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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5471207 No.5471207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Superfoods" that you can actually see evidence of after using for less a bit

Psyllium Husk. That stuff will make your shit slide right out. No need to wipe. And it adds great amount of fiber to your diet.

>> No.5471211

>inb5 superfoods don't exist
>inb5 huge hatestorm of autistic trolls that feel the need to correct everyone to death


I eat chia seeds and blueberries etc.

maca root too. I love it.

>> No.5471214

op here, I eat blueberries and chia too. I also eat a lot of other stuff. I just wanted to start this off with something people can relate to and notice effects within days. Have you ever tried goji berries? they're an amazing healthy and energy boosting snack.

>> No.5471216

I heard psyllium is really harsh, I got this gentle adzuki bean based fiber at the store

>> No.5471219

I love goji berries (same anon here again)

pro tip:


just buy the cheaper versions at either or.

almost everything is organic and kicks wholefoods behind in prices.

>> No.5471220

isnt that basically what Metamucil is

>> No.5471229

>eating fingernail clippings

>> No.5471231

I never understand why people take fiber supplements?

they go and buy this big plastic container of weird junk fiber full of additives, yet they don't eat fruit or whole grains, or chia seeds or any other fiber in their diet.

I eat lots of fiber rich foods so I don't buy metawhatever

>> No.5471264

Flaxseed. 6 tablespoons in my water erry day

>> No.5471453

I eat an assload of grains but I have to take metamucil and even then, i still have ridiculously hard poops that only come out every 5-9 days

it's kinda fucked but eh

>> No.5471459

There are two types of fiber. Make sure you're eating the right type if you want to be regular.

>> No.5471468

Sweet potatoes
Olive oil

>> No.5471702
File: 109 KB, 300x357, kale-caesar-salad-ictcrop_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kale is love, Kale is life

>> No.5471705


How is it a superfood when it has hardly any nutrition? It's just fiber. You should be getting plenty of fiber from the rest of your diet already

>> No.5471706


I hear heroin addicts have the same problem.

>> No.5471709

i took opiates several times a day for ~6 years and never had an issue being regular

>> No.5471715

Seconded. Love getting a bunch of kale, ripping it into chip sized chunks, rubbing olive oil all over them then spreading them out on a baking tray and covering them in sea salt. Great for if you're looking for something lighter than potato, then stem bits can be a bit annoying/bitter though.

>> No.5471720


I disagree that olive oil should be considered a superfood. It's just an oil. It's considered healthy because if you replace worse fat sources like butter with olive oil you see health improvements, but olive oil itself doesn't offer specific health advantages. You're better off just eating actual olives.

>> No.5471908


You have literally described what a superfood is.

It is considered "super" because it is healthier than whatever the marketer is comparing it to.

>> No.5471921

>i took opiates several times a day for ~6 years and never had an issue being regular

Interesting. How do you define "regular"?

Opiates are used to control diarrhea because of their constipative properties.

Immodium AD is an opioid that doesn't readily cross the blood brain barrier. Some people trying to withdraw from heroin addiction use Immodium AD to ease the withdrawal symptoms. I have heard of addicts taking enormous amounts of Immodium AD to get something of a high from what small percentage does cross into the brain.

>> No.5471926

What's the big kick about blueberries? Antioxidants?

>> No.5471933

That and they're one of the lowest fruits in sugar.

>> No.5471937

Who cares? Are you diabetic?

>> No.5471968
File: 19 KB, 851x466, I don't care!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares? Are you diabetic?
It's that kind of thinking that will make you one in time.

>> No.5471973

>thinks fruit gives you diabetes
It's that kind of thinking that's wrong.

>> No.5471986

The reason why your ass gets dirty after shitting is because of all the ass hair. Notice how women are really quick at shitting? My session takes about 10 minutes minimum but my mother is done in 2 minutes.

This alone shows how delusional superfoodfags are, there is no such thing.

>> No.5471990

I have bad shits, is it safe to ingest this everyday?

Do you eat this everyday?

