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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 332 KB, 1200x830, Sliced_tempeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5486730 No.5486730[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Better source of protein than meat. Absorbs marinade like Majin Buu. Godtier texture and taste. Why are you not eating tempeh?

>> No.5486744

>godtier texture and taste

>> No.5486747

>better source of protein than meat

>> No.5486750

Too many carbs.

>> No.5486754

There's no such thing as too many carbs/

>> No.5486764

There is such a thing as too many anything

>> No.5486942
File: 296 KB, 700x467, happivore-gingertempehkebabs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tempeh is the shit. Makes for awesome kebabs.

>> No.5486997
File: 228 KB, 863x926, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happivore makes me think of a creature that feeds on happiness, without a natural predator their population would skyrocket devouring all the happiness leaving only sadness and apathy.

Gotta sell this idea to some children cartoon!

>> No.5487047
File: 377 KB, 1600x900, rise-of-the-guardians-the-boogeyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamworks already rolled with that idea in Rise of The Guardians, sorry anon.

>> No.5487111

But he looks like a homo.

>> No.5487665

Because i can't get it anywhere. :( No supermarket/organic store has it here.

>> No.5487669

>praise taste
>first thing to do is completely annihilate and cover the shit taste with marinade


>> No.5487701

It isn't a better source of protein than meat but I do enjoy it. It is, however, far too expensive for me to cook regularly.

>> No.5487731

Nightmares was a horrible pun.
But that movie is amazing.

>> No.5487732

It's not hard to make, and soybeans are cheap.

>> No.5487734

not garlic

>> No.5487747

>Why are you not eating tempeh?
Gives normal people migraines. You're probably so salt-logged in your day to day crappy existence not to notice how bad this processed food makes you feel.

>> No.5487754

Pick none.

I'll take chicken or pork please.

>> No.5487820

causes too much estrogen, rather not get cancer

>> No.5487827

If your diet doesn't include multiple foods that derive at least 30% of their calories from protein, you can't win, in my opinion: you wind up either eating too much of the same food and not having enough variety (having bean curd make up 30% of your food energy intake because you need to eat that much to have a healthy protein intake without consuming too many calories), eating too much (having bean curd make up a smaller portion of your food energy for the sake of variety, but consuming roughly the same volume of food energy from bean curd, thereby eating more food in general than you ought to), or simply not getting enough protein for the sake of both variety and moderation.
Are there ANY good, vegan sources of protein other than soy?

>> No.5487976

Tempeh has a higher amino acid score than beef or chicken.

>> No.5487978

Quinoa, beans, buckwheat, lentils, chickpeas, split peas, rice, oats, nuts, seeds, etc. There are dozens of high-protein vegan foods.

>> No.5487989


the only "advantage" tempeh has over meat is its manganese content. However it is less dense in protein by weight and lacks B12.

>> No.5487998

slow, low bioavailability and gynecomastia

>> No.5488001

I think OP means it's a "better source" of protein than meat in the way that it isn't going to give you heart disease

As for the "mcdonalds told me soy lowers my testosterone, so I gotta eat meat" thing:


>> No.5488003


>Are there ANY good, vegan sources of protein other than soy?

I'm glad you're looking for answers, but the fact that you're even asking that makes me wonder what the American education system is like in regards to nutrition.

Beans and grains, the backbone foods of all large civilizations, are great protein sources with other benefits aside from protein.

>> No.5488008


not to mention

>absorption rates

grass is really high in protien. Ever wonder why you can't get buff off of it?

>> No.5488011



>> No.5488056


Sensationalist journalism doesn't change medical science

>> No.5488080


I agree. Did you ignore the fact that they are summarizing the results from actual studies? Did you actually read the article?


>> No.5488089



The love of my life offed himself in Tempe, AZ. I don't eat Tempeh because every time I see it or read about it it reminds me of that. Probably some years from now I will stop being so weird about it but for now I prefer to avoid unnecessarily reminding myself of it.

