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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 190x508, 356346356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5478032 No.5478032 [Reply] [Original]

it hurts alot is there a cure?

>> No.5478043

farting with a walkman on

walking or jumping up and down to shake your intestines and let the gas pass easier


drinking more plain water to press it out

>> No.5478062

farting walkman? I don't get how listening to loud music would help me fart better.

>> No.5478069
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>trapped asses

>> No.5478095
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>mfw this thread

I dunno OP try to not drink so much soda next time or just stop all together its full of corn syrup

>> No.5478117

trying to drink more water makes it hurt more but then it feels better. why ddin't i just drink a smoothue

>> No.5478127

No but I get peristalsis from wine gum

>> No.5478159
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>trapped asses

>> No.5478163

whats that? Inb4 gooleg, I want to hear it from you if thats okay.

>> No.5478177

ever heard of trapped asses? pretty much the same but not painful.

>> No.5478193

I always think of that scene from The Last King of Scotland when the doctor puts the baseball bat against Forrest Whittaker's gut and tells him to stand up. It forces the gas down and he lets out a big fart.

I've had bad gas a few times and that seemed like it would be amazing.

>> No.5478196


>> No.5478201

sounds like an awful way to explode the intestines, OUCH. will not try.

>> No.5478204
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>> No.5478205
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.....trapped asses?

>> No.5478207

starfire: "help friend raven, I have the trapped asses!"

really what is this?

>> No.5478219

it's some sort of vehement vermicular movement

>> No.5478511

can you be more specific? does it have something to do with soda?

>> No.5478521

wow just can't stop laughing..l ah i canthahahah

>> No.5478530

i think i have the same shit. I drink way too much beer and sometimes i get this mussle spasm in my asshole.

The cure is lying down with your ass in the air and relaxing your mussles. Lol.

>> No.5478553
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Trapped Asses.

>> No.5478567

>can you be more specific?
it manifests itself as an undulating rumble progressing from stomach towards colon stemming from non-voluntarily muscular cavity changes creating certain sounds
>does it have something to do with soda?
my guess is that while prolongedly chewing the rubbery wine gum you swallow lots of air that is feasible as the inside of the sounding box

>> No.5478651

so your stomach makes noises.

>> No.5478687

and it moves.

>> No.5478754

the cure is me sticking it in there :0)

>> No.5478764
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>trapped asses tho

>> No.5478791
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yo dog... the ass is trap!

>> No.5478840
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>trapped asses

>> No.5480262

sometimes I get a stomache ache and I eat some lettuce and it helps me. I donno about others.

>> No.5480294
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>trapped asses

>> No.5480297
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>mfw I come back and accidentally a spelling mistake

>> No.5480618

>walking down the sidewalk eating some beans
>boom boom tiss
>boom boom tiss
>walking past some people
>boom boom tiss
>boom boom tiss

anyone know the reason why beans cause ass sometimes? (gass)

>> No.5480625
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No cure, only pain

>> No.5480635

Isn't it something to do with the way the bacteria in your stomach digests the fiber in beans and it's the bacteria making the asses.
Everyone has different bacteria in their stomach, that's why we all have different smelling asses.

>> No.5480706

huh. cool.

>> No.5480809
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do this

>> No.5480856
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>trapped asses

>> No.5481121

I drink clean water and drink it slowly.

>> No.5482661

trapped asses haha... reminds me of when I didn't get enough fiber.

now I eat lots of flax and vegetables.

>> No.5483639
