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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 303 KB, 625x473, fivefags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5471692 No.5471692[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so I had 5 guys for the first time today because not only you fags, but many of my irl friends have told me its the best thing in the world. I got a double bacon cheeseburger with all the black toppings and jalapenos, and fries.

It was a good burger but you guys hyped it up way too fuckin much. Maybe that's why it wasn't good enough for me, I mean it's top 5 burgers but a lot of people made it out to be all time greatest ever best.

five guys thread

>> No.5471719

To me the fries are better than the burgers. Dem Cajun fries... Flavor of the meat is meh. I think the toppings make up the majority of the flavor. I would still throw down for some fries.

>> No.5471725

shit I forgot to mention this, yeah the fries were pretty good, and I didn't even get Cajun. will go back for Cajun fries. the burger was $7 but that's probably my fault for getting a double bacon cheese

>> No.5471727
File: 134 KB, 625x625, 1401252127124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order a small cheeseburger and a small fries and a coke at 5gays
>"That will be $ 16.99 plus tip."

>> No.5471734

Whenever you come across five guys it should be a clear sign that you're gonna get raped if you don't get out of the way.
That reasoning should work for every situation.

>> No.5471735

not a true story

>> No.5471738

At this point the fries may be more popular than the burgers themselves. People nut their pants because of all the extra they put in the bag while forgetting they'll be paying for it somewhere else.

>> No.5471739


>plus tip
gr8 b8 m8

>> No.5471748

I shit you not. At some joints, the tip is a mandatory 20%.

>> No.5471760

not at 5 guys

why would you be so wrong while on the internet

>> No.5471806

>wanton misinformation

It's almost like you're a shill for one of the big money (read: shit tier) burger joints.

>> No.5471814


>> No.5471828

Been on this for a couple of days since a You Groove You Lose thread.

If this shit isn't instantly catchy to you then we have different brainwaves.


>> No.5471830

Holy shit I've never posted in the wrong thread before

>> No.5471847

I have had their burgers three times, the first time being this past March. The first one I had was alright. The second and third were incredible. That being said, there are at least three mom and pop places with far superior burgers.

The cajun fries fucking rock though. Highly recommend you eat a lot of them.

>> No.5471863
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>> No.5471867

Wendy's steakhouse jr deluxe burger is good. I hope they keep this limited value burger flavor train going.

>> No.5471983

Sounds like the soundtrack to sonic for sega genesis

>> No.5471988

They should call it five guys fries and burgers

>> No.5472007

dat plastic cheez

>> No.5472013

too expensive, but it's still really good

>> No.5472062

>tips at five guys

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5472540

They have a tip jar but I've never seen a single person EVER put money in. Pretty sure its the employees money to try and trick people into tipping but no one ever does

>> No.5472915
File: 42 KB, 492x341, 1374916896789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work at 5 guys
>See people on /ck/ admit they paid for the food I eat for free

Btw, did you enjoy the fries cooked in 8 day old peanut oil?

>> No.5472917

>Btw, did you enjoy the fries cooked in 8 day old peanut oil?
no. everyone knows the fries there are awful. this is no secret.

>> No.5472920
File: 2.75 MB, 250x170, 1297377258111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bragging about working at a Five Guys

>> No.5472924

>working in the fast food industry
>being condescending about it

Well you enjoy those free burgers, I'm sure you would happily take all the free food you can get while you earn minimum wage.

>> No.5472927

No one is bragging. I'm making fun of you kike's who spend money on expensive shit that is in the same state as the shit you find at the super market.

General managers don't give a flying fuck about the quality of your food, they only care about their job and the bonus money they receive.

Enjoy your bad health.

>> No.5472935

>having minimum wage

That was so 10 years ago. Continue being butt hurt that I get as much money as you do while you sit in a cubicle.

>> No.5472943


Yeah I'm so butthurt that I get to sit and browse the internet all day while you flip burgers. What a loser.

>> No.5472946

>kike's who spend money on expensive shit
That doesn't even make sense.

>> No.5473006

I coulda told you 5 guys was massively overrated, OP

Culver's is better

>> No.5473071

thats actually really depressing, surfing the internet all day, every day. I mean, i spend a lot of my free time on 4chan and other sites, but spending 6-8 hours a day doing it? I would rather be flipping burgers with retarded teenagers than doing that

>> No.5473075

"House Burger" < In N Out < Carl's Jr < Five Guys

Worked at Both In N Out and Five Guys

>> No.5473125

Everyone posting about fries, but they arent even that good. The ones I saw on daymdrops looked crunchy and delicious. The ones I got were kinda droopy and moist, and the cajun fries were 99% salt in that mix or something. Next time I am only getting the burger...

