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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5519719 No.5519719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5519725

Remove corn, add greens.
Then I'll go for it.

>> No.5519727
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What'chall want? Sweet tea? M'kay, sugar, I'll get right on that.

Ya'll like chitlins? They ain't on the menu but we got 'em.

If ya ain't like it fried we got it smoked.

>> No.5519731
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Best part of the animal is the organs, son.

>> No.5519733
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>Chopped barbecue mutton, lima beans, buttery homemade biscuit, mac 'n cheese, broccoli casserole
>Be sure to get some beef brisket and burgoo on your next buffet run

>> No.5519734

I don't want to go to the south. The only thing I drink at restaurants is tea, and I'm not sure if you can get tea that isn't sweet there.

>> No.5519739


Oh, you can. If there's sweet tea then there's unsweet tea. Naturally, sweet is more popular, but LOTS of people drink unsweet in the south. I'd say the preference is like...70-30.

>> No.5519742


You can. It's very common in the south for unsweet tea to be available from restaurants. But you need to say "unsweet tea". It'll be sweet by default if you don't specify.

Howver, if you're attending a dinner party or something, the tea will likely be sweet and you'll just have to drink water or suck on ice cubes.

>> No.5519744

you can get unsweet, but only iced

if you ask for hot tea you'll probably get laughed at

>> No.5519745

why does all of it look like its covered in sick?

>> No.5519746


All I see is the taders.

And that is not sick, that is delicious gravy.

>> No.5519748

what does that even mean? and since when is 'sick' a noun

>> No.5519749

The colloquial meaning of "sick" as "vomit" is some kind of regional thing. What regions I'm not sure.

>> No.5519750

why is the gravy grey?! what the fuck are you doing to gravy to make it that colour?


>> No.5519755
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>Southern Food

sides in little bowls

sides in little bowls everywhere

>> No.5519756
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>> No.5519758
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>veggie plate

>> No.5519761

> that "veggie" plate
> high fat fried food in every meal
> drink coke and sweet tea like water
Hey, I think I know why the south is so obese.

>> No.5519763

this thread needs more color greens

>> No.5519764

right? why is everything deep fried?

does the south even have fresh vegetables?

>> No.5519767
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What, you mean garnish?

>> No.5519769


Of course. Pretty much everyone I know grows fresh veggies.


>Why is the gravy grey

We add cream.

>> No.5519770

Im so glad I moved out of Tennessee. I hated being associated with the southern stereotype.

>> No.5519773


>Being an elitist faggot who abandons southern heritage



We prefer RC, Big Red, and Ski where I'm from.

But mostly we drink tea.

>> No.5519775

The whole point of southern food is that it all mingles together. If I don't have my green bean casserole sloppin' over on my country fried steak then something is wrong

>> No.5519776

but those veg aren't fresh? I mean do you eat veg that hasn't been deep fried first?

>> No.5519779

I visited Tennessee for a week. It was less stereotypical than I thought.
I wouldn't want to live there though, really.

>> No.5519781
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>> No.5519784

>adding cream to gravy
can you get any more pleb.

>> No.5519796


>> No.5519800


seriously think gravy can only be made with milk, drippings, or do you use powdered?

>> No.5519801
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Where's the southern food?

>> No.5519808

I sure loves me some cornbread, collard greens, red rice and black eyed peas, with a big ol' ham hock in 'em, and some pigs feet. maybe even some chitlins. oohwee

>> No.5519819


The idea behind southern food is to take the freshest vegeatables imaginable and then stew, fry, mix, or grill them.

Fresh corn? That is getting grilled with some smoked paprika and garlic butter.

Potatoes? Either they are straight-up baked and served as they are or turned into thinly sliced fried taders with onions.

Greens? Green beans? Slow-cooked with some kinda meat, like country ham or bacon.

Okra? Fried, straight-up.

Black-eyed peas? Same as greens or green beans.

>> No.5519826

>freshest vegetables imaginable

No way man. I've been all around the South and they rarely place a high priority of freshly sourced local ingredients.

>> No.5519828


As a southerner, I disagree. Half the adults I know grow their own gardens.

I live right across from a man with his own enormous corn field and I get tons of stuff from him every year.

I can't drive into town this time of year without someone on the side of the road with a stand reading 'FRESH GARDEN VEGETABLES'.

I get nothing but the fresh stuff, baby.

>> No.5519834

What type of vegetables do you usually come across?

>> No.5519845

I think it wouldn't be too bad if you were visiting.

I grew up there. I went to school with kids that were a mix of wigger and redneck. Half of them chewed tobacco all day and spit that shit everywhere. They all drove shitty trucks with big tires and country music about trucks could be heard across campus coming from their 1000w stereos.

It's been almost 10 years since I graduated from high school and I still feel the rage against it.

>> No.5519854


Tomatoes are the most common thing around...but they're technically fruits, so whatever. Everyone with a garden grows tomatoes, and everyone around here always wants fresh tomatoes.

