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File: 30 KB, 305x165, OMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5477352 No.5477352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I just found out that organic farming is actually worse for the environment than commercial farming.

>> No.5477355

Yes, yes, but that's not to say that commercial farming cannot be improved to be less wasteful.

>> No.5477394

Everything humans do could be improved.
Its just that I thought we were improving that shit by moving to organic farming.
Instead I find out that its way worse?
My brain is still reeling in all honesty.

>> No.5477612

In what way is it worse than dumping poison into all the world's soils and water streams?

>> No.5477617


>> No.5477660

Higher yield means more land is left wild, improving the ecosystems ability to break down fertilizers, side products, etc...
I don't know if the maths actually works out in the end, but that's the argument anyway...

>> No.5477726

Organic farming dumps way more toxins into streams than conventional ever did.

>> No.5477755
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When I think of all the money I have spent on organic food...

>> No.5477764

Wait , why won't this thread bump?

>> No.5477793


>> No.5477828

>all of these claims from both sides with no sources

>> No.5477831

>organic farming worse than monocrop farming


>> No.5477850

It is indeed.
Organic fertilizers and pesticides are weak and have many extra unused ingredients.
All this excess gets washes into rivers causing huge problems.

>> No.5477858

It's true but that's a simple way of looking at it.
All fertilizers have that issue, water ways are often filled with run off from mono-type farms.
Water awareness is getting better, farmers are getting better about it too.
Organic is not a very large issue when added to the pile. It's all getting better, but it's all bad.

>> No.5477872

No, monocrop farming is the absolutely worse ecological disaster, ever. We just haven't even scratched the surface of the long term effects since it's something very new.

>> No.5477876

Non hippie citation needed.

>> No.5477879
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Whoa now. New? Not really.
We know a shit load about the effects, and yes it's some bad new bears. Our population demanded the production increase and we met that demand. It's fucked us in the ass, yes, but
>absolutely worse ecological disaster, ever.

>> No.5478234

Bad for the environment and not one bit healthier.

>> No.5478249

You don't really need a citation to understand why planting vast acres of genetically-identical cultivars is a bad idea.

>> No.5478256


>> No.5478260

not if it was hemp

>> No.5478266

It still would be. Anyone with a basic understanding of plant pathology would know why.

>> No.5478279

Well I am an accountant not farmer fucking Jane . why don't you Spain it to me Ricardo ?

>> No.5478290

If you plant large monocultures of genetically-identical or similar cultivars you are setting yourself up for a catastrophe, because if a pathogen that they are susceptible to is introduced it can destroy everything.

There are many examples of this in history.

>> No.5478296

>implying organic farming isn't also monocrop
>being a balls-out hardcore faggot

>> No.5478299

These pathogens come up all the time and they dealt with just fine

>> No.5478306

because if you're a single poster whose posted a few times in a row in a short period of time it auto sages..

>> No.5478314

Thanks for the info anon. I was posting furiously in several threads , that must have been it.

>> No.5478457

Depends on what criteria you have for 'environment' and 'organic', but yes generally smaller 'organic' 'local' food requires more/ a lot more resources than large scale farming.

>> No.5478474

>These pathogens come up all the time and they dealt with just fine
Do you know why? Because teams of plant breeders are constantly racing to beat pathogens. Read up on the gene-for-gene theory, UG99, etc.

There is a reason invasive plant diseases wreak so much havoc. The same thing applies in agriculture.

>> No.5479324

Yeah, it's just totally obvious!!! Only a denialist could possibly think it isn't terrible for the environment! Denialist! Denialist!!! Burn him! Burn him!!! Denialist!!!!!

>> No.5479326


citation needed

>> No.5479701

>requiring twice the land to produce the same amount of food
>using less efficient pesticides/herbicides, requiring larger doses to be effective

>> No.5479705

There is literally no good reason to buy organic.

