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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5477383 No.5477383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Favorite ben and Jerry's flavor
pic very related

>> No.5477432

I liked the dmb one. One sweet whirled i think it was called

>> No.5477449
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anyone try the new molten core ones?

they just seem kinda meh and not really that special

>> No.5477453
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>> No.5477471

Nice try ben and jerrys.

>> No.5477492

Those stupid cores are like the most base attempt to fob off 1/3 less icecream for the same price. Sad thing is that it will probably be a huge success.

>> No.5477496

Have there always been marshmallows in those? I don't remember having any in the serving of that flavor I bought years ago.

>> No.5477501
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Don't mind me, masterrace passing through


>> No.5477507

get your thread deleted?

>> No.5477520

Your flavors are shits

>> No.5477522
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Forgot pic dammit

>> No.5477523

My nigger. Phish Food is the best.

>> No.5477529

Super average flavor perpetuated by the shitty gimmick.

>> No.5477541

I meant to post it in here so I deleted it and posted it itt. Hence the v2 :^)

>> No.5477546

>mfw i could make better ice cream then these fags

how does this shit sell?

its not as great as i thought it would be

>> No.5477553

Why wouldn't you just eat ice cream plain? I don't understand amerifats sometimes

>> No.5477557
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Best of the best.

Nah man, that one is pretty awesome.

>> No.5477558

Because most people can't or won't make their own icecream.

>> No.5477561

Just ignore them.
They just come to the thread, knowing what it is, just to bitch.
It wasn't a real question, they're just lonely and need a bit of attention.

>> No.5477568
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I like cheapo ice cream.

>> No.5477575

why eat meat or veggies any other way than just boiled plain

>> No.5477583

Vegetables will make you severely obese at a much slower rate than ice cream. Your country should realize that

>> No.5477589

That has nothing to do with your previous point which was why someone would want to eat a variety instead of the plain version.

>> No.5477590

looks like your country needs to work on reading comprehension

>> No.5477591

Just don't respond.

>> No.5477599
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we'll start off nice and slow

>> No.5477638

>implying that's ice cream

>> No.5477790
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Sweden doesn't have all the flavours Americans do but I really like Peanut butter cup.

>> No.5477804
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Get on my level.

>> No.5477817
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Phish Food reminds me of my ex, it used to be my favorite but I can't eat it anymore.

>> No.5477838
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>mfw it's summer again and there will be a ben & jerry's truck coming to my uni giving out free ice

>> No.5477845

I want some free ice

>> No.5477860
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>31 replies
>No Chunky Monkey
What the hell is wrong with you people?

>> No.5477863

Can you start a thread about food-related feels? I bet we've got many

>> No.5477865
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This nigga knows whats up

>> No.5477873
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>> No.5477878



It's just another bullshit waste that your enormous tuition costs cover. Enjoy it now, dependent


Cherry Garcia is master race.


I tried Hazed & Confused, doesn't taste like Nutella like I expected. Pretty good.

The core is not hollow you know. They do one ice cream flavor on one side, a different flavor on the other side, and down the middle they have a roughly hot-dog diameter cylinder of a thick ganache-like filling. It's not as if they're cheating you out of anything.

>> No.5477880

What's Core? Never seen that before

>> No.5477894

Half Baked

>> No.5477898

>It's just another bullshit waste that your enormous tuition costs cover. Enjoy it now, dependent
lol i live in germany, i only pay 240€/semester, i get money from the government and i will have a diploma in mechanical engineering
oh and i can travel for free with public transportation in my state

>> No.5477900

It's only just arrived here (UK). Where you from?

>> No.5477905


>This euronigger thinks that things from the government are free

They're returning a small portion of your tax money back to you, it's not a gift.

>> No.5477915

How is New York Super Fudge Chunk?

>Chocolate Ice Cream with White & Dark Fudge Chunks, Pecans, Walnuts & Fudge Covered Almonds

>> No.5477927

you say that today, but you know what he and many others will sing in two days?

"wake up, wake up, wake up; it's he first of the month... and I don't care that I'm collecting welfare"

>> No.5477942

You're that easily taken? You really think whatever fucking cocoa powder corn syrup glop they use costs nearly as much as ice cream to produce?

>> No.5477945


They jam all kinds of shit into the ice cream, the core is just putting it in a specific form.

Is every ice cream that has chunks more of a ripoff than the ice creams without?

>> No.5477960
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Ben & Jerry's taste like shit.

>> No.5477989

Is that a serious question?

>> No.5477993

no, i'm just saying there's not much point to bickering about how much the ingredients in a given flavor cost, since the brand prides itself on having big chunks of stuff. The core flavors are not some ripoff scheme.

>> No.5478004

If you think replacing a full third of the ice cream (fucking "chunks" or not) with some fucking glorified hot fudge ISN'T a ripoff, then there really is no point bickering about it because you are clearly a buffoon

>> No.5478007

This is japenese Phil Fish's favorite ice cream

>> No.5478009


well, it's a selling point. People pay not just for the ice cream, but the shit stuck in the ice cream. Some people will pay more for extra shit stuck in their ice cream.

