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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 970x667, radio29tvf-1-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5490656 No.5490656[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now the blueberry is one that can't work on its...own. It has to have something with it, like the kiwi. It's, uh, not a.....a standa.....stand alone fruit.

>> No.5490660

>tfw have gf
>tfw she is kinky
>tfw one day she asks me to penetrate her while fucking her ass with a microwaved banana
>tfw we slowly start incorporating more and more fruit into our sex
>tfw using olive oil as lube and dipping my dick in avocado so she can eat it
>tfw she masturbates to me fucking micrwaved grapefruits and such
>tfw gf leaves
>tfw no gf
>tfw attempting to alleviate tfw no gf by having sex with fruit
>tfw it is the only time i feel okay but feel sticky and gross and depressed after
>tfw i literally cannot stop having sex with fruit


>> No.5490662

Why don't their faces change?

>> No.5490666

My sides!

>> No.5490668


>> No.5490669

Buy a fleshlight you fool

>> No.5490672

I can't get off unless I know it's fruit. It's not even for the sexual release, it's more emotional.
I'm like Tom Hanks in Castaway, on a raft in the ocean with Wilson. Except Wilson is a melon and I have sad sex with Wilson.

>> No.5490673

I just wanted a thread about stand alone fruits. :(

What about animal beards?

>> No.5490676

I was just about to make a glib comment about some loser buying a sex toy to jerk off with when I thought about how many girls I know who have sex toys and aren't ashamed about it.

Totally a double standard there.

>> No.5490680

I ate blueberries once and got fatty pneumonia.

>> No.5490687

Maybe >>5490660
should try making love to a cupcake

>> No.5490689

866 ron 0 fez oanda party rock!

>> No.5490694

Ron and Fez - Ice Cream Mothballs

>> No.5490699

how do i bake a cakehorn?

>> No.5490700

I actually want to make a cake in the shape of a trumpet now.

>> No.5490701

So you found one guy who knows something about Ron & Fez. Time to delete the thread.

>> No.5490706

I don't think the cantaloupe is stand alone fruit, either. You pretty much have to put it in a fruit salad, or at least serve it with another melon.

>> No.5490707
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Who cares, this fat fuck will eat all of them anyway

>> No.5490719


>> No.5490725

You're embarrassing me. Stop.

>> No.5490729

god fez is so fucking annoying. he is almost as bad has those hacks opie and anthony.

>> No.5490730


>> No.5490735

hey howard, didn't know you were into cooking, but why don't you go back to your synagogue you jealous loan shark

>> No.5490751

Ron > Jimmy > Anthony > Pepper > Opie > Fez >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Earl

>> No.5490755

it is how it is in heaven

>> No.5490759

Why am I not surprised that is what Ron or Fez looks like?

I bought a new car that came with Sirius radio. I like the comedy channels, but these guys fucking suck.

>> No.5490772

>confirmed for shit taste in talk radio

Maybe Covino and Rich is more your speed, faggot

>> No.5490774

>camino and rick

>> No.5490779

used to love listening to ron and fez on paltalk, haven't been able to since the move, but pick up clips on youtube.

>> No.5490780

Are you sure you weren't listening to Howard? Because he fucking blows. Ron is the greatest thing to ever happen to radio.

>> No.5490781

I actually think fez is pretty funny, but i'm laughing at him

>> No.5490783

Thank the Lord for DiscoDog

>> No.5490831


Shut your cakehorn

>> No.5490834
File: 97 KB, 461x317, mfwvos3po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5490849


>> No.5490854
File: 36 KB, 480x480, chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tss tsss, i bet hes like gold cause hes a jew or sumthinnnn

>> No.5491118

>Maybe Covino and Rich is more your speed, faggot
No idea who that is. Also:
>talk radio
Pick both.

>> No.5491122

I agree. Most talk radio is shit. Ron and Fez is not most talk radio.