>> No.5473144
File: 152 KB, 298x309, 1352311719218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking rage everytime I see raves about the hurrdurrcajunfries.

>limp as FUCK
>"Cajun" isn't Cajun spice at all
>Smushed into a cup so any that might have been initially crisp get smashed and steamed by the others

mfw I have to order them well done just to attempt to even come close to a good fry

>> No.5473145

this is true. as a vegetarian, they'll toast the bun, melt some cheese on it and add all the toppings. has the same texture as a burger, and the umami palate goes well with the spicy fries. it's like $4, iirc, and would be cheap as dick to make at home, but it's an existent option for lacto-ovo vegs at a place a lot of omni friends like to dine at

>> No.5473153


props on Carl's Jr...
I find that they are wildly underrepresented in burger debates...

dat charbroil
dat special sauce

>> No.5473201

Yeah, I still wish I could somehow get animal style fries with a double western bacon cheeseburger, but I guess you can't have everything in life.

>> No.5473319

For fries


Against Fries


So are they fucking good or fucking not?

>> No.5473811
File: 54 KB, 470x327, fivegays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had some today.
They rule.
The burger was okay, but sometimes I just want a metric ton of Cajun Fries.

>> No.5473821

they're good if the jackass running the fryer cooks them long enough. but unfortunately, most of the time i go there, they come out greasy and soggy.

i'm pretty sure they actually cut them in house, considering the giant bins of potatoes littering the dining area, though. so if the person making them actually gives a shit, they'll probably be great.

>> No.5473847

>not saying, "I can't wait to have Five Guys in me!" while waiting in line

>> No.5473851

>because not only you fags, but many of my irl friends have told me
lol sure bro


>> No.5473853

This is seriously the fifth thread I've seen this month with the exact same fuckin thing. No one hyped it up. People like it and you hyped it up in your mind like a dumbass.

>> No.5474048

5 guys cajun fries are basically just store bought french fries lightly fried and dusted in chili powder + salt

good compared to other shitty fast food fries but not actually great or anything

>> No.5474059

Are you upset? Can you blame him for hyping it up when it frequently appears in "best burger" threads? It's not his fault a lot of /ck/ has pleb taste.

>> No.5474061


>> No.5474074

Yaaaaas. I got a grilledonion jalapeno tomato lettuce sandwich and it was just as good as a burg

>> No.5474079

I only go there for the fried zucchini man

>> No.5474122

I've had bad and good experiences with them. First time I had 5 guys I was on the road and hadn't heard of them before. Best burger and fries (cajun ftw) I had ever had in my entire life, hands down. I bought a lot of the fries, kept them in a bag in my hotel room, ate them the next day and they were still excellent. When I came home I had 5 guys again, burger was aight but fries turned soggy and droopy minutes after I got them.

>> No.5474127

Go to bed op

>> No.5474132

I would say 5 guys is my personal favorite. It's just so fucking expensive. If I wanted bang for my buck I'd probably get Wendy's dollar menu items. Some people before were saying they think Wendy's has been shittier than ever but I love it. I've never had a west coast burger but I have had red robin and I do think they are pretty good. I just think 5 guys is better

>> No.5474171
File: 102 KB, 400x576, I Hate You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in Canada
>Drive to California with best friend
>Go to In n' Out
>I think it's fantastic
>Friend bitches the whole time and says McDonald's cheeseburgers are way better

>> No.5475249

Fucking #rekt

>> No.5475314

>dollar menu

have you seen what a dollar buys you at that shithole these days? fuck even a junion bacon cheeseburger is over $1

>> No.5476898

Also what's with the stacks of boxes of peanuts and peanut oil? Is Five Guys run by evil peanut overlords?

>> No.5476910

>I'm retarded and blindly follow hype
Didn't even need to read the thread. Five guys is a 7/10 burger, nothing more.

>> No.5476936

This has been posted for over a week. It's spam.
Y'all niggas posting in a bait thread.