>> No.5472042

Talked to some guy irl about this the other day.
He said he never eats vegetables or fruit so he only has to shit once every couple of days. I told him to eat some form of fibre because he'll get bowel cancer if he doesn't and he did for a while but stopped because he hated having to shit all the time. Hell, he had gone so long without vegetables and fibre he was getting diarrhoea from them.
Fiber is pretty much just chains of sugar that we can't digest or absorb (bacteria in our gut can help but meh). If we can't absorb it, we shit it out. Because they're actually quite long chains and made of sugar, they absorb and hold all your shit other solid waste like bile and stuff and makes it easier for you to shit them out.

Long story short: Lots of fibre and shit comfortably or don't and die from cancer of the ass.

>> No.5472047

>timing your mother's bowel movements
Simmer down, Norman

>> No.5472055

Please do not compare disgusting kale to glorious potato.

Ever since kale became hip as fuck I cannot go to a dinner where females contribute to cooking and not have to eat this shit in every dish.

>> No.5472056

I'm not sure if I'm weird or not but I always shower after I poop, good thing for me is pooping is a regular part of my morning routine.
Wake up, make coffee, eat breakfast, drink coffee, start making my lunch for work, poop, finish making work lunch, shower, get dressed, drive to work.
Erry day.

Not gonna go into details about my diet but basically no processed food, 3-4 pieces of fruit a day, whole grains for breakfast, meat and veggies for dinner.

>> No.5472057

No, not at all. Water is not a super food just because it's healthier than Coca Cola.

>> No.5472059

But I have salad and fruit in breakfast and lunch, wheat bran and oats in breakfast and legumes in lunch, drink 2l of water, and still have bad shits.

>> No.5472070

>start making my lunch for work, poop, finish making work lunch

>> No.5472076

I think it's because I'm standing drinking coffee while I make my lunch for work.
When I feel the urge, I don't hesitate or argue, I go poop no matter what I'm doing.
I do wash my hands before I resume lunch making.

>> No.5472096

Part of a good morning routine is to shit.

I know for me it's because I had a good breakfast. If I have a good breakfast, I'll shit a refreshing big shit and then shower. If I don't, I don't shit and then I just feel different all day.

>> No.5472199

how do you handle it sticking all over the sides of the glass?

>> No.5472202

Soy milk.
I got more feminine looking and attractive which is great (just facial aesthetics anyway). At least the estrogen is better for somebody
Planning on going Full Asian and eat soy products at least twice a day. Milk tofu natto whatever.

>> No.5472205

being expensive

all super foods just happen to be the most expensive things to grow amirite?

>> No.5472208

Xylitol, a sweetener. Doesnt raise blood sugar, improves digestion, good for teeth. The main problem is the price. Also too much of it makes you feel like you constantly need to shit.

>> No.5472210

whats wrong with shitting at night?

>> No.5472344

I do the same thing, except I eat fruit and yoghurt for breakfast instead of whole grains.

>> No.5472391

I once ate almost a full package of xylitol sweetened pastilles into empty stomach, the shits I had later were horrible. I felt like a human balloon. Never again.

>> No.5472514

something is not a superfood because it makes you shit more easily, you idiot. eat black beans instead. i can only imagine how awful your diet must be that you need something like psyllium husk to shit

>> No.5472518

most overrated green

>> No.5472528

coffee gives me the shits too, anon

>> No.5472653


Generally superfoods are very dense in nutrients, be it vitamins/minerals/fiber, or more commonly, phytochemicals that reduce inflammation, fight cancer, act as especially powerful antioxidants, etc. Kale is a good example of a "superfood" (along with other dark green leafy vegetables) because it has such a deep phytochemical concentration


It's always weird to see people shun foods like kale and ignore anything that's been labeled a "superfood" because they think it's just made up hoopa joop by "hippies" when in reality it's clear scientific fact that everybody who's educated on nutrition accepts. "Superfood" may be used as too much of a buzzword or for marketing purposes, but it doesn't take away from the fact that vegetables are good for you and some vegetables are REALLY good for you.