>> No.5479750


These are extremely harmful to aquatic life in a way that's just not allowed in synthetic products.
Organic doesn't mean it's safer for you or the enviorment, it just means it's not synthetic. Organic pesticides aren't trying to save the enviorment; they're trying to kill it. That's what pesticides are for.

Synthetic pesticides are usually less harmful to other forms of life because we're trying to protect other forms of life. Flowers that make organic poison don't give a fuck about fish.

>> No.5479769

He will never respond anon. Those who have been infected by the organic food meme have no use for facts that do not confirm the meme.

>> No.5479780


naw nigga

I was doubtful but open to him explaining his view.

I will have to look into this.

for the record, I do not buy organic produce but that's because I'm broke.

>> No.5479782

So you just watched the Bullshit! episode on organic food? That's cool I guess.

>> No.5479793

They both biodegrade in sunlight.

>> No.5480031

>Synthetic pesticides are usually less harmful to other forms of life because we're trying to protect other forms of life.
You act as if synthetic pesticides are purposely created. Their toxicity is discovered, the mode of action is researched, and then the impact on non-target organisms is studied.

People aren't synthesizing pesticides from scratch. They usually result from screening natural products.

>> No.5480384

this is a lie and I don't even need a citation this whole thread is b8 and I didn't fall for it m8

>> No.5480386


this is not a real person

>> No.5480388
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its too late (insert example corporation here) people are now eating organic and the world will be a better place because of it. no lie you tell will trick people. you are finished. done. over.

>> No.5481012

I don't really get the sense of it. You're paying more money for a placebo, organic foods don't taste any different that I've yet seen myself. It's still farmed with fertilizers and pesticides. You're paying for the increased costs of organic farming, that's all, the lower yield of organic crops hikes the prices up and people are conflating higher prices with better quality, and likely under the false impression that NO pesticides/fertilizers are used.

>> No.5483238


>> No.5483251

who cares, fungus is gonna kill all of us anyway

>> No.5483255
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>mfw this is the future you chose

>> No.5484226

This thread is so full retard it's astounding. No sources whatsoever have been cited on either side. You're all idiots. Kill yourself.

1/10 made me reply

Fuck you.

>> No.5484301
File: 63 KB, 318x480, 1401119424418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that go around quoting sources all the time just seem like they are not really sure of their position.
I know damn well organic farming is safer because everybody knows that.
Why would I bother looking up sources?
This is just a troll thread anyways.

>> No.5484325

>everybody knows
This is the argument offered by people who are sure of their position, but have no idea why.

>> No.5484402

If you mean I know all the math and can quote a bunch of meaningless numbers on the internet then maybe your right.
But I sure know the logic behind it

>> No.5484507
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>> No.5484512

>implying I pay more for organic products
>plebs that don't have a high quality local farmer's market

>> No.5484537

Who demanded the corn increase? We sell so much of it overseas and that land could easily be used to lower actual food vegetables cost.

And the massive fields of potatoes for Micky Dees? Why the hell must all fries sold in such a massive franchise be so consistent? Because people are wibbly wobbly pussies who cannot grow or adapt their tastes like children.

>> No.5484578

Did U NO....

Shitting in your toilet and flushing it away is far worse for the environment than burying your shit in your yard???

LeSsOn LeArNeD.


Etc. Fuck off, kid.

>> No.5484583

You don't. You just admitted you only know the general opinion, and none of the details. Do you honestly think the general opinion is always right?

I guess tomatoes must all be poisonous. Muslims must be right about pigs too, seeing as there are so many of them who believe they are unsuitable to eat.

>> No.5485156

Who says tomato are poisonous?

>> No.5485193


The tomato plant is from the Nightshade family of plants, most of which are deadly toxic. People used to be afraid to eat tomatoes because of that. History, bro. Do you know it?

>> No.5485230

That's completely true though

>> No.5485291
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[shilling intensifies]

>> No.5485338

>People used to be afraid to eat tomatoes because of that. History, bro. Do you know it?

