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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5479847 No.5479847 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this sandwich, /ck/?

>> No.5479853

bad meat/vegetables ratio

>> No.5479857

gb2 the salad bar, faggot

>> No.5479859

Probably kind of bland.

>> No.5479862

hey i like meat as much as anyone. that doesn't change the fact that it's a shitty sandwich.

>> No.5479883


OP here, I assure you it's not. That is delicious smoked turkey, and there's provolone hidden behind that mayo.

>> No.5479887

If you're going to do a buttload of meat, you have to have a variety of meats.

>> No.5479892


your smoked turkey is probably half water. the trouble is that people who eat bland food don't even know that it's bland.

>> No.5479898

Too much bland looking meat, roll doesn't look toasted, only thing to keep it from being dry is fucking gobs of mayo and some tomato slices.

Yeah, I rate it plain/10.

>> No.5479899

Wait, there's water in his turkey? Omg

>> No.5479907


Not if the meat is good, which this is.


It's not "half water", and you and I can say "it's bland!" "it's not bland!" all day, but in the end you're an idiot.


Good thing looks don't always match up with taste. Why does every sandwich have to be toasted? And I assure you the turkey isn't dry.

Wow you guys are fucking fucked.

>> No.5479909

Sure thing, buddy. Enjoy your boring sandwich.

>> No.5479911

I've never had deli poultry that tasted like anything.

>> No.5479912


>> No.5479914

>Wow you guys are fucking fucked.
Welcome to /ck/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.5479915

>post asking for opinions
>reject literally every one of them

yeah that makes sense.

>> No.5479922

>ask for our opinions
>get butthurt when people have different opinions

>> No.5479924

OP here. Sorry all, that troll is NOT me.

>> No.5479926


>> No.5479935

even though supertasting is pretentious bullshit, sensitivity to taste varies grealty between people. He may find the sandwich to be quite strong in flavor while you may not. Although I'm sure most of the flavor of that sandwich comes from the thick layer of mayonnaise.

>> No.5479942

Might as well have posted "Guys upvote my epic sandwich I made."

>> No.5479946
File: 89 KB, 800x600, BoarsHead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not op but I've had some deli turkey that was absolutely delicious. smoked, honey roasted, chipotle, you name it. there's tons of flavors out there and if you get it from a good brand, like kohler or boar's head, you'll never have a bland sandwich again

>> No.5479970

they are fuck wits on here that live to criticize everything. Go a full day without eating then see if that sandwich taste good. Good looking sandwich.

>> No.5480012

If the only way to make a sandwich seem good is to not eat for a day to make yourself hungrier than normal, then it's a shitty sandwich.

>> No.5480561

i like how you literally put half a bottle of mayo on top like a pig

>> No.5480572


>> No.5480580

dont just stack 30 slices of meat.

rather do meat/salad/meat/tomato/meat/mayo/meat/...

will look and taste better

>> No.5480582

Bread is shitty and way too much turkey.

>> No.5480598

That's a pretty meh turkey sandwich.

Cheap bread, too much mayo, no salt and pepper, iceberg lettuce, supermarket beefsteak tomato and way too much cheap processed deli turkey. If there is the mandatory slice of provolone, I can't see it. It's also missing the single serving bag of Jays is supposed to come with.

3.5/10, I've eaten plenty just like it in my life, and I'm sure I probably will again.

>> No.5480614

>Cheap bread

On what do you base that conclusion? How does it look cheap?

>too much mayo

Perhaps more mayo is appropriate for that amount of meat.

>no salt and pepper

Now just how on earth can you possibly tell that?

>iceberg lettuce

Iceberg is perfectly appropriate for a sandwich. It's cool and crisp. Romaine never works as well.

>supermarket beefsteak tomato

You can see a mere cross-section of the tomato. In shadow, at that. Not enough on which to rate it.

>way too much cheap processed deli turkey

Again, what about it stands out as cheap? As for processed, isn't all deli meat processed?

I expect the provolone is hidden behind the mayo.


