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5493391 No.5493391[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>at work
>enjoying a nice medium rare burger
>co-worker walks by
>"ew, m8, that's disgusting, how can u eat that the meat is raw!"
>"well, I like it this way.."
>"but this is against health and safety regulations!"
>"it's not like I made this for a customer"
>walks away shaking head in disgust

>> No.5493401

>meat in OP pic wasn't allowed to rest


>> No.5493403

Do you want a cookie or something?

>> No.5493407
File: 683 KB, 1024x678, Kibbe-plate-POST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been eating raw meat my entire life, never made me sick...I don't see what the big deal is people have with it.

>> No.5493409

*tips fedora*

>> No.5493427

Burgers should be cooked longer than steak, but neither should ever be well done. Sometimes with burgers it has to be well done if the meat isn't that great

>> No.5493454

Not to mention the fact that the middle of a steak isn't exposed to air borne bacterium, and any surface strains that would come in contact with the uncooked portion are killed by the heat of cooking the outside of the meat.

Burgers, however, are exposed to all sorts of nasty strains even in the center of the burger because the meat is exposed to the air and surface bacteria strains when it's ground up, then you've got this moist, cool bacterium breeding ground in the middle of a patty that doesn't get exposed to enough heat when it's served rare.

>> No.5493468


Depends on the burger. Sure, if you buy mass-produced ground beef from Wal-Mart, yeah, that's a concern.

But you can also buy a solid cut of beef and grind it fresh yourself when making the patties.

>> No.5493476

Med rare is best for burgers. My husband eats almost every cut of beef blue rare, even questionable meat and never gets sick.

>> No.5493481


I agree. Rare is great for a steak but a rare burger has a mushy texture. It needs to be cooked a little more. At medium rare the patty has a great texture. Going beyond that starts to take away the juiciness and the taste. I agree that medium rare is perfect.

>> No.5493490

i honestly don't think serving a burger pink is that great. i mean i quite like the raw texture personally but flavour wise you rarely get much out of it apart from the roasted flavour from the sear.

>> No.5493492

Does your husband also bite you in bed? Does he lick up the blood?

You better watch out anon.

>> No.5493495

enjoy the tapeworms OP

>> No.5493504

yeah, whats up with that? i'm lebanese so i've been eating kibbeh nayeh, which is uncooked meat, forever too...and i've never known anybody to get sick from it, it's like an everyday dish...the japanese eat raw fish all the time, what's the deal with people getting sick from raw meat? maybe fish is different but i'm pretty sure kibbeh is usually only beef or lamb, is it prepared specially or is it just a tolerance thing?

>> No.5493695

Meat in America is disgusting, shit-tier garbage so they're forced to overcook it for it to be safe.

>> No.5493704

>time, what's the deal with people getting sick from raw meat?

It's rare. But some people tend to freak out about it and think it's going to kill them. What's funny is that those same people have no problem riding around in motor vehicles, which is a far more dangerous proposition.

>> No.5493711

but i'm also american, this is really something i've wondered about for a long time, how come that shit is fine to eat yet other forms of uncooked meat isn't? i've literally NEVER gotten sick, and i've been eating it weekly at the very least since as far back as i can remember

>> No.5493725

>raw minced meat
Nigga that's disgusting as fuck no matter how good the quality is. I can understand medium rare steaks but the texture alone on that is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5493751

Same here. My mom used to make steak tartare on a regular basis when I was a kid. I used to sneak bits of the seasoned ground beef for burgers out of the bowl when I was a kid. We used to eat Parisa all the time (a raw beef spread indigenous to our area) growing up. Never once got sick. Nowadays, now that I live across the country from where I grew up, I only eat raw meat if it's from a reliable butcher, but I still eat it and love it.

>> No.5493755
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>> No.5493798

>get food poisoning from burger from my favorite restaurant in az
>it wasn't even that pink

>> No.5493806


My mom got sick off of undercooked chicken once, like 30 years ago, and has since burnt everything to a crisp.

I was amazed when I entered the real world and saw people actually able to cut their steak. I always assumed that it was suppose to have the consistency of indestructible rubber.

>> No.5493829

If you're grinding your own, you need a fairly large chunk of beef to be able to get rid of the risk from surface, because (as the tripfag said) you still have possible contaminants on the surface. So if you *really* want to get rid of any risk you would need to trim the surface away and use it for something else, or at least somehow ensure that the surface of the cut is only on the very outside of the patty, which I'm not sure how one would do.

>> No.5493834

Getting food poisoning from a restaurant would cause me to suspect employee hygiene as much as meat quality.

>> No.5493840

This. Most small cases of food poisoning in restaurants results from employee hygiene. If it's really a problem with the food, you will usually hear about a group of people getting sick.

>> No.5493847
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onion Mett roll!

>> No.5493851

Fucking nasty. At least their fries are probably still ok, r-right?

