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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 111 KB, 400x400, avocado-heart-400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5492682 No.5492682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Avocado's just kinda (very) overrated

>> No.5492695

They taste amazing, are insanely good for you, and aren't even very expensive when you consider the price/calorie (300 calories for a dollar each where I shop).

What about them is overrated?

>> No.5492698

I live in the east coast now and can honestly say the avocados shipped from California to their suck and are gross.

Avos in general are godly; in Hawaii massive ones are common and so much more buttery

>> No.5492741 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 800x536, Bar Counter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ck/

So I want to become a bartender. Ive always had a passion for alcohol, beyond just drinking it, and actually when you take into account the history, the prestige the processes and the myriad of other things that make it fascinating, drinking it is actually my least favorite part about it
(not that I don't drink and enjoy immensely, but the other things certainly interest me even more greatly)

So my question is, how do I become a bartender?
a really really good one?
what sets a great bartender from the good ones and how/where should I even begin to start learning?

>> No.5492745

is this some type of terrible copypasta?

>> No.5492817

Blame white people for that one.

>> No.5492821

They're good, but the trees take forever to mature and don't have huge yields, plus they need a pretty particular climate, and the death knell is that they just do not really ship well at all.

Next time you're in California find a farmer's market and buy one that's fresh off the branch.

>> No.5492861

i too am on the north east coast and the avocados around here suck. havent had good guacamole since i was out west.

>> No.5492865

Are they supposed to taste like buttery nothing?

>> No.5492894

Pretty much. Put a little bit of salt on them.

>> No.5492897


>> No.5492898

I personally find them inedible, but some claim that they're a taste sensation in Guacamole (salt required).

I'm not sure who's side to take. If anyone knows any otger method of Avacado preperation, i'll gladly try it.

>> No.5492944

Thank you.

>> No.5492965

I'm not saying you should eat this often, but I am saying: If you've never had an avocado stuffed with shrimp, cheese, and pico de gallo, then battered and deep fried, served with salsa verde, then YOU HAVEN'T FUCKING LIVED.

>> No.5492978

You're welcome! :)

>> No.5492989


>aren't even very expensive when you consider the price/calorie (300 calories for a dollar each where I shop)

That's a pretty shitty ratio

>> No.5492992


God damn, summer didn't fuck up /ck/ this bad in the past years. Get a fucking grip. avocados have their place, but schlock corporations are slapping them into dishes left and right because production stabilized -- in part, because of the existing americanized mexican food dependancy, exploding fast casual/burrito market and the ensuing competition from 'traditional' fast food places and even corporate sit-downs like Chili's and Red Robin. anyway more to the point, these people drill into your heads that one certain thing is too good to not eat every day and you assholes just buy it, and (excuse the pun) eat it up. Avo's are overrated as shit, and at the same time underutilized in the good side of the culinary world.

>> No.5493000

You're an immature idiot. I've been eating avocados in numerous dishes and presentations since I was a small child, which was a LONG time ago. Maybe where you live in Yankeeland or Flyover country, you haven't had many avocados presented to you before, but anyone who has grown up in the south and southwest and California has been eating avocados all their lives. The first time I had a stuffed fried avocado was probably nearly twenty years ago, so NO, fuckwit, it's not something new or "trendy" or being "pushed" on anyone. Now, take your latent rage (unfathomably targeted at food) and GTFO.

>> No.5493017

yeah man send him packing

what does he know

its not like he eats daily or anything

>> No.5493031

i live in the south and have eaten avocados all my life. i think you stay inside too much to realize how prevalent they've become in cheap sells and corporate schemes, and i'm positive you missed my point entirely, which was that corporate acceptance of a neat food makes it flood the market and the quality drops. having tomatoes year round isn't a boon, it's a curse; the same is true for avocados. people don't know what a fucking season is anymore.

also, next time sperg out even harder and i promise i won't bother replying.

>> No.5493035


But that's not what you said earlier, dumbass

>> No.5493038

I think you have your own head shoved so far up your own ass, you can't see anything but your own shit. You went on a little bitch fit tirade that was basically meaningless, except to your own ends, it had nothing to do with what I, or the other people you referenced, said. Also, maybe you should quit eating in low brow chain restaurants and then you won't have that kind of thing to be angry about. You're acting like a child.
And just FYI, avocado season (where I live) is April through September, which gives me quite a long time to enjoy them however I damn well please, and we are right in the middle of a glorious season. As a matter of fact, I just bought a bag of nine avocados today for $1.99 Does that make you angry, little boy? You want to stamp your feet about that too?

