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5498664 No.5498664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the basic fundamentals/components of a Japanese Diet?

I want to live longer and healthier.

>> No.5498670

Nothing special about it honestly. Huge amounts of basically empty white rice, fair amount of processed foods. But they don't eat to excess and don't load everything with sugar, plus they have better access to health care and make wiser choices in general than Americans.

>> No.5498676

Also, it's probably fair to point out that they have different cultural perceptions about end of life care; grandparents more frequently live with someone in the family, which keeps them emotionally engaged and socially active and makes it easier to make doctor's visits etc.

>> No.5498679
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>But they don't eat to excess


>make wiser choices in general


>> No.5498695

Natto & green tea.
There was that chart somewhere of the diet of Okinawas somewhere comparing to regular diet.

Also they didnt eat in excess. Modestly.

I dont care for living longer, just retaining youth longer. Age of pension applicability is rising and people hate hiring ancient looking people, and the unfit.

>> No.5498696

carbs make you fat

>> No.5498699

>cultural differences
plays a bigger role than many would expect.

>> No.5498701

eat right and exercise, nigga. it's not a uniquely japanese concept.

look at this shit:

they've been broadcasting that on public radio every morning since 1951.

>> No.5498702

Eat lots of veggies, use moisturizer and sunblock. Retinol is the only clinically proven substance to reduce and prevent wrinkles, but it's deactivated by UV, so only bother with creams that you wear overnight.

Not on their own, and they don't eat extravagant amounts of white rice. But it is basically wasted calories if you're some kind of person who is obsessed with min/maxing nutrition like it's an RPG.

Personally I still enjoy the odd batch of homemade sushi rice. I normally lean on short grain brown rice though.

>> No.5498704

Op, if you really want to live longer and healthier, than the most important thing for you to start consuming is massive amounts of semen. It's extremely nutritious, and gathering it provides valuable exercise. This is the real secret to longevity.

>> No.5498707

Yep. Shifting gears here, one of the things France gets unquestionable right is their relationship with food. Not even cooking, although they're pretty handy with it, but the way that they don't really snack and instead sit down and take their time to eat, often making it a social occasion with family and friends.

It's healthy in more ways than just nutrition. It's hugely beneficial towards social cohesion and keeping the children socially engaged, and pays off in terms of their success at school, self-esteem, and just so many other ways that I could never even list off the top of my head.

Sit down and eat with your parents OP, it might just cure your NEETdom.

>> No.5498708

I never said just eat natto & green tea... just the difference to what may make you more long lived

>> No.5498710

thatll just tear you up

>> No.5498718

If you're talking about the Japanese people that live for 100+ years most of them come from the small remote villages where the diet is mostly freshly caught fish, and I remember one old lady telling me to eat at least one onion a day.

>> No.5498728

White rice and cold pickled root vegetables.

>> No.5498732

those are regular ass stretches, bruh. if that'd tear you up then you belong in the physiotherapy wing of a hospital.

>> No.5498733

I wonder if i should eat more ginger and seaweed. I already eat a decent ratio of fish.

>> No.5498736

Why the fuck would you want to extend your life that far? All of your friends are dead. All of your family that you grew up is dead. Your family probably fucking hates you for being alive. Everything you loved as a kid is gone or bastardized forever.

Fuck that shit.

>> No.5498737


well, you're going to die anyway. eventually.

why not find value in being completely alone?

>> No.5498738



>Your family probably fucking hates you for being alive

that's just a ridiculous thought!

>> No.5498739

>don't load everything with sugar
japanese people put quite a bit of sugar into regular food (not dessert)
their main courses are sweeter than most

>> No.5498740

you deserve the lifetime given to you anon, some of us actually enjoy life

>> No.5498741

yeah, but by then a proper translation of Monogatari Series 2nd Season would be out so it'd be worth it.

>> No.5498743

>fast moving stretches
why not just crossfit

>> No.5498745

if you enjoy it, do it.
add some mediterranean to your diet while youre at it

>> No.5498749

god rajio taiso is so fucking creepy.

plus the fact that they broadcast this kind of shit INTO YOUR HOUSE via those wall-hanging announcement systems.