>> No.5491196

my onions smell like mimi beardsley

>> No.5491202

eat my ass

>> No.5491203


>> No.5491297

Thank you for reminding me to download that. I was listening to those when my mother's boyfriend passed my window once.

>> No.5491299

I just listened to them and they've been going on about the POW all day and taking calls from hillbillies. There really isn't much distinguishing them from others IMO.

>> No.5491301

>all day
I listened to the whole show today. Laughed my ass off. I think you just turned it on three minutes ago.

>> No.5491329

you are stupid and so is this thread

>> No.5491367

In my opinion, the show got worse after Dave left.

>> No.5491380

Agreed. Best era was Pitsy, Earl, Dave, Lily, and Pepper. It's still good, but there was something special about the dynamics of that crew.

>> No.5491439


Jimmy got a lot more whiny and annoying after he got all aidsy.

>> No.5491685

>no cake horn
step up senpai

>> No.5491690

Opie..go home. dont you have children to take care of?

>> No.5491739


>> No.5491742


>> No.5491774


>> No.5491778

And now I'm sitting here with a banana up my hungry cunt.

>> No.5491789

>prick hound detected

>> No.5491792

You're a big fucking guy, mother fucker
>For you, cunt

>> No.5491952

try vegetables instead

>> No.5492058

Got to admit Ron ist the quickest motherfucker in the game. Nothing better than the original AFRO shows on WNEW.


>> No.5492171

>that mrs. fields promo

ron and fez noon to 3

>> No.5492213


I'm fucking starving. Earl, do we have any blueberries back there?

>> No.5492415
File: 14 KB, 265x394, opsterthepsycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i have some blueburries

>> No.5492417
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>> No.5492731

There's seven dicks in my ass and there's always room for eight.

>> No.5492939

Why does my back smell like chorine?

>> No.5493181

...that's really not that embarrassing.

>> No.5493595


Don't forget the balls.

>> No.5493600



say cookie!





>> No.5493607

That cat did not say a fucking word in two hours.

>> No.5493608

It is if you've been the host of a nationally syndicated radio show for two decades.

>> No.5493615

and have the confidence of 60 year old asexual/gay virgin

>> No.5493617


>> No.5493620

tfw is "that feel when," mfw is "my face when." not every part of that greentext had the same face, they all had their own feel

>> No.5493625

lolno. tfw is their face when

>> No.5493631
File: 102 KB, 640x480, ron-bennington-cupcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they need to put fez on live reads and let ron step all over them like the good ol' days.

>> No.5493634

And especially if you understand the environment they're in, where you get deliciously hacked into pieces for any moment of bombing by the O&A crew, the Fez jocktobers were so fucking good

>> No.5493656

You buy into the show novelty narrative a little too hard. You have a gross eagerness to use the stupid shit comedian club vernacular that's very off-putting. Chill out,

>> No.5493668

>shit comedian club
and i suppose you find jeff dunham funny, perhaps demetri martin

>> No.5493676

What a stupid presumption, just because I think deifying self-important shits being mean to each other is embarrassing.

>> No.5493677

So you basically hate the entire New York comedy scene from the past 20 years?

>> No.5493682

>new york
but jews aren't funny, anon

>> No.5493683

new york and boston

actually almost all comedians

>> No.5493687
File: 12 KB, 400x231, 1311833484_9953_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting comedy to not be mean

i'd say you just proved it's a pretty fair presumption

>> No.5493689

I hate everything about New York since its inception. Liberal kike-panderers who think they're gods and the people who pay to see them perform the same material over and over again and pretend to laugh are only a part of it.

>> No.5493698

Do you have autism?

>> No.5493712

Do you honestly think that the West Coast comedy scene is better than the East Coast's? It's just a bunch of circlejerking faggots looking for a sitcom out in LA.

>> No.5493714

>hates comedians
>trying to have an opinion on comedy
woman detected, or faggot which is the same thing

>> No.5493715

Link one post in this whole thread where anyone mentioned any other location in the United States.

