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5491460 No.5491460[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I finally exhausted my supply of frozen 'bulk bought' meat and cheese, and I'm looking to get some more from the store. Normally it's not really an issue because I can hit costco or sam's club or even some sale to pick up what i need to restock for another year (i have a good freezer so i can keep the meat at or below 0degrees so it keeps)


The price per pound of meat is like 300% more than it used to be (a sale of ground beef here in southern cal is like $2.50/lb for 85/15) and cheese... just regular silced american from sams club is $3/lb! I haven't seen anything better no matter where i look.

So my question is, do any of you know where/how to get cheaper meats/cheese without sacrificing TOO much in quality (aka no managers specials please.. i'd rather not get some food born disease due to spoiled meat)

>> No.5491464

Same here in Canada. Beef and pork prices exploding.

>> No.5491466

Because Monsanto


>> No.5491473

>why are meats/cheeses so expensive lately?
In short: because of really bad drought in the midwest.

>So my question is, do any of you know where/how to get cheaper meats/cheese without sacrificing TOO much in quality (aka no managers specials please.. i'd rather not get some food born disease due to spoiled meat)
If you live in the country, you could grow your own meat. But aside from that, I have no idea.

>> No.5491474

>do any of you know where/how to get cheaper meats/cheese without sacrificing TOO much in quality
>shops at sams club and costco

>> No.5491486

>grow your own meat

>> No.5491489


i know this is b8 but when you're trying to save money (aka you're pretty poor) you'd be surprised at the stuff you can get from the bulk stores.

I know it isn't italian wheel parmesan or fresh canadian squeaky cheese.... (cheese curd) but it's still enough to get by. and it isn't the SUPER low quality 99c store 'cheese flavored product' made mostly of soy and oil.

>> No.5491492


honestly i've contemplated this... but living in suburbia, there's no opportunity to do this without significant investment. Even chickens would be difficult for me due to my living arrangements.

>> No.5491495

I don't mean grow, like in a lab or like a plant. I mean take care of an animal or two and harvest them once they're fully grown.

>> No.5491507

There used to be an abundance of steers to slaughter because obviously dairies want females. Recently through artificial insemination practices they've been able to "sex" the sperm to produce mostly female calves. Less steers = less supply = higher prices.

Grain prices are high(ish). Feeding livestock has gotten very expensive in the past 5 years. The previous few years have not been so great for producing grain so prices have been up. The cost of production for grains has been climbing through fuel prices, seed prices, chemical prices, fertilizer prices, etc.

Processing costs. Every year the FDA and USDA and other regulatory fucktards twist each others' dicks until they can justify increasing the sampling(tripled in the time I worked at a slaughter plant), testing(price per sample was up 50%), and whatever else which increases the cost of operating a slaughterhouse. There's probably some insurance fuckery now too.

And obviously the increasing cost of distribution.

>> No.5491511

I saw beef brisket the other day marked at $12.99 a pound. Not even kidding.

>> No.5491516

You forgot one of the major reasons for escalating food prices: environmental issues.

Call it global warming/climate change/bad luck/whatever, but there are several key production areas in the US and globally that are suffering major drought and flooding conditions which directly translate to increase in food prices either due to lack of supply from dying crops/herds or due to increases in cost of getting water to the crops which is then passed on to consumers.

Specifically in the US, the major provider of the bulk of produce consumed in the US is California, which is experiencing extreme drought conditions right now so crops are suffering leading to increased prices for fruits and vegetables. Texas, one of the major beef producing states has also been experiencing extreme drought conditions which leads to less grazing land, leading to less cattle, leading to an increase in the price of beef. Mexico has also been having some extreme weather issues as and since they provide quite a bit of produce to the US, their prices are climbing as well.

>> No.5491527

Beef and Pork here(SW WA) have gone up quite a bit over the past year or two. Used to be able to get ground beef for $.99/lb when it is on sale, now your lucky to get it for $2.99/lb when it's on sale. Pork has similarly jumped up about $2/lb. Chicken has jumped about $1/lb as well(used to be able to get boneless-skinless breasts for $.99/lb, now it's twice that when on sale).
Cut back pretty good on beef and pork and have been buying whole chickens and more bulky cuts lately to make that shit last longer.