>> No.5472664

you're wrong and should feel bad

>> No.5472682

I eat sauerkraut every evening

makes me shit like a baby in the morning

apart from that I just eat a wide assortment of veggies and nuts and some berries daily.

>> No.5472683

>some vegetables are REALLY good for you.

Yep, so good for you that if you eat too much it fucks up your thyroid.


the whole idea of "superfoods" is indeed marketing bullshit. there is no food that will magically make you healthier. eat a well-balanced diet with variety and don't rely on magical "superfoods".

>> No.5472686

I just got some psyllium husks. I'm making some hummus today, thinking about putting it in the processor as well to add fiber. Will this ruin the hummus?

>> No.5472689

it'll ruin the texture of the hummus

>> No.5472696

Will it? I've read that it's good as a thickener.

>> No.5472705

You don't need any thickener in hummus, you tar baby

>> No.5472709

No, but "thick" isn't ruined texture. It's thicker texture.

>> No.5472728

>you're better off just eating actual olives

This is wrong, though. Olive oil provides the benefits of olives without the negative effects of eating pickled foods (unless you can actually stomach raw olives). And you're not even supposed to cook with it.

>> No.5472748


"Water isn't healthy, I saw someone drown once"


>Olive oil provides the benefits of olives

All it provides is fat. There's a paltry amount of phytochemical content, but most of that gets thrown away with the fiber when olive oil made.

>> No.5472785

Your post is completely pointless. Everything is poisonous in a sufficiently high quantity, even water itself.

>> No.5472788

yes but somethings take a lot more than others

>> No.5472795


>>Everything is poisonous in a sufficiently high quantity, even water itself.

You clearly understand this. Not everybody does. And many people tend to over-react to the "superfood" hype, make sudden and major changes to their diet by mistakenly believing that <insert name of food here> is the key to curing their obesity/cancer/ED/whatever.

>> No.5472801

Are blueberries a "superfood"? I don't really pay attention to this shit, I just eat them all the time because they are pretty cheap in the UK and they are ridiculously tasty when they are in season.

>> No.5472816

Why they're the super-duperest of foods, m8.

>> No.5472822

Certainly, people are always looking for a magic bullet solution to their problems. Nothing new about that. But it's very unfair to malign the real nutritional benefits of some of the healthiest foods on the planet just because of how a certain group of people looks at them. That's reactionary thinking, and the mind must be disciplined against it.

>> No.5472824


And in the article presented, they tried to prove their point by showing one case where an 88 year old woman ate 3 pounds of raw bok choy every day for several months. Do you see that as a compelling case for not eating vegetables?

>> No.5472837


The "antioxidants" in blueberries are called anthocyanins, which are also associated with decreasing cognitive decline and may also help lower inflammation and prevent cancers


They're also found in black rice, red cabbage, red onion, blue corn, eggplant, etc. Things with a deep purple, red, or blue color usually have a good amount of anthocyanins. Blueberries have a pretty good amount of them and also contain other beneficial phytochemicals like other berries do.

>> No.5472855


When did I say you shouldn't eat vegetables? I said nothing of the sort. In fact, if you go back and read that post I clearly stated that it's a good idea to eat a balanced diet.

I simply intended to point out that there is no such thing as a magically healthy food that you. Even those foods which are considered "superfoods" are not without risks. That's all. No more, no less. I'm not saying you shouldn't eat veggies--far from it--I'm just saying that be aware that there are risks with over-consuming anything. And veggies are no different in that reagard.

>> No.5472868

Yes and that's fine, but the reason we're raking you over the coals for it ... is why did you feel the need to say those things in the first place?

Why? Do you honestly think you're going to save anyone from kale poisoning? Blueberry toxicity? Acai overdose? No, of course not. You're just trying to sound smart by pointing out a flaw in the thinking of "some people".

Do you really need to, though? Is anyone benefiting in any way, shape or form from your post? Asides you and your ego, of course?

