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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5499484 No.5499484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>$5 tip on a $75 bill

wait, I've actually done $10 and felt proud of myself on a meal for 3.... am I a bad person??

>> No.5499491

Depends what it is. A fuckton of small courses is different from a bottle of wine.

>> No.5499492 [DELETED] 

Tipping is easily one of the biggest bullshit scams that has ever been put on the consumer. "HEY I KNOW, I'LL TAKE A JOB THAT DOESN'T PAY A LOT OF MONEY BUT I'll MAKE PEOPLE PAY ME WHAT MY BOSS SHOULD BE PAYING ME. TOTALLY MAKES SENSE GUYS"

>> No.5499494

>Serve two parties an hour each tipping 5 bucks
>12 bucks with salary an hour
Don't see what they're complaining about. I bet they earn more than the kitchen staff.

>> No.5499495

>I've actually done $10 and felt proud of myself on a meal for 3.

I don't understand what this means.

Also, kids and old people are basically assumed to be shitty tippers. I know this because when I was a kid I wasn't a great tipper and most of my friends were worse. Also, we got shit service at any restaurant above Denny's tier. And everyone knows old people think fifty cents is the right tip no matter what the meal cost.

Bad tippers are overrepresented on /ck/ because of demographics but they do not represent reality. When you get a job, you'll be able to bear the costs of eating out. Maybe some day wage laws will change but there are more important things to worry about than who is getting the short end of the stick in a dining transaction. Just observe common courtesy and enjoy the meal.

>> No.5499499 [DELETED] 

You see, it's people like you who bought into tipping and now it became mandatory in the US. You are nothing but a fucking degenerate peasant.

>> No.5499508

I hope you americans also tips the mailman when he gets your packages and tip the street sweepers when you are passing through

>> No.5499509
File: 28 KB, 505x345, tipping-abroad-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat feel when I live in Euroland

There's no obligation to tip here, but it is customary to leave the change or actually tip on really large amounts. It's why waiters treat tourists during the season like gods, because they know locals won't tip them and tourists haven't wizened up yet.

>> No.5499511


Why do you poorfags always try to justify your feelings based on convoluted logic? It makes way more sense just to say "I mistook the menu price for the price of the meal" than to wrestle out some half-assed wage theory that isn't even historically correct.

Tipping isn't in fact mandatory in the US. I have tipped nothing before (under unusual circumstances) and it will doubtless happen again. Neither failing to tip nor raging about it on /ck/ is going to make the slightest difference. If you want to make a difference, start a restaurant and do what the guys at Sushi Yasuda do. Trouble is, if you had that kind of capital you wouldn't have any reason to get worked up about it. That's why it won't change. People who care are poor and have no influence. People who have money and influence don't care. It's a catch 22, have fun with that.

>> No.5499513

This belongs on >>/biz/

>> No.5499524

Tips are generally 10-15%.

For a $75 bill around 7 bucks would have been better

>> No.5499527

>t's why waiters treat tourists during the season like gods

Jesus fucking facepalm Christ . Can't you see from your own observations that tipping leads to great service?

>> No.5499528 [DELETED] 

Actually I have money and I still don't tip because I'm not a dumb bitch like you who has been molded by popular culture. I make decisions on my own, not what society deems is acceptable you dumb fucking bitch. People like you are why other nations laugh at Americans. Did I also mention what a dumb BITCH you are?

>> No.5499531

Just curious, but would waiters/waitresses be as motivated to serve customers well if they received all of their pay as a salary and no tips?

>> No.5499532

Quit trolling.
No tip in america has been 10 percent in 20 years.

20% is average.

>> No.5499534

>annoying service
I just need someone bringing the plates and the glasses, what's so fucking "great" about that, unless you are into talking with waitresses desperate for money

>> No.5499543 [DELETED] 

You guys should also tip your mechanic, mailman, plumber, etc. These people do actual work rather than fill up water cups and bring plates to a table. Some people are so fucking dense.

>> No.5499544

If you really disagree with the concept and the idea behind tipping then you shouldn't have a problem explaining that to your server at the beginning of the meal and informing them that they won't be recieving a tip. Otherwise you're recieving service with the expectation that you will be tipping when there was never a chance you will tip.

If you have a problem telling your server before the meal that you won't be tipping then you're just a cheap piece of shit and I laugh at you for trying to justify your cheapness and selfishness as a matter of principle.

>> No.5499545

Actually forget that question, they don't need to be great, they just need to do their job and take orders and bring food. Fuck quality service.

>> No.5499546

McDonalds workers aren't tipped. And they serve more than a regular server.

>> No.5499547 [DELETED] 

It has nothing to do with cheapness and selfishness. Why don't you tip your mailman for carrying around a heavy bag full of mail for hours everyday? What is so hard about bringing my food to a table and fucking off?

>> No.5499548

All of those people make more than minimum wage and therefore don't expect tips. I make it my business to know which servce providers make less than minimum wage.

>> No.5499549 [DELETED] 

and you a dumb fucking sheep who tips just because other people do. There is not 1 single reason why waiters deserve a tip. Not one at all. There are other professions that do way more work and they do not receive a tip. Stop being such a fucking sheep.

>> No.5499553 [DELETED] 

It isn't my fault they agreed to shitty terms with their employers. Nobody is forcing them to take a fucking job that pays them less than minimum wage.

>> No.5499555

It has nothing to do with how difficult the job is. It has to do with state law and minimum wage.

Servers make less than minimum wage because it is expected that they will be tipped. Those of you who don't tip these employees are not only fucking over your servers, you're also leaching off of the people who do tip. If tipping practices were discontinued, the prices of meals would go up.

>> No.5499557 [DELETED] 

Only in the USA lol. Everything is so backwards here.

>> No.5499559


Did that relieve your tension or just make it worse? It sounds like you really need to rub one out; I suggest /s/ or /hm/ depending on your personal preferences.

>> No.5499562


if they don't make enough in tips to reach minimum wage their boss has to compensate, and that pretty much never happens. Or at least I've never known anyone who has had that happen.

I still tip because it's just expected here but servers in upscale restaurants make as much as fucking doctors.

>> No.5499564 [DELETED] 

Boo fucking hoo with that less than minimum wage bullshit argument. How about this you fucking sheep, why don't they try to find a job that pays more than minimum wage?

>> No.5499565


>dumb fucking sheep

you sound like me when I was 14

I'd rather pay than look like a dick, it's not worth it to me to save a little money

It's really unpleasant to go through life so aggressively

>> No.5499566

Again you should let your server know that before the meal begins. That way they don't have to waste their time serving you. Otherwise you're taking advantage of how little they make and still recieving their service.

If you can't do that you're still a cheap piece of shit.

>> No.5499567 [DELETED] 

I don't tip. ever. I don't really care what the "norm" is, there are people who work harder and don't receive tips. Fuck off with your tipping jew bullshit.

>> No.5499568
File: 62 KB, 604x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy in the article either is a liar or an idiot.
>my checks are zero after taxes
>I pay out of my pocket for you to eat.
Do anyone actually believe in this bullshit?

>> No.5499571 [DELETED] 

lol you must be a white American. Such a dumb fucking bitch you are. All I expect is my food to be brought out to me, I don't expect a blowjob or anything you fucking clown.

>> No.5499572

And i'm sure you let your server know all this before the meal begins right?