Prove it

>> No.5485357


Generall Historie of Plantes, John Gerard, 1597 (and later editions)

Smith, A. F. (1994). The Tomato in America: Early History, Culture, and Cookery. Columbia SC, USA: University of South Carolina Press.

>> No.5485375

Congratulations, you missed the point and you are complete retard. If you're above 18 and still this stupid, consider withholding from sharing your retarded comments on the future.

>> No.5485464

This might be the worst thread ever.

>> No.5485919


>having unsustainable cycle of increased nitrogen supplementation to fertilize huge swaths of monocultured crops
>massive amounts of fertilizer runoffs ruining watersheds

The problem isn't really organic or conventional farming. The problem is conventional farming won't last forever, and a lot of people are gonna starve. Carrying capacity is 2 billion rowbots.
>fertilizer runoff

>> No.5486024

Aren't carrying capacity studies usually pegged in the 6-12bil range?

>> No.5486032

10bil is the one I've heard most but refers to a vegetarian/vegan diet to maintain sustainability.

I could learn to live with that. I can't eat dairy so the world should have to suffer with me.

>> No.5487475

>The problem is conventional farming won't last forever, and a lot of people are gonna starve.
Why do you idiots always repeat this lie?

"Conventional farming" is working just fine, thank you. Even China is industrializing its farm sector because now that they can afford to buy tractors, they suddenly are admitting that they can get a hell of a lot more yield from modern Western farming practices than they were ever able to achieve using peasant stoop labor and shitbuckets.

>> No.5487716

Wait a second. Please think about that first bit. The world demanded it. Consistency was and is demanded. Economics.

>> No.5487896


>10bil is the one I've heard most but refers to a vegetarian/vegan diet to maintain sustainability.

>implying that the wealthy people of the world would ever give up meat and dairy just so that we can cram as many people as possible onto the planet

Governments across the world would create population controls and eugenics programs long before rich politicians would give up their steaks.

>> No.5488058

After researching this subject a bit:
-The gov websites sucks.
-Pyrethrin has a halftime of about 2 hours in the open.
-Runoff is not regulated by federal rules.
-Use of these substances in Sweden is regulated, you need a farm-specific approval to use them. A lot of other substances aren't as regulated, but neither as toxic.
-Some questionmarks abuot the efficiency of these substances remain - they might be of cost-efficient use under special circumstances only.

>> No.5488445
File: 50 KB, 400x300, SICJ-2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That series changed my life.
I never knew there were others like my until that show.

>> No.5488462
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>> No.5488472

Yeah well that's nothing , modern farming has a hammertime of more than twice your face.

>> No.5488474

That's a piss poor argument.

Commercial farming with pesticide is killing off bees. Soon enough there will be no bees left. For this reason alone, organic farming is superior. Also, more natural forms of farming can prevent us using toxic pesticides and fertilizers.

>> No.5488484

isn't it bad enough that you have to use more land for farming organic to get the same yields as non-organic?

>> No.5488504

Hippie bullshit.
No one knows what is killing the bees.
You assholes used to say it was cell phones.

>> No.5488518

Organic farmers use pesticide too. Some of the pesticides they use are the same ones used by non-organic farmers, and not all "organic" pesticides are safer. in fact many organic pesticides are just as dangerous if not more than their commercial counterparts.

>> No.5488525

They had a loosely-Monsanto-connected lobbyist speaking against hairy armpit hippies who live in Sedona

It was hardly an unbiased episode.

>> No.5488530

There's pretty much direct evidence that monocropped fields (lack of biodiversity for miles and miles) are the direct result for mass bee dieoffs. It's the equivilent of expecting a starving and malnourished child to survive a trek through the Sahara Desert.

>> No.5488538

No, it's pesticide, monoculture fields, and monoculture suburban yards with useless grass.

I'm not a hippie by any means. Just because you love nature, doesn't mean you are a hippie.

>> No.5488555

Non mother earth news citation needed.

