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5476062 No.5476062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I got back from New Orleans last week and all I have to say is: my god, how far the poor Acadians have fallen.

Why do people rave about the cuisine? It's like they threw away all the subtleties and refined techniques of their ancestors and opted instead for using the same spices in every dish... which invariably consists of muddled flavours and a mishmash of seafood and meats.

I was so disappointed by the food. Not to mention the social aspects of that state, but I won't get into that.

My mother's side is Acadian but were smart enough to stay in Canada and hang out in the forests instead of making their way down south. Thank god, because I could have turned out to be an inbred, uneducated hillbilly who can't cook for shit.

Cajun food? Cajun food.

>> No.5476104

So, you went to Louisiana and learned nothing except how to keep being the little bitch you are. Sounds like you not only don't know food, but you also don't know how to travel.

>> No.5476125

I went to New Orleans and realized that crawfish kind of suck
ironic, right?
but seriously, crawfish are kind of worthless
yes I know how to eat them, and because I've eaten so much, I think my opinions are worth something
crawfish are seriously unappealing in almost every aspect

>> No.5476136

>New Orleans
You probably went to the touristy places, and those do suck.

>Not to mention the social aspects of that state, but I won't get into that.
I don't know what you were going to say, but I'd probably agree.

>tfw you love cajun and creole food, but detest the hellhole that is Louisiana

>> No.5476143

Where did you eat? What did you eat?

>> No.5476212

Keep out, yankee

>> No.5476222


>> No.5476225


>> No.5476259

>New Orleans
Can you believe how awful the Iberian ham is in Lyons?

>> No.5476687

>I went to New Orleans and realized crawfish kind of suck
>and because I've eaten so much, I think my opinions are worth something
>I went to New Orleans
>because I've eaten so much
>my opinions are worth something

Yeah, you'd be 100% wrong on all accounts, friendo. You haven't eaten nearly enough crawfish to deem them anything, much less worthless. Y'know what's worthless? Your opinions.

>> No.5476689

Yeah, what part of fucking Yankee do you not understand?

>> No.5477195

Crayfish are shitty. All that work for a tablespoon of meat? No thanks.

If it was so good they wouldn't spice the fuck out of it either.

>> No.5477196

Apparently you don't understand that the term Yankee refers to northern Americans, not Canadians.

>> No.5477216


All what work? They take only seconds to eat.

And the reason for all the spice is because you need the seasoning to penetrate the shells. When you cook shellfish with their shells on you need a lot of seasoning. That's no different than Chinese-style crab or shrimp dishes, etc.

>> No.5477229

you realize that crawfish has as much meat as shrimp. the only difference is that shrimp can be cooked shell-off, so you get to feel superior about your cuisine choices because you can pay 5 bucks a lb to get some shitty pink shrimp that a chinese sweat shop worker pulled the shells off for you making it impossible to make proper Southeast Asian food with

>> No.5477233

Stay the fuck out Northern scum

My family goes back generations here, deep south hardworking hicks, and god damn their food is delicious. A good crawdad boil and some cold beers on a Saturday is about as perfect a day as you could ask for.

Sorry you came down and hit up a bunch of tourist spots to complain about. Kindly stay the fuck out of our glorious state from now on.

>> No.5477238

Wow really? Im from Toronto and we went down to Lafayette for a week or so. Man the cajun food was amazing! The crawfish boil was a little too spicy since my lips were burning after the first few but man was it good. Gumbo, southern comfort food, damn everything we had was great down there. We also dropped by Houston and the tex-mex was so good. I might be biased since we've got none of those things up here.

On a side note, you southerners sure are nice and friendly. I know people always say Canadians are nice, but damn you guys make us look like assholes. Then again I'm from Toronto, maybe its nicer in less urban areas.

>> No.5477298

>My family goes back generations here, deep south hardworking hicks
Sorry to hear that. I am the fifth-generation of my family to be born in New Hampshire. Our estate, education, wealth, social awareness, and joie de vivre would put your hillbilly kin to shame.

>> No.5477299

>southerners sure are nice and friendly.
Yeah, the methheads and oxy addicts and criminals are great. Ask a friend "of ethnicity" to go down and see how he is treated.

>> No.5477305

>Ask a friend "of ethnicity" to go down and see how he is treated.
NO is 99% negroid, friend.

>> No.5477350
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Mid West master race reporting in.
"That's my Middle West – not the wheat or the prairies or the lost Swede towns, but the thrilling returning trains of my youth, and the street lamps and sleigh bells in the frosty dark and the shadows of holly wreaths thrown by lighted windows on the snow. I am part of that, a little solemn with the feel of those long winters, a little complacent from growing up in the Carraway house in a city where dwellings are still called through decades by a family's name. "

>> No.5477399
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>> No.5477424


Am i missing something here or is he in the running for dumbass of the year

>> No.5477436
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>Not North America

>> No.5477439

It's funny how people not from LA believe New Orleans is representative of the state as a whole. Honestly, most of us hate that shit hole, everything outside of the French Quarter is niggerdeadzone, and there's only a few places in the French Quarter worth going to.