Or does it make it easier to justify your pathetic cheapness to yourself when you don't?

>> No.5499577 [DELETED] 

I'm not going to tip anymore just because of the image in the OP. Entitled fucks think they actually deserve money for filling up my glass of water.

>> No.5499579 [DELETED] 

I see you're avoiding my point by calling me names. Of course we're discussing American culture here. In Europe tipping customs are completely different.

Please give me one good reason why it's fair to not inform your server beforehand that they will not be recieving a tip.

>> No.5499583 [DELETED] 

What are you tipping for you dumb fuck. It has nothing to do with cheapness. If the waiter actually did something that took even an ounce of effort, I would think about tipping. Bringing food out to a table doesn't warrant money. BAAAAA you fucking sheep.

>> No.5499585

nop, if they don't make over minimum wage with tips, the employer is obliged to pay the gap. Waiters don't earn less than minimum wage, that's just BS

>> No.5499589 [DELETED] 

Because they aren't doing anything that warrants a tip you fucking pig. When I fix a car I do a lot of hard work. The money I make for fixing a car sure as hell isn't 100% equivalent to the effort that I put in, however I'm fine with it because I still make decent money. I don't make the customer GIVE me the difference just because "LOL I PROVIDE SURRVICE." It isn't my fault the employer is fucking the waiter.

>> No.5499592

>waste their time serving you.
Oh boy, bringing food and drinks sure is fucking hard.

>> No.5499593

Federal law mandates that people who work in tipping professions have to make at least minimum wage. If the tips don't then minimum wage then their employer has to reimburse them. People who whine about not getting enough tips just want more of your money

>> No.5499595

Then tell them that beforehand. Why is everybody ignoring this point?

I'm not telling you you have to tip. You're not obligated to. I'm telling you that it's expected and the server will be operating on the assumption that you will be tipping.

If you're such a bitch that you can't look your server in the face and explain this to him then the only conclusion is that you're a cheap piece of shit.

>> No.5499596

A tip is an optional reward for a great service, not "give me money or I will do X"

Being nice to customers should be the obligation of store/restaurant/etc.

>> No.5499599

You do realize that there are usually well-adjusted patrons in the restaurant who will be tipping. The server is completely wasting their time by serving someone who doesn't tip.

>> No.5499601 [DELETED] 

BAA BAAA BAAA is all I read from your posts you fucking dumb sheep. I'm not obligated to tell them shit, bring my food and fuck off. As far as I'm concerned anything after that is niceness on their part.

>> No.5499605

Tipping only leads to great service when it's not common. When it is expected, it just leads to servers being entitled shitheads.

>> No.5499607

Yes because if they didn't they'd lose their job. Just like every other job

>> No.5499609 [DELETED] 

serving what man. You make it seem like the waiter is the one who actually makes the food. All these cocksuckers do is bring a fucking plate of food out. Does the chef get tipped for making the food?

>> No.5499611

There are many social retards like you that can turn a wrench. That is why your pay sucks, lots of labor supply for your limited skill set.
Waiting tables graciously and entertaining customers with witty banter and making them feel like part of the family is akin to acting.
Not many can do it well therefore they get paid up to 150k a year in some cases.

>> No.5499612

Then fucking let the waiter know how you feel.

How hard is it?

>> No.5499613

> why should they have to do their job for paying customers?

>> No.5499616 [DELETED] 

How hard is it to bring out a plate of food and fuck off? How hard? Your American-ness is showing. Oink Oink bitch.

>> No.5499617

>BAAAAA you fucking sheep.

you sound 14.

your restaurant experience would cost you more if it weren't for the tipping system, you know.

>> No.5499618

Because most waiters are faggot kids who will spit in your food or make a big deal out of it. Stop being a faggot. I don't tell cashiers I won't tip them, either

>> No.5499619

dont lump americans in with that idiot.
that dude is just retarded

>> No.5499620

It is their job.

Hey! Firemen won't come to your house when it is on fire if you don't give them extra money!

>> No.5499621

Who's saying it's difficult?

You're simply ignoring the fact that its only fair to tell them beforehand.

lol i guess if that makes you feel better about yourself

>> No.5499622

>entertaining customers with witty banter and making them feel like part of the family
You're getting a single penny if you try and pull that bullshit on me. I want you to refill my drink, not chat about the weather.

>> No.5499623

If you eat at a restaurant and leave no tip, you're still 100% supporting the restaurant owner. The restaurant owner is the one profiting from the tipping scam. So if you eat at a sit-down restaurant at all you're supporting tipping.

Therefore fuck restaurants, they're all scumbags, cook at home.

>> No.5499627


I actually cringed, wow. You're pretty good.

>> No.5499629

> being a waiter is harder than being a mechanic
Good one, retard
Then why don't they increase the prices so people know what they're paying up front

>> No.5499631 [DELETED] 

I'll be fine with paying a few dollars extra if it meant I don't have to tip. Waiters really need to be put in their place.

>> No.5499635

I would rather pay more knowing what the price in the menu is the price I'm going to pay. anyway that money gets cancelled out when you don't tip,

>> No.5499637

Waiters get minimum wage in my state, so I don't tip unless they're phenomenal. And it's hard to be phenomenal in a job where all you do is bring food and water to a table and annoy me with your overly bubbly personality.

I've yet to eat at a restaurant in another state, one which doesn't legally require servers to be paid minimum wage, but if I did I'd tip a straight amount of $5, assuming I was there for 30 minutes -- an equivalent of $10 an hour, or minimum wage if you pay a little bit of that tip out to bar staff and the like. That seems reasonable to me. I've seen too many vapid pretty girls make the equivalent of $20 - 30 an hour and then have the gall to complain about bad tips online and in newspapers, while other people work their asses off in jobs that take considerably more effort and give you considerably less pay. Tons of people are trying to pay their way for college with minimum wage jobs, why should I give you extra cash for having nice hair? Be happy if I give you any tip at all and then fuck off

>> No.5499638


But everyone already knows what they're paying up front. You cannot possibly have an opinion on tipping without knowing what tipping is, so how can you claim to be ignorant of the price?

>> No.5499640 [DELETED] 

I'm fine with that you fucking sheep. That way I would know exactly how much I'm paying and I won't have to play a stupid fucking tipping game so I don't upset my server for bringing out a plate of food. Such hard work, my god let me give you some money for carrying a plate.

>> No.5499641
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You don't have the balls to stiff a waiter in real life.
Bunch of internet talk in this thread.

>> No.5499646 [DELETED] 

lol sometimes I wait around just to see the look on the waiter's face when they see a 0 dollar tip. It straight up gets my dick hard

>> No.5499648

I came for the food, I want to talk with the people I am with, I don't give a rat ass what interesting anecdotes the waiter has, I don't care about him and I don't like his chit chat, he should only do what he is paid for, bring my food.

>> No.5499649

LOL if you don't tip and don't have the balls to tell the waitress upfront I can't take any of your arguments seriously.

Bunch of kids in this thread.

>> No.5499653

why wouldn't you let him know this then?

>> No.5499654

>make sure to tell the waitress to spit in your food before serving it to you, or else you're a child

>> No.5499655

Hint: it's they waiters who are the kids

>> No.5499657


The thing getting your dick hard is the raging hormones of puberty. Shit I got a hardon from sneezing when I was your age. It's a natural part of growing up - cherish these years.