>> No.5493042

what is the point of fucking threads like this

fuck i hate these fucking threads shut up about how cool you are for not 'buying into the hype' you sound like you're 13

>> No.5493046


>having tomatoes year round isn't a boon, it's a curse

no, it's a boon; it just has its own drawbacks.

>> No.5493050

>it just has its own drawbacks.
Like making the average tomato pure tasteless shit for 10 mounths out of 12, which make people believe tomatoes are a shit vegetable while they just keep buying unripe garbage. See also : apples, bananas, melons. O god, importation melons. wtf.

>> No.5493060

who's really upset here? who is stamping their feet? i'm rationally defending my point, which isn't wrong, and at no point did i say that i didn't like avocados. i buy them all the fucking time, you mongoloid, stop trying to portray yourself as a superior on an anonymous board. stop trying to project your inability to rationalize other people's actions, thoughts, and behaviors.

In a few years you'll probably realize that broadcasting your age and calling people "kid" and immediately patronizing people that have differing opinions, and you'll feel like any other 20 year old.

>> No.5493064

hah drinking made me forget part of that sentence, but i'm sure you realize i was calling you a fucking faggot.

>you'll realize...opinions makes you seem like a fucking babby fresh out of his parents house

>> No.5493066

what did i say earlier, pls quote me

>> No.5493074

you and the other pitiful nig nog would do well by going out for some fresh air once in a while

>> No.5493078

No wonder you sound like a rambling moron, you're drunk. Some drunks (apparently you are one of them) develop an exaggerated sense of superiority and desire to fight (either verbally or physically) when intoxicated. You, sir, have reached both those lofty goals. And, btw, you're still in the wrong here. You are not defending any point, you are being the equivalent of the loudmouth drunk frat guy who wants to fight everyone at a party. Go to bed and try again tomorrow, when you've sobered up. Because until then, you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.5493079

and yet here we are, the 3 of us. on the cooking board on 4chan.

>> No.5493095



Grew up in Hawaii and now live on the East Coast.

I work at a restaurant and we get decent avocados, but the availability of good shit at the grocery store is definitely apparent.

Seriously though, this "avocados are overrated" shit is just a result of fast food places suddenly pushing them. I've been eating avocados since the 80's, and have always loved them. The fact that flyover states are now getting them on their subs isn't going to change the fact that they're god-tier.

>> No.5493101

>dat ad hominem
attack my thought, not what i do, faggot. read the thread and realize that people can think differently from you.

>> No.5493111
File: 224 KB, 500x375, iamsogreat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no ad hominem, darling. Just the simple observation that you are an obnoxious, aggressive drunk. You're still trying to poke people into arguing with you over NOTHING.
>this is part where everyone goes inside and hangs out while you stand outside yelling at no one and staggering around the lawn. Pic related

>> No.5493121

were you raped by a drunk father figure? you still won't address any of my actual points that show that avocados are overrated.

>> No.5493123

what a fuckwit

fresh air is commonly found outdoors


>> No.5493125

...so yes?

>> No.5493129

>There's no ad hominem
>ad hominem

dude... are you sure you're not the drunk one?

>> No.5493130

>raped by a drunk father figure
>this much projecting

And as to your "points", they weren't points. They were your own observations from eating in shit tier chain restaurants where they use avocado to glam up their dishes, which in no way means anything to actually consumers who buy avocados at the store and use them in dishes at home. And as I've already pointed out, avocado season lasts for half a year, and more in certain areas, in the US, so you really can't use the whole "seasonal" bullshit, since we're smack in the middle of avocado season.
Now go to bed, you're drunk.

>> No.5493131
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>> No.5493132

Ad hominem is a lame excuse used by people who want to sound intelligent, but couldn't even pass debate class.

>> No.5493139
File: 519 KB, 1920x1234, nDDfMrW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i double majored in english & archaic languages. now I post in 4 chan

>> No.5493141

Yeah, sure you did...

>> No.5493142

okay let's do this like rational human beings.
>My own observations from eating in shit tier chain restaurants
i don't eat at those places. i have these magical things called the internet and cable and real life humans that i talk to that actually do eat at those places.