Apart from that? Green beans, potatoes, greens, corn, and okra. Those are the most common things.

Corn is typically in very high demand since it's just plain hard to grow though. Not as many people grow it, but the ones that do grow it do in very large supply.

Below that is the tier of vegetables that folks around here like but don't often grow. Broccoli, asparagus, that kinda thing.

But yeah, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, greens, and green beans are the big sellers around here. Okra is sorta mid-tier.

>> No.5519855


You come to love it, really. I used to hate trucks.

Now I can't imagine not driving one.

>> No.5519863


>Implying rednecks aren't the best

Try going muddin' with a few.

>> No.5519867

Oh sweet baby Jesus fucks, I love biscuits and gravy. I will murder a starving nigger boy for one taste of my mother's sausage gravy, cooked in a cast-iron pan she got from her great-grandmother. You have no idead of the bloodlust I have for said gravy, and it's only compounded by the idea of fried chicken to go with it. Oh shit son, you done let loose a shitstorm.

>> No.5519906

muh nigga

>> No.5519915

>>sides in little bowls
>sides in little bowls everywhere

yeah what's up with that?

>> No.5519918

You can be both a fruit and a vegetable. Fruit is a botanical term. Vegetable is a culinary term that has absolutely no strict definition and also no basis in science.

>> No.5519920
File: 44 KB, 570x332, Biscuits and Sausage Gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This discovery made my time living in the South all worth it.

Making homemade biscuits and gravy, homefries, bacon, and eggs is my go to Sunday ritual.

>> No.5519948

Diabetes on a plate.
I can handle fried chicken and corn bread.
But fucking fatty buttery biscuits that are covered in fat chicken gravy is unforgivable. How can someone eat that, let alone consider it an actual meal in itself? I feel like a southern dish would be something like half a loaf of white bread and a bowl of milk, and you dip the slices of white bread into the milk and eat it and that's an entree. Or something like miniature sticks of butter that you pick up with hot pancakes and then you eat sticks of butter wrapped with individual pancakes.
Southern cuisine is honestly terrible. Its what happens to food when you give way to portion control, manners, and embrace decadence and degeneracy, eating purely for gluttonous and libertine purposes by indulging only taste.

>> No.5519952


>Chicken gravy

That is sausage gravy, thank you very much. I eat pretty healthy the whole week, so my Sunday morning breakfast is kid of a treat to myself. I don't get to bake as often as I would like, so even just baking some biscuits for myself is nice. And the last time I had some friends staying for the weekend, it felt nice to serve a breakfast where everything was made by scratch, and something that isn't served every day.

>> No.5519966

>no manners

why are you so mad about biscuits with some flour+milk+and a little fat?

>> No.5520009

Sausage gravy? Even worse. What you're doing is effectively no better than eating a loaf of bread that has liquid lard poured over it. Only the american south could call this "cuisine" with a straight face. There is no finesse. Your whole idea of cooking is either to fry shit and not let the food speak for itself, or turn it into something that tastes like butter and sugar. Its absolutely nasty.

>> No.5520023


One person's opinion.

>> No.5520032


non American here

When I went to Las Vegas last year, every breakfast buffet had this, and it always looked like shit. Strange thing was, everybody fucking ate it.

I mean some of your guys' food was really fucking good (chicken and waffles esp), but I could not even force myself to try biscuits and gravy. Even biscuits on their own I just found way too greasy.

>> No.5520049

You should take my opinion to heart because its unbiased. I'm not going to automatically love it because I was raised on it my whole life.

>> No.5520063

You are missing out. Please reconsider.

>> No.5520065

>Las Vegas
>breakfast buffet
>fucking good (chicken and waffles esp)
So much is wrong with this post, I'm sorry you got duped by television and visited that hellhole.

>> No.5520077

thats just in restaurants, no one does that at home and they are called monkey bowls

>> No.5520086


I recognised after the second day that the breakfast buffets are largely shit, and I just ended up going to Mcdonalds or Hash House (where I had the chicken and waffles).

The Dennys was the fucking worst though. The meal was shittier than the breakfast buffet, and the service was lousy. A friend of mine ordered some nachos (bad call, I know), and they were just chips with orange and white goo on top. He had like 3 and said "fuck it".

I mean I love Americans and your country is beautiful, but your food is fucking terrible for the most part. I'm sure I'm just jumping the gun and there really are great places to eat, but Las Vegas doesn't appear to offer great places.

>> No.5520092
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>eat fast food
>complain that it isn't good

>> No.5520096

i've never understood chicken and waffles. Two things that are great on their own and have lots of great pairing but turn to complete shit when put together. The only thing i want with my waffle is a fried egg on top, some maple syrup, and bacon, sausage, or country ham and a glass of milk.

>> No.5520099

even las vegas has some good places but casino buffets, dennys, mcdonalds etc arent one of them

>> No.5520106

Actually you need to use a lot of fat to make biscuits.