>> No.5499658 [DELETED] 

I hate how you are seen as such a bad person if you don't bend over backwards for someone who brings you a plate of food and a glass of water. If you are going to tip a waiter you better tip everyone who provides service.

>> No.5499659

Not him, but I stiff about 1 in 30 waiters; all of them are awful in some way. I have no remorse and sometimes when they see me do it I am sure to make eye contact so they know the intent.

It isn't hard to pull off, kid.

>> No.5499660 [DELETED] 

Seems like I struck a nerve, are you mad? I bet you are a waiter LOL

>> No.5499662

Because your average waiter is a whiny, pubescent child who will act like a victim or spit your food if they think you won't, personally, pay them instead of their employer

>> No.5499664

It's still common in the small town where I grew up to leave a nice Christmas present for your postman as thanks for their services. I realize this isn't common anymore when the job turnover rate has risen, and y'know, cities, but yes, sometimes you do tip your postman.

>> No.5499666

I do, I give him my order and tell him we are discussion some private matters.

>> No.5499667

They wouldn't spit in your food. They'd just refuse to wait your table at which point the manager will have to do it and you'd be making your point to the restaurant about tipping.

Otherwise you're just fucking over the server, and leaching off the normally adjusted people who do tip when it's expected.

>> No.5499668 [DELETED] 

I tip my barber 5 to 7 dollars on top of the 15 dollars I'm charged because he does something that takes actual skill and concentration. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes for him to cut my hair and he cleans me up after a haircut. Now compare that to your average bitch ass waiter who feels so entitled for bringing out food.

>> No.5499670


what? where the hell do you live? that is not true of my dining experience at all.

>> No.5499672 [DELETED] 

not him but I'm in LA. If you tell your waiter you aren't going to tip you are going to get spit in your food.

>> No.5499674


No, I'm >>5499495

How old are you? Don't worry about a ban, you can always reset your modem. Chances are good you'll be doing it anyway after this little episode.

>> No.5499675


wtf? what do you mean, you "don't know what you're paying up front"? yes you do. tipping is optional to begin with, and you decide what you're going to tip in the end.

what a ridiculous argument.

>> No.5499676 [DELETED] 

it shouldn't be expected. Why is it expected? Because the employer is fucking them over? Not my fault.

>> No.5499677

So, you'd tip a bartender, right? Or the cook, if you could?

>> No.5499679


do you work in a restaurant where you have seen that happen? how do you know?

>> No.5499680 [DELETED] 

not as ridiculous as giving someone money for doing practically nothing. Just admit it man, you are a fucking sheep who just follows what other people do.

>> No.5499683 [DELETED] 

Cook yes. Bartender no.

>> No.5499684
File: 17 KB, 606x539, 1390169612001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I walk by a restaurant patio I pick up the tips from the tables whenever I can get away with it.

>> No.5499685

Mandatory tipping is retarded.
You should bitch to your employers for a raise instead of bothering the customers to pay for the salary you are not getting.
Ameritards man.

>> No.5499687

Sorry. You don't personally get to decide what is expected. The simple fact is it IS expected in America.

If you don't think it should be expected, you'd be making your point much more clearly by explaining this to your server, rather than just sneaking out at the end of your meal.

>> No.5499688 [DELETED] 

Yeah sadly there are a lot of dipshit Americans. Trust me though, there are a lot of us who are against this jew-baggery.

>> No.5499689

>Waiting tables graciously and entertaining customers with witty banter and making them feel like part of the family is akin to acting.
It's not that hard to be sociable, dude.

>not many can do it well
That's something you can literally pick up within a month of working in a restaurant. If you just avoid coming to work with a shitty attitude, ANYONE can do that. Chances are that if you let your mood get in the way of your work, then you're just an immature fuck anyway.

>> No.5499692 [DELETED] 

nope. They should expect nothing and that is final. The money that they do make from their employer is what they are being paid to bring me my food. I ask for nothing else. Fuck off you dirty jew.

>> No.5499693

>bartender no
Why not?

>> No.5499698 [DELETED] 

because they are doing nothing that deserves free money.

>> No.5499703

I guess women getting invited to a fancy restaurant by a guy should tell the guy before hand that she is not going to have sex with him, because that is what he is expecting, not doing it will prove that said woman is childish in nature. According to your logic.

>> No.5499704 [DELETED] 

Don't try to reason with that dumb bitch. He is dumb enough to give money away to someone who carries plates for a living.

>> No.5499706

That sounds pretty reasonable to me.

>> No.5499707

Actually many men think like that.

>> No.5499708

So you'd pay a cook for providing you and your party with your food but would not pay a bartender for providing you and your party with your drinks? That's odd. What factor makes one more worth paying than the other?

>> No.5499711


> you are a fucking sheep who just follows what other people do.

and you are the cliched anti-sheep, intentionally going against the grain of societal norms because you don't want to feel like a follower. you are as much of a puppet as the people you accuse of being sheep, because your beliefs and actions are still dictated by the customs that you feel are imposed on you.

i am not a waiter, but i have seen the kind of shit they have to put up with from people. i do work in the service industry, and frankly, the way people treat servers can be downright disgusting. as though they weren't human beings with a right to basic respect.

but apart from all of that, tipping well, regularly, gives you the benefit of receiving better service on a repeated basis. bitch all you want, but i have no qualms about helping out my server in exchange for quicker and more efficient service in the future. if you want to play your little holden-caulfield-esque "antisocial" character, you go right ahead. it's not getting you anywhere.

>> No.5499712

not him, but the bartender didn't make the drinks, the cook does make the food

>> No.5499713

>I'm so cheap I get mad when other people aren't as cheap as I am

>> No.5499716 [DELETED] 

because the cook actually puts work into something while the bartender just pours a drink. Why are you so stupid? I bet next you are going to call me "cheap" or something because I'm not as dumb as you.

>> No.5499719

They both already are being paid. Why give extra money to one but not to the other?

>> No.5499720 [DELETED] 

Careful with that edge bro. BTW didn't read that faggotry you posted. Go tip some more BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.5499722


I just need him to bring the plates. Whats is there to be "great" about it

>> No.5499723
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 1255376365654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw living in Europe and don't giving a fuck about tipping.

You shouldn't be complaining about the customers but the restaurant owners who decide to pay their empolyees below minimum wage

>b-but it's not illegal to be paid waiters under minimum wage in my state
fuck you, it's also not illegal to pay them what they deserve.

Don't make it a fight between customers and waiters when the fucking owners are keeping all the profits.

>> No.5499725

Holy shit dudes, what's so difficult to understand?
The employer should be the one paying your WHOLE salary, the excuse that "b-but my low prices" is bullshit.
In the end the customer is paying the same quantity, but your employer doesn't "blame" the customer for "not tipping you enough".
You stupidheads are being bent over backwards by your employers, not your customers, you are fucking barking at the fucking wrong tree.

>> No.5499726 [DELETED] 

Are you trying to reason with these cock suckers? They tip for god's sake, they are as dumb as a bucket of shit.

>> No.5499727 [DELETED] 

tipping boils down to poor waiters crying about getting free money for little to no work. Get fucked and find a better job you fucking slobs.

>> No.5499728

not tipping only makes the problem worse

best thing you can do is explain it to your server

>> No.5499731


i'm the second person you quoted, but i don't see how your argument is related to my post?

servers are reimbursed should they not receive adequate tips to make minimum wage. that's not the point here.