>> No.5491539

I've pretty much just been eating chicken lately. Easy to find chicken thighs for 99c/lb. I haven't seen ground beef under $3/lb in a while.

But man if $2.50/lb ground beef is 300% more than you last remember... when he hell did you buy and freeze all those meats, 1988?

>> No.5491605


>shilling global warming
>trying to scare people into accepting obvious falsehood, scam science, and offshore banking cartel propaganda

al gore/government paid troll/useful idiot pls go

>> No.5491616


well maybe 300% is an overshot, but I was like >>5491527
where i could get ground beef for 99 and even 89c/lb about a year/year and a half ago.

gotta love artificial inflation of prices. Thanks obama

>> No.5491624

>southern cal
there you go OP.

>> No.5491636


i know.. i hate it in this godforsaken state with all it's fruits, nuts, and flakes. did you know we're going to be taxed for fucking carbon taxes soon?

Fucking CARBON TAXES, the whole global warming shit has been repeatedly refuted by reputable scientists who aren't part of the 'paid to fake science' clique, and actually have moral acumen yet our fucked liberal democratic illegal alien refuge of a state is just bending over to take it all in the ass.

i want out of this state.. hell, out of this country. maybe iceland...

>> No.5491687
File: 175 KB, 462x435, 1369778285411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking CARBON TAXES, the whole global warming shit has been repeatedly refuted by reputable scientists who aren't part of the 'paid to fake science' clique, and actually have moral acumen yet our fucked liberal democratic illegal alien refuge of a state is just bending over to take it all in the ass.

This is what Americans ACTUALLY believe.

>> No.5491702


You sound politically charged mate. Iceland is even more of a liberal democratic state than here. Did you know they get a vast majority of their energy from geothermal sources because.... BUM BUM BUM GLOBAL WARMING

>> No.5491711

Ok, so the drought conditions in the US are just a huge government scam?

Take off your tinfoil hat and stop being an idiot.

>> No.5491716

No. They are brought on by man made global warming. That's why we never had droughts in the past.

>> No.5491717


Actually, Iceland uses geothermal sources because....BUM BUM BUM they're located on a fucking volcano, which makes it feasible to do so.

Every country would be using geothermal energy if it was that easy to do. Alas, there are very few places on earth where it is economical to do so. Iceland is one of those places.

>> No.5491718

>not having a grove of meat trees in your backyard

>> No.5491725

There were no volcanoes before man made global warming. This is how bad it is.

>> No.5491740

>the whole global warming shit has been repeatedly refuted by reputable scientists
Name some.

>> No.5491875

inb4 LINDZEN AND ...

>> No.5491927





>> No.5491942

No thank you,I get my science from peer-reviewed academic literature

>> No.5491962


the same peer reviewed academic literature where the 'peers' threaten anyone who disagrees with their opinion right? ( http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1545134/Scientists-threatened-for-climate-denial.html ) the same peer reviewed academic literature that's bought and sold by the same money men who are behind the carbon tax fraud, and the depopulation agenda?

huh.. well if you follow that kind of 'logic' I guess I can't argue with you at all. world takes all types i guess, even those who can't exercise critical thinking and enjoy being lead around like lemmings to their own demise.

Enjoy your MSG/ 'natural flavoring', your GMO and your aspertame laced diet drinks.

>> No.5491968

lol I'm glad you're at least consistent in your conspiratorial sensationalist science denial, MSG hysteria is patent nonsense

Enjoy your measles

>> No.5491973

It's not artificial inflation. There's been sever production problems for the last three years. Of course the price is going to rise. You need to learn to be less reactionary.

>> No.5492405
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No one can actually be this stupid...

>> No.5492422
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tony abbot is such a shithead but so easy to make fun of

>> No.5492916

Meat, assuming you live in the US, is so expensive because the drought last year forced people to cull their herds. Now there's fewer breeding individuals. Which means fewer new cows, pigs, et cetera.

Chicken, as far as I know, is the same it's ever been. I mean, shit, those things are like weeds and they literally eat anything.

