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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5497880 No.5497880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>there are "adults" that drink beverages other than water or alcohol

>> No.5497888

I'm an adult and I drink milk, tea, juice/smoothies, beer, and water.


>> No.5497894
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>There are adults that get angry when other adults like different things than them

>> No.5497962
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>drinking alcohol

>> No.5497967

>drinking water

>> No.5498025

stay dehydrated m8

>> No.5498042

> getting mad at adults drinking coffee
> getting mad at adultbros drinking brotein shakes

>> No.5498053

>drinking brotein shakes
>not adding a can of tuna to your water in a pet bottle

>> No.5498074

> there are adults who eat canned tuna regularly
> adults who do this on /ck/ who should know better

>> No.5498091

>eating canned tuna
>not eating tuna cans

>> No.5498172


>> No.5498196

>4chan still exists

>> No.5498347

>its 2014

>> No.5498357


Nice try attributing your drug addiction to normal adult behavior

>> No.5498398
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>> No.5498405

>thinking time is linear

>> No.5498458

man you sound really cool. i bet you have a car and a gun and a grill and everything. I bet you drink IPA's mixed with tannic acid and scotch neat...fuck probably straight out of the bottle

>> No.5498466

>i bet you have a car
do yuropoors really not have cars

>> No.5498469

i'm not a yurpoor and i actually have all the above i'm just fucking with OP. no idea about yuropoors...i hear they have to pay taxes to watch television and that they outlawed conventional heterosexual reproduction years ago

>> No.5498481

yuropoors gonna lame

>> No.5498499


>> No.5498503
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>> No.5498505
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>being on this plane of existance

>> No.5498507


>> No.5498510
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>drinking alcohol

>> No.5498511
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>> No.5498514


>> No.5498515

>living in a country so backwards that you need a firearm to protect you

>> No.5498518

except as gun ownership goes up crime declines

>> No.5498523

Why do gun owners try to work with public safety statistics? I don't give a shit if me owning guns makes everyone else safer. I own them because they're fun to shoot recreationally, even if that's gotten really fucking expensive these last few years. And if someone busts into my house, I have the option to shoot them. And I can clean my guns outside on my front porch and freak out my neighbors.

>> No.5498525
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in america firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect lives than to take innocent lives

>> No.5498530

>living in a country where you can get shot whilst watching a film at a cinema

>> No.5498532
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i dont, its your right and can do it for whatever reason you want but facts are still facts and>>5498515 seems to think we need firearms to protect us when its the ones with the strictest gun laws that have the most crime

>> No.5498537

America records violent crime different to the majority of the world so its not comparable

>> No.5498539
File: 90 KB, 640x296, 1394587791059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all but one mass shooting in the last thirty years has been in a gun free zones

3 of the 6 worst mass shootings in history took place in the UK

>> No.5498546
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doesnt change the fact that the places with the strictest gun laws have higher crime rates

>> No.5498552

Which 3 worst mass shootings took place in the uk? Not saying your wrong, I just find it hard to believe

>> No.5498561

Of course it does you fucking retard. America records its crime differently so it can't be compared to the rest of the word

>> No.5498565

Not him but i guess Dunblane, Hungerford, and Cumbria?

>> No.5498570

although i'm unconvinced that it's 3/6

>> No.5498575
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then exclude american and just look and the rest of the world and guess what the results are still the same

its was actually europe not just the uk but >>5498565 are a pretty accurate representation especially considering how stright their gun laws are

>> No.5498582

Europe has a lower amount of shootings but a higher death rate. Just shows that Europe are a lot more accurate with guns than beta Americans.

>> No.5498583

Look up statistics from an anti gun group and I bet all that info is in reverse.

>> No.5498588

>tea and coffee are not 'adult'
you're a faglord, op.

>> No.5498589
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statistics are statistic they cant change depending on who quotes them

i guess the california governor's offices results are bullshit too

>> No.5498597
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>> No.5498601

That's California though, everyone's too stoned to figure out how to put ammo into the gun.

>> No.5498603

>all these excuses
the results are the same everywhere

>> No.5498605
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>> No.5498607
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see its doesnt change, more guns in the hands of responsible citizens= less crime and strict gun laws=more crime

>> No.5498634

this is /ck/ you faggots.
also i dont know a single person that only drinks water or alcohol, i dont know what kind of a backwash town you live in but im glad im not a part of it

>> No.5498647

Thank you. Now I don't feel bad about drinking a gallon of milk a week at age 26.

>> No.5498662

>actually believing this

>> No.5498682

yeah man op is a fucktard i drink tea every damn day. treat myself to the drink of kings every couple weeks. fuckin rootbeer

>> No.5498715

>there are "adults" so insecure that they believe beverage choices will confirm their egoistic sense of maturity

>> No.5498716

I like water, alcohol (not anymore as it's really expensive where I live), coffee, and the occasional soda.

After moving I got introduced to ginger beer and I really like it

>> No.5498804

>using statistics
>on 4chan

>> No.5498812

Strap yourself in mom, this is the internet!

>> No.5498816

>there are people who don't enjoy the occasional tea


>> No.5498817

Water with carbon dioxide and a little bit of lemonade is pretty great.