>> No.5488572


>> No.5488591

>not posting sauce on op

yeah right

>> No.5488602

That link just proves my point!

>> No.5488605

>No one knows what is killing the bees.
How? It presents all of the primary theories, and seems to lean on the strong likelihood that it's "all of the above".

>> No.5488615

You need to read the entire thing asshole

>> No.5488632

a less efficient way of farming is more wasteful and thus worse for the environment?
who would have thought?

>> No.5488636

>Commercial farming with pesticide is killing off bees

>> No.5488646

you're full of bullshit and you claim you aren't a hippie


>> No.5489250
File: 20 KB, 400x300, thumbnail_10277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The left lies.
The right lies.
No one cares about the truth.
Organic food is either much healthier for you or it is not. There is no gray area here.

I can't tell who is lying.

>> No.5489386

Maybe its both?
Placebo effect is strong. If you believe you are eating healthier food you may actually feel better

>> No.5490540

It IS a bit of a gray zone.
POPs (persistant organic pollutants) bioaccumulate in fatty tissue, but since the uptake we're talking about is from plants (low fat mostly) we don't get much of it into our bodies. These chemicals may or may not have an effect on our bodies.
Basically, it's in general too expensive to do hormone trials on suspected hormone disturbing chemicals (BPA is one of the few), which a lot of POPs are suspected to be when in low dosage and long term exposure.

>> No.5490553

>organafags mad

>> No.5490588
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>"no one knows"
>most of the industrialized world seems to have accepted the position of the scientific community, except Monsanto-controlled America

Repugnican logic. You can't explain that. Also:

>global warming is a myth
>global warming isn't a myth, but it has nothing to do with humans
>global warming has something to do with humans, but there is nothing we can do about it
>I never said any of that, those were the other republicans

we're somewhere between steps 2 and 3 right now

>> No.5490603


Why does everyone feel qualified in their opinion over global warming? environmental science is a complex subject that requires a good understanding of the fundamental concepts behind it.

I don't want into a theoretical chemistry lab working on disproving a current theory and calling them idiots and wrong because they don't just go along with the majority.

Just remember, its possible for a majority of people to believe a wrong idea. Majority does not create correctness. Creating a theory that is unable to be disproven or challenged does. Until that theory is made a law, it's up for debate.

>> No.5490605

>a scientist was wrong once therefore muh feelings

Are you one of those intelligent design people?

>> No.5490608


thats the worst argument i've ever seen.

The point is majority does not establish correctness.

The common argument is that there was a period in time where the world was believed flat. Their modern scientists agreed.

inb4 you call me a republicunt because i don't agree with you

>> No.5490617

>The point is majority does not establish correctness.

Neither do your feelings. Except in one case, we have the best possible answer we can come up with today, and in the other, we have cartesian skepticism which serves no purpose except as a middlebrow intellectual game.

Also, by the time the flatness of the earth was relevant to making policy decisions, it was an obsolete notion. Those stories you heard about Columbus arguing with Galileio about the waterfall at the end of the earth? Completely made up. Educated people at the time knew that the earth was round.

Your argument is identical to the intelligent design crowd - trying to appeal to the notion that the layman ought to be considered just as good as an expert in the field because education is elitist.

>> No.5490640


I don't give a shit about my feelings, I care about hearing whats correct. What bothers me is I never get to hear the dissenting opinion, or at least get to see it disproven. If they are wrong, and we really fucking the planet great, but I want to see shit cited and information showing they are presenting garbage.

But all I ever come across is; "You are a climate denier aren't you shitlord?"

"Are you one of those retarded rebuttlicans who don't believe in global warming?"

On the flat earth thing, it's merely an example of majority not meaning correctness. I could have also cited how everyone used to thing bloodletting was the cure to everything. There were select people who thought the earth was round going back to ancient Greece.

>> No.5490652

You could start here,


for further reading

I use


which covers why america is out of the loop on this.

