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File: 292 KB, 1024x819, budlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5505272 No.5505272[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What beers do you hate? Any funny reviews from beer advocate, or of your own?

Bud Light:
>Like stale ice water, flat club soda, too cold, nothing. Room temperature water is preferred. Slightly yellow, no head, a bit malts, Dry, metallic, can get one to swear off beer.This is one of America's most popular selling beers, what an embarrassment.

>> No.5505986

Never had a natty ice before?

>> No.5505992

>being pretentious about getting drunk

I'll never understand you people.

>> No.5505998

Those beers are meant to be refreshing and watery. College tier shit.

>> No.5506011

I don't hate any beer. At the most, I wouldn't buy Coor's Light but I'd still take one if offered.

>> No.5506018

Does anyone 'enjoy' a bud? You use it exclusively to get shit faced in college for the low.

>> No.5506060
File: 606 KB, 1500x1351, sprecherHardRootBeerHeader[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barely a beer, but I hated it so much i couldn't get through a 4-pack. I love Sprecher's "soft" root beer, and thought this would be just as tasty, but oh boy was I wrong.

>starting notes of peppermint, birch, and woody notes, like a good root beer
>nice brown sugar top palate taste
>oh god what is that aftertaste
>a taste in between antibiotics and Steel Reserve 211 (the extra higrav malt liquor in the black cans, not the silver)
>drink water
>still taste the almost sulfuric taste of the malt liquor and throwaway bourbon barrels they used

>> No.5506070


I fail to see how not choosing the worst of something is being pretentious. When you eat would you rather eat flavourful food or bland food, providing they both have the same noutritional value? Same difference mate.

>> No.5506645

Bud is good for what it is, a light macrobrew. You obviously have never had Keystone Light before.

>> No.5506663

I'll take a Bud Light over damned near any other macrobrew. It's flavourless and inoffensive, there's nothing there to even get upset at.

>> No.5506665

I just dislike IPAs in general, especially Sierra Nevada IPA

>> No.5506673

Yeah, those are terrible. I love their soft and hard drinks, but that one is the second worst thing they make (with the worst being the scotch ale).

Some white rum in their regular root beer is the way to go, and it's fucking tasty.

>> No.5506686

>being able to get drunk on bud light

I'll never understand you people.

>> No.5506688

miller high life

theres just so much goddamn carbonation it takes 10 minutes for the head to settle

>> No.5506692

also, mgd 64...why even bother?

>> No.5506726

Greene King IPA. It's the most average pint of beer you can get, I'd never choose it over a standard lager or bottled beer. In fact, I've never had an IPA that's been better than a best bitter.

Desperados is also one that I dislike. I used to really like it, but as I've gotten older I don't think there's any scenario in which I'd rather have one than a cold corona or pint of lager.

>> No.5507074

>Fullers ESB (actually any of the fullers' i've tried)
>Badger Poacher's Choice
>Leffe brune

Off the top of my head, I've also had many huge disappointments and hated other I can't remember. Major beers tend to be mediocre, but not actually undrinkable.

>> No.5507155

The answer is Corona.

I would rather have ANY other beer than Corona. College-tier 30-packs are easier to down than that shit. Every swig will have you regretting ever picking up the fucking bottle. Tastes like someone spilled some PBR on a dirty floor then mopped it up with a mop made from shit-encrusted dingleberry hairs and decided to bottle it in a nice clear bottle because it doesn't matter if it 'skunks' since it couldn't possibly have any further negative impact on the taste of the beer.

Fuck it is so bad.

>> No.5507175


Oh and Coors is pretty bad too. It's the only adjunct lager I've had where I can actually taste the corn they put in that shit, it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.5507184

Greene King IPA

>> No.5507200

have you tried it with a few lemon slices in it m8? it makes it a bit sweeter

its not my favourite beer either, but its bearable. shit, ive drank tea tree oil to get drunk before

>> No.5507208


A few things:

Yes, I've tried it with the lime. Still tasted awful toe me.

I'm also not a big fan of having to add something to a beer to make it taste 'bearable.'

You're clearly some sort of alcoholic so I don't think we can take your opinion on good rinks very seriously.

>> No.5507211

you clearly are brain dead since i said lemon, and not lime, and you also sound like a crybaby faggot, so i think i'll be making the decisions of who's opinion to trust here m8

>> No.5507214


Okay m8

>> No.5507215


>> No.5507218
File: 39 KB, 540x720, 1357947162242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5507535
File: 64 KB, 620x400, cariboopiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is one of the worst offerings from what is possibly canada's worst brewery.

People only drink it because it costs like 6 bucks a six pack in BC and beer there is generally expensive, but it's really not worth it. I can only drink it if I chug it extremely cold while not breathing through my nose. In fact, shotgunning it would probably be the best way to get it down, but I never bothered.

