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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5485227 No.5485227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/

I'm going to Sweden on Wednesday for a few days. I was wondering if anyone had any 'must try' foods while there or foods or ingredients to bring back?

Also, my dad has asked for some 'aqvavit'. Can anyone recommend a brand to look out for?


>> No.5485229


>> No.5485233

Tunnbrödsrulle, smörgåstårta, meatballs with mashed potatoes and lingonberries also Rey some different harrings. As for the akvavit try "Skåne akvavit"

>> No.5485234


>> No.5485258

Reindeer. Eat all of it. Don't leave a scrap for the local populace.

>> No.5485266

depends entirely on where you're going. the cuisine of the north differs from the south. If you're going to Stockholm, you should check out Pelikanen. One of few places that serves traditional swedish cuisine aka "husmanskost". As for aquavit, try OP Andersson.

>> No.5485274
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>> No.5485303

OP here, we're going to Gothenburg then Stockholm, it's a coach trip of theme parks. Hopefully I can find some interesting 'fast food' and also some proper meals.

I will definitely look out for the tunnbrodsrulle as that looks like the sort of thing they'd sell in one of the theme parks!

Thanks for the advice on the aqvavit, I will see what kind of prices I can get either of those for. If it's good I don't mind paying a bit more!

>> No.5485310

Käkar en påse om dagen.

Mina smaklökar är helt förstörda och jag kan inte känna igen stark/sur mat längre.

>> No.5485313

Food in Sweden is pretty decent. If you're not hitting up Jönköping, then don't bother trying our pizza.

You should try MAX if you like burgers (swedish chain).
And make sure to rape a few blonde females. That'll make you a true immigrant.

>> No.5485343

Big black cock is a modern Swedish delicacy, isn't it?

>> No.5485348


No, more like Eastern European and Muslim cock. That's where most of the immigrant leeches are from.

>> No.5485639

Too bad for you, man. More for the rest of us, I guess.

>> No.5485641

Do swedens artificially color their sausages as well or is that a danish thing?

>> No.5485661

Try out some reindeer meat. It's amazing cooked and also good as jerky. When I was at a camping on the west coast as a kid there was this old man who looked like santa that went around and offered people dried reindeer meat. shit was salty but bretty good.

also meatballs etc. If you're around the southern parts, make sure to check out the Nordic Street Food -food truck

>> No.5485666

Pölse is Danish. You can buy it in Sweden everywhere though of course

>> No.5485667

Venison. Deer meat is Venison.

>> No.5485674

Reindeer is kinda rare and expensive in southern Sweden though, but you might find it at some higher end restaurant with some luck.

>> No.5485687
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You can't beat OP Anderson.

>> No.5485830

>You should try MAX if you like burgers (swedish chain).

Do not believe his lies. Max a shit.

>> No.5485870

Reindeer meat tastes different from other types of venison I've had. The distinction is worth making.

Also, you're likely to encounter reindeer meat and other types of venison prepared in different ways.

>> No.5486037

Figured I'd ask here, what are the two menu items that the Swedish Chef is offering?? Bloodcork? Im super white and can't quite peg Henrick's words.

>> No.5486073

Dude, get a kebab pizza and the garlic sauce. It's everywhere. There's good and bad pizzabakers of course, but definitely try it.

Pågen(round and "puffy") bread with some Skagenröra. An easy snack.

Don't think it's possible right now, but try to get your hands on Glögg.

>> No.5486132 [DELETED] 
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Ask for some somali AIDS-dique. Don't forget your souvenir buttplug and estrogen pills!


>> No.5486531

It's way better than McDonalds

>> No.5488231

Bloodkorv (blood sausage) but what he probably mean is blood pudding, similar to black pudding.
I prefer OP over Skåne akvavit.
Definately skip MAX hamburgers, overrated.
In Gothenburg you can find "fiskekörk" fisher's church, with the best swedish fish restaurant, definately try it if you don't have good fish places at home.
Some Swedish classics
-Kalops: Traditional stew.
-Dill-meat: sweet-sour stew with dill.
-cold salmon cooking methods; "gravad", "rimmad". Best either in "tunnbrödsrulle" or with stewed taters.
-Skagenröra: Shrimp, mayo, put on bread ftw.
-Smörgåstårta: Multilayered bread based cake with a combo of mayo, liver paté, ham, cheese, shrimp, cucumber, mimosa salad, etc.
-Kebabpizza w garlic (or "both") sauces.
-"Risgrynsgröt" rice and milk porridge.

>> No.5488241
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You gotta get some fucking Västerbotten Cheese Pie, just look at that shit.

>> No.5488243

Get to a grocery store and buy some Swedish chocolate. It blows the shit out of muh American chocolates.
I filled my carry on with a couple dozen big ass bars of it. They were only a few krona each and were 100% worth it.
I even tried using one of them to get sex, and it almost worked.

>> No.5488256
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>> No.5488268

>eating mjölkchoklad

>> No.5488281
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Flygande Jakob if you want to try something fucking weird.

>> No.5488294

Isterband (a kind of smoked, slightly sour sausage) with dill (or parsley)-stewed potatoes and pressgurka (a cucumber thing).