>> No.5493716

this is a bad thread

is it a reference to something? I don't get the reference

the blueberry is probably the most standalone fruit there is

>> No.5493718

no, it has to be in something else like a muffin

>> No.5493719

You really don't know anything about comedy, do you?

>> No.5493724

It's impossible to have a conversation with someone who keeps making things up and claiming you said them.

>> No.5493728

you're incredibly unfunny, no wonder you hate funny people...go have a period elsewhere

>> No.5493730

It's impossible to have a conversation with someone about a subject when one person is clearly more familiar with the matter at hand than the other.

>> No.5493731


>> No.5493736

I really don't understand how someone can dislike New York and Boston comedians. You might as well say you don't like comedy.

>> No.5493737

Well shit.

>> No.5493744

I guess I like humour, and not comedy. Thank you for teaching me the difference. I'll stop presuming to know something about New York comedy even though I've heard every O&A show since 2004, seen every comedian from the show's specials, heard their podcasts, read their books and seen many of their appearances on and off stage. I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. I apologize for wasting your time.

>> No.5493756

>I guess I like humor, and not comedy.
I don't use this word often, because I often engage in behaviors others might find pretentious, but that is the most pretentious fucking statement I have ever read. Maybe you should find someone who does standup in an owl shirt and a two-in-one fedora/cape combo.

>> No.5493761

That would still be comedy.

>> No.5493763
File: 96 KB, 612x612, 1396632885364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5493766

Oh goody. Gay bashing disguised as "comedy", right-wing shittards like O&A should spend the rest of their life in an institution.

>> No.5493768

gay bashing is hilarious, what are you a fag?

>> No.5493769

But that's Fez, from the Ron and Fez show, and he's openly gay.

>> No.5493777

The only overtly "right wing" person on O&A is Anthony, Opie is generally pretty neutral and usually left leaning, while Jimmy is even more liberal in his beliefs typically, you just sound like a sensitive sissy fag.

>> No.5493778

This is very subtle and humorous ruse, and anyone who falls for it is still green.

>> No.5493788

>openly gay

hes a closet asexual

>> No.5493789
File: 37 KB, 480x480, chippah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i bet your green like you got a bunch of money all over you or sumthin

>> No.5493793

Yeah? I bet you're GREEN WIT ENVY.

>> No.5495037
File: 250 KB, 150x150, south_park___kyle_wave__gif__by_flip_reaper_z-d7hwz7e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peaches. I only have a few ancient blueberry bushes, and cover them with netting to keep the birds (and people) away.Peach and blueberry cobbler. like strawberry rhubarb,, or late season, pear and raisin. (voice of kyle) Really,yeah really. (though I'd like to be like cartman respect my authority, or stan, I'm more like butters happily nice. I watch too much damn south park for my age . m'mm kay? If ya can't laugh, ya can't love.

>> No.5495151

Rambling Old Guy posting in a Ron and Fez thread with a South Park reference? I can't take all of these worlds colliding.

>> No.5495171

that's fake Old Rambling Guy

>> No.5495246

1. Davey Mac
11. Smoke Pants
2. Fezzatorial
3. at donandmikewebsite.com/?action=showBlog&blog_id=5564 is the episode where Fezzy sits in with Don and Mike and if you get access to November 10 2004 Ron Fez episode Fez has a huge breakdown.

I love Ron and Fez.

>> No.5497181

How did this end up in Louis /ck/?

>> No.5497218

I was really high and posted it because blueberries are food and Ron and Fez are great.

>> No.5497225

Ron is "good." Pepper carries the show. Pepper and Dave are better than Ron, no matter what shit novelty and folk music you like.

>> No.5497366

Ron is more consistently funny than Pepper. Pepper says a lot of stupid pointless shit, and isn't as quick as Ron is, but his moments of insanity are fucking amazing.

>> No.5499238


>> No.5499483


Fez carries the dead air!

>> No.5499980

We need to raise money to hire someone to reverse rape Fez.