I'd rather live in a fat society where I don't have the town hall passive-aggressively telling me when to get up, when to eat my goddamn lunch, and when to go to bed.

But the fact that Japanese people willingly install them and are happy about this marks why they function so much better as a society. They WANT to fit in like this, and being skinny is part of fitting in.

>> No.5498752

let's not forget things with so much salt that they taste like seawater.

the type of japanese food that people post online is NOT what they eat in their homes. Just like americunts don't actually eat lasagna and burgers every night. Though I'd say that portrayals of american food actually come closer to "home cooking" than portrayals of Japanese food.

>> No.5498755

what do they eat then?

>> No.5498758
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because crossfit is retarded.

>plus the fact that they broadcast this kind of shit INTO YOUR HOUSE via those wall-hanging announcement systems.
it's an NHK broadcast. public radio and television, like PBS or BBC.

>> No.5498837

>the type of japanese food that people post online is NOT what they eat in their homes
I'm not sure, there are only so many ways of eating gohan desu.

>> No.5498850

>why not just crossfit


>> No.5498869


I agree that having a mass media device pumping garbage into your living room is creepy, but why are you singling out Japan?

If you have a television at all, you have no room to talk.

For the record I do not own a television, but I'll bet you do. Fat society bro.

>> No.5499020

Studies have proved that populations that eat fish regularly live longer

>> No.5499041

The Okinawan diet consist of low-fat, low-salt foods, such as fish, tofu, and seaweed. Okinawans are known for their longevity. Individuals live longer on this Japanese island than anywhere else in the world. Five times as many Okinawans live to be 100 as in the rest of Japan, and the Japanese are already the longest-lived ethnic group of them all.[18] There are 34.7 centenarians for every 100,000 inhabitants, which is the highest ratio worldwide. The possible explanations to this fact is the diet, low-stress lifestyle, caring community, activity, and spirituality of the inhabitants of the island.

>> No.5499044

if your television turned itself on and started playing music at 7am to passive-aggressively keep anyone from being "anti-social" by keeping a different schedule.... then you'd have a point.

>> No.5499045
File: 12 KB, 300x225, potato_okinawa-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also of note that their staple starch is a sweet potato with bright purple flesh that's expensive as fuark (In the US, not in Okinawa obviously) but really tasty.

>> No.5499051

>staple starch is a sweet potato

>not rice
nigga you even trying

>> No.5499052

I've never even seen purple flesh sweet potatoes before. I fucking love orange flesh ones, how do they compare? Like how white flesh has a more mild creamier taste than orange.

>> No.5499054

Okinawa eats a lot less rice than the rest of Japan and much more sweet potato. This could be also part of why they tend to live longer than the rest of the Japanese.

I love them, in my experience there's a slight berry taste to them.

>> No.5499056

>what is an alarm clock

Is there some law that says Japanese people have to have one of these inside their home? Last time I spent any extended time in Japan I was a little kid and I hadn't developed all these edgy feelings.

>> No.5499059

oh I confused osaka with okinawa.

>> No.5499060

Also avoid those fad diets that promise to make you live longer than any other diet.

I mean, if it haven't been tested for hundreds of years how can they be so sure that it really makes people live for one hundred of years?

>> No.5499062

japs put sugar in savory things.

>> No.5499065

My grandfather is from Okinawa but spent most of his life in west. Despite his alcohol abuse and smoking historic he lived to 90 with no hypertension, cardiac or other health issues. He ended up dying by lung cancer (seems like no diet can protect you from smoking)

Sweet potato wasn't our staple diet, rice was.
I think the diet helps but people tend to ignore the low-stress lifestyle, caring community, activity, and spirituality part. Stress and loneliness kill way more than people account for.

>> No.5499067

The reason why I dislike Japanese curry. Onions and carrots (and maybe some apple) are enough to sweeten it. No need to make it sweeter!

>> No.5499073 [DELETED] 

Attacking others through sneak attacks, rape, and pillage?
That's your J diet.

>> No.5499084
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Tested and approved way to live forever!

>> No.5499097

Eating more calories than you expend makes you fat.

>> No.5499100


but anon, that sounds complicated. I want to blame all of my problems on just one thing, not my habits. So it's carbs. carbs are the problem.

>> No.5499102

So just eat protein and fat!