>> No.5509043
File: 20 KB, 367x451, 1334995917762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Have you tried it with lemon slices? Better than this nasty drink i had one time haha"
>"Eww your'e clearly an alcoholic fuck your opinion"

>posted in a beer thread

>> No.5509053

>easy to chug

>> No.5509062


>> No.5509097

Warsteiner is absolutely disgusting

>> No.5509110
File: 116 KB, 335x500, 2348516653_e8f6d4d56a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the foulest shit I ever put into my mouth. i knew a lot of guys who drank it in college because it was like $6 a case. To me paying $6 to get fucked in the mouth was an epicurean gang-rape of my taste buds. I suspect that liquefied cow manure might actually taste better. The brewmaster should be staked to the ground and left out for the fire ants to slowly devour.

>> No.5509265
File: 19 KB, 724x359, 3 tier system racket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single one always on that fucking generic beer menu that every chain restaurants always seems to have:

>Bud and Bud Light
>Coors and Coors Light
>Miller and Miller Light
>Blue Moon
>Corona (oh yea, with the lime in the top...like teh commercials!!1)
>Heineken (German, so it is great beer!)
>Stella Artois (woo sounds fanceh)
>Guinness (omg it is so irish it makes me fight)

We all know this is a result of the "3-Tier" distribution racket. Fuck lobbyists.

>> No.5509271


Corona drinkers are always douches. It is in clear bottles so it always gets skunked. THAT is why people put the lime in it!

>> No.5509279

i don't like IPAs

>> No.5509285

non beer drinker here. every beer iv ever tried tastes like ink to me, or something equally foul. i can do hard ciders or mixed like rum and coke or something, but beer just tastes like ass

is there something i can try to see if i like it and iv just been trying shitty beer? like a good "starter beer" or something?

>> No.5509293


there is something worse than Corona, and that is Corona Light. It should seriously be labeled NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION

>> No.5509297

It would depend on what you're looking for.

Do you want a coffee taste?
A roasted caramel taste?
Clean grain taste?
A very hoppy and aromatic beer?
The list seriously goes on and on. If you can give some insight on what you personally might like. I may be able to help you out.

>> No.5509312


a lot of stouts are easy to get in to. Most have hints of chocolate and/or coffee. As for other beers, try something like a brown ale like Newcastle. Avoid jumping into really hoppy beers like IPA's. Your tongue will have to adjust to that. Also avoid your standard popular light beers like Bud, Coors, Miller, etc...

But really, just ask the dudes at your local liquor store. They'll point you in the right direction

>> No.5509315

i probably dont have the palate for that kind of distinction just yet. i do like coffee a lot tho

only thing around here is a walmart, sadly. what can i look for that might be sold there?

>> No.5509335

You will not likely have any good quality beer from walmart
Check google for local breweries. Try out a Chocolate Port, Stout, Imperial Stout. IF you like Coffee taste like you had said.

Personally I am a red ale sort of guy. A cheap and decent red ale is Fat Tire Red Belgium. It isn't great but not bad. Better than most macros.

>> No.5509400

will do. what about little groceries like local minichains?

>> No.5509533


I take in you are American right? Lot's of places carry Sam Adams. Try a few styles from them, it's good entry-level stuff.

>> No.5509843

holy shit that brings me back

a case was 2 12 packs in a sams club cardboard box

>> No.5509869

yes, america. thank you Ill try that, i can get that easily. any particular flavor i should get?

>> No.5509877

High life from a can tastes like cough syrup. High life from a bottle is actually pretty good for something cheap you can drink on all day though.

>> No.5510058

Coors fucking Lite and Corona. Fuck.

>> No.5510175


Boston Lager is their flagship beer, which is pretty good for what it is.

Usually stores like Walmart will have variety packs, often based on the time of year it is. Obviously it's summertime now, so they will probably have a summer variety pack.

Summer beers tend to be lighter and easily drinkable, whereas winter beers tend to be darker and heartier

>> No.5510206

Oh god corona, I had about 40 to myself for a weekend, They were free but good god I couldnt drink them

>> No.5510223

>drinking piss-tier beer solely to get drunk

I'll never understand you people.

>> No.5510233

Most overrated beers: Blue Moon and Stella.

Runner up: Shock Top.

Seriously, I would rather have Coors Light than any of these. At least I could hammer back 8-10 Coors Lights and get hammered.

>> No.5510241

Hint: try NOT drinking them straight out of the fridge. Beer that's been on ice doesn't have any aromas for your nose to detect and numbs your tongue, so whatever you do taste will just seem wrong and incomplete.
Since beer was invented pre-refrigeration, it should also be drunk that way for the best flavor.
Try drinking your next beer when it's about 50F/10C, aka a little cooler than room temperature. You'll be amazed at what you taste, and how easy it is to decide what you do and don't like in your beer.