>> No.5478319
File: 123 KB, 1248x702, 1401063794331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW eating a burger or similar sandwich and the patty unseats itself and slides halfway out of the bun, so you got to slide it back in after every bite
>TFW those times where there's no wrapper or napkin handy so you gotta nudge it with your bare fingers

I can't even eat a fucking burger without sperging out. It's even worse if it's a hard bun like a torta or ciabatta or something. Those fucking things shoot out patties/tomato/whatever like a fucking nerf dart.

>> No.5478352

how the fuck are you meant to hold let alone eat that burger

>> No.5478361
File: 34 KB, 610x398, jackovasaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you?

>> No.5478364

it's when they put too much salad leafs into the burger. it's like fucking tectonic plates gliding on each other.

>> No.5478386

>tfw there's a five guys in the UK but it's £8 ($13.41) for a burger

>> No.5478402
File: 16 KB, 151x151, Mermanhappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell guy I dont want any lettuce on my burger
>give me weird look

>> No.5478415

Any even remotely skilled cook can make a vastly superior burger in their own kitchen, even in the 5 guys pressed style if they want. You're not missing much. Except the fries. They have good fries, and those aren't so easy to beat.

Anyways, you're not missing much, and it definitely isn't worth that much money. For 13 bucks I expect a good fucking burger, not fast food.

>> No.5478432

no shit it isn't worth that much money, no need to be a prick

>> No.5478968

If I said to enjoy your fries cooked in 8 day old smoky peanut oil, what do you think?

75% of the time that you walk into a Five Guys you might get fries that aren't being cooked and served properly and this is considered a total rip off to the customer.

It's even worse when the GM doesn't know how to make the perfect Five Guys fries.

I'd only eat fries on the day that the peanut oil is new. Next time, you guys wasting your money should think about asking the employees how old the peanut oil, or simply go look at the fryers and observe how black the peanut oil is.

>> No.5478977

By the way, stop ordering "well done" fries. There is no such thing. You either get the perfect five guys fries or you get shit tier fries because of the employees in charge of the fry station. Don't bother eating Five Guys at all if it's really busy. Your food will be 50/50. The staff, especially the GM in charge, is worried about secret shopper scores and that includes ticket times. They will try to get your food out asap meaning you are getting a 50% chance of getting perfect food or 50% chance of getting the worst fucking food ever.

>> No.5479014

This has pretty much been my experience, they simply lack the consistency for me to pay $12 or whatever it is for lunch. I could go to an actual restaurant for maybe another $3 and know that I'm getting decent food.

>> No.5479024

Wow. You are actually a legitimate fag. I mean... Anons talk about people like you all the time. But. Just. Wow.

>> No.5479043

You are better off making your own burger at home.

>> No.5479044

Whats with people and giving oyher people so much fucking credit whrn they recommend things. OP i highly doubt anyone said its the best burger ever. Is it not convenient, cheap, and satisfactory? Is it not better than burger king and jack in the box? I hate it when people do this.

Evangelion is a masterpiece btw

>> No.5480429

>so I had 5 guys for the first time today

>> No.5480935

>Evangelion is a masterpiece btw

Where'd that come from?

>> No.5480973

>ruining a burger with "cheese product"

>> No.5481034



>> No.5481049

Best burger in the world is by way of buying hamburger meat, throwing in chopped onions, garlic, paprika, bread crumbs, mustard, relish, ketchup, salt, and an egg. Throw it on the BBQ. Smother with cheese.

Five Guys got nothin' on this and at a fraction of the cost.

>> No.5481057

back in the day, we called these places grease pits.

>> No.5481071

pretty tasty grilled meatball/ meatloaf recipe, but it has nothing to do with a burger.

sounds like a lula kebab...

>> No.5481076

I have celiacs disease. Never been to 5 guys. There's one basically next door. Worth going and ordering bunless?

>> No.5481089

It's not even worth ordering as it is normally. Take away the bun and your just trolling yourself by going.

>> No.5481093

What are you doing ordering food with vegetables? How can you call yourself an American?

>> No.5481095

Thanks. I figured it was just a greasy burger joint, but people always talk about it, so I thought I'd ask.

>> No.5481106

You have to keep in mind that this is in the UK. Food is generally more expensive over there.

>> No.5481120

Yeah, it's pretty greasy. It's pretty damn overpriced too. It's a fucking hamburger. Sure, it's better than McDonalds or Burger King, but shit, just about any burger joint is. Five Guys blew up with popularity because of college towns and the whole fill your bag with fries thing.