>> No.5488314
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You should definitely try some aged hard cheeses.

>> No.5488326

Västerbotten, Präst, Herrgård, Brännvinsost, Norrglimt, yeah get some fucking cheese.

>> No.5488337

Wow, better than McDonalds? Must be amazing.

>> No.5488354

It seems like the ultimate stoner food to me

>> No.5488374

>chili sauce
I can see how that would work.

>> No.5488378
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Mint crocant is the best Marabou and no one can convince me otherwise

>> No.5488381

Try some of the more interesting meats. Reindeer, moose, wild boar, etc.

>> No.5488385

In Stockholm I recommend Mårten Trotzig. A bit pricy but totally worth it.

>> No.5488387
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Fried (baltic) herring.

>> No.5488390

You can get some pretty good herring with mashed potatoes at a stand at Kaserntorget in Gothenburg.

>> No.5488404

I was not aware that there existed a gräddnougat version of this. I.NEED.THIS.

>> No.5488429

fish balls in lobster sauce
fyfan så djävla gott

>> No.5488434

I don't think I've had that since elementary school lunches. I didn't like it then. Maybe I'd like if I tried it now.

>> No.5488456

Having some right now actually. Loved them as a kid with potatoes boiled with dill.
Give them a try anon!

>> No.5489194

swefag here

cant stress this enough

try the kebabpizza, with both sauces

it's probably the best pizza in the world, granted that you go to a good pizza place

>> No.5490355

It's shit tier. The patties have potato and milk in them for christ sakes. They hide the poor meat flavor with dressing.

>> No.5490360


Tried this once. It was surprisingly good.

>> No.5490364

Try surstromming

>> No.5490366

If you want a fancier akvavit, go for the norwegian Linje Akevitt or Loiten Linje.

They've been maturing on ships in casks to Australia and back.

>> No.5490389
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Dillkött - Veal or lamb cooked with dill and some alcohol and other stuff. Bretty good.

>> No.5490392
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Fried west coast herring. The east coast herring is a bit different, I guess due to the difference in the type of water or something. Shit, I'm no marine biologist.

>> No.5490395
File: 25 KB, 460x345, klassisk_kroppkaka_460x345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kroppkaka - Sort of like a potato dumpling filled with pork/bacon, onion and allspice in some regions. Local variants do things differently, but this is the one i prefer. Serve with lingonberry jam and melted butter.

>> No.5490399

There'e might be a difference in taste. But other than that the west coast one is bigger than the baltic one.

>> No.5490400
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Matjessill - Soused herring with diced egg and potato and dill. Serve with browned butter for orgasmic effect. I can eat this until I drop.

>> No.5490401
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Blodpudding - The name speaks for itself. Serve with bacon and lingonberry. You might notice a pattern here.

>> No.5490403
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Pannkakor - Pancakes. Not quite crepés, nothing at all like americakes. Serve with topping of choice. Pros roll them up into tubes.

>> No.5490406
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Fläskpannkaka - Pork pancake. An oven-based pancake with pork inside. Traditionally served with lingonberry jam, but I prefer putting sliced apples in the pan before you put in the mix. Apple and pork is a god tier combo.

>> No.5490411
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Saffranspannkaka - Saffron pancake. It's not a pancake in the traditional sense, it's made with glutinous rice, made for a pudding traditionally served around christmas. Use the leftover rice and make saffranspannkaka. Comes from the island of Gotland.

>> No.5490419
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Ostkaka - Swedish cheese cake. Not anything like it's american counterpart, this cheesecake is made with cheese curd or something like that. Cottage cheese can be used as a substitute if you're not hardcore. Served with whipped cream and a berry jam of your choice.

>> No.5490421
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Danefag here, never heard of these. Is it similar to the danish klatkager - which is just leftover rice porridge sometimes with egg and vanilla added, then butter fried in a pan?

Looks bretty good

>> No.5490424

Risgrynsgröt - Rice pudding. Boil rice with milk and salt. Put cinnamon on top when done. Add syrup or you can just be a pig disgusting southerner and put fruit soup on it. It's traditionally served around christmas and you put out a big bowl for the house gnome. If you don't he'll be pissed and fuck your shit up.

>> No.5490430
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Not exactly. This has egg, saffron, almonds, cream, milk and sugar slapped into a dish and put in the oven.

>> No.5490434

most, if not all has been mentioned before but falukorv could be something worth a try although it's just sausage.
also a restaurant called riche (iirc) is apparently the place where toast skagen was invented so i'd go there for that.

>> No.5490437

Linje akvavit
Amazing stuff, has to be sailed around the world in order to become just right.

>> No.5490442

Not shilling, but this book is a pretty interesting read for anyone that can read swedish out there or knows how to google shit. A collection of recipes from the entire country, some classics or takes on them and some new things with inspiration from the traditional swedish kitchen.

>> No.5490444
File: 123 KB, 450x302, hus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangit, this book.

>> No.5490455

ha, my grandmother got me that as a gift.

>> No.5490459

Hope you said thank you.

