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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 800x613, 1376499194105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5490794 No.5490794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone on here know how to make hitlerbacon, also known as hitlerszalonna?
Im not having a real easy time finding a recipe or maybe Im just retarded.....well I know Im retarded but thats beside the point.
Pic vaguely related.

>> No.5490860
File: 452 KB, 600x520, 1363012318064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan's food and cooking board doesnt have the recipe for hitlerbacon?

>> No.5490871

We didn't help you with your dumbass fuhrer cake, and we aren't helping you with hitlerbacon. go back to /pol/, faggot

>> No.5490899
File: 125 KB, 600x694, 1363014045531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is fuhrer cake a real thing?
Hitlerbacon was but if fuhrer cake was too that would be cool to make with it.
Also Im not from /pol/ Im from /k/ and the "nazis" on /pol/ hate these pics almost as much as I hate /pol/.
Hitlerszalonna was a ration given to the Hungarian army during Stalingrad.
I could probably adapt a similar recipe if you have one.

>> No.5490912

I apologize sincerely. /k/ is alright. /pol/ is infuriating and dumb.

I will assist you.

>> No.5490919

go fuck yourself kid
my great grandmother from germany made something similar
it was kind of like an apple brownie
Lighter obviously but about that size and shape with apples either on the bottom or strewn throughout and cinnamon and brown sugar mix swirled around

>> No.5490920

/pol/ isnt just nazis
god the jokes go right over most of your heads

>> No.5490922
File: 221 KB, 800x1046, 1363013157769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
Hitlerszalonna was a "dense fruit jam" and flavored like pumpkin.
Theres no need to be rude it was just a misunderstanding.
Do you mean the cake?
It sounds pretty good.

>> No.5490923

Basically, what you'll want to do is make regular jam and add excess acid and pectin, and let it set in a rectangular mold.

>> No.5490926

>/pol/ is infuriating and dumb
Can't ever win a fact based argument over there, eh?

>> No.5490927

Except /pol/ is where all of the people who didn't get that /b/ was always kidding with its xenophobia go to discuss and research these things as if they were serious. You're the ones who didn't get the joke.

>> No.5490928

yes it was always great too

>> No.5490932

its both
plenty of idiots on every board

>> No.5490935

>/b/ was always kidding with its xenophobia

>> No.5490939


>> No.5490941

>confirmed for coming to 4chan for the first time in 2008 or later

>> No.5490948
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>> No.5490951

>confirmed for coming to 4chan last fucking year

Do you have any hitlerbacon recipes or what?

>> No.5490956

You are a retard's retard in a sea of fucking retards.

>> No.5490957

i dont have hitler bacon just hitler cake but that should be good dude thats what hitler ate every night during his meth crash
and nah brah 2006 nigs gonna nig

>> No.5490959

fun fact: I'm the guy that pointed out that Hitler got the munchies every night because he was crashing on meth when the fuhrercake thread was shitting up the board. In fact, I was the guy fighting with /pol/ for most of the thread. pls leave so we can make our rations.

>> No.5490964
File: 60 KB, 400x352, 1376469695752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats it?
That seems way too easy.
Huh Ill make some to go with the hitlerbacon I guess.
That flood of asshats after the hackers on steroids news story really killed /b/.

>> No.5490968

well fuck you faggot /pol/ is an ally i remember that thread /ck/ was being a bunch of little kids crying about stupid shit and /pol/ just wanted cake
grow up

>> No.5490973

/pol/ is an ally

An ally of the Third Reich, maybe. Most of us here are not hateful bigots.

>little babby Naziman internet tough guy with his IQ charts tells someone else to grow up

Bigots have no sense of irony.

>> No.5490979

>Most of us here are not hateful bigots.

>> No.5490981
File: 112 KB, 370x470, benjamin-franklin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying me and most of the rest of /pol/ are nazis

>> No.5490986


I lurk /pol/ all the fucking time. It's 60% actual Nazis, 20% people pretending to be Nazis, 10% anarchists, and 10% everything else.

Most of you are Nazis.

>> No.5490987

>implying if you don't march lockstep with the PC crowd you aren't a nazi

>> No.5490992

Back to reddit, shitbird

>> No.5490993

>It's 60% actual Nazis
loling intensifies

>> No.5490997


>> No.5491002

I'm the guy he was replying to. I am very far from PC, in the context of humor. Someone should be allowed to say whatever they want in the context of a joke. The problem is not with un-PC words. The problem is with people who are seriously hateful and xenophobic. Say faggot, nigger, kike, cracker, cunt, spic, chink, or anything else all you want. Just don't discriminate against others for something they had no choice in. And don't act like your shitty race or culture is any better than all of the other shitty races and cultures in the world. Bigots are just misanthropes without self awareness.