OR, you could get up and exercise you lazy fuck! I was healthier when I was in Japan eating a lot of complex carbs and exercising on a daily basis.

>> No.5499109

You are amazing for this reference,

>> No.5499111

Both are ignorant simplistic views that don't take into account nutrient digestion and absorption, interactions and food effects in the body.

Low calorie diets tells your body that food is scarce. So to keep you alive during scarce food times it will do its best to make you eat at any chance and store all the fat it can.

>> No.5499113


Eating low calorie diets lowers your metabolism but it's not that dramatic, it's not like eating a low calorie diet is going to make you fat.

>> No.5499119

Them problem is when the diet ends. You get all your weight back with interest. It is a survival mechanism.

>> No.5499120

people always overblow the effects of 'starvation mode' lol

>> No.5499126

People never study physiology and think they know everything they need to know about nutrition by reading tables and labels.

>> No.5499137

Sounds like you just want to justify your worthless degree.

>> No.5499167

Completely impossible there could be a genetic component, of course.

>> No.5499180

Do you have idea on how ignorant you sound?

>> No.5499183

Hence the less than you expend part. Go run fatty.

>> No.5499184

Just check Japanese populations on western diet. They get fat and heart disease like all other fat westerns.

>> No.5499186

Exactly. That's what makes the chance of any genetic component whatsoever completely impossible. This is how good science is done, of course.

>> No.5499250

Genetically speaking the only population with a strong link between genes and longevity I can remember are the inuit. Even with low heart disease and other stuff they don't have a huge longevity (but western diet do give them obesity, hypertension and heart disease so it is definitely worse for them too)

>> No.5499269

No, it doesn't turn it's self on.
It's a very good way to keep your children and family active without upsetting them.
It's a very motivating start of the day for some people.

Japan isn't THAT much different from some European places...

>> No.5499287

you're probably a fat fucks who blames his genes on his obesity

>> No.5499290
File: 483 KB, 729x812, Okinawa Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okinawa is definitely the province to take diet advice from. Very little meat/dairy, lots of healthy plant foods. Their sweet potato isn't the same as our orange one though. The purple pigment in their sweet potatoes is the same as what you find in blueberries; phytochemicals called anthocyanins that act as powerful antioxidants and also can prevent certain cancers and prevent cognitive decline in old age. Orange sweet potatoes are great too, just not AS good

>> No.5499302

Aren't Mediterranean on the top somewhere?

>> No.5499336


Most populations in the world eat fish though

>> No.5499370

The Japanese diet atleast for people I know over 25 is

>Natto and rice
>Ham and an egg

>Instant noodles
>Onigiri of some kind
>Rice with tendon, chicken, or fish

>Whatever you want but not a lot of it
>Beer, if its the weekend drink enough to make yourself pass out

>> No.5499381

they dont eat cheese. they also eat a great diversity of things but all in small portions, so its a good balance. lots of seafood and rice.

>> No.5499390

You'll be hard pressed to find anyone under 50 that doesn't eat cheese atleast once a week

>> No.5499405


>> No.5499409

what is google

>> No.5499418

Yes, both Japanese and Mediterranean diet seems to have a positive effect on longevity, probably fish is one of the factors.

There was an extensive study where they compared the mortality rate of different diets: people who eat meat often, occasional meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians and vegans. The group with highest longevity was the fish eaters followed by occasional meat eaters and vegetarians with meat eaters and vegans tied in last.

Turned out that the said benefits in longevity usually attributed to vegans don't come from veganism but instead comes from other healthy habits adopted by these groups like stop smoking, exercise, etc.

>> No.5499419

Eating rice with tendon is like eating pasta with mac and cheese.

>> No.5499421

shove it up your ass

>> No.5499423

Japanese do like cheese but don't eat much. You don't get cheap cheese there as you find in western countries.

My grandma don't like cheese. It is not something that she was used to when she was little so now it makes her gag.

>> No.5499424

>Implying people don't get extra rice out here

>> No.5499438
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When you said it I thought you were talking about this (see pic) and not tenpura donburi.

As much as I know tendon, gyudon, etc already have rice included so "rice with tendon" sounds strange.

Also these people seems to have pretty shitty diets. It is not hard to get a good meal in Japan, even convenience store meals are surprisingly good there.