>> No.5498855
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And OP said unto the thread "thou shalt not like that which I do not like" but he was a faggot yea.

Dat capcha

>> No.5499050

>there are "adults" that don't drink exclusively milkshakes

>> No.5499055
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>there are "adults" that drink beverages other than codeine-based cough syrup

>> No.5499301


>> No.5499342

>discussing gun crime rates
>on /ck/

>> No.5499361

Now I want codeine and a cigarette.

>> No.5499375

personally, I'm thinking of drinking a few beersw and sniffing dilaudid

>> No.5499414

>insulfilating hydromorphone
do you even bioavailability

>> No.5499431
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what is skim milk

>> No.5499436

meh, i have a very low tolerance.

i could plug it if that would make you happier anon-kun

>> No.5499456

OP? I thought this is a gun thread.

>> No.5499457


rest assured he's 17

>> No.5499501

you mean pussy white water?

MEN drink WHOLE, RAW milk.

>> No.5499503

drinking cow milk is pretty alpha

>> No.5499530

Shit it what it is

>> No.5499597

I have shit genetics and get a hangover from just one drink (after three hours or so).

Though drinking it with an empty stomach may have something to do it, but I didn't feel drunk or anything because apparently my body metabolizes alcohol into acetaldehyde too quickly.

Pretty much swore off alcohol for life.

>> No.5499615

>There are people here who give a shit about what other people drink.

>> No.5499652


>> No.5499898

I assume you just don't drink enough water. Maybe you have shitty nutrition, too, but drink more water, dude. For your general health.

>> No.5499929
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>statistics are statistic they cant change depending on who quotes them
Implying-are you dumb?

>> No.5499934

No, but you are. Can you cry me some more liberal tears though?

>> No.5499942

like for instance: Assume it is true that 3 of the worst 6 mass shootings in history occurred in the UK; the information when presented this way makes the frequency and scope of mass shootings nearly equal. In fact, most mass shootings in developed countries occur in the US and the overall number in the US dwarfs those elsewhere-So the number of shooting sand the number of fatalities is greater in the US.

>> No.5499947

1-the image was from google
2-I am actually a gun owner, just not a dumb one
3-way to dodge the point
stay faggot, faggot. If you can't take an honest look at data to form your opinions you are a dipshit.

>> No.5499956

>talks about facts
>doesnt post anything to back up their arguement

why dont you just fuck off the argument was over almost a day ago

>> No.5499971

>baawww I have no response go awaay!!
Sure, I'll spoonfeed...http://www.statista.com/statistics/248845/number-of-victims-of-mass-shootings-in-western-democratic-countries/

>> No.5499976

im not even the guy that posted all that shit, it was hours ago. this is /ck/ faggot

>> No.5500133

water and unsweetened iced tea (for summer) should be the default beverages of choice. Alcohol intermixed with that occasionally, and fresh squeezed citrus juices or vegetable juice (ice cold) for breakfasts and brunches. Mostly water, anytime.

>> No.5500584
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I liek Chawklate Meelk.

>> No.5501316

I drink coffee religiously.

Also milk with hot wings

>> No.5501405
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>> No.5501543
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>there are adults who dont even care about gainz
>its like you dont even want to mold your body with your macros and food eventually turn into numbers..

>> No.5501557

the fuck is that

>> No.5501670

Protip: don't be Asian

>> No.5501744

No one has ever cared what your captcha said. Ever.

>> No.5503163

is it Carl Brutananadilewski IRL?

>> No.5503172

All I drink is water, milk, coffee, espresso and fruit juice. If protein mixes count, that too.

>> No.5503179


You seem to care. Butthurt christfag?

>> No.5503181

as a horrible alcoholic, I do like seeing these posts
I "get" why grown adults drink occasionally, as I have, but alcohol and water are not the only liquids. well, to be fair, water CAN be the only liquid you consume. maybe should. but don't glorify alcohol to these kids. a few fun nights might lead to a miserable life.

>> No.5503229

is it weird that I'm 22, in college and have a bunch of friends who drink every single night, but I would rather just drink water/milk/coffee while hanging out with them even if they're all smashed or we're all at a bar?

I just care too much about my gains and worry my testosterone will take a hit if I drink.

I've gotten piss drunk a bunch of times in the past, but now I just don't see the appeal of alcohol at all. It just makes you fat and kills gains.

>> No.5503275

its not weird. honestly, I hardly know what you mean by "gains" I mean, I get the concept (I'm not unaware of what it means to work out) but not why booze depletes them, really...

but don't feel weird or bad. everyone in college drinks like a fiend. most get over it when they're out of college. some people become cripplingly addicted to alcohol or go insane completely. as long as you're enjoying your time time in college and being healthy, there's nothing to worry about.

being an actual alcoholic sucks ass.

every 22 year old might drink every night, but that doesn't make you weird for not doing so. i'm only 24 and alcohol is literally killing me.

>> No.5503330


>> No.5503334 [DELETED] 

It's not weird at all. I didn't start drinking until about aged 30 and was dealing with some retard girlfriend.

>> No.5503339 [DELETED] 


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