>> No.5491005

>implying everyone who thinks /pol/ is a Nazi puts up with PC bullshit

false dichotomy there, friend.

>> No.5491007

>Someone should be allowed to say whatever they want in the context of a joke.
And you have the nerve to call others nazis.

>> No.5491024

Obviously you should be allowed to spew hate speech legally. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be criticized for it. I was talking about how people get fired and are forced to apologize for jokes, which is fucking bullshit.

Nobody should ever go to jail for words alone. Using words to start a riot or spur on violence is completely separate, obviously.

>> No.5491030

>hate speech
You really are a brainwashed new age kind of dummy, aren't you?

>> No.5491042

>he thinks hate speech isn't a real thing

What would call the shit Zionists say? Or what Jihadists say? Or what white supremacists say? It's all the same shit, just palette swapped.

>> No.5491050
File: 47 KB, 300x562, 1390093159207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like shitstorms are just attracted to me.

>> No.5491051

Yes, everyone hates you, bubbleboy.
You are that important.

>> No.5491054

I blame myself for assuming you were from /pol/ and bringing them up. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

>> No.5491060

You're really bad at argument. Typical /pol/ shitposter.

>> No.5491065

Nice hate speech, bro

>> No.5491064


>> No.5491069
File: 346 KB, 1332x1000, 1386796050051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting Ronnie because you're a fu

>> No.5491074

Did you by chance pose as a woman with the handle ta0kaka at some point?

>> No.5491076
File: 68 KB, 603x403, 1383353120913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cking retarded Nazi sh

>> No.5491080
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1383353213956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itposting faggot

>> No.5491091

that thread was amazing

>> No.5491094

Best part: I'm the guy who made those images, and the guy who always fights with /pol/ when they try to shit up the board. I stopped posting with my Lumen trip because everybody hates me.

>> No.5491098

Ohhhh caught ya faggot

Ladies and gentlemen, beware this man child who poses as a grown up lolichan

>> No.5491130

god damn nigga /pol/ aint shitting up anything they just want hitler cake

>> No.5491132

You fucking got it. Now go.

>> No.5491134
File: 67 KB, 720x540, 1389083887365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont blame yourself for other peoples stupid shit.
I am a woman.
I guess to be fair my posture is terrible.
Never used a name like that though.

>> No.5491136

that's not a Nazi Swastika you jack ass

>> No.5491144

/ck/ is my homeboard bitch i just go to /pol/ for my news

>> No.5491147

Blame the white supremacist who took the picture that I got that banner from.

>> No.5491151
File: 802 KB, 275x206, 1397641572416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just got to /pol/ for my news

All of my fucking sides.

>> No.5491152
File: 94 KB, 638x350, jammy fall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, turns out we got these as dessert back in primary school. The description of the jam inside matches hitlerszalonna.

>> No.5491153

No you're not a woman
No matter how hard you want to be a woman, no matter how many pictures you crop so they can't be tineye'd, no matter how much time you spend formulating this elaborate persona, you are not a woman. You are a miserable shell of a man. I need to you to accept this.

>> No.5491161
File: 50 KB, 450x450, hitler-cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5491166

Would eat while gassing Jews and homosexs

>> No.5491172

>not using the greatest news aggregate of all time
with all the sjw trolls and communists its not even biased
pure free speech

>> No.5491175

all it needs is dogetipbot and I'd frequent it a lot more

>> No.5491176

>going to a comedy site for news
That's almost as bad as watching a comedy show for news.

>> No.5491180

i watch all the news
/pol/ is the best

>> No.5491183

>watching news

Try reading, faggot.

>> No.5491187
File: 83 KB, 538x361, MOTHER FUCKIN BLOODSUCKERS YO!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay then consider me a guy.
It makes little difference to me if some anons on 4chan believe I was born with a vag or not.
I really think you have me confused with someone though.

>> No.5491199

Try telepathy, faggot.

>> No.5491223

If you saw the pics, you would know she is a woman, trust me on this one.

>> No.5491226

Has she got big thighs?

>> No.5491237
File: 61 KB, 450x622, 1401230363116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really

>tfw that is my fetish, and my girl has thick thighs

>> No.5493466

>that feel when no hitlerbacon

>> No.5493521
File: 178 KB, 550x820, 1377527491612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Im away from home right now.
Gonna make it when I get back.
Ill try to remember to post pics.

>> No.5493564

Hitler bacon sounds what I'd call fried folded lettuce leaves.

>> No.5493574

Its more like pumpkin flavored gummy candy.