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File: 140 KB, 500x334, deepdishpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5523395 No.5523395 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this stuff suck so much?

>> No.5523399

It doesn't, you're just mistaken. Next question?

>> No.5523400

Because it doesn't even ask know what it's trying to be.

>> No.5523404

Okay. Why doesn't it suck so much?

>> No.5523421

It doesn't, your taste in food just sucks.

>> No.5523423

because it tastes good

>> No.5523441

because it's gooey and delicious and vaguely Italian and contains all the ingredients of lasagna only with a doughy crispy crust instead of soggy noodles.

>> No.5523455
File: 122 KB, 1123x641, 1!!1111!!!!11111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because that it clearly some form of imitation fggt louse ass chi-town meaning when you simulate but you can't emulate the real deal...gonna make you cum for days in your mouth deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep dish.

>> No.5523482

It's literally pizza pie. Why so much hate?

>> No.5523485

Because you are chewing on huge globs of cheese. It's not balanced. If you were to attempt to eat it like a normal pizza, you could not do so. You'll get multiple bites of cheese globs with a tiny bit of sauce and bread, and then you'll finish it with that giant bread wall. It's not reasonable. Just order an actual pizza and forget about that stupid shit.

>> No.5523491

>If you were to attempt to eat it like a normal pizza, you could not do so
Hence using a fork. Who the hell eats deep dish like regular pizza?

>> No.5523492

Sounds like you are terrible at eating. No, you don't eat it like a normal pizza tard.

>> No.5523495

probably b/c youre doing it wrong

>> No.5523504

Canadafag here, I know I've always died to try real Chicago deep dish. It honestly looks good to me, not something I'd want to eat all the time though.

>> No.5523505

my bad thought this was quiche, carry on

>> No.5523506

OP's pic looks better than yours. That's kind of funny, considering your post.

The problem is the construction of it. It is not at all optimal. I personally love for the cheese on a pizza to get some browning. That's impossible with Dickago Deep Dick abominations. And they are oddly proud of their flaws. That is probably the worst part about it all. They are PROUD of making this shitty thing. In fact I am pretty sure most of the rage comes from how proud of it they are, and not that the rest of the world actually would otherwise care what the fuck they are eating.

>> No.5523510

Why can't Chicagoans do anything right?

>> No.5523513

I vomited.

>> No.5523514


The point was that you CANT eat it like a pizza, and thus it's not a fucking pizza, you retarded, Shitcago twats. Wake up.

>> No.5523520

I guess this is what happens when Chicago has over half a million crack addicts living there, they make shitty inventions like this and have the sad delusion that it's actually good.

>> No.5523541
File: 33 KB, 546x459, King home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling that a pizza

it's a casserole, and fuck Shitcago in general

>> No.5523545

>omegherd, I ordereded one of those reuben sandwiches that is encased in melted cheese and tried to pick it up and eat it like a sandwich
>better blame the dish!

You are this retarded

>> No.5523570

Because their food culture is built on the fantasies of people who lived through the depression, then dealt with war rationing. So when they finally had money they just wanted to eat wads of white flour and grease. Hence the Chicago pizza, hot dog and Italian beef sandwich. Any of these would have seemed like manna from heaven back in 1932 if you were out of work and starving, but in this century they're just greasy bullshit.

>> No.5523600


I can't really say which shutin commune back room home schooling bullshit they dun fucked your ass up with...but DAMN.

>> No.5523603

>chicago dog


>> No.5523611

it doesn't suck it's just not pizza

>> No.5523659
File: 182 KB, 500x371, 1402638229245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw im from chicago and hate deep dish pizza

>> No.5523670

All that "juice" in a hot dog? That's grease.
Chicago is the only place where I've walked away from a pizza, and threw a beef sandwich in the trash after a few bites. Terrible, horrible stuff.

Today's Chicago has great food, but the old school classics they celebrate make Philly look good by comparison.

>> No.5523683

Can't even come up with a worthy comparison... typical of you dickago twats.

>> No.5523736

I wonder what it;s like being this petty about dumb bullshit.

>> No.5524264

Because I can't buy it by the slice for a dollar and I can't eat it on the way to work.

>> No.5524327
File: 55 KB, 610x458, 20140525-294370-best-deep-dish-pizza-ginos-east-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's stuffed pizza.

>> No.5524355


You sound like an ass.

>> No.5524600

Is it possible to get deep dish pizza outside of Illinois or other Chicago expat-filled cities?

>> No.5524607

You might be able to find one place that does it poorly, and I mean really poorly. Like, imitation Philly hoagie shop-tier bad. You know, the kind they have in cities where they're like 20 people from Philly, so one dude opens up a shitty sandwich shop to try to appeal to them, and he fucks it all up.

>> No.5524616

that's a very specific reference, anon

>> No.5524624

That's because it's not street food. It's not something to replace regular pizza, but to add some variety to pizza eating.

>> No.5524634

Well then, not likely to ever eat deep dish.

>> No.5524639
File: 568 KB, 1024x768, 1161686993081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks because it's concave

>> No.5524660

How do single people eat deep-dish anyway?
There's no way even a fatass could eat a whole one, most people couldn't eat half a one even if they tried.
Shit must be food for days.

>> No.5524667

The Chicago hot dog was created specifically for the depression.

>> No.5524675

Nobody is supposed to eat a whole pizza in one sitting. Not unless you made some 6" flatbread pizza from scratch.

>> No.5524684

>mad jew yorkers

>> No.5524687

Speak for yourself, you 90 pound weakling

>> No.5524751

I'm from SEAsia, and the first time I tried this was last year, I think. It's been here for a long time, but I just never bothered. I don't really get the debate/hate surrounding it. It tastes good. My favorite is still thin crust, but variety never hurts.

>> No.5524762

wayyyyy too much topping

>> No.5525795

It taste real real good.

>> No.5525842


>> No.5525847


It's not some abomination, it's actually pretty tasty. And nobody is trying to say it's the same as a regular slice of pizza.

>> No.5525853 [DELETED] 

too tomato quichepie for me .jpg