Who cares about your favorite regionally-available potato chips?

>> No.5480619

Looks good would gladly eat it OP but looks like you used too much Mayo.

>> No.5480624

You're kidding, right?

>Cheap bread
It's thin and falling apart under the load of that sandwich, which isn't even that big.
>too much mayo
No, it's not. It's an unbalanced amount of mayo.
>no salt and pepper
Pepper is black. You'd be able to see it somewhere in that cross section if it was there.
>iceberg lettuce
No comment.
>supermarket beefsteak tomato
You most certainly can judge it from that cross section. You've apparently never grown tomatoes.
>way too much cheap processed deli turkey
Again, no comment.
This is the only reasonable point you made.

>> No.5480626

looks like jimmy john's

>> No.5480636

>OP asks what we think of sandwich
>doesn't like reply so everyone's "stupid"

>> No.5480639

Looks yummy as fuck. Anyone complaining about food past "I wouldn't eat that," probably hasn't seen their toes in years

>> No.5480650

I guess food would be really hard to enjoy when you have a massive stick up your ass.

>> No.5480653

exactly. jimmy johns is the little caesars of sandwiches and OPs sandwich looks like there is about as dynamic as a black sharpie

>> No.5480656

I'd eat it, but that isn't saying much. It looks completely unremarkable and vanilla boring. And what the fuck is with that inch high stack of shitty turkey slices? This isn't a goddamn pastrami sandwich, you should have half that much turkey on there thats disgusting. If you want that much meat you need to mix it with other meats.

>> No.5480657

>Bread looks like shit
>Iceberg lettuce

I'd just eat the meat and tomato

>> No.5480658

I never said I wouldn't enjoy it.

I gave it a 3.5/10, and I could probably enjoy a turkey sub going all the way down to 2/10. It's just not that great on the grand scale of turkey subs.

>> No.5480691


No, Subway is the Little Caesars of sandwiches. Jimmy John's is more like a Papa John's

>> No.5480698


1/10 being Wal-Mart turkey subs. I shudder to think of the quality of ingredients they use at their deli. I refuse to even read the ingredient labels

>> No.5480704

Papa Johns and Little Caesars are both really really close to the bottom in my book.

>> No.5480710

Never tried walmart deli, but my idea of a 1/10, and the worst turkey sub I can really imagine, is a gas station turkey sub. Dry, mealy, flavorless and with wilted vegetables. I made the mistake of getting one once, long ago. Now I just get mixed nuts from gas stations. And a banana or apple if they have a fruit basket.

>> No.5480718

I used to get gas station subs all the time that weren't that bad, but you just had to make sure they were the fresh ones just delivered

>> No.5480743

How do you make sure they're fresh? I only even consider gas station food if I'm on the road and don't have other options.

>> No.5480746

2.5/10. Bread looks like squishy pleb-tier, inadequate topping variety, not enough of veggies, too much meat, meat looks sliced but compressed into block, no visible sauce, styrofoam plate. Meat ratio might be appropriate for an athlete after a muscle-tearing workout, or a teen during a growth spurt, and plebness of ingredients might be appropriate for someone well below the poverty line, and who has no access to businesses that sell more than a half dozen types of produce.

>> No.5480749

this looks like a shitty, bland, generic turkey sandwich you would get from a coffee shop/mini-restaraunt inside the same office building you work in.

You know, when Suite 104 moved out... they got that fake little restaraunt in there with cupcakes, bananas, frozen snacks.

It's worse then subway, and that's saying a whole lot. 3/10

If you made it yourself however, i think that's a pretty stand up job. 7/10

>> No.5480750

That better be aioli or miracle whip or it's getting scraped off

>> No.5480752

>I only even consider gas station food if I'm on the road and don't have other options.

well, yeah.

>> No.5480761

GODDAMMIT Rummy, nobody etc etc etc.

Not that guy it's just funny to me. Those Deli Express ones are pretty cheap and edible with some mustard, I used to grab one quick between class, it's like a $2 sandwich. They were fresh because so many students bought them so good rotation.