I'm not really sure that you have done a cost analysis of each core filling vs. the cost of the ice cream, anyway.

>> No.5478176


>> No.5478180

You would love banana and nuts, fag

>> No.5478186

Phil Fish's favorite ice cream is called Rage Quit.

>> No.5478216

˃being a newfag

>> No.5479621

Agreed, there is little that can rival that shit.
Except the Phish Food on a stick things they used to make, I miss those terribly. :(

>> No.5479646

fuck off ben and jerry's viral marketer.
also my favorite flavor is hagan daaz strawbeerry. and fuck you

>> No.5479669

>Sweden doesn't have all the flavours Americans do but I really like Peanut butter cup.
The US doesn't have all these posted and famous flavors either, at least not all at once. They seem kind of seasonal offerings until sold out, and even the biggest groceries will be missing a good 10 of the flavors that other people seem to have elsewhere. The ice cream shoppes were the only fully stocked way to get Ben. Just don't feel too left out :P

I would like to try the new 'cores' next time I see a Buy One Get One sale at Publix (which has the world's best store brand). But, my all time favorites will always be a rotation of four original flavors:
1)NY Super Fudge Chunk for those two types of chocolate shingles and both of my favorite nuts,
2)Chubby Hubby because I love malt and it's hard to find,
3)Chunky Monkey for the fact not many have banana ice cream, and yea, the big giant walnuts, and
4)Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch because it has big pieces of Heath candy bars to suck on as you go.

I used to like their pistachio pistachio, but I think Talenti gelato is doing a better version with real pistachios. I used to like their rum raisin, but I think Haagen Daaz is preferred too.

>> No.5479677


And, to further this, their folded in pieces of this or that were always considered a value, not a cheat ripoff reducing the ice cream volume. In the Heath Bar ice cream, I would hazard a guess that at least 3 full size candy bars are layered into the ice cream. The other chips and add-ins were always done in a value-added quantity, never cheaply. When you're only buying one pint at a time, it needs to be consistently abundant pieces.

>> No.5479686
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>tfw limited batch

>> No.5479781
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They don't have the balls, but it would sell like hotcakes.

>> No.5480169

>not Clinton

you know he was actually impeached, right? and impeachment =/= removed from office

>> No.5480174

Vermonster is pretty nice.

>> No.5480176
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>friend always raving about B&J's
>grocery store finally opens up in my small as fuck town
>only have small tubs of shitty no name ice cream that tastes like frozen piss and has the texture of sand

>> No.5480180

Yea, my favourite. I don't see it often though.

>> No.5480688


man fuck them, where the fuck can you get that shit?

>> No.5480722

the flavors wouldn't make sense with clinton

>> No.5480759

always reminds me of the dude who made Fez

>> No.5481234

But they ruined it

>> No.5481271

>tfw Canada
>tfw only a handful of flavors

A-at least half baked is breddy gud.

>> No.5481577


nailed it

>> No.5481752

Yeah, I knew that. I think everyone knows that.

The point is, Obama should be. And should be removed from office.

>> No.5482213

Thats Mitsuba you shitlord

>> No.5482222

Cookie Dough hands down.

>> No.5482227

>implying he has done anything ethically wrong besides the NSA spying

>> No.5482243
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>> No.5482257
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>but but muh benghazi. BENGHAZI!!!11!!!1
Republicans are so stupid

>> No.5482276

fucking benghazi. Yes it is sad about the people who died there but it's a fraction compared to the people who die at the hands of le "good people with guns"

>> No.5482317

>Except the Phish Food on a stick things they used to make, I miss those terribly. :(

>> No.5482450

>besides the NSA spying
What about all the drone attacks you leftards hated Bush for? Or keeping Guantanamo Bay open?

>> No.5482467

>implying either bush or obama could stop the CIA even if they wanted to

>> No.5482475

Chubby hubby

>> No.5482481

1. B
2. A
3. A

>> No.5482990


Are you suggesting that domestic murders should be used as a benchmark for how many Americans terrorists can kill before anyone gives a shit?

>> No.5483137
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God tier

>> No.5484529

this man knows what the fuck is up

>> No.5484544


>> No.5485474

They really really fucked it up.
I just tried it and it's just not the same.

The chocolate is shit and the toffee tastes like overcooked toffee, and i know this from experience.

The toffee is so overpowering that you can't even taste the coffee.

>> No.5487292


>> No.5487471

Of course they could. How else do you think Obama significantly increased the drone attacks?

>> No.5487476


While the other guy seems a little confused about who's running the drone attacks currently, you're naive if you believe that POTUS has ultimate power over the intelligence community.

For example this episode from the W era, which despite increased attention to overreach, most people are still not aware of:


>> No.5488784
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mine used to be chubby hubby but fairtrade fucked it all up. fuck you fairtrade

>> No.5488792

what did they do?

>> No.5488802


peanut butter filled pretzels (imagine peanut butter combos) are replaced with shitty dry pretzel bites,