If you want dissenting opinions, or cherry picked facts check:


>> No.5490675

Guys let's stay on topic here. Statements like"you guys are wrong about global warming therefore you are wrong about everything " are not very useful.
I think most scientists would say that far more research has gone into global warming than has ever gone into organic farming.
Let's not bring apples into a discussion about oranges.

>> No.5490683

Sorry, I was just giving someone some direction for research.

I'm in the:
>not buying from a local farmers market faggotry team

>> No.5490685

Most climate change research is based on modelling. The "garbage in, garbage out" issue is significant when it comes to these purportedly accurate climate change models.

What is the data based on, CO2 levels from ice cores and carbon-dated tree rings? It's all pretty indirect and insubstantial data to be basing global climate change models on, especially when you consider the significant political and environment implications.

I never really think of climate change much but I am in research, so I do not hold a dualist, polarized opinion on the matter ("CC deniers" vs "climate changers"). That isn't how educated or rational people approach scientific matters, that is along the same lines as religious dogma or "left vs. right" politics.

Then again, the carbon credit scheme and some of the disturbing talks about climate engineering based on this suspect data is pretty unsettling. It's become an odd religion of sorts and some people are making lots and lots of money.

>> No.5490710


I like you anon, you eloquently said what I was trying to show.

What kind of research are you doing if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.5490723

I am working on biological control of a certain pest for my PhD (sorry, gotta be vague). For my MSc I did work on species distribution modeling and started learning about these kinds of issues.

People always focus on what the models show, but how do you validate such models? What data is used to calibrate them? The big one, to me, is what data is being fed into them and at what scale?

I have my doubts about the relevance or accuracy of an "average annual global temperature" and how they generate these values over the history of the planet and correlate it with tree rings, ice cores, etc.

What is the distribution of the data? Is there a selection bias for certain geographic areas? These are things people should be thinking about when considering the validity of the models.

>> No.5490727

>how do you validate such models

You wait until the fossil fuel lobby has fed to satiety (>implying) and then you throw up your hands and say "well, no one could have known for sure"

>> No.5490731


so we should immediately react to any theory that comes along?

trans fats are bad! ban them!

cows contribute a lot to global warming because of release of methane! ban them!

>> No.5490733

>we have the best possible answer we can come up with today

Not hardly.

For those who aren't afraid of change for changes sake and looks at the past as an indicator of the future, it is clear that Global Warming is good.

The disaster would be Global Cooling. That would mean starvation and death for billions of people around the world as the earth could no longer be capable of producing enough food for everyone.

We are two and a half million years into our fifth ice age and are over 14,000 years into an interglacial warm period of that ice age. That's a pretty long interglacial warm period.

When the warm period ends, expect 100,000 or more years of misery.

The scary thing about Global Warming is not that it might be happening, but that it might not be happening.

>> No.5490737


In other words, there is no need to panic.

>> No.5490738

I was trying to talk about the science behind the models, not the gas companies, republicans, hippies, or other social aspects of climate change in general.

>> No.5490740

No, just to the ones that have been around for a while and been vindicated by decades of observation, whose predictions have repercussions for billions of people.

Funny you should get rattled that people might make a profit off carbon credits, as if profit is only dirty when it's not Exxon or BP or Halliburton.

>> No.5490743

I don't think anyone can seriously believe in the perpetuation of our species or planet forever. It isn't really that scary to consider; as individuals we will all die and we know species come and go. It is simply the way things go.

>> No.5490745

>and been vindicated by decades of observation
They really haven't been though. The models aren't even accurate for short-term prediction, let alone the long-term future.

>> No.5490748


Dinosaurs lived on the Earth for something like 165 million years.

You could argue that they weren't as adaptable to change as mankind. There should be no reason for mankind to live for at least a few million years.

>> No.5490752

>Funny you should get rattled that people might make a profit off carbon credits, as if profit is only dirty when it's not Exxon or BP or Halliburton.
Carbon credits allow wealthy, developed nations to pollute at the same levels (or more) because they can "buy carbon credits" from developing nations. In short, the biggest polluters can still pollute and the nations that need industry to increase quality of life are unable to move forward because they sold these rights.

