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5488735 No.5488735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>people who think mayo is a default burger condiment

fuck off

>> No.5488746
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>people who think it isn't

fuck off

>> No.5488758

In texas yellow mustard is default, mayo is optional, and ketchup is frowned on.

>> No.5488766

>Burger without ketchup


>> No.5488772

>not mayo + bbq sauce master race

the only thing i enjoy ketchup on is potato products, strangely...anything else with it i hate

>> No.5488774
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mayo a shit, it's almost pure fat anyway, may as well go with butter.

>> No.5488778

I am anon and I approve this message.

>> No.5488779

>Eating burger
>Complaining about fat
You're a woman, stop trying to fit in with the men and eat a salad you dainty little pixie. Oh, and we don't like when you watch sports and complain that it's too rough either.

>> No.5488789

u wot m8

mayo sucks, butterburger mustard rice

>> No.5488793

>Calling my waifu a shit

Butter is an ugly cumwhore

>> No.5488803

Ketchup on burgers is McDonalds tier.

Sometimes I do bbq and mustard on a burger, it's OK.

>> No.5488830

>burgers are too good for ketchup

Jesus fuck /ck/.

>> No.5488861

I don't fuck around with my burgers. Not all of us microwave frozen Bubba burger patties on a paper plate.

>> No.5488870

>people who think they are superior to other people based on burger condiment preferences

fuck off

>> No.5488872

but, if you don't eat mayo on burgers you have shite taste

>> No.5488879
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Anyway, for me it depends on the burger style and other ingredients. If I'm doing lettuce, tomato and pickles, I like mayo in there. If I'm doing lettuce, tomato, pickles and onion, I prefer mustard with no mayo. Mayo does go pretty well with mushroom + swiss burgers too. As for bbq sauce mentioned before, yeah that works with mayo as well. But then I don't like lettuce in the mix with bbq sauce so much.

Lets talk about our favorite burger combinations then. Based on info above for me: (in no particular order)

1. Lettuce, tomato, pickles, mayo.
2. Lettuce, tomato, pickles, raw onion, mustard.
3. Mushroom, swiss, mayo, bbq sauce, cooked onion.
4. Tomato, raw onion, pickles, murrkin cheese (this combination is strictly reserved for when the burgers are well done over a flaming grill). Must be juicy, and no condiment needed.


>> No.5488893

lettuce, tomato, raw onion, bacon, any cheese i so desire, mayo and bbq sauce

>> No.5488916

I like mine with lettuce and tomato, some heinz 57 and french fried potatoes. Maybe with a big kosher pickle and a cold draught beer.

>> No.5488922


For a properly cooked hamburger, mayonnaise serves a very good purpose. If you apply a thin layer to the inner sides of the bun, it helps keep the juices from the hamburger from degrading the bun.

If you like soggy buns, you don't need the mayonnaise. Also, if you make thin hamburgers and cook the hell out of the, the mayonnaise won't be as important.

But a good inch thick hamburger with minimal handling cooked low and slow until medium well and never pressed with the spatula (one of the rookiest of moves), it is going to be very delicious and juicy. The mayonnaise helps protect the integrity of the bun.

It also helps to rest the hamburger on a clean cloth dish towel to permit the surface grease to soak into the cloth.

Do it right and the bun should be in excellent shape.

>> No.5488932

I am a fan of chutney on burgers.

>> No.5488938

Dijon mustard masterrace reporting in.

>> No.5489018

What did mayo ever do to you anon? Mayo loves you. Hellmann's is shit tier compared to Dukes. Maybe that's where your hatred stems from

>> No.5489056

>putting sugar sauces or fat sauces on burgers

If the patty's good enough, its juices are sauce enough. Come at me.

>> No.5489069

The burger is an ensemble with the sum being more than its parts. And besides, the bread is what determines the greatness of a burger.

>> No.5489077

I just realized it may seem as a contradiction with the "well done" but "must be juicy" to some, but what I meant was really just a well done char on the outer edge and a juicy, even if well done, interior.

>> No.5489082

Dijon is nice, I'm starting to prefer it over generic spicy-brown. Stone-ground mustard though? Goodness... It's so fucking pretty and delicious.

>> No.5489086


>sum is more than parts
>this part is more important than the others


>> No.5489090

beer mustard is also pretty tits, and don't forget chipolte mustard. the first goes great on sausage (especially beer boiled) and the latter on cold ham sandwiches.

>> No.5489092

Who the fuck thinks this?

Is it a redneck southerner thigh?

>> No.5489106

Not really no, at least I never have and I'm a redneck southerner.

>> No.5489120


Well good God Almighty... you know which way to steer.

>> No.5489124

This. A million times this.
Mustard always, mayo occasionally if needed, ketchup hell no.

>> No.5489144
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>not using Secret Stadium Sauce

>> No.5490498

>not using nutella, sriracha or avocado

>> No.5490516
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>not using salad cream

>> No.5490519

I make my own barbecue sauce.

>> No.5490532

Salad cream is just too sweet. You're basically eating a sugarburger.

>> No.5490744

>In texas yellow mustard is default, mayo is optional, and ketchup is frowned on.

Is there another Texas out there that I have never heard of?

In the Texas I am familiar with, ketchup on hamburgers is quite acceptable.

>> No.5490858

Ill take mustard over it any fucking day

>> No.5493056

mayo is best

>> No.5493058

What are you some yuropoor who uses salad cream? It isn't even cream.