>> No.5520113

Vegas is like a cheap photo copy of the highlights of America. I hate to be the guy that breaks this regional jingoistic circle jerk, but go to New York or California for great upscale dining, go to Texas for great barbecue and Tex-Mex, go to the South for good traditional meals, go to Louisiana for great cajun/creole. Almost every state has a highlight, but nowadays you need to search out those local places. Hell, I hate breakfast buffets, but I found a local place in Shiner, Texas that had an amazing German based breakfast buffet.

>> No.5520116

There are plenty of high end restaurants in Vegas. If you ever go there again, do a little research on which restaurants are good.

Some buffets are actually quite nice if you go to the high end hotels.

But yeah, I'm not surprised by your reaction. Eating near the strip at shitty chains and shit tier hotel buffets is not gonna be good.

>> No.5520118

eh not proportionally

>> No.5520129
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>> No.5520138


>An opinion

That is the very definition of an opinion.

>> No.5520140

...no. There are biased opinions and unbiased opinion.

Biased opinion: I am a Nazi so I believe Jews are inferior.

Unbiased opinion: based on how unsafe the highway can be, you should wear your seatbelt while driving at high speeds even though you may not be legally required to.

>> No.5520153

>nazis believed jews were inferior
top kek

>> No.5520157

>do southerners really do this LOL

>> No.5520192


>...no. There are biased opinions and unbiased opinion.

Sounds like you were raised in the southern school system.

>> No.5520217

>hurr the south isnt held to the same standards of education as the rest of the country

>> No.5520260


Someone is angry.

>> No.5520269
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This is a good question, what DID the Immortal Emperor Souther eat?

>> No.5520322

Fuck yes. Most breakfast meals do not interest me but I would eat this every morning if I could, and I used to when I was a kid. I still haven't been able to make it the way my momma used to. If I could maybe I could actually gain some weight. (I'm skinny as fuck)

>> No.5520343

cook your sausage, add some flour (and a little butter if there isnt much fat) add milk, heat to thicken season with s&p. super easy

>> No.5520520

In the UK, sick almost ubiquitously means vomit. I'm guessing that the poster was from there.

>> No.5520667

if that happened to me i would jump on the table and shout 'anarchy'

>> No.5520674

then youd get shot by about 10 upstanding american citizens

checkmate thirdwirlders

>> No.5520686
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G8rH8r 06/16/14(Mon)01:35:00 No.2154226▶
File: image.jpg (70 KB, 600x399)

U kno u want this sandwich so bad rite now.
It's ok, I know you do. I want it too. But we can't always have what we want, can we? The only place near here with one is closed and it'll be 12 hours before I can get one, but you might not have any place close to you to get one. That's ok. It will be alright because you can make one at home. See? I told you it would be alright so hush and don't worry. No crying anymore. Cry baby's don't get these sandwiches.. They get nothing but the salty taste of sweet tears. But the salty taste of this sandwich is much much more rewarding don't you agree?

>> No.5520705

Needs hot mustard. $

>> No.5520755


>chicken fried steak
>brown gravy

>brown gravy

>> No.5520757


you don't want the fried fish flavor mingling with the fried okra or the fried green tomato

>> No.5520759

what really gets me about that plate is all three sides are green

>> No.5520760

The vegetables at southern food places are some of the best things to order. Of course, it varies, and not all southern food restaurants will have great veg, but most of them will. One of my favorite southern food restaurants has a massive vegetable list, and I used to just get a 5-vegetable plate because I could never decide on just two to go with an entree. Here's the list: (and yes, I realize the irony of rice and mac and cheese being listed under vegetables, but hey...)
MASHED POTATOES (with gravy)

>> No.5520766

dont forget the hoppin john

>> No.5520772

No, no one should take your opinion to heart, because it's based on your own views about food and nutrition, without ever having even tasted, much less made the dish. You are voicing an ignorant opinion.

>> No.5520777

You're missing out.

>> No.5520780
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I live in alabama , can confirm this

>> No.5520789

So, I suppose you never eat bechamel, or scones, or quiche, or croissants, or lasagna, or cream soups, or hollandaise, or any of the other hundreds of dishes across the world that contain butter, or meat fats, or dairy. Time to get down off your high horse, chucklefuck.

>> No.5520801

ive tried them, several ways, they arent a good combo but are good separately

>> No.5520805


>> No.5522781


>> No.5522909


Southerner here.

I do mine a little different. I make blueberry and strawberry biscuits, I make the gravy from scratch using great-grandma's recipe, and I add in sausage, egg, peppers, and maple syrup with a bit of honey and some bacon bits.

On the side I put homemade chicken strips for dipping in the gravy or I might do a steak. Pork steak is really good in the morning with gravy biscuit.

>> No.5522912

as a fellow southerner this is not southern and is disgusting

>> No.5522913


We used to do a lot of grits + mashed taters + cut pieces of hot dog when I was young, because it was cheap