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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5493623 No.5493623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

whats in the box?

>> No.5493629


>> No.5493630

probably a meat product, masshole.

>> No.5493639

no i can drive

>> No.5493642


>> No.5493644

a human foot

>> No.5493645

Dragon dildos

>> No.5493646

>can drive
choose one

>> No.5493649

>mountain dairy
>sea hag

>> No.5493657

>hour and a half drive to massachusetts
>2 hours if you're a masshole
same difference

>> No.5493660
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>> No.5493662

Your girlfriends aborted fetus.

>> No.5493670
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>> No.5493672

Pork belly get in my belly

>> No.5493675


>more fat than meat

Why do people eat this? The texture is disgusting

>> No.5493678

Flavour. If it's gonna brown for a long time, it'll be delish, and a lot of the fat willa rendered out to flavour everything else as wel.

>> No.5493680

>The texture is disgusting

You might not like that texture but other people love it.

>> No.5493685
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you dont just eat it lol

>> No.5493696

>pretending to like chewing on a gristly piece of throw-away meat because you're too poor to afford quality cuts of muscle
stockholm syndrome isn't the same as love.
>rendered out
nope. more like liquefied and will saturate fucking everything else you add to it. enjoy having clogged arteries.

>> No.5493700


oh, it sounds like you don't know how to cook. that explains it. carry on with your whining.

>> No.5493702

sweet heavenly pork belly

>> No.5493703

>can't mince an onion
confirmed for masshole expat living in connecticut

>> No.5493707

Please tell me you are making homemade hashbrowns

>> No.5493710

retard alert

>> No.5493713

probably because theyre chopped

>> No.5493717
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>> No.5493720


>> No.5493721

>two pictures of onions
it's time for you to stop posting

>> No.5493722
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>> No.5493733
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go fuck yourself kid

>> No.5493735

>four pictures of onions and tofu-looking ass bacon
yeah, nah, you're a cunt and your shit is terrible.

>> No.5493738

them onions gonna be some good in all that pork belly fat

>> No.5493741

its called salt pork and it is exactly what this dish calls for

>> No.5493742

>using anything other than EVOO to fry onions
enjoy your heart disease, burger.

>> No.5493745

no, it's called overpriced peasant-tier cooking fat that has no real reason to exist at any point in time after the 8th century
>muh authenticity
shit ingredients will make a shit dish, masshole.

>> No.5493748

Masshole getting BTFO

>> No.5493750


fuck off dude, i'm enjoying the thread, go find one that you feel the same about.

>> No.5493753

>enjoying watching someone ruin perfectly good onions with chunks of lard and maple syrup
kill yourself

>> No.5493754


>> No.5493757

Fuck off Jamie, not everyone has a fetish for olive oil like you do.

>> No.5493758

>pretending this hard you know what im doing

>> No.5493759

i just want you burgers to stay healfy

>> No.5493760

This has to be some sort of seafood chowder. I see all the makings for it right there.

>> No.5493762

You don't have any idea what health means.

>> No.5493767

do you guys need a hint?
is close

>> No.5493772
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>> No.5493781

I like where this is going

>> No.5493784

clam choudah except you don't put syrup in that

>> No.5493791
File: 1.55 MB, 1284x2282, IMG_20140605_125728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so maybe theres a side?

>> No.5493800



>> No.5493804

>ever using Evil Williams, yank detected

>> No.5493805

Me >>5493760 again.
Clam chowder and buttermilk cornbread

>> No.5493809


>all these delicious ingredients for a seafood dish

Enjoy your thread.

>> No.5493810

no on the corn bread
>yank detected
no shit?

>> No.5493811
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>> No.5493813
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>> No.5493814

now I'm tempted to go pick up a 10 lb box of clams this weekend and pig out

>> No.5493815

thank you i was only waiting the whole thread
step it up /ck/

>> No.5493816

>finally some OC on /ck/
>open thread
>dumbass shitting up OP's thread for no fucking reason.

op hasn't even posted final product yet, jesus christ, at least criticize him when he's done.

>> No.5493818

you must be new here

OC threads either get ignored or heavily criticized

>> No.5493825

and that's why /ck/ is fucking retarded.

keep posting OP, looks good so far.

>> No.5493826

That ending still gets to me.

>> No.5493843

>OC threads either get ignored or heavily criticized
as they should be, otherwise we'd be flooded with stir fry ramen or whatever that hugbox is up to these days

>> No.5493844

did she really just put syrup in her clam chowder?