It is literally a made-up, billion-dollar industry that relies on faulty evidence and fear-mongering.

And, like other forms of colonialism, it is based on pseudo-science and a feel-good notion that we are actually helping the world's population.

>> No.5490754


i think its better to look at it in the way that humans have the best shot we are aware of of surviving its natural habitat. Our knowledge and intelligence have been growing at such a rapid rate we have the best chance of becoming non reliant on our environment for survival

>> No.5490757

>we have the best chance of becoming non reliant on our environment for survival
This kind of hubris is what is destroying our habitat and our potential. To think we are separate from our environment is simply wrong.

>> No.5490760


sigh. the goal is to become independent. We absolutely aren't right now. The earth is going to ded. Assuming we don't die before then, we need to learn to live without a favorable environment.

>> No.5490761

>the goal is to become independent.
An organism cannot be independent of its environment. Unless you are talking about transcending the physical world...

>> No.5490762

This. Sompe people hate words.

>> No.5490766


alright, im talking about moving on to other planets, and being able to sustain life in space alright? You know, creating an artificial environment in space that people can live and create a sustainable renewable environment. terraforming planets, interstellar travel, etc.

>> No.5490773

Relying on earth's environment or that of another planetary body is still the same thing.

It would be better to not destroy our planet than live like galactic locusts.

>> No.5490793


The Earth will die. That is certain. The sun might die, astaroid might destroy it, whatever. What I'm trying to say is, we need to be able to leave, and learn to survive in all situations. Because maybe we need to travel for 400 years to reach a suitable planet.

What I am not trying to say is that we should trash the planet and turn it into a husk asap because then i get more things i want for cheaper

>> No.5490800

you're posting from your bunker right now, aren't you

>> No.5490804
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>> No.5490817

mmm 16 was such an imaginative age

>> No.5490822
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wasnt it though?

>> No.5490827

went to whole foods first time in my life. everything is overpriced, smelly hipsters everywhere. fedora wearing all over the fucking place. I thought I was gonna puke just by staying there. literally disgusting.

>> No.5490902

Am on reddit?

>> No.5490903

He's spot on though.

>> No.5491874

Well is certainly not enough information to call organic food healthier.

>> No.5491877

>implying lawyers have any allegiance to the clients their firms were once hired for

>> No.5492006


>> No.5492017

>grandpa who still hasn't heard of google image search, post # 2349234892394

>> No.5492024

>your daily reminder that we will never have unbiased "science" reaching the public, so long as crony capitalism works

>> No.5492029

>top reverse search page is salon.com

Super legit, guy

>> No.5492032


Top for me after facebook is a bunch of .edu. Maybe google knows you're a retard.

>> No.5492035


Let me guess... Liberal Arts colleges, right?

>> No.5492176

>The Earth will die. That is certain.

Billions of years from now.

>> No.5492185
File: 78 KB, 535x865, science4text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


University of New Hampshire, so I suppose, yes. Stupid liberal elitists, we should all be home schooled.

>> No.5492274


Conservatives are idiots for sure but I think its time to admit that liberalism has gotten completely out of hand.
If you want unbiased science interpretations look to the skeptics.
They are the only ones I trust anymore.

>> No.5492286

>If you want unbiased science interpretations look to the skeptics. They are the only ones I trust anymore.

You'll gain true knowledge; unlike those people who take convincing stats and studies at face value.

>> No.5492296
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You mean these guys?

>> No.5492308



More like these guys.

>> No.5492311

As much as I enjoy the thoughts and witt of Penn Jillette, the show Bullshit! was not exactly unbiased, and didn't really nourish skepticism, but it did offer potentially alternative perspectives for some viewers.

>> No.5492328


>People aren't synthesizing pesticides from scratch.

Coincidentally, yes I do.

(Note: the above statement is an unintentional test in reading comprehension.)

>> No.5492332

Nothing is unbiased.
News sources that pretend to be unbiased are the worst.

>> No.5493336

Yes , to the best of our ability we should be banning all sorts of things.
Sugary soda for a start.
Your fattass drinks it all day then taxpayers are made to pay for your rascal when.you can walk properly.

>> No.5493341

>Nothing is unbiased.
nice tinfoil hat.

>> No.5493346

>I'm only going to apply skepticism to stuff that I disagree with

Nice attempt at subverting the concept of objectivity

>> No.5493380

Confirmation bias.

>> No.5493386

It would be if you did it on the same scale as commercial farming, but people don't, so it's not.

You're also comparing US models of organic and commercial farming that may or may not apply in the rest of the world.

>> No.5493417

Where do you think all the produce in whole foods comes from?
Organic food is being grown on a vast commercial scale and it is causing terrible havok on the environment.

>> No.5493525

There are no good models for organic farming on a large scale.
Small farms?
Sure but small farms cannot feed the world and organic farming cannot be scaled up.

>> No.5493553

>Organic food is being grown on a vast commercial scale and it is causing terrible havok on the environment.
[citation required]

>Sure but small farms cannot feed the world and organic farming cannot be scaled up.
[citation required]

You can really tell the ignorant Americans from the others. They spout the same unfounded pro-corporate shit and have no basis for it other than, "well, I've heard...".

>> No.5493557

Side-by-side comparisons of organic and conventional strawberry farms and their fruit found the organic farms produced more flavorful and nutritious berries while leaving the soil healthier and more genetically diverse.

On almost every major indicator, they found the organic fields and fruit were equal to or better than their conventional counterparts.
Among their findings:
The organic strawberries had significantly higher antioxidant activity and concentrations of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds.
The organic strawberries had longer shelf life.
The organic strawberries had more dry matter, or, "more strawberry in the strawberry."
Anonymous testers, working at times under red light so the fruit color would not bias them, found one variety of organic strawberries was sweeter, had better flavor, and once a white light was turned on, appearance. The testers judged the other two varieties to be similar.

>> No.5493566


>> No.5493903

Bullshit there punchy.
I read that report as well.
Those guys beat the bushes like crazy to try and find evidence for organic food being healthier.
ALL they came up with were a few anti oxidants in strawberries.
NPR did an extensive interview with the very people who conducted that reaserch.
Their take was that organic food was NOT healthier by any real measure.

I love the spin these studies get in the media!

>> No.5493940
File: 47 KB, 832x1199, Monsanto_Shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X Method is worse than Y Method for the environment

It really depends on how terrible you are at either method. Organic farming can be fucking terrible or the best thing you can do, but monocrop industrial farming (i.e. commercial farming) can be either bad or worse. There's no "good" to it.

>> No.5493945

>got caught seeding his own thread.

lol shills these days

>> No.5493954
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Organic strawberry Homegrownmen here. I can confirm these statements as being true.

Which reminds me, I need to pick them again. I'm getting 1 1/2 pounds (1 quart) of strawberries each day and only one portion of the varieties in the bed are fruiting this time of year.

>Their take was that organic food was NOT healthier by any real measure.

More nutrient density = healthier.

>> No.5494210
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It was only a few anti oxidants and only in some berries.
The very people publishing that study said "yeah we really expected to find a real difference".
So no, you can't really say more nutrient dense .

This was the very evidence I planned to present as a damnation of organic farming.
So funny to find it here after being run through the spin cycle.
The left lies as much as corporate america .

>> No.5494264

>that slug in the top-right picture

>> No.5494321

Organic farming is why slug more slug.
Your sexy little sister lift her skirt when she see slug. Not like snail.

>> No.5494437

I notice many brands of organic strawberry to be more tart.

Furthermore this is a comparison of farms, not of farming. The study does not try to make a connection between better plants and soil and substances approved for organic farming. For starters, organic farms target wealthier clients and have different priorities in the balance between quality versus quantity.

>> No.5494520

>some organic berries had a scoatch more lycopene.....


>> No.5494534

>trusting your local farm to be any better with pesticides than commercial farmers

Protip: They don't want to lose crops anymore than the commercial guys and will do anything to stop themselves having a net loss.

>> No.5494541

Tomatoes themselves aren't poisonous but the stems and leaves of the plant are. It's a pity because the stems and leaves smell fucking amazing.

>> No.5494545

>being useful

I thought most people realised this by now.

>> No.5494925
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The planet is fine sweety.
All this doom and gloom is such a load of alarmist bullshit.
I think its due to too much distopian sci fi.

>> No.5495890
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>> No.5495900

I've found that all of the people who worry about the environment and global warming all live in cities.

If you actually meet people out in the wilderness, they're like, "global warming? You mean my pot plants are gonna get more sun? Great."

>> No.5495901
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>If you ask backwoods yokels about a topic that doesn't involve skinning a deer, they'll have an incorrect and oversimplified opinion.

Mind uploading your research paper on how you figured that one out, doctor?

>> No.5495905

Yeah, I figured it out by talking to people like that.

If you'd like my thesis, it's at stopbeingafuckingretard.edu/holygodyouaredumb

>> No.5495907

I notice that you didn't actually deny any of the anon's bullet points.

>> No.5495909

>All this doom and gloom is such a load of alarmist bullshit.
>being this uneducated

>> No.5496107

You mean unindoctrinated

>> No.5496338

You mean misunderindoctronated

>> No.5496512

There are many ways to do either type of farming. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not.

Some areas are more sensitive to land use than pesticides, then organic is obviously worse for the environment. Other areas are more sensitive to pesticides than land use, then organic is better.

Also consider that you can do farming that doesn't release any pesticides or nutrients into the surrounding environment, but still doesn't qualify as organic. The bottom line is that it's a completely useless indicator for environmental impact. For that every farm would have to publish a scientific rationale for whatever methodology they choose.

>> No.5497188


The bottom line is that it's a completely useless indicator for environmental impact.

Or nutrient value.
It is about the stupidest term ever coined.

>> No.5497193

>More nutrient density = healthier.

That has more to do with simple selective breeding for yield rather than GMOs.

>> No.5497197

The earth will be fine. We'd actually have to make a concerted effort to kill life on earth.

The problem is that we're making the earth uninhabitable for us at worst and very, very expensive at best.

>> No.5497233

More carbon in the atmosphere means healthier flora.

>> No.5497279

There's more to it than that. Simply changing how you grow the same vegetable in two different ways will result in them being different nutritionally.

>> No.5497283

It was only one study of one thing. Check out google scholar for more info, shill.

>> No.5497320

Almost no research supports the claim that that organic food is healthier.
The preponderance of evidence says its indistinguishable.

>> No.5497341

Lumping organic food into one group kind of negates the point. Certain things are better, a lot are the same.

>> No.5497463

What things are better anon?
Don't forget a citation.
>Protip you can't.

>> No.5497483

I was in the supermarket yesterday and overheard some fat bitch talking to her friend saying "we should go 100% organic" fat bitches friend was like "no fuck that shit"

>> No.5497584

>Protip you can't.

Monsanto will make damn sure of that too.

>> No.5497669


>implying there is only one way to farm organically

yes planting a small biodiverse garden in your back yard and getting a few chickens and a goat is ruining the environment.

>> No.5497974

If you repeated that situation in enough backyards to feed the world? Shit yes you would fuck up the environment.

>> No.5498879

Monsanto only has influence over the research that they pay for.

>> No.5498954
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>> No.5498957


>> No.5499188

You would have to have unbelievable confirmation bias to not see the spin in that website.

Can you even think for yourself?

>> No.5500637

Fatties gonna organic.

>> No.5500788