>> No.5490461
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>> No.5490464

obviously, i have manners.
i haven't used it that much though, i used to be very anti-fish and iirc it has quite a lot of fishdishes in it. should open it up again and check it again

>> No.5490475

>tfw you love fish but live in-land.

It hurts.

>> No.5490479

yeah i bet it does, i've actually got into fish these last few years, thankfully i live at the coast in finland but it still isn't that great.
used to eat shrimp on the west coast of sweden when i was a kid. best shrimp ever

>> No.5490480

You can get two variants of these at Nalle och Kroppkakan in Stockholm.

>> No.5490539

Yeah, might be too late for OP to see now, but definately try messmör, and more importantly, swedish Kaviar.

>> No.5490552

>not Pitepalt


>> No.5490558

I really want to like these. In my head they should taste good, but the last time I visited sweden and saw these it was in some street vendor/cart where they'd been steaming/boiling all day and it was just this lump of gooey potato and grey meat.

Is there anywhere (preferably in malmö - Copenhagenfag here) that you can get some nice version of these?
Or can you make them yourself?

>> No.5490579

Yeah, sounds like you got fucked by the street vendor. I don't know much about Malmö, but I think the places that might have it doesn't have it all the time.

I would recommend just doing it yourself. http://www.tasteline.com/recept/leif_mannerstroms_kroppkakor

>> No.5490582

>not buying premade pitepalt at your local ICA

>> No.5490585

Traditional kroppkaka isn't that good, honestly it's just extremely filling.

>> No.5490591

Why are you on /ck/ if you clearly hate food?

>implicating implications

>> No.5490598

god damn it, eat those smörrebröds!
nyhavn was a pretty nice place.

>> No.5490601

Personally as much as I like swedish food the normal kroppkaka is not that interesting. There's too much dough and the flavor all derives from butter and pork. But that's just my personal taste.

When I make kroppkakor (or the deviant version of it) I use less dough, more meat, fried mushrooms and parsley. And after I've boiled it a quickly sear the outside so it gets crisp.

>> No.5490649

What sort of shit kroppkakor have you been eating?

>> No.5490661


>> No.5491639
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Kebabpizza, the most Swedish food there is.

>> No.5491655
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Så vackert.

>> No.5491670

Canjeero and Lahoh
Burka Sambuuska

>> No.5491679

Fyfan ditt as. I gbg har de så värdelös kebab att det gör ont. att få se så fina strimlor gör mig tårögd.

>> No.5491682

that's pretty swedish in malmö...
anyways, that pizza is actually pretty, i've eaten it in finland

>> No.5491763


Candy. Seriously, go to a proper self-serve candy store and just go crazy. And try as many pastries and small cookies and whatever as you can. While the food is decent, I honestly think Sweden ahs top-tier candy and "fika"

And yeah, try the obligatory "swedish pizza with whatever the fuck on it". Kebabpizza, as stated, is a classic.

>> No.5491766





>> No.5493429

Ostkaka with blueberry and raspberry jam and whipped cream is one of my absolute favourite desserts.

>> No.5493455

min neger

>> No.5493526

try it with cherry jam.
körsbär ftw

>> No.5494739

Pea soup and pancakes, kroppkakor, falukorv with horseradish sauce.

>> No.5494745
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>> No.5496352

Nu ska jag laga raggmunkar.

>> No.5496500

Sweden, you fucking idiots.

OP, buy this: >>5485687
Also if you like elderflower, Hallands Fläder is nice. Östgöta sädes is also a good one.

>> No.5496875

Not OP, but I also just landed in Sweden for a short stay. Listen to this guy, the pizza is fucking delicious. Good luck finding Glogg 5 months out of season.

>> No.5496994

Not Swedish enough: where are the french fries?

>> No.5497145

You can buy Linie Aquavit in any large liquor store in the US and it's great. So maybe go for a different brand that has less US availability.

>> No.5497153
File: 250 KB, 2000x2000, iipsrv[1].fcgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're from the US buy these. Best packaged cookies I've ever had.

>> No.5499523

Rotmos brunö bönör o fläsk

>> No.5499560

I would skip the brown beans and just go with rotmos and pork. Maybe add some onion sauce.

>> No.5500815


That have primarily Somalians in Sweden. Somalians are nigger muslims. They don't have the big cocks though. That's a different nigger sub-race.

>> No.5501897

Rosehip soup - nyponsoppa
It's pretty sweet

>> No.5501984
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>Not cloudberry jam

I bet you make your ostkaka with bitter almonds, as well.

>> No.5502053

Börk börk börk

>> No.5502140

>no bitter almonds
Then what's the point?

>> No.5503208

One of the absolute total classic dishes is the Janssons frestelse. The only awkward bit about making it is getting the fish (in non-Baltic countries). Oh, and chopping everything up if you've not got the right blade for your food processor.

And smoked elk sausages are one of the world's total god tier preserved meats.

>> No.5504182

Ballerina choko is better though

>> No.5504502

Skagenröra is from Åland btw

>> No.5504511
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>> No.5506258
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Swedish beer is bretty good too

>> No.5506266