>consumers who buy avocados and use them at home
yes, like me. i'd rather only have good avocados when they're fucking ready than have tasteless brown blobs of shit.
>avocado season... certain areas.... "seasonal" bullshit
do you not realize that almost all of our avocados come from mexico? we deal with their seasons plus the limitations of shipping a highly perishable food. farmers and distro compensate by picking super early and then blasting with ethelyne later but it's no comparison to a time ripened fruit. look at tomatoes, they do the same thing.
>smack in the middle of avocado season
Yes, we are. Finally. that does not negate the fact that my local supermarkets have had $0.69 avocados year round for the last 4 years, and hey guess what? they're only remotely edible in the fucking early summer because that's the fucking season.

you go to bed. i'm still drinking.

>> No.5493149

It is indeed! It's also a valid point to make when someone is trying to get out of an argument he lost by trying to discredit the person that just wrecked him, like what we just saw there.
Read up on it, please. I've noticed it's gotten pretty cool to distract from active Ad hominems by pointing out the fact that people know about them.

>> No.5493156
File: 571 KB, 1600x1131, 7-1-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see the avocado thread right on track right ...

>> No.5493159

Everything you just posted are opinions and your own personal anecdotes. I can do that too, see!
>All my avocados are grown locally
>the only time avocados aren't good here is in the dead of winter
>what part of "April through September" do you not understand?
>sorry you live in no-local-avocado-central, but stop taking your stupid drunken rage out on people who have access to fresh and ripe produce
>We also go out to dinner with friends and talk about food with people, but we don't eat at or bother ourselves with mediocre chain restaurants, so it's no concern of mine if they want to smash avocados on everything
See, it's your opinions, vs. my opinions, and there's no winning here. So you know....fuck off already, you've been rode hard and hung up wet and we're all tired.

>> No.5493161

inb4 last word fag wont shut the fuck up

>> No.5493162

There was no argument, there's just one drunk guy rambling on like a retard and another anon who keeps engaging. That's not an argument, it's the same shitposting as usual. I don't think you understand the difference.

>> No.5493170

i still won, you just relented that your opinions are just as shitty as mine.

(that was just for >>5493161 you samefag piece of shit)


>> No.5493176
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>> No.5493177
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>being this delusional

You gonna keep drinking till you puke, anon? Why don't you keep tell us all why you're so great and wise, it's very entertaining.

>> No.5493178

fair. they can't all be zingers

>> No.5493179

You're obviously too drunk to notice sarcasm when you read it.

>> No.5493182
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>> No.5493215
File: 605 KB, 1973x999, bible-belt-with-holster_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am a dumb hick who learns about food through occasional change in fast food chain menus. I assume everyone else is just as dumb, isolated, and gastronomically challenged as me, so whenever a fast food chain puts something on the menu, I assume that it's a new hip trend and "everyone" eats that thing.

Have I mentioned that I've never seen kale in my life and my knowledge of sushi comes from TV and movies? Also, I like to rant about Hollywood and liberals and blame them for everything that is wrong with my life (there is a great deal that is wrong with my life)

Thanks for listening!

A dumb hick

>> No.5493245

Why are avocados causing so much anal devastation? /ck/ is a sperg board.

>> No.5493253

ITT: white people

No one where I come from argues about whether avocados are "overrated." They're like tomatoes to us, no one gives a shit, they're just there.

>> No.5493256


this is true of most white people as well. they're abundant as fuck.

>> No.5493260

Then why do all of your restaurants throw avocado into a dish to make it a "premium" item?

>> No.5493262


they don't. you're getting the wrong end of the stick somehow.

>> No.5493264

how high were you when you created this thread?
if anything, it's underrated

>> No.5493267


What does this even mean?

>> No.5493272

Or you're simply unaware of marketing. It's there, you just aren't paying attention.

>> No.5493274


you are just being ridiculous

>> No.5493275


can you give me an example please.

>> No.5493285

>products are marketed!
>god isn't real!
>girls want a successful good looking guy!
>companies want to make money!
>meat comes from animals that were alive once!

Any other earth shattering discoveries you want to share with the rest of us?

>> No.5493292

Do you never buy produce or something?

>> No.5493296

You might want to let these guys know:

Common knowledge indeed. But you did entirely miss the point.

>> No.5493299


we're aware that things are 'marketed' dude we're talking about the specific avocado-raising-the-price-of-everything phenomenon you're talking about. maybe that happened in the fucking seventies.

>> No.5493302

I was alive in the 70's and it never happened the avocado prices were stable as fuck.

>> No.5493304


then please give an example of whatever you're talking about pertaining to the present.