Is it good? Sure.
Is it overpriced? Definitely.

>> No.5481125

>fill your bag with fries thing

The fatty in me wants to know more.

>> No.5481139

They give you the cup that they fill with fries and put it in the bag with your wrapped burger. They proceed to take like one or two more big scoops with the big scooper into the big thing of fries and throw them into your bag. They basically just give you more fries, which is neat, but is not worth the $13 receipt for a burger and fries.

>> No.5481168

Actually every carls jr has the ingredients.....

>> No.5481182

> implying In-n-out spread and Thousand Island dressing is the same thing
> implying carls even has thousand island anymore (it was part of a salad they discontinued...)
> implying carls has fresh-cut never frozen potatoes in 100% whatever oil...
> implying they even have a grill at Carls to grill up onions instaed of getting them from a bag from a truck....

quit implying. I used to have a buddy that worked at Carls. And he made these fries. They were pretty gross. They tasted like carls fries with carls pre-grilled onions (cold), and nasty salad dressing on top.

they might have cheese.

>> No.5481192

I worked at carls jr they do have a grill frozen fries are actually form better than fresh cut and wtf do u think the classic sauce is faggot

>> No.5481204

Thats how I felt when I went to Chipotle for the first time. The meal wasn't bad but it wasn't anything special, it was just plain basic amerimex food. Completely generic, unremarkable and way overpriced to boot. The lack of options was inexcusable. I understand a limited menu if what you are making is mind blowing, it was just plain though. I don't know who these people are who hype up Five Goys and Chipotle, it's like theyve never had a medium tier burger or burrito before.

>> No.5481210

the classic sauce is similar to thousand island, its almost identitcal to Carls JR Thousand Island dressing, but its NOT the same. Good enough if i want a fricken Big Carl... (ugh, gross).

But not good enough for animal style fries. Do you people realize that "Animal Style" is only good BECAUSE of the fucking spread? That spread sends orgasms into your taste buds. It's like MSG squared. I have seen people eat it with a spoon by itself.

It is not thousand island.
> also sorry to hear that you used to work at Carls Jr. I've never worked at a fast food place in my life cause i have self respect.

>> No.5481213

>because I'm an neet that moonlight as a janitor on an anime image board for free

>> No.5481232

haha. enjoy flipping fries!

>> No.5481699
File: 24 KB, 321x306, WUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meal at five guys UK (bacon cheeseburger, reg fries, reg drink)

>> No.5481700

hey janitor why dont you clean this fucking board up

>> No.5481715

Five Guys is overpriced bullshit
the patties are horrid. my dumbass wife could make a better patty

>> No.5481743


How was that being a prick? You new to the internet, woman?

>> No.5481755

Your wife might if she could get off this dick long enough to try. Five Guys is awesome, bitch.
Oh, and your wife makes horrible sandwiches after she's had a good dicking. I'm going to end it with her because of this. That and her pussy stinks like nigger breath

>> No.5481759


I live in Canada, have never had 5 guys but there are 3 locations nearby. I've been considering going and trying their grilled cheese sandwich. Is it good?

>> No.5481762

i dunno, probably, but that's like going to a pizza place just to get some garlic bread

>> No.5481763

Five guise is literally the best thing

1. Five guys
2. my waifu
3. you're waifu

>> No.5481764

>Go to a burger place
>order a grilled cheese sandwich

Do Canadians really do this?

>> No.5481765

its stupid as fuck to go for a grilled cheese

>> No.5481768



>> No.5481785

Grilled cheese?
Is this fucking idiot serious?
Grilled cheese!?
Some people just shouldn't be alive.
Fuck me...

>> No.5481787
File: 149 KB, 500x375, cook out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for you son

Eating at Five Guys
when this place exists

>> No.5481793


But it has bacon, mushrooms and jalapenos (^:

>> No.5481804

Just stop with that stupid smiley face. Are you seven? Please don't order a fucking grilled cheese at Five Guys unless your ordering it for a child. Man up nigga

>> No.5481805

pls dont order it for a child either

>> No.5481808


(^: I'm going to order a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon, mushrooms, jalapenos and ketchup with a side of fries tomorrow from 5 guys burgers with fries. Hamburger meat is disgusting anyway =D

>> No.5481814


I usually get the chicken burger/fries and a side of chicken strips/

>> No.5481818

then why even ask

>> No.5481820

ive never seen chicken at 5 guys, where r u

>> No.5481822

I hope it kills you, too. And just so you know, they grill that fucker on top of all the hamburger flavored awesome grill that the burgers are cooked on. Fuck you

>> No.5481830


Yeah but you mostly taste the cheese





>> No.5481832

plz kill yourself

>> No.5481834


No =D

>> No.5481836

in that case here comes a predator drone

Allah Snackbar!