>> No.5492927

- Cow farts contribute largely to global warming;
- "Kill to eat, or to avoid being eaten.";
- Overpopulation, so only the most intelligent, good-willed and compassionate people should survive;
- It takes brains to eat vegan;
- People eating dead animal flesh is disgusting;
- You will kill us all, and even faster, because now you'll need to do more cruel, thoughtless, conscienceless things to feed, and you will exterminate us all. All of us.

You destroy life every bite of meat you eat. Every cheese you fake, every move you make...every single day, going all the way, I'll be watching you. Eh, yeah.

>> No.5492942

Beef and pork have become more expensive to raise and compound that with both a horrid drought and less 'beef cattle' prices sky rocket. All about supply and demand

>> No.5492951


>I mean take care of an animal or two and harvest them once they're fully grown.

By "harvest them" you mean kill your pets

>> No.5492974

I know im just repeating alot of whats already been said but the three big reasons for the climb in beef based and pork products are these.
1. harsh drought seasons raising the prices of grain feed
2.An emergence of a number of illnesses that caused of loss of usable animals
3.Transportation costs have been spiking

>> No.5492990

Yes, that's pretty much being a farmer. Grats.
Except some pets you like less than others.

>> No.5493061


Rabbits are easy and you can get around some of the bullshit regulations because they are legitimate pets.

>> No.5493241
File: 157 KB, 750x750, CM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro stop being such a stingy piece of shit and just buy the god damn food. $3 a lb for cheese? that's insanely good. I typically buy cheese for around 10 to 15 a lb, but I'm into real cheese, not that nasty shit you call cheese. And if you want some fucking meat you have to pay for it, after all something was raised, fed and died. If you don't like it go on and live off some fucking pancakes you cheap piece of shit.

In other words, shit's expensive because people are broke and can't afford this shit anymore thus prices are going up to meet some kind of supply and demand bullshit.

Pic related, it's food. Food that you're too much of a cheap fuck to ever make. Enjoy your mac and cheese you huge faggot.

>> No.5493244


I'm going to have to agree with this guy. $3/lb cheese and $2.50/lb meat? In a first world country? Who the fuck eats that kind of shit? Just eat lentils if you're that broke, it's not worth the loss of dignity even assuming I could train myself to stomach it.

>> No.5493250

China is buying most of the local cereal production.
No joke.

>> No.5493436

Are there any animals than be raised, where you simply maim the animal and it lives on? Do people eat lizard tail or starfish arms?

>> No.5493527


I'm sure most animals cant live on with a missing leg or two.

>> No.5493556


Look for a meat wholesaler that's open to the public. I'm going here later today to pick up meat for the month. They have cheese and lunchmeats too.

>> No.5493575


Stone crabs. Just break off one arm and toss em back in the water.

>> No.5493592

out here chuck is more expensive then 73% lean ground chuck and ground chuck is more expensive then premium angus

>> No.5493820


regenerating a tail on lizard probably takes as much time as raising a whole new lizard

>> No.5493855


This. Everyone had to sell their cattle last fall as the hay crop failed due to drought. A lot of people tried to feed their cattle unaged silage and thousands of cattle died of nitrogen poisoning. This has lead to the "on-the-hoof" price per lb skyrocketing and eventually filtering down into the supermarkets.

>> No.5493914

>never had droughts in the past

>> No.5493922

What is your stance? Who is exterminating us all? Are we supposed to eat vegans?

>> No.5494178

Honestly in your situation I would go hunting, kill a deer or two, and get them processed. I have enough meat from last season for the rest of the year and through the next hunting season.

>> No.5494270

Oh fuck off.

It's because (1) central banks all over the developed world have been coordinating efforts to ram inflation up everyone's asses in order to (a) bail out Wall Street and other banking districts and (b) reduce national debt loads by (c) not paying market interest rates that beat inflation on the debt, while printing massive amounts of money; and (2) because (a) in the case of pork, there is a massive outbreak of a virus that kills piglets by causing diarrhea, (b) in the case of corn, the U.S. government is subsidizing ethanol production over food growing, (c) in the case of poultry, producer expenses are shooting up because of the price of corn and other feed, and (d) in the case of beef, people are turning to it to avoid the high cost of pork.