>> No.5477466

New Orleans is creole, not Cajun. Go to Lafayette for God-Tier food

>> No.5477470

Chocolate city

>> No.5477474 [DELETED] 

But you're a Core Curriculum state. Whatever advantage you had, you're now shit like everybody else. Not counting uni, of course.

>> No.5477651

Around here the fresh, shell-on wild caught shrimp are cheaper than the thawed out shelled deveined farm-raised shrimp.

>> No.5477686

I spent two weeks in Shreveport for work and can confirm that it's a crime ridden shithole.

>> No.5477723

As someone who grew up in Shreveport and finally got out now living in Houston I support this statement.

I will die before I go back

>> No.5478222

>Canada is the United States of America

>> No.5478281

Everyone should go to Louisiana at least once. We did a Louisiana road trip vacation years ago, and it was fucking awesome. Lafayette, Avery Island, River Road, Houma, plantations, Baton Rouge, Nawlins', it was fun as hell. Everyone was really nice, too, even when we stumbled into a ghetto convenience store by accident, looking for a particular hot sauce. The people in there seemed surprised to see us whities, but they were still friendly and helpful. That said, we did see the police pulling bodies out of Lake Pontchartrain, and a pimp propositioned me to come work for him in the French Quarter. Lafayette and Avery Island were definitely my favorite places, though. New Orleans is a haunting city, dark and mysterious, but I wouldn't want to live there.

>> No.5478288

> As someone who grew up in Shreveport and finally got out now living in Houston I support this statement.

aha! so guns do reduce crime! check mate, gun control people.

>> No.5479224

As someone who also recently returned from NOLA, I was relatively disappointed in the food. Not so much the flavors as I enjoyed what I ate, but I was led to believe Nawlins people really really loved spicy food and, try as I might, nothing was spicy to me, even after explaining I've eaten a ghost pepper straight up in an attempt to show I can handle whatever heat they throw at me.

>> No.5479248

thats probably because youre one of those "give me something waaaaay too spicy so i can act like a badass people"

nobody's going to ruin a perfectly good dish just for your dumb ass tactics.

>> No.5479255

the entire continent is called north america dumbass

>> No.5479261

What I mean is, most of the places I went to that claimed to have a spicy dish, I'd request they make it like they would for a local, again thinking that it'd be very spicy compared to how they make it for a visitor. Like a lot of asian places do.

On the subject of not spicy food however, my favorite dish was calla cakes (however it's spelled).

>> No.5479265

I live there actually
like I'm back for the summer, but I technically live there
crawfish are gross and nasty
they are rarely ever cleaned properly, even in nice restaraunts
and sometimes there are even dead crawfish in the mix, you can tell which have been dead because usually they smell stronger and have a build up

maybe I should have clarified, crawfish boils are garbage
and cooked whole crawfish are really bad

>> No.5479307


Maybe you just don't have a taste for seafood although I'm a Canadian and i've only had the frozen stuff, I find crawfish to be better than lobster because it has a more intense seafood taste.

>> No.5479748

Yeah... no. I go down to Louisiana about 1-2 times per month for work, and it is by far one of the laziest most shit-tier states in terms of work ethic I've ever been in.
Decent food though, and whoever said that the best stuff is outside New Orleans, I would agree. The best I had was up north of Baton Rouge.

>> No.5479779


I went to New Orleans a few years ago and experienced a similar shock. You hear all kinds of great things about the food and drink but it's just vulgar filling garbage to satisfy the "muh munny's worth" crowd, and drinking bottom shelf liquor out of a plastic jug.

Fuck New Orleans and fuck the entire south.

>> No.5479831

New Orleans is filled to the brim with awesome food, though it's Baton Rouge where you can get great Cajun food. Problem is, assholes like you come to downtown, stay on Canal St., eat in the French Quarter, drink on Bourbon St. and then complain about everything while the people who are worth a damn are eating on St. Charles, Carrolton, Freret, and in a bunch of creepy little side joints which all serve awesome food for cheap

>> No.5479834

>So, you went to Louisiana and learned nothing except how to keep being the little bitch you are. Sounds like you not only don't know food, but you also don't know how to travel.

OP sounds like a poorfag mostly. He simply can't afford a nice restaurant. I bet he ate at McDonalds.

>> No.5479860

>My family goes back generations here, deep south hardworking hicks, and god damn their food is delicious. A good crawdad boil
Umm, poser. You don't call them crawdads til you get into Arkansas...or Ohio...or a transplant of a certain age, like over 55.

>> No.5479880

>My mother's side is Acadian but were smart enough to stay in Canada and hang out in the forests instead of making their way down south.
I don't think so. They were all expelled, but some returned later. L2history.