>> No.5499732 [DELETED] 

it isn't his problem to explain it to the server. Best thing your bitch ass can do is find a better job.

>> No.5499733

What? It is their job to serve me. They are in my mercy to be tipped or not. I decide it.

>> No.5499735

>BTW didn't read that faggotry you posted

welp, confirmed for retarded teenager.

>> No.5499736 [DELETED] 

confirmed for assblasted waiter. Go beg for some more money you peasant LOL

>> No.5499737


>They are in my mercy to be tipped or not. I decide it.

damn, you're so insecure that you're power tripping off deciding not to tip your server?

>> No.5499740 [DELETED] 

Damn, you're so entitled that you think you deserve free money instead of going out and doing actual work?

>> No.5499741

>Why are you so stupid?
You come as a bit ignorant. I was asking because the two jobs are pretty similar. Both require knowledge of recipes and preparation methods, and both involve making multiple items and having them available in a short period of time. For both the cook and bartender, things can get pretty stressful.

>bartender just pours a drink
And a cook just puts food on the plate. You realize that sounds silly, right? Do you know how many different types of beverages and drink recipes are out there? There are probably dozens of drinks known just to those in your area. It's not as simple as pour some Jack Daniels into a glass. Not to mention, it's not uncommon to have to make multiple drinks at the same time within just a few minutes. People can name just about any drink at a bar, and it's expected for you to know most, if not all, of them and be able to make it at a moment's notice. It's not quite as simple as you make it out to be.

Technically, the man IS making your drink. Sure, he's not the one brewing the beer or processing the vodka, but he's still putting your drink together. God knows what else you actually ask for. The cook faces harsher conditions in the kitchen, but in terms of knowledge of the products at hand, both require a pretty strong understanding of your stuff.

Personally, I'd say both are worth tipping. I'd tip the cook if I could. Being stuck back in the kitchen sucks, I'm sure.

>> No.5499742

i live in a country where patients stab their doctors because they werent satisfied with the healthcare (turkey). the issues of your waiter brethren are so laugh worthy to me

>> No.5499743

Why the fuck do I have to explain myself to the server?

Oh excuse me sir/mam, I won't be tipping you because I believe your employer is ratting you out of your deserved salary and I'm not the one that should be compensating that.

If they were professional about it and understand your point of view it would be perfect, but sadly 99 out of 100 times you will get your order mixed, spitted in or something worse.

>> No.5499745 [DELETED] 

holy shit. autism.

>> No.5499746

>Why give extra money to one but not to the other
That's what I was asking him.

>> No.5499747


damn, you're so mad that you assume i'm actually a waiter when i'm not just to have something to say?

>> No.5499748

No, then you are bothering the customer.
The customer shouldn't be coerced to pay for anyone's salary, that's the employer's work.
If the employers raise the prices they'll raise the salaries, the customer will be paying for your work anyway, and you wont bother him.
The problem here is not the tipper, but the employer.

>> No.5499749
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>spitted in

>> No.5499751 [DELETED] 

Yeah there are a lot of dumb fucks in the USA. I mean, there are people here who give away money to waiters for filling up a glass of water and asking them how their day was.

>> No.5499752

English is not my main language.
Fuck off.

>> No.5499754


what's wrong with feeling a little generous if you have the money to spare? what's wrong with wanting to make someone's day?

>> No.5499756 [DELETED] 

There is nothing wrong with it. However it has gotten to the point where you are seen as a bad person if you do not leave a tip. Waiters are too entitled in this day and age.

>> No.5499758

>tipping rehash thread
>98 responses in the time it took me to do a little yardwork and take a shower (an hour)

wow, leave /ck/

>> No.5499760

Poor people need to understand reality, nobody cares about their poor life decisions.

>> No.5499762 [DELETED] 

If I was feeling generous I would give my spare money to someone who actually needs it. Not someone who is working a shitty job. Get fucked with that bullshit logic of yours you fucking sheep.

>> No.5499764




>> No.5499765

Sure, but not because is an obligation and you should feel bad if you don't do it.
It's way more satisfactory when you receive a tip because you did a good work and not because it's mandatory to do so. Even for the customers.

>> No.5499770


>bullshit logic

what logic am i proposing? i just don't feel that there's anything wrong with it. it's my opinion. just like you have yours.

except i don't go around yelling at people for being sheep, because i'm not 14.

>> No.5499771

>employers have to make it up if you don't make minimum wage
>implying anybody would work as a server in a restaurant if they only made minimum wage

Sorry. Nobody will do that job for minimum wage.

>> No.5499773

while the minimum wage makeup thing is true a lot of place do a 5% tip out which is calculated from all the servers checks from that night regardless of whether they got tipped on that table or not

>> No.5499775

I hope you also pay for depressed people not to work through taxes.

Oh wait you do...that's why you're an idiot

>> No.5499776

If retail workers got tipped, it'd probably be the same case.

>> No.5499777 [DELETED] 

You have shit opinion, kill yourself.

>> No.5499780

that would be if I am mixing drinks, and you make it sound as if that is all he does, when he is not. I never mix drinks, anyway. So why should I tip?

>> No.5499781
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Japan service: right away take your order and bring your food all with a smile in the face. Giving them tips is offensive.

Here: take ages to be attended with a grumpy face and if you don't tip better not come again.

>> No.5499783

what are you talking about?

>> No.5499784

I love how tourists being generous means they're stupid. Yuropoors will twist anything to make themselves look better when it's almost never the case.

>> No.5499786

What is it with North America forcing people to do optional things? Mandatory tipping, forcing people to volunteer or else they aren't allowed to graduate high school (that's how it is here in Ontario).

Fuck all of it.

>> No.5499788
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I really hope you enjoy having to ask for a mortgage loan to pay your medical bills.

>> No.5499789

Tips are for going above and beyond normal job duties.
If they expect them it means nothing and service remains unchanged, the incentive removed and making tipping pointless.
Basically the participation trophy of the food industry. Tips are earned.
Even the IRS is considering automatic gratuity a service charge.

>> No.5499792


exactly. and that's why we have a tipping system, and that's why we have servers, and that's why you get service. really not that hard to understand. if you don't want to tip, you are free to make that choice (but don't expect to receive exceptional service in the future, so i recommend not visiting a restaurant on a regular basis), but imposing that same choice on others is just a (fruitless) attempt to destroy the system because you're entitled and feel slighted for having to "pay someone to do their job," when you are not even aware of why the system is in place.

>> No.5499794

It doesn't change what I said. The point is they're obviously distorting the truth which doesn't deserve respect in an argument.

>> No.5499795

I'm not yuropoor, you retard. Not only that, you make it sound as if there was no welfare in murka

>> No.5499796

In a nutshell, I'm saying that the retail/restaurant businesses are equally horrible.

>> No.5499800


>i'm 14!!!!

>> No.5499801

>I never mix drinks, anyway
You're not the only customer.

>So why should I tip?
You don't have to. I think you missed my point.

>> No.5499802

I have a job that provides medical insurance. And even when I didn't the affordable health care act gave me care. Enjoy being ignorant.

>> No.5499805

>forcing people to volunteer or else they aren't allowed to graduate high school
What? Fuck that.