>> No.5481839



>> No.5481840

had a little bacon cheeseburger with light lettuce, tomato, grilled mushrooms, and jalapenos

and a regular order of their cajun fries

the burger was pretty good would go back

the fries were good but the cajun seasoning is overrated

>> No.5481887

What the fuck is with you faggots who fall for this "make our burger look like a truck ran over it with all 18 wheels so it doesn't look mass-produced" bullshit marketing technique?

>> No.5481891
File: 32 KB, 583x250, listenup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>It was a good burger but you guys hyped it up way too fuckin much

Probably by saying it was good, I'd assume.

>> No.5481893

implying they put in more effort to make it look like that? it looks like that because it's thrown together haphazardly because neither the person making it nor the person eating it gives a shit how pretty it looks.

>> No.5481899

>Five Guys in London
>20 minute queue coming out of the door
>Busy as fuck restaurant, staff running round like aggravated chimpanzees
>There' slike one hundred huge sacks of peanuts in the middle of the restaurant because lol so authentic and edgy unlike any burger chain you've been to
>Finally get overpriced burger
>Each burger gets tightly wrapped in tinfoil
>Burger is so moist that it quickly starts to disintegrate
>Everything tastes like its sauces, nothing stays together
>Chips are so aggressively salty and dusted with nasty chilli powder
>mfw Five Guys was really disappointing
>mfw half of /ck/ thinks it's the bees' knees when it's really nothing that special for what you pay for

>> No.5481903

>it's really nothing that special for what you pay for

Whenever someone summates their opinion about food frequently without mentioning the food it's hard to take their word on how the food tastes because they're likely exagerrating all of the other points due to other things that inconvenienced them.

Basically any yelper.

It tasted fine but it cost too much.

There just say that instead instead of a bunch of hyperbolic ingsignificant nonsense.

>> No.5481906


... that's exactly what they want you to think. Christ I didn't think I needed to go into that much detail.

>> No.5481907

what a bunch of weirdos making their burger look like a burger

>> No.5481908


Looks like you accidentally missed half the fucking post, hey?

>Each burger gets tightly wrapped in tinfoil
>Burger is so moist that it quickly starts to disintegrate
>Everything tastes like its sauces, nothing stays together
>Chips are so aggressively salty and dusted with nasty chilli powder

>> No.5481913


a burger that's been run over by a truck.

Jesus it's a lot of effort helping you stay up to speed on such a simple conversation. I bet your parents are sick of you.

>> No.5481915

I know I bet they don't even use real trucks.

>> No.5481973


What the fuck are you people talking about $13?
I can get a burger from my local Five Guys for like $5. The little burger is big enough.
Its more expensive with fries, sure but only if you choose to get the damn fries.
Sure they have better fries, but a $5 burger from Five Guys is far better than a $5~$6 burger from BK, Carl Junior or McDonald.

You don't HAVE to get the damn fries.

>> No.5481978

>that's exactly what they want you to think
no, that's exactly what happens

source- you watch them make the fucking burger. they literally just lay a piece of tin foil out and stack the ingredients as they come up, then just wrap it.

>> No.5481980

>buying expensive shit

>> No.5482003

What the fuck are you talking about?

Yes, the modest look of the burger looks is exactly what's on the mind of the people visiting Five Guys.

Go kill yourself.
Nobody ever thinks that much about presentation. Like why the fuck do you even think this would be a thing? Why are we discussing this? I have never once heard someone complaining about Burger King dolling its burgers up for the masses like its fucking CoD.
Not once outside of /ck/ does this discussion take place.

People care as much about how their burger looks as they do about the look of shampoo dispensers : If it looks like its not diseased, great.
Maybe in some cases it'll be decorated a bit. Maybe someone fucking drew a flower around it. Made it look fancy. Maybe made it more inviting.
But in the end, a burger is a fucking burger and nobody cares if its presented well or not.
I've never once been to a burger joint and been like "Man, these burgers just look so pretentious".