So yes, here's your pat in the head. We don't want all the overweight McDonald's-fed Amerifats eating too much kale, now do we?

>> No.5472878

>Why? Do you honestly think you're going to save anyone from kale poisoning?

Nothing of the sort. The reason I pointed it out is because some people believe in "magic bullets" and I'm simply pointing out that there is no such thing. I have no delusions of saving anyone from kale poisoning. What I DO hope to do is teach people that there is no such thing as a truly perfect food.

>> Is anyone benefiting in any way, shape or form from your post? Asides you and your ego, of course?

I could say the same thing about your posts.

>> We don't want all the overweight McDonald's-fed Amerifats eating too much kale, now do we?

Nothing wrong with more kale. There is something wrong with believing in magical superfoods though. It's the latter that I'm against, not the former.

>> No.5472897

No, that'd be Arugula/Rocket.

>> No.5472928

No one here is even talking about any "truly perfect foods." No one. Just you. So quit trying to derail the fucking thread.

>I could say the same thing about your posts.
My posts are exclusively bent towards pointing out what an asshat you are. You, specifically, the person having the conversation with me. Not some ambiguous group of people (that may or may not be present) that believes in some certain concept.

>> No.5472966


What makes you think I'm trying to derail the thread? I'm simply making a comment relevant to the conversation. Whenever I see people use the word "superfood" I can't help but feel that some of them take that term far too literally.

>>You, specifically, the person having the conversation....

So let me get this straight. You call me out and ask if anyone is benefiting from my posts. You ask what's the point aside from my ego. Then you make equally innane posts and even go so far as to say that you're only talking to me? Hello: pot-kettle?

I simply made a point. If you don't agree with it, that's fine or you think I'm . Why are you so hung up on it? If "nobody is talking about truly perfect foods" as you claim, then why are you even arguing with me? I didn't insult anyone. I didn't troll. I'm simply pointing out a detail that's relevant to the thread. If you already know what I pointed out and think it's obvious then why are you so hung up on arguing?

>> No.5472980


I'm the guy you were talking to before. I agree that because something has been called a superfood by someone doesn't mean you should revolve your whole diet around massive amounts of it. It's like if someone starts talking about the health benefits of breathing air, the proper response isn't to avoid air because the guy promoting it annoys you or to surgically widen your nostrils and take 5 second long breaths to absorb all the air you can at all times. That said, it's uncouth to talk about unrealistic toxicity limits in a normal conversation about these foods, because it's not likely to affect anyone watching the conversation and just serves to scare people away from eating food that would clearly be beneficial to them.

>> No.5472985

I'm arguing with you because you're an asshat and the argument itself is engaging.

Your "detail" is not relevant to the thread. Allow me to fetch the original post for you.

>"Superfoods" that you can actually see evidence of after using for less a bit
>Psyllium Husk. That stuff will make your shit slide right out. No need to wipe. And it adds great amount of fiber to your diet.

Now, do you see perfect foods anywhere? Magical foods? Solutions to everything? No. You saw the word "superfoods". But the fact that you have personal feelings about the word "superfoods" and the people associated with it does not make your feelings thread-relevant here. This is not "superfoods general." This is not "ppl that eat superfoods." Nor is it "how do you feel about superfoods?" Get it?

So, if that defense is sufficiently sunk, the only defense you have left is "Well, you're shitposting too!" to which I merely call you a gigantic faggot.

And it's polite to the rest of the board if we sage our posts while we're arguing in private like this.

>> No.5474830

everyone has different needs....

did you ever eat fruits and vegetables + those grains? what happened if so?

>> No.5474838

I prefer raw fresh kale.

>> No.5474843

>go to costco
>find organic wild frozen blueberries
>this huge frozen thing for such an amazingly good price

>> No.5474848

where do you buy maca root?

>> No.5474858
File: 955 KB, 1536x2048, photo 3 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not grind them and mix them with yogurt or something?

lucky. coffee doesn't have that effect on me

use it in yogurt and pancakes and smoothies
Which berry is best for you: blueberry, cranbeerry, raspberry, blackberry, straw berry?