>> No.5500051

>What are the basic fundamentals/components of a Japanese Diet?

Lots of social stigma against fatties.

In Japan even being a little bit over weight is completely unacceptable and people don't over eat due to that.

A western diet is fine, just cut out sugar and limit alcohol.

>> No.5500080
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Funny how much they love Sumo

>> No.5500081


No matter the diet, the thing that matters most is the quantity and quality of plant foods. A "fish eater" can eat 3 ounces of fish a week and have an otherwise plant-based diet full of whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables while you can call someone a vegan who eats nothing but white bread, oil, and soy meat. Other people brought up the centinarians of Okinawa, but if you look at their diet, they're practically vegan. 15 grams (half an ounce) of fish a day isn't what allows them to live so long, it's the reliance on sweet potato for the majority of their calories and a healthy intake of green and yellow vegetables.

>> No.5500090

How about inuits? Healthy hearts, no hypertension and almost no vegetables at all and their not so high lifespan was proved to be due to genetic factors, not diet. They get all the western people problems if they eat western diet too.

>almost vegan
>Eats fish, pork, chicken, crustaceans, mollusks...

So I'm almost vegetarian because I eat more meat than an almost vegan?

>> No.5500102


The difference is sugar.

Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

Yes the video is over an hour, some things cannot be explained in sound bites.

>> No.5500103


The Inuit are not, and never were, a healthy group of people


If your diet is 98% plant foods, you may as well consider yourself vegan (though probably not in an ethical sense)

>> No.5500107


>obese, uneducated man claiming he knows what causes obesity


>> No.5500109

eating tendon wouldn't hurt either, all that collagen
best part, it's damn delicious

>> No.5500113

there is a difference between eating a vegan diet and being a vegan
Being a vegan is being those annoying loudmouthed cunts who bitch at everyone who ever thinks of eating an egg or some cheese

>> No.5500119


That's why the term "plant-based diet" is becoming more popular

>> No.5500134

>Making the Case for Plant-Based Nutrition

I have the impression your source might be biased.

Here, have some scientific article

Every diet I know besides Inuit diet is made mostly by plants.

>> No.5500139

Another scientific study

And since you probably never had scientific education here is something easier to read.

>> No.5500141



The guy doing these videos came to his conclusion because it's what the majority of scientific data, including the data he's presenting, leads to.

>> No.5500143


Dyerberg, the guy who wrote that article, is also mentioned in the plantpositive video.

>To whatever extent they may have been protected from heart attacks, Bang and Dyerberg said it was likely because of the extremely high levels of omega-3 fatty acids they consumed. They thought the price for this protection was their higher rate of stroke, which Cordain fails to mention.

>> No.5500151
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You are falling in the pseudoscience trap.
State things that the readers would agree with and them make any conclusion you want.

Sodium is a very reactive metal capable of bursting in flames in contact to water, chlorine is a highly toxic substance capable to kill you if inhaled.
Therefore sodium chlorine is extremely dangerous and you should never get near it.

>> No.5500159


Your example is different in that it has no support. If you were to present evidence that sodium chlorine was extremely dangerous, you would be justified in saying that. The guy in the video is proving everything he says.

>> No.5500167

Sumo wrestlers are an exception.
The general lifestyle of a sumo wrestler is very strict actually

>> No.5500178

Cause and effect.
Do they don't have fatties because they don't like fatties or do they don't have many fatties so the few fatties stand out and since their culture valorizes harmony standing out seems like a bad thing.

Anyway obesity is rising in Japan too thanks to western diet.

>> No.5500183

Fine, I will look for the original scientific data supporting your side latter and have a look at what it says.

>> No.5500185



Guy's response to people claiming bias and propaganda

>> No.5500196

either I am high as fuck.
or YOU are high as fuck.

>> No.5500199

I don't resort to blogs or youtube videos as scientific sources. You don't need to be peer review to make a blog post.

It will be easier if you offered links to the studies he base his arguments instead.

>> No.5500202

or WE are on 4chan.

>> No.5500205


The articles are clearly visible throughout the presentation. If you want to ignore contradictory data for arbitrary reasons, you're just forfeiting your opinion

>> No.5500212
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>> No.5500221

Just give me the links so I can read the originals dude. Nowadays scientific data is available online and reading the article is more accurate than reading what some guy understood about the article.