If anything, monsanto is helping to keep prices low since their seed stock is so much more productive than organic shitfarming.

>> No.5494274

stupid shitlords detected.
>nitrogen poisoning
>my left asshole

>> No.5494355

I bet costs for exotic meats and rabbits haven't gone up.

Also the thing with meat is OP, if it's cheap you probably don't want to be eating it anyways. It's better to treat it as an occasion you can spend a lot on

>> No.5494494

Speaking of Mexico, the USDA has been bitching about the security of inspectors going across the border. As a result there was a large shuffling about and delays in mexican farmers getting their cows to slaughter.

>> No.5494506

My parents buy ground beef, chicken, ham and bacon from an odd.. I don't know what to call them. This company takes orders through a certain time period, at bulk amounts and low prices, and then fulfills them all at once.

They don't have a store, they literally give you a call a week in advance to tell you which local school/church parking lot their big fridge truck will be in and a time to show up. You pull up, the guy probably knows you from a previous visit and you've already paid so you just pop the trunk and he drops in your thirty lbs of ground round and slab-box of bacon, whatever, and you go.

I would give you the name if I knew it, sorry.

Aside from that..
>>5492916 is pretty spot on for the Why. Last few years have seen ranchers forced to sell off cattle Now instead of later because they would be starved/heat-stroked/dehydrated later. Plenty of ranches are trying to rebuild their good herds or they have just given up, meaning that supply is tight.

>> No.5494915
File: 5 KB, 191x264, 1392086203028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, do you have any idea how shady that sounds?

"Meet us in the new methodist parking lot 5 minutes after midnight. Flash your lights 2 times so we know it's you, and if you bring the fuzz we'll dump your meat into the bottom of Lake bushheimer quicker than you can sear a chuck roast in a hot cast iron pan."

>> No.5494984

Someone a few weeks ago was saying that the best way to eat on the cheap was to ask your pastor for groceries. Must be the same guy.

>> No.5495024

With some thinking and help from the internet the word Zaycon comes to mind, and then gets some backup.


Looks right.
So, it's weird but totally works.
As long as you know how to handle your deep-freeze and vacuum bagging, the portioning isn't too bad.

>> No.5495086

Yeah it makes sense, I've worked in a few grocery stores and shit is really disappointing. That fresh meat is really really not that fresh.

Just need to get me a deep freezer.

>> No.5495295

They're probably buying from someone who crowdsources funds to raise a beef for slaughter and then split it up when it gets butchered.

>> No.5495371

nah, it's commercial but your idea sounds fun too!
probably not cheaper and probably something that is full of pitfalls and traps that the USDA, FDA.. FBI? are ready to leap from.

>> No.5495454

In my area calfs cost about $3-4 a pound. Which is fucking crazy. Right now I have 6 steers two of them weigh about 1100-1300lbs

If I didn't think most people that live in cities were major jag-offs I might feel sorry.

>> No.5495554
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Mideast 'murrica here. Its at least $3.80 a pound for the shittiest ground beef.
I've had to switch over to ground turkey instead, which is generally a buck cheaper.
Also boneless skinless chicken breasts are only a buck or two per pound if you buy them in the bulk packs. I get them in there and stuff them in freezer bags

I would've figured beef would be 'more' on the coast in batshit crazy liberal land

>> No.5495566

i'm dissapointed in you /ck/.

how can animal costs be so high when only 40% of the food we ever grow is being put into the market.

and then even a large % of that is tossed away in a dumpster.

don't be such fucking sheeple. basic supply and demand makes this question null.

so then the question must be asked. why even bother buying meat? fast food resturants haven't increased the cost of their foods.

>> No.5495884

Costs are high because they have to not sell 40% of their product you sperg.

The % they toss in the trash reduces available supply of saleable goods and demand remains (presumably) steady. So it's more expensive.

And lol fast food "restaurants" don't sell meat.

>> No.5495918

Holy shit. Ausfag here, and this is one of the rare times where meat is cheaper here than it is in the USA. Shitty beef mince is a mere $2.30/lb.

>> No.5495919


these are the underlying reasons