>> No.5480766

So yeah, how do I know if they're fresh? I've never been to the gas station before and will probably never be back, so I don't know their delivery schedule. And I don't know how long the things are marked "good for" so I can't go by the sell-by date.

It's a fucking crapshoot. I can see them being remotely tolerable if they're fresh, before the bread has gone stale and the veg is wilted. But how can you tell by just looking at the outside?

>> No.5480777

I went to this shitty school that had a gas station next door and we would go over there to grab lunch

all you have to do is check all the dates and pick whatever subs have the best expiration date on them and that means they got delivered within the past day or 2

the place would get a delivery 3 times per week and I would just pick whatever looked new

>cheap and edible with some mustard
I like to do half mayo and half mustard on my gas station sandwiches

>> No.5480796

You did pretty good for a retard, your care worker must be proud.


>> No.5480811

They should have dates on them, get the newest one. Or just grab one from the very back. I only buy them now if I'm hungry and the delivery guy is there stocking new ones.

>> No.5480817


>> No.5480824
File: 148 KB, 610x886, 1399589307967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 whole points for making a sandwich himself

>> No.5480838

Grabbing the most recent date works great for milk cartons and those shitty salad packs. But for sandwiches? That's just depressing.

>> No.5480840

And what the hell distracts a dog so much it gets smacked in the face by a frisbee? Dogs are always pretty focused when a frisbee is flying in their vicinity.

>> No.5480848

the asshole owner probably had a friend distract the dog and then he threw the frisbee really fast so the dog didn't have time to react kinda like a sucker punch

>> No.5480876


>> No.5480959

Indifferent. ham or turkey,ltm on a half commercial roll. on a foam plate.Being picky. just had three homemade soft tacos and two beers.Honestly? A little less meat. a extra slice of swiss or 'merrican bit of mayo and mustard some sliced black olives.. lose the foam plate (paper towel or red solo plastic plate, blue if "trendy" green if extra, um uber cool-that requires a buck extra, skinny jeans and heavy black framed glasses)Seriously? looks good. would eat. I don't fit in skinny jeans any more and the heavy black frame glasses ( we used to call them bcd's in the military -birth control devices) looks nice.

>> No.5480968

I'd say you were OldRamblingGuy if you weren't a little bit too coherent. Whatcha drinkin?

>> No.5481688

Nah, I agree. Sandwiches need to be balanced. What OP has there is a meatslab with condiments.

>> No.5481690

Wal-Mart Great Value(TM) brand Processed Turkey with Extra Injected Saline Solution (37%) for flavor.

Fuck you, Wal-Mart.

>> No.5481721

Meat:bread ratio is way off, too much mayo. Look at all dat mayo, it's slathered on there as thick as the cream in a Twinkie. I love mayo, but you must be delicate with it.

>> No.5481736

Looks lie pretty standard fair. That being, not amazing, but better than awful.

Personally, there's a bit too much meat, and from the looks of it, far too much mayo. I also don't see any (red) onion, which is basically a requirement for a sandwich in my opinion.

>> No.5481737

Shut the fuck up retard
Some people actually like a lot of meat on a sandwich and mayonnaise is spot on. You're so fucking stupid it should be a crime. Get back inside your mother's womb and try again shit stain

>> No.5481757

i'm the very first comment in this thread, which was a criticism, and i posted that after not having eaten for over 24 hours. so yes, i have gone a full day without eating, and it still doesn't look that good. would i eat it? sure, but that doesn't change the goddamn quality of the sandwich.

>> No.5481766

Poorfag can't afford to eat several meals per day. Get out and choke on a bowl of rice you piece of shit

>> No.5481781

>So yeah, how do I know if they're fresh?
you uhh... you look at them? most sandwiches i see at gas stations are in clear packaging so you can look at the sandwich

>> No.5481790

>being poor is the only reason for not eating several meals a day

>> No.5481831

You can feed 6 homeless people with that sandwich by distributing that meat to 12 slices of bread.

