into movie we hear a bang
>run to the kitchen to see that the golden retriever knocked the cake into the floor by hopping up on the counter
>we walk into frosting all over the floor with the 2 smaller dogs all licking it up
>crying kids everywhere
>merry Christmas

>> No.5525110

No, because its only food and I dont live in a fucking third world country.

>> No.5525146

That's why it hurts more when you drop something. A dropped cupcake is a travesty

>> No.5525406
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>> No.5525413


Jesus, the floor of your car looks cleaner than a lot of tables I've seen. I'd still eat that.

>> No.5525418

Would shamelessly eat off the floor.

>> No.5525446

I got a good food dropping story for you guys.

>be about 8 years ago
>was a huge stoner at the time
>loved to get really fucking high and make crazy food
>went out shopping and bough frozen burritos, shredded cheese, sour cream, guacamole, salsa, and chips
>get very very high, make a crazy nacho/burrito thing using three of the frozen burritos
>it's piled nearly a foot tall
>it was so beautiful, and I was so hungry
>walking back from the kitchen to the living room, its night time and dark
>stub my two on the leg of the table
>platter goes flying across room
>biggest mess I have ever made in my life
>on the rug, on the table, on the sofa, even a little on the wall
>so high, so hungry
>start eating some of it off the floor while I'm trying to clean up the mess
>hugely disappointing

>> No.5525455

This sort of happened to my friend. He walked out of the store carrying his bottle in one of those shitty paper bags and the bottom ripped open and the bottle shattered all over him and the cement. The store gave him another one though, luckily.

>> No.5525485

>have birthday
>make shitload of delicious chili
>my guests eat most of it, I have a bowl that evening
>wake up with hangover and get myself some chili for breakfast
>exactly one bowl left
>sprinkle with cheddar and warm it up in the oven with some handmade baguette a friend brought to the party
>get into bed about to eat chili and watch some movies on my laptop until the hangover is gone
>balance the bowl on my leg for some reason
>obviously it falls over
>burn leg and crotch area
>use a spoon to scrape some of it back into the bowl
>eat some of it in shame
>weird taste and full of hair
>stay in bed for the rest of the day still having chili stains all over myself

>> No.5525505

> Arbys
Right where it belongs. You should have saved yourself some effort and gone someplace else instead.

>> No.5525510

>almost finish with my shift
>stop by the liquor store on the way back to the office to grab a bottle of whiskey for later
>accidedently drop bottle of whiskey in back of work van
>whiskey spilled everywhere
>fuck it, take the van back to the office
>manager wants to use the work van to go pick something up
>hand him keys
>"anon, why does the van smell like whiskey?"

and that was the day I lost my job

>> No.5525514

made me chuckle

>> No.5525535

dropped a prime ribeye on the ground last week on the way to my grill. still delicious.

>> No.5525540

This one is a success story:

>open freezer
>bottle of disaronno was placed on top of the fridge/freezer unit so that it would fall when freezer was opened
>it falls
>somehow through my weird catlike reflexes manage to catch bottle between arm and stomach

Would have been such a disgusting, sticky, glassy mess.

>> No.5525550

That's a stupid story. You suck.

>> No.5525564

>Heating instant oatmeal in the microwave
>Check it after two minutes and decide it's not thick enough
>Heat it for one more minute like a fucking retard
>Open the microwave and find a sticky mess of fucking oatmeal all over the place
>stare at it in disbelief and contemplate scooping it back into my mug
That's what I get for going full retard and overcooking instant oatmeal

>> No.5525571

>Be 14 years old
>Poor as fuck
>Home for spring break
>Mom makes pizza rolls for me and my bros
>Best thing we'll eat all week
>Try to bite first one, accidentally drop it because it's too hot
>Get up to grab paper towels and clean it up
>My little bro drops one because it's too hot
>Mom walks in right after second one hit the floor
>Right next to when my first one landed
>She sees both
>Starts screaming about how I dropped two pizza rolls
>Get beaten for it
>No dinner that night

>> No.5525575

Your mom sounds like a pleasant person.

>> No.5525665
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>go to open the fridge to get stew meat out
>gave my fridge a good deep clean the day before
>took out the shelves and shit and washed them
>apparently forgot to put the plastic band that holds shit in the door all the way back on
>when i open the fridge door all the jars of condiments and pickles and shit fall out
>half of them shatter on the floor
>later, beef stew is ready
>go to get a bowl out of the cabinet
>pocket on my pants catches a knob for a little drawer
>fall on ass and somehow manage to knock crock pot off stove with frantic flailing
>beef stew goes everywhere and ceramic crock pot liner now broken
>found a few small pieces of glass with my skin

>> No.5525681

>baking asparagus with sea salt and olive oil
>take pyrex pan out of oven and set directly on top of cold marble countertop
>have precisely enough time to realize I just did something really fucking stupid
>"oh fuck" pan crackles once and then explodes into glass shards everywhere
>cleaning up, get tiny glass slivers embedded in thumb
>glass fell in garbage disposal and jammed it, had to disconnect it from the sink and pull out the glass
>eat the asparagus anyway, probably have a glass sliver in my guts somewhere

>> No.5525684


You could have just said 1.06x10^10

>> No.5525697
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I made some steak fries to go with a sandwich for dinner. While pulling the tray out of the oven I limpwristed the grip and that shit went flying right onto the kitchen floor (which we share with mice).

This all happened right in front of one my roommates.

I ate all of it.

It was delicious.

>> No.5525776

Dropped a glass container of banana peppers once. Glass broke, so I decided to put all the peppers (after rinsing) in a Tupperware. Took me several weeks to figure out why my sandwiches would have massive unexpected crunches in their otherwise very soft texture. Still no major health problems that I know of, but I definitely ate a lot of glass.

>> No.5525918

I'm laughing because I can imagine it and I can imagine me doing it too.

>> No.5525923

oh god. I'm so sorry.

>> No.5526626
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>Be 16ish thanksgiving morning
>my family assigns dishes to family members
>I always get deviled eggs because I'm cooking impaired
>my awesome handicap mother always makes them for me secretly because she makes bomb ass deviled eggs and I'm a disappointment
>She is in charge of making a few pies, which are also bomb as fuck
>Trying to be a good son and carry pies to car to go to aunts house
>trip on doorstep and drop both hand crafted pecan pies upside down on sidewalk
>mom is dissapiont but doesnt rub it in too hard
>pick up shitty store bought pie on the way
>mfw people complimenting my delicious deviled eggs

i am not allowed to touch pies 14 years later and my mommy still makes the deviled eggs

>> No.5526653
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>extremely high while at my dad's house
>eating reese's cup ice cream
>knock over container and the melted contents onto the couch
>scoop it up and eat it with my hands for a few minutes
>suddenly realize what I'm doing and go to the kitchen for a towel

>> No.5526656

>hand crafted pecan pies
Corn syrup, eggs, and pecans in a pie shell.

>> No.5526674


They were so hot both of you dropped them? Seems like your asshole mother heated them up for too long. How's it feel to have been beaten by your mother because she was unable to properly heat frozen premade food?

>> No.5526680

is your fucking carpet made of hamburger?

I'm actually scared

>> No.5526682
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>putting away groceries
>set egg container on counter beside fridge to put away veggies
>it slips a second later
>catch end between two fingers
>half a dozen eggs go SPLAT on the floor

>> No.5526717

How the fuck does an egg container slip? Did you coat your counter with vaseline?