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5502485 No.5502485[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is America so backwards with its drinking culture?

>decide to drive 2 hours south to Santa Cruz for the weekend
>walk along the boardwalk Saturday
>party atmosphere; everyone is drinking, playing the games, riding rides, enjoying the beach
>delicious, hand-made food everywhere
>didn't really drink because I wanted to try all the different foods
>dat philly cheesesteak
>dat fried fish
>dem gyros
>gorge myself on delicious food all day
>not even a fatasfatass
>Sunday comes; 11:30 AM
>had enough of food
>time to drink, buy a 24oz beer from a vendor
>decide to walk around the beach and boardwalk
>shades on, headphones in, sipping beer, just enjoying life dawg
>everyone is glaring at me like I'm a leper

Didn't really give a fuck but whats with the sudden shift in attitude? No more than 24 hours ago people were walking around doing THE EXACT SAME THING... Why is there such a stigma against drinking on Sunday? It's called "Sunday Funday" for a reason.

I figured a laid back beach community would be a little more open-minded, but I guess not.

>> No.5502494

What the fuck are you talking about? I live in Santa Cruz and have drank on the boardwalk on Sundays and nothing happened.

>> No.5502495

>muh Jesus
Is basically the only reason. And it's a shitty reason, too. Jesus was drunk as shit, wine literally flowed in his veins.

>> No.5502500


>> No.5502502

>b8 thread
Plus, why do you care what they think? Any time is drinking time, especially after 11a

>> No.5502508

It's the Lord's day you heathen.

Go to fucking church before you slog back another drop of the devils piss.

>> No.5502509
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Maybe you're a grill.

>> No.5502513

>the lord's day
Fuck that shit. I don't have a car, but I can't do fuckall because EVERYTHING is closed. It's like this city just dies on sunday.

>> No.5502572

Perhaps you are reading too much into it. I drink early in the morning on the weekends frequently, and have rarely had anyone give me any sort of look about it. This morning, I went and bought a bottle of vodka at 8am, and no one gave a shit.

>> No.5502578

You need Jesus in your life.

>> No.5502581

I need a store that sells chips after the late midnight hour of 6pm

>> No.5502586

You've heard of 7-11, yes? Anyway, this greentext story sounds like bullshit.

>> No.5502587

>britbong has a single beer
>wher r da chip butties

>> No.5502593

yeah its commiefornia, if hed said the south id be more believable

>> No.5502595 [DELETED] 

If you want laid back come on out to the right coast. We don't have the california pretenses here, in fact we make fun of them.

It's a big country and one state doesn't define all of us.

>> No.5502599

wtf are you talking about? I've lived here my entire life and people don't give a shit about that

also isn't walking around with a beer illegal in america? I don't know in which areas it's legal but I've never seen people give a shit about it here

>> No.5502601

>3 miles away with no buses no crosswalks and nothing but highways
Did I mention I don't drive?

>> No.5502606

you probably just thought that they were judging you

>> No.5502614

maybe get a job and buy a car

>> No.5502619

>also isn't walking around with a beer illegal in america?

There's certainly no federal or state laws against that. But, I can think of two potential local exceptions. Some counties are "dry" and prohibit the sale and public consumption of alcohol. But this is a very rare thing. Also, some cities have local ordinances against glass containers. Carrying a can or cup around would be OK but not a glass bottle.

>> No.5502628 [DELETED] 

Depends on the jurisdiction, for instance in New York, yes that's illegal but even within that most cops in Manhattan will just hollar at you for a minute then let you off. In Queens for instance, you'll get a ticket.

In New Orleans and Memphis, walking around with drinks is encouraged, as long as you're not being a jerk about it.

That's not a federal law, not yet anyway where these cunts want to legistlate what people do at the federal level.

>> No.5502629


This was all in your head, 100%. This is absolutely not a thing and I'm amazed you even thought it was happening.

>> No.5502632


There's a 7-11 less than a mile from the boardwalk. Anyway I think you were just convincing yourself that people were looking at you weird, unless somehow you had a vastly different experience than I've ever had even though I was born here and I'm 26.

>> No.5502633

>decide to drive 2 hours south to Santa Cruz for the weekend

Please be more consistent with your lies.

>> No.5502634

Maybe they should just run buses until a more reasonable time like 9, isn't that what taxes are for?

>> No.5502639


santa cruz is a stoner hippy vacation beach town

>> No.5502640

dry counties dont prohibit the consumption just buying it in county

>> No.5502641

There are a lot of public intoxication laws and bars don't let you drink on the street or it may compromise their liquor license. Of course a lot of enforcement is lax. For example, it's completely legal in Vegas or at festivals.

>> No.5502642

Were you drinking alone before noon on a Sunday, or did you have company?

>> No.5502647

Nothing to see here, folks. OP made up a story about people giving a shit about his drinking in a beach and college town. Move along.

>> No.5502648

>the entire country is urban

talk about having your head up your ass

>> No.5502649
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Sunday is the shittiest day ever invented.
I used to think it was just shitty here in the states but then I read that Douglas adams had the same trouble with Sundays in the UK.

>> No.5502653

youre pathetic

exactly my point, why would they have an issue with it

>> No.5502654

Not sure he is trolling.
I look down on day drinking in general.
The night time is the right time.

>> No.5502655

That has nothing to do with anything? Social drinking is only relevant on friday nights

>> No.5502657


they wouldn't, he's making shit up or was tripping balls thinking people were staring at him and giving him the stink eye

>> No.5502674 [DELETED] 

Just so you know, I got hollared at by a Brit for "folks" and he was right. Folk is already plural so folks is wrong.

They do tend to know English pretty well.

Just sayin'.

>> No.5502678

>what is common usage?

i.e. thats all folks!

>> No.5502680

He's wrong. Just like saying persons is fine within context.

>> No.5502686

Was it a chav?

>> No.5502692

Bet you were drinking shifty beer. Everyone looking at you funny for drinking crap

>> No.5502702 [DELETED] 

Fuck off you English hooligan!

>> No.5502707

We have a lot of hipsters here in SC, they were probably judging you for not drinking PBR

I hope you've learned a valuable lesson

>> No.5502708 [DELETED] 

I know common usage vs accuracy. Take that to a compiler to run stuff on a mainframe. Common usage doesn't mean squat.

>> No.5502711

They eat faggots though. Should you really be listening to them?

>> No.5502712

It determines what's commonly acceptable, and considering language is ever evolving...

>> No.5502723

>legal adults are not allowed to drink alcohol until they're 21
For what purpose

>> No.5502726


the purpose of OP making a story up

>> No.5502727

>30min walk is too much for amerilard

>> No.5502729 [DELETED] 

The answer to that question is yes. At least they know the meanings of the word faggot and don't get all faggy like uptight faggots here in the states would.

Let's go smoke some fags!

The meaning of that is unstood in England, here in the states a bunch of uptight faggots would get their panties in a bunch and consider that terrorist speach.

>> No.5502730

Muh freedums

>> No.5502733

federal lobbying groups and in turn federal infrastructure money (MADD and freeway funding)

>> No.5502734

>language isnt fluid

>> No.5502735 [DELETED] 

Federal laws, that one came about because people were being stupid. That's a state issue and the federal government threatened the states with pulling highway funding unless they passed it.

It was pretty stupid.

>> No.5502744

that's the opposite of what he said, kid.
It's the faggots in USA that think eating/smoking faggots has something to do with homosex

>> No.5502746 [DELETED] 

It was yet another attempt by the federal governent to usurp states rights. The states were stupid to give in, collectively they should have said fuck you, you fund it you federal weenies. Then the feds would have shut up.

Now look at it, the NSA collecting every keystroke in the name of national security, what a load of hypocrasy and shit.

>> No.5503057

Not to mention natural languages aren't pre-determined, i.e. there is no ISO committee establishing the syntax and vocabulary of English.

>> No.5503110
File: 55 KB, 598x900, Stop Global Whining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa Cruz is a kickass laid back as fuck place. Should you have had a shitty time somehow you fucked up. Aside from the feminazi school kids at ucsc and the faggots that support them the place is a great place to be.

>> No.5503113

>global stop whining

>> No.5503115


he's extra retarded because there's one like half a mile away

>> No.5503118
File: 389 KB, 640x360, lil unfinished biz brb.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat a fat on faggot

>> No.5503119
File: 64 KB, 726x643, xfiles5-ga01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whoa, 90s pop culture nostalgia

you got any more where that came from?

>> No.5503120

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.5503130
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did that strike a nerve faggot

>> No.5503141
File: 26 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lsoiy5BhPH1r4opqdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, u? woman in a pant suit got your jimmies?

I think the modern term is "tumblr whore", isn't it? in any case I don't think kids these days are familiar with the term "feminazi", it's obvious enough what it means but I'm surprised to see it in writing in 2014.

here I found some more 90s nostalgia, but from tumblr no less. so we have a little of the old, a little of the new.

>> No.5503184

>No pub culture

must be hellish

>> No.5503185
File: 558 KB, 400x748, sure whatever you say -k.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so thinking is the issue

now I understand

>> No.5503190
File: 115 KB, 350x263, scully-reads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure something like that. at this point I'm just looking for an excuse to post scully pics.

>> No.5503336

sounds like a "you" problem. I live in Santa Cruz too, and I've seen more drunk people stumbling around town lately since summer started, but its no big deal. Maybe your balls were showing.