>> No.5482188

or you could just get a deli slicer and some turkey breasts/loaf bread if you wanted to feed homeless people for cheap

>> No.5482189


I gain a sort of poisonous satisfaction in knowing that I have more than I need, that I can keep it all to myself, and get fatter, and that there exists a permanent underclass of people whose sole purpose is to hold service jobs that make my life easier. I love it. It makes me horny.

>> No.5482200

>gross looking bread overly processed white bread with no crunchy outer crust
>barely any vegetables
>too much turkey, no other meats
what the fuck m8

>> No.5482398

Looks like a sandwich from a supermarket catered event.

>> No.5482508

>in to the trash it goes

>> No.5482513
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>> No.5482521

You are my soul mate

>> No.5482699

My nigga

>> No.5482718

That cheese looks fucking good, what is it? Spicy colby jack or something?

>> No.5483591

Hahahaha fucking this

>> No.5483632

i read somewere that they arent allowed to do that with turkey, only with chicken.
Whenever i go to wallmart i always see those shitty chickens in bags that are wet as fuck, smocked turkey isnt swimming in water when i get it out of the bag.
im not saying you are lying, just stupid

>> No.5484049

man, this dusty-ass sandwich has been on the front page for more than a day. fuck this sandwich.

>> No.5485029

American "cheese" ladies and gentlemen

>> No.5485033


>Pepper is black. You'd be able to see it somewhere in that cross section if it was there.

not really

>You most certainly can judge it from that cross section.
not really

>> No.5485123

Boars Head 3 pepper Colby jack.
It's spicy as hell and delicious.

>> No.5486494

Wow, aren't you quite the pretentious fuck.

>> No.5486540

Sometimes nothing hits the spot like a plastic wrapped sandwich fresh off the truck when you're starving and in a hurry. It's faster than fast food.

>> No.5486560

You retards aren't even trying anymore.

>> No.5486577
File: 189 KB, 1600x1200, 1294673636453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you on this one (not that I was the anon you replied to) because some plastic wrapped sandwiches can actually be fairly great, depending on the style of sandwich. I personally hate plastic wrapped white bread sandwiches like tuna or egg salad because that is just a soggy mess. No offense to anyone who digs them though. But a "bistro" or "deli" style sandwich wrapped in plastic actually is often IMPROVED due to being wrapped and sitting for a while. Depending on the ingredients, there is sometimes a sort of marinading effect that goes on and the flavors just blend and enhance so well. Doesn't have to be totally pleb either. When I'm going hiking or similar activities, I'll pack tomato+fresh mozzarella sandwiches with diced black olives, oregano and a high quality olive oil as a condiment and the bread should be crusty yet soft, and wow, an hour or two wrapped together and those sandwiches are incredible. Stick some salami slices in there for a salty flavor boost. Yes olives are salty, but I usually go with oil cured olives which are much less salty.

So yeah.

>> No.5486592

Roll looks plain, no points added or deducted.
Too much mayo, -5 points.
That looks like iceberg lettuce, -10 points if it is.
-20 for under-ripe tomato, -5 for tomato being too thick.
-25 for no visible onions.
-10 for provolone instead of swiss.
-25 for turkey instead of bloody roast beef.

You have failed Sandwiches. Better luck next year.

>> No.5486599

>All these fucking vegetarians calling for more veggies.
Go eat a salad you dirt people.

>> No.5486667

Would not eat. Turkey sandwich is bullshit to start with. Meat: veg: bread: mayo ratio is all wrong. Most likely not much pleasure in eating it.

Looks like a defensive choice to me - something someone would order when no reasonable "healthy" options were available, and they were concerned too many meatball parm subs would make them fat.

I have a friend who toured as a rock musician for years, and his default choice in a strange town was turkey sandwich, because he was terrified of getting fat.

>> No.5486684
File: 17 KB, 390x353, 1401482510963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not enough Mayo
>no Ketchup