>> No.5500225

They don't have fatties because they hate fatties AND because there are so few fatties they stand out like a sore thumb so you have girls who are American size 2 complaining about how they need to lose weight, because they are starting to stand out.

>> No.5500226


>> No.5500247 [DELETED] 

Check out the movie "She."

>> No.5500255 [DELETED] 

That spirituality meant so much when they sneak attacked the USA at Pearl Harbor.

Piss off with the bullshit.

>> No.5500264
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But since there are fetishists everywhere wouldn't a fat girl be rare and valuable?

>> No.5500268 [DELETED] 

Good. Less of them to sneak attack the USA.
Pardon me while I order a pizza!

>> No.5500272

I think machines will surpass humans in future. I want to see that.

>> No.5500277

What on earth makes you think Japanese TV's do that? Because they don't.

>> No.5500279

The ones on western diet usually are the ones raised in west.

Proportionally you see much more fat Japanese people around here than in Japan.

>> No.5500284

No fat girl would be fat and no one would want that.

>> No.5500286


>but I swear that the TV turned on by itself and was talking to me!

>> No.5500306
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I dunno, I know at least one Japanese guy into meaty girls, he is married to my cousin's aunt.

Also e-hentai have a lot of material under the tag bbw

>> No.5500310


meaty =/= fatty

>> No.5500312

Does he live in Japan or America? People who leave their country usually are a little bit different.

>> No.5500325

In his case he was into fatty. I also found fat porn in my uncle's computer too. But he was raised in west so I can't use him as an example of Japanese guy.

>> No.5500332

He lives in Japan, my cousin's aunt was raised in west but went to Japan to work and ended up marring him. She is fatty and ditzy.

>> No.5500338

Just to clarify, we have two fat lovers here. One 100% Japanese and one raised in west. None of them are directly related to me, the 100% is the one who married the fatty, the one raised in west married my aunt who is not fatty but not slim either.

>> No.5500367

>thinking a diet "ends"
Dieting is all about lifestyle changes. Even when you transition from losing weight to maintenance, you should be eating less than you were and you should do the transition slowly. The only weight you should gain is the weight of the excess food in your digestive tract.

>> No.5500392
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Just because the shota fucker has big tits doesn't make her a fatty.

>> No.5500420

Okinawans live the longest in Japan

Hari Hachi Bu: its basically calorie restriction; they eat large amounts of pork, like a lot and not once a month like some fucking books say, nah -often-

There is also the eating of kelp large amounts and surprisingly a lack of fish.

Sweet potatoes are claimed to help but like honestly it was a food that broke a major famine and as people know child born from periods during famine live longer and have less illnesses if they aren't dealing with malnutrition/malaria/viruses after birth.

>> No.5500434

Oh, that girl cosplaying also have a nice plumply belly. I just couldn't post the pictures showing her delicious lard because it was too NSFW for this board.

>> No.5500435

>child born from periods during famine live longer and have less illnesses

That's the exact opposite of the Dutch famine study conclusions.

>> No.5500448

Yes, they eat a lot of pork. My grandfather used to love bacon (although they prepare it with soy sauce instead of making crispy bacon).

Fish were not as common as In Japan but I'm not sure how much of it was western influence or real Okinawan culture.

>> No.5500450

>soy sauce

>> No.5500451

It would probably be helpful to explain what "hara hachibu" means. It literally means 80% stomach, meaning you eat to 80% fullness. But this ideology isn't unique to Okinawa; it's used throughout Japan.

>> No.5500474

>Implying pork is bad.

>> No.5500483

By the way, a lot is not the same as a lot means for others. A lot I mean every week and not that they overeat it.

They used to more eat bacon than me but in a single meal I can eat more pork than they eat in a week. I just don't eat pork every week. They ate more rice than me though.

>> No.5500529

Not claiming to be an expert on this but I wonder it's also a cultural perception on the causes of being fat.

The rise in trying to justify obesity's cause as purely genetic is much more a Western (American/European) concept than an Asian one. The Asian (with particular reference to the South-China and East Asia) is that while genetics may influence who you are, it is ultimately still in your control. Being genetically more prone to becoming doesn't give you a free pass to let you become fat, it just means that you need to try harder to maintain your body.