>> No.5499808

I don't understand your comparison. Retail isn't a service industry and there are people willing to work retail jobs for minimum wage.

Restaurants are part of the service industry and I guarantee that most restaurants couldn't function if they only hired servers who were willing to work for minimum wage.

>> No.5499809

What do you have against Canadians you retard?

>> No.5499812

>but don't expect to receive exceptional service in the future
I'd like to know what you mean by "exceptional service".

>> No.5499813

We are required 40 hours of community service to graduate. I basically bullshitted my way through it by working at the school library where I spent most of my time anyway.

>> No.5499814

That's only in canada. They're idiots.

>> No.5499815

but tipping isn't considered charity. you are considered scum if you don't tip (apparenly)

>> No.5499818

you asked why tip the cook when you do not tip the bartender, I gave you the reason, how am I missing th epoint?

>> No.5499819

Actually tipping is being seen as obligatory, so much that they expect it and see the ones who don't as bad.

>> No.5499821

You pay for fatasses and depressed people to live without work. You have no argument.

>> No.5499822

>why the system is in place
The system doesn't work buddy.
You would be better to change it.

>> No.5499823

>there are people willing to work retail jobs for minimum wage
That's usually because there aren't other options available.

>Retail isn't a service industry
Guess that depends on where exactly you work. It can certainly feel like a service industry.

>I guarantee that most restaurants couldn't function if they only hired servers who were willing to work for minimum wage.
And I agree. My whole point was if retail worked the same way in terms of pay, your point would probably apply to retail as well.

>> No.5499824

I said nothing about canadians

>> No.5499825

>spent most of the time in the library

How lonely are you? And before you bring up my lack of reading I frequently read books but you're sad.

>> No.5499826

>There are people who are actually against universal healthcare

>> No.5499827


speedier service, friendlier staff, and the occasional on-the-house item.

gaining a reputation as a good tipper means that you will always be comfortable.

that's not to say that you would otherwise receive BAD service, but when the staff knows your name, they will go out of their way for you if they have the opportunity (in other words, when they aren't up to their neck in customers). mostly applies to bars over restaurants, i find. but still.

>> No.5499828

I pay for my own health service, so when I have a grave condition I don't have to sell my house to cover the medical expenses, dumbo.

>> No.5499829

Canada is in America dumbass

>> No.5499832

I had a few friends and acquaintances, I just spent my lunches and some after school time in the library and read or did work for the librarian. I enjoyed it. Reading a book a day was pretty nice, cleaned out the library in a few months of any interesting titles.

>> No.5499835

When did I say I was againsr universal healthcare? Keep making assumptions.

>> No.5499839

>there are people who know nothing about it
those are the people that are for it

>> No.5499840

My point was that the two jobs are similar, and I see them as both worth tipping.

Entitled fucks see it as obligatory. Although I can't deny that I'd be less inclined to give you my best service if you didn't tip. See >>5499771

Service is generally a shitty job, and the attitudes of people in this thread kind of exemplify that. Getting paid shit to deal with everyone's shit is just not worth it. I would appreciate every tip given, but I understand you don't HAVE to tip.

>> No.5499841


>The system doesn't work buddy.

yes, it does. why do you think we have servers?nobody would seek out serving jobs if it weren't for the tips.

>> No.5499842

So then it isn't free. My job pays for my healthcare and I don't have to pay up the ass for my products.

>> No.5499843

But why can't I expect that kind of service on every visit?

I tip if they are speedy, friendly and give me the occasional on-the-house item.
I don't tip to expect them to do so.

>> No.5499844

Canada is in North America, not America.

>> No.5499845

Jesus christ America is god awful.

>> No.5499847

>and give me the occasional on-the-house item
That shit gets you fired, dude.

>> No.5499848

USa is largely addressed as america, even more if it's written as "murka" .

I, too, live live in america the contienent, but there's no english work to refer to the inhabitants of usa beside american

>> No.5499849

You know, that shit shouldnt be measured by money, but on the host service.
That's why americans are considered fake, they are all smiles at first, but if there is no profit involved there is no smile for you anymore.
Such an amoral society.

>> No.5499850

Fair enough.

>> No.5499853

>give shitty service to everybody
>gets no tips
>complain about how people don't tip you

maybe if you do a damn good job at serving you'll get a tip. Its not that hard, just smile and bring food out in a timely manner.
so what if some people don't tip, that doesn't mean you should stop giving bad service.

>> No.5499856

And yet when yuropoors mention MURRICA and it's actually canada they say "w-well canada is in America". You don't get to have it both ways so next time specify idiot.

>> No.5499857

>VA, medicare, medicaid, etc are all fiascos

Yes, great idea fuckwit. Let's just hand over the US healthcare system, the size of a g6 economy (same size as France) to the same incompetent bureaucracy that can't even effectively run the mail system.

As if the deficit won't double with the mere fact that the Baby Boomers are retiring, let's throw federal socialized healthcare on that pile as well!

>> No.5499858

I was just replying with some examples of what that guy said.

If I enjoy the service I'll tip.
I don't want to tip because I fear that if I don't do so, my next visit won't be so friendly.

>> No.5499859

Not according to yuropoors. They often mistake canada with the u.s. and then use the excuse that they're both technically in America.

>> No.5499861

meant to

>> No.5499862

Nobody would do what for minimum wage, memorize some dishes and take orders? Have you ever been in the fucking workforce? People just like bitching about their jobs. Wah wah wah, a hard customer. I bet there are no other fucking jobs where you have to deal with assholes.

>> No.5499866

no it doesnt

>one article represents all of america

>> No.5499867

Who says it's free?, It's "free" because you don't have to ready the check after going to a doctor. Or ask for a mortgage on a mortgage to get some treatment done. You pay for it your whole life, but you won't go broke for paying taxes.

>> No.5499868

You're an idiot.

>> No.5499869

It's not my problem your country can't afford universal healthcare because most of it's budget goes towards the militars.

>> No.5499870


Most of US healthcare money goes to overhead and bureaucracy, much of which comes from 50 different states having wildly different regulations.

Absorbing it all into a single system seems like a reasonable idea to me.

>> No.5499873
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>> No.5499874


>> No.5499875

>increasing the cost of the restaurant won't get you fired
Sure, just give people free shit. See how much your manager likes you after that.

>> No.5499877

Then raise the fucking salaries, everyother place in the world has servers and they don't DEMAND tipping, why would that be, I wonder.

>> No.5499879

It isn't free or "free".


I have it paid by my job. I'm not paying for anything my whole life even when I grew up so poor I was in the city outside of Compton. You're incredibly ignorant.

>> No.5499881

North America is America just like south-east Asia is still Asia

>> No.5499882

It doesn't you fuckwit. Most of our budget goes to handouts. Most of our discretionary spending goes to the military, but the key word is discretionary.

Apples, oranges, and retards.

>> No.5499886

Uh I've never seen anyone go broke from medical bills. You're as stupid as people who think all of Britain has bad teeth.

>> No.5499887

Are you one of those "Let's raise the minimum wage" guys? Increasing wages just increases cost. If you increase cost, you can't pay as many workers. A restaurant with less workers isn't going to thrive very well.

>> No.5499889

>I have it paid by my job
You are actually paying it yourself. You salary would probably be higher if you didn't have a health insurance with it.