>> No.5488108

A lot of Americans think of beans as a side dish or filler. Many think it's not a proper meal without meat.

>> No.5488118

I know that all of those items have fair amounts of protein, but in all those cases it's not nearly as high-quality or pure as it is with meat and animal products.
I am not satisfied with your answer.

>> No.5488122

even as an envoy from the homo-est of boards god damn he looks awful
>tfw shit tier chin and shit tier jaw

>> No.5488124


If only the full text version of that meta-analysis was made public, it'd probably end up looking like the last "big breakthrough meta-analysis proving saturated fats are healthy" that proved their point by replacing saturated fats with hydrogenated oils and white bread. Until the world's leading scientists and doctors accept the data, odds are the data is flawed. Just like Christian scientists who claim they've debunked evolution

>> No.5488128
File: 12 KB, 244x251, 1265948370779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> it's not nearly as high-quality or pure as it is with meat and animal products.

I don't think you even understand what these things mean or their relevancy

>> No.5488149

>want to go vegetarian or at least add more vegetarian dishes to my weekly meal plan
>can't stand soy or almond alternatives

>> No.5488161


I think I've found a solution. If you-- hold on-- if you simply-- wait..... okay, hear me out. If you just DON'T-- like if you do NOT-- if you just DON'T eat uhh... "soy" or "almond alternatives"... I think you could-- YES-- YEAH, YOU COULD DEFINITELY eat a vegetarian meal! YEAH! High-five, little brudduh!

>> No.5488171

And then what? Live on kidney beans and lentils?

>> No.5488175

Tempeh is bretty gud but come on, let's not pretend it has 'god tier taste'.

>> No.5488250


The vast majority of foods on the planet are vegetarian. You have all manner of fruit, all manner of vegetable, all manner of herbs and spices, all manner of chili peppers, all manner of beans, all manner of grains, all manner of nuts, all manner of seeds, all manner of tubers, all manner of mushrooms. How can you be on a cooking board and think the only non-meat foods are kidney beans and lentils?

Wheat, corn, oats, barley, buckwheat, quinoa, spelt, rye, rice, chickpeas, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, split peas, lima beans, black-eyed peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, portabella mushrooms, shitake mushrooms, button mushrooms, crimini mushrooms, peanuts, walnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cabbage, kale, collard greens, brussel sprouts, broccoli, zucchini, winter squash, green beans, carrots, spinach, asparagus, bok choy, cauliflower, onions, apples, oranges, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, dates, peaches, plums, pears, lemons, limes, tomatoes, cherries, watermelon, cranberries, olives, bell peppers, jalapenos, habaneros, ancho chilis, cayenne peppers, basil, garlic, thyme, rosemary, parsley, dill, mint, oregano, cinnamon, etc, etc, etc

All this and more to work with, and you can't think of anything to do with them besides throw on some meat?

>> No.5488329

What makes them not high quality? Is it because they're not as similar to the protein in our bodies as animal protein?

Why do you need pure protein? Humans need more than protein to survive.

>> No.5488343

Kidney beans and lentils are delicious if you add enough healthy fats, and season properly. You should use enough fat so that the beans are kind of creamy and thick nohomo when finished. Or use less oil/butter/ghee/whatever and top the beans with some kind of dairy or other fatty food, but just as a seasoning, not a side dish. Also, hot sauce and pickled vegetables of almost any kind go great with bean dishes.

>> No.5488364


Personally I like to add in some avocado

>> No.5488369

That's good too, anything rich in small amounts to balance out the starchiness. Then something sour to balance out the richness.

>> No.5488380


The mexican trinity. Beans, avocado, and hot sauce

>> No.5488391

Because it's not meat, you dense motherfucker.

>> No.5488402

This. The bounty of the garden is magnificent.

>> No.5488411

>There's no such thing as too many carbs/
Tell that to a Type1 diabetic.