>> No.5500543

that guy look comfy as fuck.

>> No.5500557

Also the ones in west blaming genetics are mostly just finding excuses. Obesity epidemic is a very recent thing so it is more related to changes in lifestyle than genes.

Like: Your great grandfathers weren't land-whales, do you want me to believe that this gene popped up in the last 50 years all over America out of nowhere?

>> No.5500645

it's not the TV. It's a community announcement system run by city hall.

Wow, I can't find ANY mention of it online. I'll have to take a picture of it next time I'm in a house that has one.

At 7am and 9pm, they broadcast music through the whole town. At lunchtime they have announcements. If there's an "emergency" (someone's house caught fire 12 miles away) there is a loud as fuck alarm.

>> No.5500657

I know they have speakers throughout town, but I've never seen one in a private household.

>> No.5500670



>> No.5500672

Maybe this is something specific to your town... Or you are crazy.

>> No.5500770
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Radiation gives you atomic rays, not longevity.

>> No.5500795

I know that people generally (widely) don't like to talk about or see them, but how do you explain pic related if carbs make you fat? Especially considering they don't burn off more calories than they eat (3500+).

>> No.5500806
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>> No.5500851


Or the entirety of Asia and Africa. Everywhere in the world that has a high carb and low fat consumption, you find the skinniest people on the planet

>> No.5500857 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 575x461, Godzilla_Eats_Subway_Cars-706151-godzilla3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow it makes me want to eat train cars

>> No.5500871
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>> No.5501477

Aahh, Freelee and Durianrider. Great people, adorable couple.

>> No.5501509

Is this what the IJN and the IJA did before pearl harbour and the invasion of nanjing?

>> No.5501511

no, that's a group of highschool students warming up before a sports festival.

>> No.5501534
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>> No.5501546

Op here, What the fuck happened in this thread?

>> No.5501550 [DELETED] 

Cheerleader tits or it didn't happen

>> No.5501576
File: 120 KB, 1280x854, 1280px-Cheerleader_Waseda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheerleaders are dudes in japan.

>> No.5501580 [DELETED] 

what a messed up place that is

>> No.5501582 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 960x540, HaydenPanettiere_BIOAoN_2006_DVD_341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the pic, I'm off to a good start on a beautiful Monday morning.

This chick makes me want to be a cheerleader!

>> No.5501589

Hayden Panitierre

>> No.5501597 [DELETED] 
File: 453 KB, 800x1190, hayden_panettiere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunday morning, I know.
But you're wrong on the spelling.
It's Hayden Panettiere.

Maybe google and imdb are both wrong?

>> No.5501609 [DELETED] 

The dog told me to do it!

>> No.5501854
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Lean meats and lots and lots of vegetables. Soy too.

Tokyo homeless are the best homeless.

>> No.5502166

>better access to health care
They really don't. In the U.S., if you have cancer, the doctor will at least tell you. In Japan, the doctor will consider the cost to the national health system and your likelihood of survival, and may refuse even to tell you about the cancer.

Not joking, they let a friend's mother die. She didn't even know why she was so sick until she went to Singapore to get a real medical opinion.

>> No.5502195

>trusting asians.
>wanting to live like asians

Pls stop.

>> No.5502231

that's a pretty common thing in the east.

you put a russian in an american hospital and tell him he's going to die, he'll be furious at you for telling him and making him worry about his last days.
they prefer that "ignorance is bliss" thing on the whole.

>> No.5502236
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>> No.5502244

nips aren't part of the asian continent

>> No.5502343

I've never seen this in any of my animes
I call bullshit

>> No.5502351

Its Okinawan food. Apparently it just taste like sweet potatoes

>> No.5503424

purple yam is cheap in southern california

>> No.5503486
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They have their own bacteria culture that their intestines are more used to than europe/murrica.

They can consume lots of soya everyday for their whole life without a problem, if you did it you would probably get some kind of cancer after 10-15 years.

Find a way to work with the food within your own food culture, instead of being a plebian who thinks japanese food is healthier than our own, stop going to fast food places is a good start.