>> No.5499892

>because most of it's budget goes towards the militars.
More like 20-25%. Most of the budget is public works and welfare programs.

>> No.5499893

Your taxes would be lower if you'd be responsible and pay it yourself. Your products would he cheaper of you paid healthcare yourself.

>> No.5499895

>removing regulation and having standards to streamline the system
>socialized federal healthcare

Two completely different things. I agree with the first, and not the next. There are plenty more effective ways than a simplistic sweeping notion of throwing everyone into a system. And if you trust the federal government to do anything effectively, especially when it comes to health care services, then you are beyond naive and plainly ignorant.

>> No.5499900

No buddy, it's the other way.

>> No.5499903

So let me get this straight. Having your salary reduced by the government so you don't have to pull out a checkbook is ok, but your salary being reduced by your job for the same reason is not ok.

That makes no sense.

>> No.5499905

And yet my country has universal healthcare and when I travelled to the USA the prices of food (including restaurants and supermarkets), services and hotels were the same if not slightly more expensive.

Still, 20-25% is overkill.

>> No.5499906

well since im the chef de cuisine only the owner can fire me but we give the server an allowance of how much they can comp or give to a customer and what items are okay and what arent

id rather them give something away that isnt super expensive rather than having to comp the whole check.

Its also a good way to encourage repeat customers and we also do it frequently if they are celebrating a special occasion like an anniversary or something

alcohol and desserts are some of the cheapest things we have costwise so they are frequently given out for various reasons and it almost always makes the customer feel better/special

>> No.5499907

Actually, it might not even be that much. I think it's actually 13-20%.

>> No.5499908

No it isn't. You pay more for nearly everything because your universal healthcare isn't as affordable as you think.

>> No.5499912


It works well in basically every other developed country, the only argument you can come up with against it is "democrats took er jerrbs and gave em to the overseas" which is partisan and ridiculous. Regulations are useful when used correctly, there are plenty more effective ways than the simply sweeping notion of "free market will solve everything"

>> No.5499914

I can get a burger for a dollar here. You pay more for petrol as you call it. You pay more for video games. You pay more for smaller living spaces unless you're in New York or Southern California. You pay more for nearly everything you delusional idiot.

>> No.5499918

I don't really think so, prices are quite even.
And actually the state gets very good prices on medical material because it has the quasi monopoly, so we get the same healthcare fo less money because there is no profit involved.

>> No.5499919

>Please help me I can't get my head out of my butt
You keep saying that like if you know what country I'm from.

>> No.5499922

Throw that cop out if you want. You won't say your country because you're afraid of being shut down even though you know what I said applies to many european countries or austrailia. You know Im right and can't come up with an argument.

>> No.5499923

were you ever treated badly by a cashier or a salesman or the internet support call center?
didnt you wish you could take away part of those peoples salary?
this is why i love tipping as the costumer i get to decide if mi waiter was good or not and how much money does he deserve fuck people that think tipping should be mandatory each time i go to a restaurant and recive bad service i left either 0 or a joke amount

>> No.5499925

They aren't even. If you actually came here and bought a home you'd know.

>> No.5499928

I agree with this anon. I've had surgery on my wrist and had to implant a titanium fixator.
The total of the bill was arround 5000 Euro, including everything.
I'd like to know how much you'd pay for the exact same surgery in the USA

>> No.5499932


It would be a life-destroying event for most Americans if paid out of pocket. But if you get injured when you're between jobs you deserve for your life to be destroyed because, well, I can't really figure out why but that's what I've been taught in schools. Their homes can then be resold while they are driven out onto the street. Let them try to steal from me lol, I have a gun, I'd love an excuse to smoke somebody. It's what the Founding Fathers would have wanted.

>> No.5499935

That's a different argument, in europe soil is valuable because we are cramped, and gas is not cheap because is a resource that we have to import, thertefore the prices rises.
But I doubt there is a real difference in the prices of the average daily life products.

>> No.5499936

But that person is lying. It is illegal to make $2.13 an hour. If she doesn't get tipped enough to make minimum wage then her employer is legally required to pay her the difference.



Do NOT fall for this MUH $2.13 bullshit anymore. It is utterly false. If someone is making $2.13 then what they need to do is take their employer to court, not complain about customers not giving them pity money.

>> No.5499937


Hey everyone look who never passed econ

>> No.5499938

>taking your employer to court over $40 in wages is free because my time is free

Ask me how I know you've never worked a day in your life.

>> No.5499939

look who doesnt live in the real world

>> No.5499941

>what is a class action lawsuit

>> No.5499943

>look who doesnt live in the
>place were worker get robbed by their employers.

>> No.5499944


You couldn't possibly be more wrong

>> No.5499945

Then we go back at the origin of this post.
Prices are cheaper because you don't pay your waiters minimum wage and let them live out of tips. But yet when I travel to the USA I pay the same if not more for the same food I can eat in my city, with the waiters getting paid a fair salary without the need of tips to survive.

Something doesn't fit.

>> No.5499948

>class action of one person against a small independent business

Good luck with that

>> No.5499949

Still this guy

Food is cheaper? Rent is cheaper? Gas prices are cheaper? Then why the hell am I paying more for the same food?

>> No.5499952


The american economy is considerably more robust than your country's

>> No.5499955

Still doesn't answer my question.
If everything in the USA is cheaper, why the fuck does a meal cost more than in my country, even though you pay your waiters a fraction of what those in my country earn?

>> No.5499957

Why bother having laws at all, then?

>> No.5499958


I dunno lol

>> No.5499959


Because not everything in the us is cheaper

>> No.5499963

do you even know what a class action suit is?

youre thinking of small claims court unless you get all employees involved which you wont since they dont want to all lose their jobs for a few missing dollars on a paycheck that is made up for when they have good weeks

>> No.5499964

Holy shit you are all slaves dude.

>> No.5499965

why am I going to pay you to do your fucking job? fuck off.

>> No.5499966


Why doesn't America do this? Here in Canada employers are required to at least offer a minimum wage to their employees. Those serving liquor get a slightly lower minimum wage to account for the money they'll make in tips. However they still get that minimum wage.

Most people here tip 10% which usually is insignificant.

>> No.5499967

Why can't I go into a restaurant and tell them I don't want a waiter? I'll get everything my self.

>> No.5499968

we do

>> No.5499969

tipping is a fuckiny disease. its made these people feel entitled to extra money for doing what they were hired and get paid to do. don't like it? fucking quit being a useless piece of shit and get a job that matters.

>> No.5499970

>implying were not all slaves to the greys

>> No.5499972

No, the US doesn't. That is the problem.

>> No.5499978

actually we do

>> No.5499983

Why wouldn't every employer just pay their employees less than minimum wage, then?

>> No.5499984

What's your job and how much do you earn?

>> No.5499985

So tipping isn't the problem. They just want to fix one problem at the customer expenses.

>> No.5499988

independently owned restaurants are a whole different ballgame than anything else paying minimum wage. Do you really not understand this?

>> No.5499989

Do they make bussiness OUTSIDE the american jurisdiction? On any other place outside of US soil?
They dont, so fuck you, and fuck your employer who is basically fucking you right in your candy ass.
If you want more money ask your employer for it and stop the bitching.
If you dont like minimum wage, fucking learn to do something of value you huge entitled fagot piece of shit.