>> No.5510242


shock top and blue moon both give me the absolute worse hangovers. I think it's that fake fruit shit.

Stella is at least tolerable for me

>> No.5510258


this is great advice

If you do fridge your beer, just let it sit for a little bit before cracking it open. The flavors really come out when it warms. Of course there is a limit, get it too warm and the flavors will get skunked, and there is no turning back

Also this really only applies to craft brews. Macro adjunct lagers like Bud, Miller, Coors, etc. are always marketed as being "ice cold", and for a reason, because the coldness masks how terrible the beer is. Ever drink a warm Miller Lite? Might as well just drink your own piss.

>> No.5510281

>You will not likely have any good quality beer from walmart
Walmart does carry larger "craft" brewers, though. I'm in MO and most Walmarts here carry a few Boulevard and Schlafly beers.

Still doesn't come close to even the selection of those tiny convenience-store sized liquor stores, though.

>> No.5510295

You can still find decent beer in a Walmart. It'll be a macrobrew or a widely-distributed craft like Sam Adams, but there is some quality in there. My local Walmart even carries Fat Tire.

As for what I like, it tends to be malty stuff-most of the pilsner styles just taste thin and bad to me.
If I have to go macrobrew, I like Yuengling lager. Maltier than most pilsners, and I find it makes for something that tastes less like piss.
Currently I'm enjoying the last of my Yuengling Bock, which is even maltier, richer in flavor, and meant to be drunk close to room temperature.
Ales are also right up my alley with the exception of Guinness (never got one that tasted good, ever) and IPAs (tastes like pine sap to me). When Budweiser American Ale was around a few years back I liked it, I also like Wexford Cream Ale, Boddington's, Anchor's Liberty Ale, flavored Lambic if my hops-hating wife wants to drink a beer with me, and the occasional Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout when I have a few extra bucks.

>> No.5510346

My local Walmarts sell a handful of good beers that are brewed here in the city, from two or three different breweries too. I don't buy beer there when I want something new or a specialty, but knowing that fucking Walmart is selling great locally brewed beer makes me very happy. And it's totally profit driven, this is Walmart. That makes me even happier, it means that enough people want local beer that they encouraged Walmart to jump through the corporate hoops to stock tons of it.

To me, this is a good sign.

>> No.5510370

It is a good sign.
Where i am (south GA) is a local beer wasteland, but even here Walmart's got some decent stuff. It's not local, but they'll stock Terrapin, which comes from north GA.
It really does depend on your local store management and what they're focused on. If they can get a local brew or two and it sells, they'll stock it, period.
Only thing people don't get is just how much it has to sell for them to keep it on the shelf. Your local liquor store might only have to sell a few cases a year to make it worth their while-not so with Walmart. They need to sell a number of cases a week to make it worth keeping in their cooler.

>> No.5510414

Yea i get that, they need to be selling lots for Walmart to even bother keeping it on the shelves. I'm not so much happy with Walmart as I am with the local beers which found their way onto the beer aisles at Walmart. They normally keep them on display stacks at the end of the aisle too which is awesome, that means they are selling lots of them. If a small brewery is doing well enough to have an endcap at the local Walmart, they're doing something right IMO.

>> No.5510423

but to sit there and go on and on like somebodys supposed to give a fuck?

nah fam

>> No.5510467

I hate Genny Light with a passion. Also recently discovered drinking Miller High Life at room temperature is just as bad

>> No.5510585

PBR, I guess, but I don't drink a lot of beer, and I hardly ever drink cheap shit. Only cheap beer I remember drinking is like Rolling Rock.

>> No.5510610

Every beer Sierra Nevada puts out tastes pretty much like their IPA.

Same fucking hop profile every time. Even the porter!

>> No.5510616

>>Badger Poacher's Choice
>>Leffe brune
>Off the top of my head, I've also had many huge disappointments and hated other I can't remember. Major beers tend to be mediocre, but not actually undrinkable.
> Anonymous 06/10/14(Tue)13:37:24 No.5507155▶>>5507175 >>5507200 >>5509271 >>5509293 >>5510206
>The answer is Corona.
>I would rather have ANY other beer than Corona. College-tier 30-packs are easier to down than that shit. Every swig will have you regretting ever picking up the fucking bottle. Tastes like someone spilled some PBR on a dirty floor then mopped it up with a mop made from shit-encrusted dingleberry hairs and decided to bottle it in a nice clear bottle because it doesn't matter if it 'skunks' since it couldn't possibly have any further negative impact on the taste of the beer.
>Fuck it is so bad.

Try corona familiar. Same beer, dark brown opaque bottle. tastes better. Have it with some lime and white tequila poured into the quart there.

>> No.5511020

Seems to me like you've already been trying several macro beers and you don't like it. You should now walk into a snobby beer bar and ask for something entry level. Since they are snobs they will serve you something that is easy but still craft beer.