>> No.5493848


>> No.5493856
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btw took those onions when i started the clams, good opportunity for them to share some flavor and thicken, i wont need them for awhile

>> No.5493861

Unfortunately, this is true. Very rarely over the years has any OC I've posted gotten more than a dozen or so actual replies, and then another dozen or so shitposting replies. It's the nature of /ck/, either we have people who actually like cooking and understand how to cook, or we have people who don't know shit about cooking and just like to eat and talk about fast food and premade snacks (or shitpost).

>> No.5493865

Really? I make a good amount of OC threads and they're usually really fun!

looks good so far, OP!!

>> No.5493871

that doesn't look very good anymore
i think you ruined it with all that water and syrup

>> No.5493877

theres no water or syrup and they arent supposed to be browned, theyre supposed to be gel up
good clam chowder is basically clam gravy with potatoes and getting it there takes some awkward feeling steps

>> No.5493888

Look like it is coming along very well OP, keep us posted!

>> No.5493910


are you the guy who did the wings thread a littlle while back?

>> No.5493913


>> No.5493919

MMMmm those looked so good.

Your evan williams pour pic is now trademark MO

>> No.5493921

Flavor is amazing, and you've gotta use some sort of fat if you're gonna saute, so why not use delicious pork belly fat?

>> No.5493924
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finally, they open

>> No.5493925

is the OP a girl?

>> No.5493933

chop em up

>> No.5493942
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>> No.5493946

only a yanks dumb enough to ever buy evil williams

>> No.5493950
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better than beam

>> No.5493964

Hmm, wonder how it'd be with smoked clams...

>> No.5493966

not really but beams shit tier as well

>> No.5493971
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>> No.5493973
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mmm its so cloudy

>> No.5493980
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>> No.5493983
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>> No.5493993

the fuck are you even making op

>> No.5493996

thought that was a box of saltines from the thumbnail

>> No.5493999
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>> No.5494006

are you retarded

>> No.5494008
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clam chowder and fritters

>> No.5494034
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three cups one at a time

>> No.5494039
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very thick
potatos are done

>> No.5494049

When I was a kid, we'd get Mountain Dairy delivered once a week
Sometimes they'd give us chocolate milk, and we went back for the eggnog years after we'd moved away
Time to go to RI for some seafood

>> No.5494066
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>> No.5494072
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fresh lawn chives

>> No.5494075
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bay leaves

>> No.5494078
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fresh parsley
salt pepper in there somewhere too

>> No.5494080

>not using flat leaf italian

>> No.5494083

Wait what?
Are you going to cook it for a lot longer? why are you adding the bay leaves this late?

>> No.5494085

because he cant actually cook but to people on here he looks like Careme

>> No.5494092

yes the clams dont go in till the very end

>> No.5494100

im ok with that

>> No.5494103

no standards

>> No.5494138

>heating evoo
nigga do you even know what extra virgin means

>> No.5494144

>one stick of butter
>like, half a killo of pure pork fat

Sarah is that you?

>> No.5494170
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one cup cornmeal
2 1/2 cups cake flour
2 1/2 tsps baking powder
tsp salt
~1 cup chopped clams

>> No.5494176

1/2 cup sea hag
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup clam juice
3 eggs
maple syrup

>> No.5494179
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>> No.5494187
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>> No.5494201
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took off heat, clams plus cheese in

>> No.5494208
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>> No.5494213
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>> No.5494216


coworker brought some clam strips for captain d's in to work today and we all snacked. but goddamn i need this shit.

>> No.5494225
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>> No.5494226

that was like yesterday or the day before

>> No.5494228


Soup looks 6/10
Fritters 9/10

>> No.5494234

itll be better tomorrow, needs a day in the fridge to really thicken and color

>> No.5494242

Faggot :D

>> No.5494245

>get called out
Someone hit this faggot with a IRON

>> No.5494260

literally the dumbest thing ive heard on /ck/ in a while

>> No.5494261

>giant ass BUTTER lettering visible in the thumbnail
the fuck man

>> No.5494267

thats pretty stupid itself, chowder is always better the next day, just like bbq sauce

>> No.5494278

It was just what I saw when I glassed over it

>> No.5494285

Oh shit, that must mean that the hotdogs are up your ass. Sorry about that.

>> No.5494291

>literally posting with the same fat speech impediment he has irl on the internet

>> No.5494733

not wrong about the thickening, i dunno what he means by colour. either way it's not completely emulsified

>> No.5495085

it gets more creamy, less white
plus the flavors, of course