>> No.5474915

not him, but I prefer raspberries.

They have a decent amount of fiber, not high in sugar, antioxidants and they taste amazing.

>> No.5477143

i agree

>> No.5477146

Not harsh, doesn't taste bad unless you're a gargantuan pussy either.

>> No.5477573


>use it in yogurt

You never mix dairy with healthy foods


>> No.5477826

have fun with your chips breaking off when you try to dip them

>> No.5477834

>No need to wipe.

Is it true?

>> No.5477843

banana girl pls go

>> No.5477848

I lost it.

>walks in after she's changed tampons
"Oh god, mother, blood!"

>> No.5478618

I have found just a trace of pale mucus on the paper after eating this pooperfood.

>> No.5478650

I wish more people had this kind of attitude. I can't stand the mentality of treating foods as medication. Maybe it's just a Murifat thing.

>> No.5478689

You can't do that, op inb4d

>> No.5478704

wouldn't it feel satisfying to eliminate all your shit?

>> No.5478719


Kale makes me feel absolutely wonderful.

>> No.5478723

gas, anon, it caused painful gas

>> No.5478735

>every day

>> No.5478741

OK I see that
but the aftermath would still be glorious would it not

>> No.5480357

wholefoods can be okay but znaturalfoods.com has these big bags for a bulk discount and they last me many months. I just get the "premium" one because its been ground so fresh it tastes like horse radish.

pro tip: maca root + fenugreek + almond or soymilk = banana flavor smoothie with no banana.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5480367


>I can't stand the mentality of treating foods as medication

"Let thy food by thy medicine" - Hippocrates

I'm glad more people don't have your same stupid attitude that you shouldn't try to eat healthy things because you want to ignore the entirety of nutritional science and pretend food has no effect on you. It's fine if you eat blueberries because you like the taste, but just going by what you find cheap and tasty isn't a good way to think about food

>> No.5480607

I kinda agree with this.

>> No.5480633

I thought a superfood was something you could eat exclusively for an indefinite period of time and not die. Non-essential nutrients are in all whole foods. All that matters is eating a wide variety, eating more kale/blueberries/whatever doesn't imply more healthy.

>> No.5480712

you seem to be very misinformed.

>> No.5480736


Usually when people talk about "superfoods" they're talking about plant foods with especially high concentrations of phytochemicals, like berries, leafy green vegetables, flax seeds, and tea. Some people also extend it to include salmon and sardines despite them having no phytochemicals, because they have high amounts of omega-3 (though flax seeds have much more omega-3 anyway)

If we had better nutrition education in America, we wouldn't need the label "superfood" because people would understand for themselves why certain foods are so good. Since we don't, it's easier to just say "superfoods" and "antioxidants" to people

>> No.5480740

anything with fiber. actually makes a difference. all the bullshit berries and kombuchas dont do shit.

all you need is a good ratio of fiber, protein, carbs, and fat and regular meals and sleeps. Ive never felt better then when I was in jail. And you know the bologna in jail is not organic.

>> No.5480748


>macronutrients are all that matters

Let me guess, you're from /fit/.

>> No.5480772

i like fits stance on nutrition much more then cks, but i told you where i was coming from - JAIL.

it was a 4 week experiment on my own body. I know what im takling about. But go ahead and buy into all the hippy bullshit. Hope you get cancer from some chemical they didn't know about that's used in the production of your superfood. I like irony, my game got no wrinkles.

>> No.5480791
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>it was a 4 week experiment on my own body. I know what im takling about

Damn, a 4-week trial with a sample size of 1, no variables of any kind accounted for, no actual testing of any kind, no long-term implications. That's some good data. Have you ever thought of becoming a scientist?

>Hope you get cancer from some chemical they didn't know about that's used in the production of your superfood.