>> No.5493311
File: 602 KB, 480x360, summer of 69.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too busy even for tasty avocados

>> No.5493343

I used to buy them at $5 for a tray of 20. I wish they were still that cheap.

Mangos will be the next to go.

>> No.5493348

Mangoes would have went up with the salsa craze a few years ago so I doubt it.

>> No.5493356
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>the salsa craze a few years ago


>> No.5493360

Avacado's are guacamole is not, when done right it's without doubt the best dipping sauce out there.

Damn i've really got to go the that market in the city, all those cheap exotic vegetables and ingredients, dayum.

>> No.5493622

the local ghetto grocery store (price chopper, shop rite, etc.) has avocadoes (regular size ones) for $1. Can't go wrong.

>> No.5493949

>>god isn't real!

>> No.5495264
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>> No.5495265

Yeah they're ok i guess

>implying i've ever had a raw avocado


>> No.5497164
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It seems like a few years ago people and restaurants really started going ape-shit ove avocados. Adding them to all sorts of dishes and calling it "California Style". I would say overused, but not overrated. Hell, I'm snacking on one right now. Pic related as fuck

>> No.5497179

I substitute them for mayo on sandwiches. I'm in California so they're cheap.

>> No.5497183

really depends on the quality and ripeness.

>> No.5497195

Where are they cheap? I live in norcal and at safeway they're 2 fucking dollars, I can get them for .89 at a local produce stand but they're TINY

>> No.5497208

Dude, I live in NorCal. At Grocery Outlet, you can get a bag of nine small Haas avocados (they're small, but super buttery and have tiny pits) for $1.99. I also bought some large Haas avocados at Sprouts for $.99 a piece the other day, and they were very good. I fucking love avos, eat one erry day.

>> No.5497212

God damn, you calling that guy "darling" is the gayest thing I've ever read. I was actually on your side while reading you two argue until you said "darling". I bet you are a pissy, passive aggressive little bitch that thinks he's better than everyone. Fuck you and die you dipshit asshole. And don't ever let me catch you on any /ck/ thread again.

>> No.5497221

Funnily enough, I'm the person who wrote that post. Why do you have such a huge problem with a single word, DARLING? Oh look, I'm on this thread again, what SHALL you do? And no, I'm not passive agressive, I'm aggressive aggressive. Passive aggression is for faggots. You sound like a faggot.

>> No.5497247

> pissy
> little bitch
> thinks he's better than everybody

You're agressive, i'll give you that. 3 out of 4 isn't bad right?

>> No.5497261
File: 50 KB, 283x200, cackling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close your legs, your vagina is gaping.

>> No.5497262

Yeah. I think they're brettygud but I don't understand the passion they seem to inspire in a lot of people.

>> No.5497335

>It seems like a few years ago people and restaurants really started going ape-shit ove avocados.

I'm simultaneously fascinated and horrified by the thought of what dining out must be like where you live.

Can you get salads that aren't made entirely of iceberg lettuce and mayonnaise yet?

>> No.5497622

Dining out is actually great here in Austin, TX.

>> No.5497651
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>> No.5497732

I ate them quite a lot in the Philippines since I grew up there. We would turn avocado into smoothies, ice creams, slush, etc. I actually I didn't get exposed to non dessert avocado dishes till I moved to the US. I find them quite flavorful in a very subtle sense.

>> No.5497767

>x suddenly gets popular
>"X is overrated!"

Why do hipsters exist?

>> No.5497786
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piss off partner.

>> No.5497793

this size of a tennis ball

>> No.5500267

>Grocery Outlet
really wtf

>> No.5500507

I think avocados go well with almost everything. I find a neutral taste in them, which makes them good both for sweet or salty dishes.

I add avocados to sandwichs, soup, hot dogs, hamburguers, tortas (a kind of sandwich), tacos, quesadillas... I eat them raw, or make salads with them. I even use avocado when i'm having a dessert such as a cake or a pie.

Here in Mexico, avocados are getting kind of expensive, but they're pretty easy to find.

>> No.5500560

Thats a different variety of avocados...
I forget what theyre called, but our family grow them coz they were too expensive from the store compared to the lame ones link in OP.
Definitely best by far though, buttery and dull coloured but massive.

>> No.5500569

and come on its fucking food. who cares if youre not buying into ti. there will be people buying into this shit and guess what - its gone once they finish eating it

>> No.5500595

I live in socal, 79 cents each locally. I also know someone who has a tree. They more or less stay good on the branch until you pick them, you should look into it.