>> No.5488418

>refined carbs and processed food isn't the same thing as carbs entirely

>> No.5488424

>refined carbs and processed food isn't the same thing as carbs entirely

Carbs are carbs to my system. For every 10 grams of carbohydrates, regardless of source, I have to inject one unit of insulin. As a result I try to keep myself under 50 grams a day.

Personally I prefer refined (like sugar). I can eat that, inject and my blood sugar never spikes. Its the slow carbohydrates, pasta, or bread, for example, that I hate. My body is still metabolizing it into sugar long after the insulin has depleted itself. I usually end up having to dose again and risk hypoglycemic shock.

>> No.5488428

>Carbs are carbs to my system.
>I have to inject one unit of insulin

It isn't our fault that you are a defective human being who shouldn't reproduce, let alone be allowed to exist.

>> No.5488444

Are you overweight? But, isn't type 1 the kind that can only really be managed and not reversed? It seems more like an extreme allergy at that point, not so much that carbs are inherently bad.
You're a defective human being because you can't talk to another human being without being a complete retard.

>> No.5488452

>Are you overweight?
Not in the least. I'm 5'9" and 169 pounds (OK, I guess I'm carrying an extra 5 or so from quitting smoking.)

>But, isn't type 1 the kind that can only really be managed and not reversed?
Yeah, I'm stuck with this for the rest of my life, barring any sort of cure.

> It seems more like an extreme allergy at that point, not so much that carbs are inherently bad.
Carbs are converted by the body into sugar for energy, so for a Type1 eating carbohydrates is akin to eating slow acting sugar, in essence.

>> No.5488486

You're a fucking idiot. The latest research indicates Type1 diabetes is an autoimmune response to a viral infection (surprising numbers of cases arise after the common cold). So given the right circumstances, anyone is theoretically at risk. I contracted Type1 (juvenile) diabetes at age 40, of all things. High levels of stress seems to be a contributing factor as well. At the time I was going through the breakup of a 19 year marriage and was recently laid off.

I weigh less and have a lower A1C (three month blood sugar average) than most "healthy" American adults. I exercise regularly and drink only in moderation. I long distance hike/camp and work 12+ hours a day.

I can only hope you are fortunate enough to not suffer the same "defect" you seem to think I suffer from. Insulin is not cheap, and without insurance can be financially devastating. It can also be physically devastating if you don't stay on top of it every day. Slack off and watch you dick quit working and lose parts of your body one part at a time.

>> No.5488528

The name of the game is amino acids, not a vague term like "protein." If one food is low in lysine, for example, you can simply eat another food in the day that is high in lysine and problem solved. Vegans and vegetarians can get more than an ample amount of every amino acid.

And buckwhat has a perfect amino acid score, even compared to meat, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.5489801

Would tap this. If food tastes good I will eat it. Don't have to be vegeterian to like tempeh. This ain't a war between meat and plants no need to take sides

>> No.5490084

I am eating tempeh. Have some in the fridge right now I think I'll make a barbecue tempeh sandwich with. Side of pickles, maybe some mac 'n' Daiya cheeze. Can't wait.

>> No.5490256

Homemade cashew cheese>everything

>> No.5490426

A Dementor

>> No.5490811

According to wiki article, wheat have higher protein content then soy beans.

>> No.5490841

would give it a try but don't think i'll be able to find it anywhere
where is this supposed to be sold? asian/indian grocery stores?

>> No.5491745

Harry Potter is so last century.

>> No.5493752

Regular grocery stores usually carry tempeh in the refrigerated vegetarian section, or in the tofu section. Health food stores usually have it too. I Iive in a tiny town with no specialty grocers but no problem buying tempeh

>> No.5493782

That looks pretty tasty.

What can you cook with it?

>> No.5493785

tell that to someone that permanently smells like garlic and can't get a girlfriend

>> No.5494048

Stop trying to date vampires

>> No.5494073

ew looks like some kind of fatty giraffe or turtle belly or human with small pox

which sounds good but thats vegetables right

>> No.5494256

>gives you gyno

>> No.5494691

Tempeh is an Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans.