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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5485799 No.5485799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bread, cookies, cakes, any sort of baked goods you want to discuss, all are welcome here.

Just pulled these out of the oven. 100% whole wheat oat chocolate chip muffins. Got the recipe from here:


And I converted it to weight, which I will post in the next post.

So, anon, what are you baking?

>> No.5485801
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Weight recipe:

125g oats
275g milk
1 egg
100g brown sugar
125g chocolate chips
200g WW flour
15g baking powder
8g salt

Also I subbed in almond milk because I didn't have cow's milk.

>> No.5485832
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I love making buns especially butter eye buns, while not hard to make at all it's just so relaxing to make them. I've pretty much perfected getting my buns atleast 99% round shaped after all the practice i've gotten at work.

>> No.5485880
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140602_163351[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bread day.

white bread with poolish from ken forkish book

>> No.5485984

Having problems with my 100% whole wheat loaves collapsing in the oven. Is there a specific reason for this?

>> No.5485989

still munching on date squares I made last week (will repost recipe if you want).

Trying to decide what I want to bake this week. Made triple chocolate almond cookies as well as thumbprint cookies in the last few weeks so not sure what I want now..

>> No.5486005
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Cookies today, mixed chocolate

>> No.5486035

>butter eye buns


>> No.5486040

those look really gross.
did you melt the butter or just use oil?
They look unnecessarily greasy.

>> No.5486069

Is the dough paneing when stretched? Whole wheat takes more kneading to achieve the same effect as white

I always melt the butter before using it in my cookies, but I like them super chewy

>> No.5486078


i was just thinking they look delicious...

its like you don't even want tasty food

>> No.5486099
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This was the best recipe i could find in english, i tried converting the recipe i usually use at work to imperial measurements but i couldnt even remember the amounts required to making the dough in the first place despite i remember it clearly every time im at work.

Main difference in the dough recipe i use at work is that it has no egg inside the dough and has little more butter/margarine in it, there's some debating around there about having egg in the dough or not it doesnt make much difference really. I think not having egg in the dough makes the buns bit more softer in consistency and gives them a day or 2 more shelf-life.

>> No.5486110
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those look like shit

>> No.5486116


How do you expect whole wheat muffins with oats and chocolate chips to look?

>> No.5486119

like shit

>> No.5486130
File: 1.31 MB, 1373x899, lHas5FOG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just used normal butter, they weren't greasy at all, when i took that pic they literally had just came out of the oven.

>> No.5486131


Cool, thanks for the valuable input.

>> No.5486134


I think they look delicious. All my cookies look like that before they cool.

>> No.5486138
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next time use unbleached white or a combination of whole wheat and unbleached white

>> No.5486158
File: 1.26 MB, 1390x920, 9j3GA37h[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro

>> No.5486169

parchment is always a good idea

>> No.5486171


thanks, but how do you make that center bit? it looks like theres an egg in there... or butter or something?

>> No.5486186
File: 15 KB, 608x344, butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you brush the bun with the beaten egg, then you push a piece of butter on the center of the bun quite low and sprinkle some sugar on top of it and it's oven time.

They should turn up quite similar like in the first pic, just remember to push the piece of butter deep enough so it wont "pop" out of the bun in the oven when it swells.

>> No.5486219
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well, from my instagram. Im the pastry chef at a restaurant. Not fancy stuff, mostly because i never payed attention to pastry until this job with specific task. Still learning.

>> No.5486223
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thats an orange chocolate buttercream cake.

This is a strawberry bavaroise

>> No.5486390
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Going to be making these cookies soon.
Here is the recipe I will be using.

Any tips to make sure these come out well? I know I am supposed to put the dough in the fridge before I form them into balls and also I have heard using half the butter as shortening instead makes for a beter cookie.

>> No.5486400
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also should I use a whisk to beat the ingredients together, or is it safe to use an electric mixer. I heard an electric mixer can be to rough and I am trying to mitigate my chances of failure here.

>> No.5486406

Cookie dough is... well... a dough. You'll never be able to mix it with a whisk. An electric mixer is fine because you don't have to beat the shit out of it. The mixture only has to be mixed until combined. But I'd recommend folding the m&m's through by hand with a wooden spoon so that they don't break up.

Also, if you fuck up cookies you might be a retard. There is literally nothing easier to bake.

>> No.5486422

I thought I would just add the m&ms on top like in my pic above. This might be unconventional but is using your hands a good way to mix dough?

>> No.5486428


No, I didn't want to consume white flour. If I did, I would have made the muffins with white flour.

>> No.5486448

I used this recipe to make lemon coolers recently. They turned out well.


>> No.5486468

You could, but you're making it harder than it needs to be. Forget the mixer or mixing with your hands, get a bowl and a wooden spoon.

>> No.5486771
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first loaf done

>> No.5486815
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anddd loaf number 2

this one looks a bit better

>> No.5486879
File: 2.13 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140602_235201[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and obligatory innards.

flavor on this one is better than the last, but the texture needs work.

thank you you've been a wonderful audience

>> No.5486944

fucking racemixer. degenerate cookie baking ass motherfucker

>> No.5487247

It just looks like pieces of the butter had not fully creamed with the sugar, resulting it parts of that shot looking like there was just a chunk of butter in the mass of the cookie like a chocolate chip made of butter.

>> No.5487248

that is art

>> No.5489033

I can bake just about anything but plain chocolate chip cookies. I always manage to fuck them up

This looks delicious

I made palmiers earlier, chocolate chip banana bread last night, and I'm gonna make a batch of cinnamon rolls tomorrow. No pics now, but I'll take some tomorrow