>> No.5493852


Sure, there are possible contaminants on the surface. But in my opinion the risk is negligible. I have been making homemade medium-rare burgers as well as steak tartar for about 15 years now. I've eaten them from restaurants for longer than that. I have never once gotten sick. Can it happen? Sure. But the risk is nowhere near as bad as many people think.

Keep in mind that by FAR the largest cause of food poisoning is poor hygine: people not washing their hands when preparing or handling food. I bet that 9 out of 10 people who freak out about "rare hamburgers" don't bother to wash their hands before they pick up their well-done burgers. That's a larger risk than eating the undercooked meat is.

For burgers I normally buy slabs of beef short ribs. I bone out the meat and grind it for burgers, then use the bones for making stock. Brisket is good too, but it's a bit lean on its own so it needs some fat added to make the texture come out right.

>> No.5493873

No, because when it comes to food poisoning relating to hygiene, anything the employee touches can harbor bacteria. They don't have to actually touch the fries themselves, they could touch the fry scoop with their hands and transfer it that way. Luckily, most bacteria pass through us without making us sick, but people should realize that they are constantly exposed to all kinds of nasties in restaurants, all the time. You can't let it scare you, though. Just be aware.

>> No.5493882


And it's not just restaurants. Pathogens are literally everywhere. It's on your car door handle, your couch, the menu, the table, your hands, your hair, etc. You are constantly exposed to things like salmonella and E coli and listeria and so on. Your body (inside and out) is crawling with microbes.

Back in high school biology class we were given sterile petri dishes and were told to go around the school and take swabs from different places where we thought there was a lot of bacteria. The plan was to incubate them and then go back and see what we found after some time had passed. Of course we all went straight for things like the toilet or the bathroom floor where we thought all the nasty stuff was. Turns out that not many cultures grew from those places. But from things like a doorknob, your desk, hell even the skin on your own arm would grow all sorts of crazy bacterial colonies. Bacteria are everywhere, no reason to freak out over it.

>> No.5493894

Same here. I used to think people were stupid to think steak and roast beef were so great until I made them for myself when I went away to uni

>> No.5493895

It seems weird that I got sick from the burger then, since not a single other person got sick and it was 20+ people who were all swapping food left and right. Other people had burgers too.

>> No.5493916

>>"but this is against health and safety regulations!"

that's the bleat of the institutionalized westerner... can't do anything without government approval

>> No.5493917
File: 94 KB, 624x450, Tatar_klassisch_D_def-624x450[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some steak tartar this weekend.

It gave my entire family the shits, never again.

>> No.5493948

that face

>> No.5494122


you made tartar .. for the family ..suure

>> No.5494197

Rare ground beef has the worst texture on the planet. Almost like eating lukewarm baby food. The fact that you actually enjoy it proves that you have a shit palate and should never be involved with any kind of food preparation till the end of time.

>> No.5494220

it's tartare

>> No.5494232

We did this too, and yea, couldn't culture a god damn thing from a high school toilet. Too regularly cleaned. Light switches on the other hand ...

Op, that burger is way too fucking rare. How a burger should be cooked depends on how thick it is. Thick burgers should be cooked medium, average burgers should be cooked medium rare, and thin, smashed burgers should be cooked well-done.

>> No.5494517

Looks fine to me. That looks closer to medium in my book. If your shits cooked to a proper internal temperature who the fuck cares.

>> No.5494563
File: 60 KB, 316x609, um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at Longhorn (gift card)
>companion orders a burger
>"How would you like that cooked?"
>she looks to me for advice
>"I think medium rare is the best, but --"
>waiter cuts me off "We actually can't serve anything below medium."
>" -- I was about to say, I wouldn't trust a place that won't serve you a rare burger..."
>she orders medium
>it sucks

>> No.5494576

i don't care how you like your burger, but i hate people that make fun of other people's food.

Only Americans do this. ONLY Americans. Nobody ever has said.

>> No.5494582

Shut up aussie

>> No.5494615

Nothing worse than being given an option and then told there isn't one. Why the fuck do places do this?

Speaking of which, I remember one buffet I went to had the best cookies since they were always a bit undercooked and chewy, but then one year they said they weren't allowed to serve them that way anymore and the cookies have been terrible ever since.

>> No.5494655

Nobody has mentioned that a burger can have meat from dozens of different cows.

That's where the risk is.

Ground beef=/=steak.

I was fortunate enough to be Serve-Safe certified in food safety by Arbys.

>> No.5494659


By "fortunate", I didn't mean to imply that most their management isn't certified.

At the chain I worked for(largest Arbys chain) they certified all managers.

>> No.5494809

It's ServSafe

>> No.5494819


>> No.5494823


Not them but its ServSafe

>> No.5494908

Rare steak has the worst texture on the planet. Almost like eating lukewarm baby food. The fact that you actually enjoy it proves that you have a shit palate and should never be involved with any kind of food preparation till the end of time.