>> No.5480028

Nope, many Acadians hung out in the forest with the local native populations and procreated, making the Metis.

>> No.5481307

>new orleans


>> No.5481388

So many angry southerners in this thread.
I suppose if all I could cook was shit I'd still get offended if someone called me on it.

>> No.5481528

There is a recurrent problem in New Orleans touristy places and shit-lunch counters (read: Gas station eateries) that tend to use a packaged spice mix, which are almost universally over-heavy on salt and spice.

Slap Ya Mama, Tony's, and Zataran's are all kinda trash.

That said.

Where'd you go in New Orleans, son? 'Cause there's good eats and bad eats there.

>> No.5481530

Hey, homie, back the fuck up.

There's Cajun blood in New Orleans too. It's just primarily creole stuff.

>> No.5481551

Seeing as Canadians can't be Yankees and vice versa, you don't seem to understand the word very well. That's okay though, more proof that people whom reside in the South are literally mouth-breathing mongoloids that deserve to be put to the heel like the inbred scum that they are.

>> No.5481632
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>> No.5481708

You're a filthy fucking loser and nobody likes you. I'm sorry to inform you that you'll die in a gay threesome with two large dicked niggers who will tear your asshole open causing you to bleed to death

>> No.5481791

I went to NOLA a few years back, everything I ate was trash apart from some convenience store fried chicken, a drunken late-night burrito from god knows where, Casamento's oysters and K Paul's. The waitstaff at K Paul's made me want to never go back, so there's that too.

I'd love to go back to LA/NOLA. Our cheap (I use that word cautiously) vacation options from northern Florida are limited: cheap cruises, Savannah, possibly Charleston, New Orleans, etc. I constantly see a $70/night Groupon for New Orleans as well. I just struggle to want to go back; I don't much care for well liquor, their local brewery is okay at best (apologies if you're somehow an Abita fan), the food was good about 15% of the time, and my girlfriend is a terrible drunk. Recommendations?

>> No.5481801

New Orleans is NOT Cajun; ALL of the cities and old families white/black/mixed race in Louisiana are Creoles.

>> No.5481823

No there is not; read the old census records.

Arcadians were refuges sent to the southern frontiers on the colonies; mixed with a population twice there size made up of Creoles, Germans, Irish, Filipinos, Mexicans, and Canary islanders and created the "Cajun" culture we know today.

Even then what is a Cajun are blurred; Beyonće descends from a early leader of Arcadian refugees but in Louisiana she is a Creole since sadly after Americans arrived they basically racialized Creole to mean only those of mixed race rather than just those born of the Colony.

Its a common misunderstanding though on all sides; I mean most Louisianans were illiterate just two generations ago and most people outside of plantation families weren't all that into keeping the family history centered around poverty :-P

>> No.5481890


New Orleans isn't really Cajun, that's quite true. It's more Creole and Afro-Carribbean than anything (with lovely splices of Irish, German, and Italian).

It does have Cajun blood in it though, mostly in Mid-City.

My awful genetic disease is somewhat insistent upon that point, holla'.


I find that waitstaff are kinda weak in N.O. in general.

Did you hit up Jacques Imo's, Pascal's Manale, or Mandina's?

Did you hit up McHardy's Chicken and Fixin's over on S. Broad? It's inconsistent, but it's fucking ON when it's on. I haven't had Willie Mae's Scotch House in a long ass time, so I dunno how they're still doing.

How about Deanie's out in Bucktown? That's my favorite seafood place in the whole damn metro-area. Crabby Jack's is a close second.

Or Rocky and Carlo's out in Chalmette?

Why not try Crescent City Steak House or Charlies' if you'd rather get your beef on? They're both great.

You could hit up Brightsen's too, if you wanted to drop some dosh; Commander's Palace is the old stand-by... but I prefer Frank's work. He does a great file gumbo and does wonders with game.

New Orleans, and the West Bank, are both home to a shit-ton of Vietnamese peeps too. Did you hit up any of that?

The best stuff is over on the Wank, honestly, but there's good pho all over. Pho NOLA out in Metairie is probably my favorite cause of they Banh Mi + Half-size pho combo.

Did you check out Dat Dog? There's two locations, one on Freret and the other on Magazine. Hot Dogs, specialty sausages, fries. Good-ass junk food. For that matter, what about Camelia Grill? Shit's a fucking institution in Uptown.

What's that, you want a burger? Go to Lakeview Harbor in Lakeview or Yo Mama's in the Quarter. Fuck Port of Call

Did you try the Joint out in the Bywater? It's good BBQ. Squeal's also pretty tight, if inconsistent.

How about Pizza Delicious, also in the Bywater? I've been away from home since they got an actual store front, but shit was great.

>> No.5481914

Acadians, Arcadians are greek.

>> No.5482070

His post was full of all kinds of stupid and bias; just pointing out one bit isn't worth the effort.