>> No.5499990

Why don't they do the same to the employees who don't get tipped? Just pay them a couple dollars below minimum wage. What are they gonna do, take you to court? LOL good luck

>> No.5499992


Agreed. Buts its never going to change

>> No.5499993

>Pooper peeved retards detected.

>> No.5499998

Oh stop it, you silly waiter.
Stop wasting your time here and go back to school.

>> No.5500000

im not even a waiter

>> No.5500010

Sure buddy you arent.

>> No.5500015


is that back again? They got rid of it the year I was a senior (graduated 2005)

>> No.5500017

If you're making that low of a wage report your employer to OSHA you stupid faggot.
Want to know how I know you're still in high school?

>> No.5500019

nope never been a waiter in my life, im >>5499906

>> No.5500021

Quints don't lie, nigger.

>> No.5500022

doesnt have anything to do with safety so OSHA wouldnt give a fuck. Maybe you are thinking of the DOL or IRS

>> No.5500023

Are you really doubting that this happens? I've been told flat out by several people in several areas that they'd spit in food or drop it and put it back on the plate if thought they weren't getting a tip

>> No.5500025

Sure bud, you are.

>> No.5500037


I've worked as a waiter in several restaurants and I've literally never heard people talk about this sort of shit. Maybe that's the case if it's a bunch of teenagers and junkies working at a Denny's or something.

>> No.5500039

Obligatory Reservoir Dogs tipping scene.

>> No.5500045
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>> No.5500128

That is because you are a square daddy-o
No one would ever let you in on the fun because you would get all cryface.

>> No.5500142

I'm back, and I usually don't stir up old arguments, but how about the tangible fact that every single attempt at dabbling in health care by the federal government (VA, medicare, medicaid) is a fucking broken fiasco.

Or are you illiterate? Because I think that's a very big legitimate point. Take your implications that I never stated and shove them up your ass.

>> No.5500146

Why is tipping based on the price of your meal instead of how long you occupied your waiter?

>> No.5500150

I'm on vacation in America and I don't really tip. Maybe I'll leave a couple dollars if service was alright. I don't care what some stranger thinks they're entitled to.

>Poor servers need to understand reality

>> No.5500163
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>I'm on vacation in America

now is my chance

>> No.5500172

1v1 me at culvers faggot

>> No.5500224
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>mfw I can only meet my future wife if I go to the home state of leinenkugel's, fake cheese, and jeffrey dahmer

Oh well, I guess it was never meant to be.

>> No.5500231

>dissing wisconsin cheese, beer, and sausage

Okay faggot, now I want break a bottle of sprecher over your head, shove a usinger's brat up your ass, and make you smell my local artisan dick cheese.

>> No.5500266

I've never tipped ever.

>> No.5500781

>And everyone knows old people think fifty cents is the right tip no matter what the meal cost.

Not all old people, but there are plenty of them.

I've seen some people who had it really hard in the Great Depression who had a hard time tipping more than $0.25 for a meal for the entire table.

If you don't like it, then the way to go is to try to end tipping permanently and work strictly for wages. To be perfectly honest, it wouldn't bother me at all if we were to do away with tipping.

>> No.5500879

>try to end tipping permanently and work strictly for wages.
This! Treat clients well should be nothing more than part of the job.

>> No.5500890

Should be, but variables are unaccountable.

Tipping is neither good or bad, it has its' merits and downfalls, but it works perfectly fine.

>> No.5500892


>> No.5500898

yeah yeah yeah we know

>> No.5500905

> but it works perfectly fine.
Everything in this thread contradicts this statement.

>> No.5500932

They're also "obligated" to pay them extra if they work more than 40 hours in a week, but I will eat my hat if you get a job at a restaurant that actually does that.

>> No.5500934

This is an autistic /ck/ thread. Only a fool would take it seriously.

>> No.5500944

Them they are the wrong doers and try to put the responsibility of paying his workers wages to clients.

>my checks are zero
Are you telling me that you get up everyday to be a willing slave? If your wage is zero just go clean a gutter or something for more money! McDonalds and other fast-food are hiring!

>> No.5500955

>they just break the law, so there's nothing you can do about it!

Why bother paying your employees minimum wage at all then, if nobody will do anything about it if you don't? Why bother following any laws?

>> No.5500958

I tip people who have give exception service. Key word being EXCEPTIONAL.

I'm not going to tip a bar tender a shitload for putting beer in a glass

>> No.5500982

labor board. every state has one.

>> No.5500983

And they are ignoring it.

>> No.5500987

pretty much only in the tipping sector. One complaint in the others and they come down hard

>> No.5501000

10% here, still feels like too much

>> No.5501002

you can go 45 in a 40 but you start goin 55-60 youre gonna get in trouble

>> No.5501009

Or maybe waitress are making drama to convince people that they should trow money at them but can't complain to labor board because they are exaggerating or even making up most of their problems.

Only an idiot would take a job where they actually pay for other people to eat.

>> No.5501015

Not obligated to let let server or anyone know if I want to tip or not. I haven't signed a damn contract making it mandatory to tip or to tell anyone if I plan to or not. If you feel like you want to tip go ahead if you don't want to tip then don't. I'm not obligated to tip but they are obligated to do their duties. So stfu with your herp derp "oh so let them know" bullshit.

>> No.5501059

I still tip 10-15%. Why would I give the wait staff more when they didn't even cook the food?

>> No.5501062
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I'm way too slow on this and this thread is rife with the most blatant bait, but fuck it.


>> No.5501097
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>Actually giving people more money to do a job they are already getting paid for.

Top fucking kek

>> No.5501109
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>300 posts
>no one has mentioned Reservoir Dogs


>> No.5501147
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>> No.5501154

This is retarded. When I managed restaurants, the servers cleaned up. They all bitch about $5 tips, they all moan about tipping out the people who do the hard work (schlepping their drinks out, bussing their tables), and at the end of the shift, they still walk out with $80-$120 a day. If you aren't making that much, you are in a bad situation (shitty restaurant/clientele) or bad at your job

>> No.5501155

Of course! And in my state, at least, it's customary to die clutching a wad of small bills in order to tip the coroner and funeral director.

>> No.5501156



>> No.5501161

>id rather them give something away that isnt super expensive rather than having to comp the whole check.
>having to comp the whole check.
>having to

What stops you from just going "fuck you, pay me"?

>> No.5501167

repeat service

>> No.5501204

is that even legal?

>> No.5501246

How did you manage to make look even more retarded?
It is like magic.

>> No.5501273

wait so what is the average? My dad always tipped 20% so that's pretty much what I've been doing. 10% is definitely too low but do most people tip 15%?

>> No.5501282
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the restaurant i work at will bitch at us if our tip percentage falls below 18 percent and say we aren't claiming all our tips

>> No.5501288

50$ bill including tax I would tip 7$ or so

>> No.5501291
File: 106 KB, 364x312, lets hope you dont crap out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like these no fucking good squeaky wheels to shut the fuck up. These no good faggots never have a good thing to say when they get $100 tip and I've given my share, even if i have never had a food service job but that is how I roll =] good luck finding me on a good day.

As for you faggots saying this and that about stiffing and my ~15% stop counting your eggs before they hatch instead you need to take the good with the bad and take it on the chin with a SMILE FAGGOT while hoping for the best or pack it up because you are not cut out for the job.

>> No.5501299

Thank god I live in a civilized country.

>> No.5501306

Chilis has this new thing where you pay on your table with card and it prints out a receipt
The base tip starts at 20% on total bill including tax(21-22% tip pre tax or so)
Also when you try to slide it lower it goes one percent at a time per full screen swipe(touch screen)
Shit is pretty gay
I tip 12-15% normally and we only order 1 drink each and 1 regular meal
Its a very easy job they should not be expected to make 25$ an hour
They do 5-8 mins of work for your time which is normally 7-10$ each table
Pretty easy also I always hear them bitching the have too many tables or someone else is being slow ect yet I see them stand around for 15 mins doing nothing looking at their phone and my drink is empty

>> No.5501309

>The base tip starts at 20% on total bill including tax(21-22% tip pre tax or so)
Also when you try to slide it lower it goes one percent at a time per full screen swipe(touch screen)

Jesus christ, that's parasitic beyond belief.
I would never eat there again after something like that.

>> No.5501315
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>going to chilis or any place like it

>> No.5501317

yea it was pretty gay
next time I go I am just going to give the card to the waiter and have him bring my receipt
using the machine is 1 step less for the waiter so should he get paid less because now I have to do work to pay for my food
All he does at this point is bring my food and my drink
Waiters used to fold your napkins on your lap pull your chair out bring fresh water and bread and maybe have a short conversation
Waiters at most restaurants are just food runners
I would rather just order my own meal and walk and grab it when its up

>> No.5501320

Its not that bad
Cajun chicken pasta is pretty good tasting
fajitas are ok as well
Its not fine dining but its cheap as well
about 15$ per person

>> No.5501321

>I am a college graduate
>I make $2.13 an hour
I wonder if the bitch realizes now how usless her arts degree is.
Minimum wage here (the area I'm living in) hasn't been at $2.13 since 1975.

>> No.5501328

Also to get a refill you type it on the tablet same with making changes to food ect
Its pretty much your waiter now but you cant grab your own food they bring it to you

>> No.5501344

Why should the cost of the meal determine your tip? How much harder is it to carry a $40 dish to somebody than a $10 dish? It's not like YOU had anything to do with their meal, you're just bringing the shit to them

>> No.5501350

This right fucking here, I'm sick of the $2.13 bullshit lie. If you make less than minimum wage after tips, your restaurant should fire you because you're doing a TERRIBLE job.

>> No.5501394

As a non american, I have a question about that.

Suppose you're in an at-will state and working as a server. You do a great job, but for some reason you don't get any tips. (Perhaps all the non-tippers around here have moved to your town. I don't know nor care why.) Legally speaking, your employer should cover the difference. But will they? Or will they look for an excuse to cut down your hours and/or fire you?

>> No.5501399

no real reason apart from
>muh shekels
I mean their labor for a cheaper burger and expensive steak is identical

>> No.5501403

If you are mad about what you are getting payed, get mad at your employer, they are the one that should ensure you are getting a living wage, not the customer.

>> No.5501411

First off, that's a stupid hypothetical question. Social norms regarding tipping aren't going to change overnight, nor are they likely to change within the next 20 years.

But, since you asked, if you actually made less than minimum wage and tried to get your employer to make up the difference, they would probably try to come up with an excuse to fire you knowing you wouldn't be able to hire a lawyer to go after them. (Because doing something like that would be highly, highly illegal.)

>> No.5501457

I have never worked in a restaurant where server's wages are calculated as part of the food cost. Where are you from? I'm Canadian.

>> No.5501592

It shouldn't be that expensive. 20% is just too much, id rather just go get the food myself. It's not like they are doing a very challenging job.

>> No.5501599
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Here's where every waitress and male waitress lies about how this is somehow not the awful truth

>> No.5501601

>implying your low wage is somehow the fault of the guests and not the employer
One day you will choke on one of the many cocks you gargle each day, you whiny little faggot.

>> No.5501605

Don't restaurants owners, if you don't make at least make minimum wage through tips they have to pay the difference?

>> No.5501606

To get that pay chances are you'll have to file some kind of legal action. As soon as you do that, your ass if going to get fired. So you can suck it up and deal with shitty tips or find a new job. Welcome to America.

>> No.5501624

America is disgusting.

>> No.5501630

>if you're not going to tip be sure to tell your waiter at the beginning of your service

Worst case scenario, your food will be spit on or your table will be completely avoided by someone who will make above minimum whether or not you tip her. You will have to find the manager yourself because within seconds all of the staff will be aware that you are a non-tipper and have nothing to do with you. Once that happens, the manager will make an orchestration about how you can either pay his workers for him or get out of his establishment, which will be met to thunderous applause because freest country in the world. Someone will buy extra food to compliment the manager and tip extra to the waitress who wouldn't have served you.

Best case scenario, you will have to deal with shitty staff and have to jump through hoops to get your fucking food, and if you are with a group they will be pissed at you for having made a scene and in the end the 5 or 10 bucks you didn't spend tipping the bitch will not have been worth it and no one will have absorbed your point. The social economics of tipping make it nonviable to make a point of not tipping.

Or you can just not tip at the end of the meal and enjoy regular service and regular food at menu price like most developed countries.

>Remember to tell your surgeon before you go under the knife that you don't tip
>Remember to tell the firefighter before he comes to your house that you don't tip
>Remember to tell the police before they beat you that you don't bribe

>> No.5501635

Oh boy. You "remove tipping raises food prices". Never took a econ class did you? You know what happens if you pay servers min wage? Two things happen.

Your theory is that if wages go up, so does the price of food since SOMETHING has to cover the cost, right?

Now, you fail to think critically here. See, in the REAL world there is this thing called COMPETITION. It means that if X company raises wages but also raises the price of food then people will go to the cheaper eatery and the place shuts down.

What would actually happen (if the owners wanted to keep customers coming in) is the owners would raise wages but keep the cost of food the same and simply not get their 5M$ bonus at the end of the quarter. Or (gasp) lower the CEO's wages if he ants to stay the CEO of a company...

You for some reason assume the ONLY way to raise wages would be to raise the price of food. Or all companies would raise wages and food prices, but then the price for food would be "normal". Understand?

Seriously, go take some econ classes, read a book or something. Fuck.

>> No.5501674

Yes, yes they do.
Unless you are a radically bad server you can make bank, even at chain restaurants. Waiting tables is great money if you can stand the job.

>> No.5501693

It's quite a good hypothetical question actually. It shows that the anons going on about the "$2.13 bullshit lie" are in themselves full of shit.

>> No.5501714

How did you get the resume for CDC? Did you suck a dick? How can you handle the small amount of responsibilities you have if you're stupid and inexperienced enough in a restaurant to not understand that not every restaurant is run the way your owner does it. I hope you let your fingers slip on a mandolin faggot

>> No.5501721

A lot of servers simply don't know they have this right. I've had this argument with a couple (probably 5-6) people who are or were servers and none of them knew they could do this. Mostly they don't even believe me when I tell them, we have to go to google and prove it with sources. And then when they understand they DO have that right, they're just too scared of being fired.

>> No.5502334


t. America

>> No.5503143

Unless you've had crippling, intractable depression in the past I suggest you shut your fucking mouth because you sound like an ignorant twat. Not all depression responds to the freely prescribed 'happy pills' doctors are so fond of.

>> No.5503161

>no it doesnt

Confirmed reality denial.