No no, chemicals don't matter, chemicals aren't macronutrients. Just eat your prison bologna, you'll be fine

>> No.5480793

>Hope you get cancer from some chemical they didn't know about that's used in the production of your superfood

because kale is grown using fundamentally different methods than say, cabbage or iceberg lettuce?

>> No.5482106

no, that's bullshit

>> No.5482289
File: 897 KB, 2592x1456, b6c3f9b0-0d13-44d2-8d77-cfc77a94b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's talk superfoods
>entire thread is about shitting


>> No.5482629


Facts are facts, hombre

>> No.5482739

I take massive dumps right when I wake up (everyday). life is good

>> No.5482744

You would have to eat a ridiculous amount of kale to get negative effects from it.

>> No.5482774

is that runnie's replace?

>> No.5482928
File: 124 KB, 900x582, 70650431-197c-4e66-bc80-50f9cd85b37b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is indeed Runnie's Replace. He is feel uncapitated.

>> No.5482954

Been drinking kale and strawberry smoothies every morning for the past couple months, and feel so much better.

>> No.5482959

>Runnie's replace

jesus christ how horrfying; please tell me you didn't make that out of anything edible.

>> No.5482978

the fuck?

>> No.5482995

hemp seeds.
i crush about 250 grams and mix it with 250 grams of psyllium husks.
nutrition motherfucker

>> No.5483013
File: 60 KB, 576x1024, ecd783c6-66ba-41b3-8bc2-2f21edc26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I didn't make it. I wish I had. Everyone could use a spare Replace om hand.

>> No.5483037

Oh, okay. I am relieved.

>> No.5483121
File: 38 KB, 356x237, 735126_356x237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>replace worse fat sources like butter with olive oil
>worse fat sources like butter

Hahaha this fucking guy. I hope you realize heating olive oil, or any kind of oil other than coconut, will make it go bad and lose any of it's good properties right?

There's nothing wrong with butter. Next thing you're going to tell me you eat margerine and call it healthy.

Pic related, it's how dumb you are sounding.

>> No.5483134


>science is stupid, I'll just make up my own

Enjoy your heart attack

>> No.5483142

>but my mother is done in 2 minutes.

yeah, you shouldn't know that

>> No.5483143



I'm not making up all these studies proving you are wrong and I am not. What science did you do?

>> No.5483148

In the year 2014, how can there be so much fucking confusion on the effects shit have on our bodies? Fuck's sake science, please sit down and figure out what's healthy and what isn't.

>> No.5483151

I'm gonna take the tinfoil hat approach here but there are a lot of large companies/industries that stand to gain from uninformed masses buying their shit tier excuse for food.

>> No.5483153


We all have youtube presentations. I see your presentation by an obese woman who has never in her life published a medical paper, and raise you a lean, healthy man with decades of medical experience, hundreds of publications, and clinically proven results in the field of reversing heart disease


>> No.5483167


Because you didn't even watch for more than a minute, she is publishing the works of countless other people who published studies, one lasting 30 years in Hawaii, all which prove that processed vegetable oils cause heart disease. Additionally it debunks the idea that cholesterol is at fault.

Natural fats such as butter and lard are actually good for your heart.

Anyway because I am not ignorant I will watch your presentation and perhaps broaden my knowledge. If I didn't care why would I go here and share mine with you?

Stay ignorant buddy

>> No.5483169

I meant presenting, not publishing. Even the first frame should make that clear.

>> No.5483200


>all which prove that processed vegetable oils cause heart disease

I'm sure vegetable oils, like most fats, contribute to heart disease. This doesn't mean saturated animal fats, accepted throughout the medical field as being malignant, don't. The guy in my presentation agrees that refined oils aren't good.

I'm already familiar with Sally Fallon, Mark Sisson, Chris Kresser, Dr. Mercola, William Davis, etc, but in the world of nutrition these characters are very much like Christian scientists who attempt to disprove evolution or the age of the earth by cherrypicking data, misrepresenting facts, and making strawman arguments (refined white bread is bad for you, so CLEARLY ALL WHOLE GRAINS should be avoided! just ignore all the positive studies about them!) so that they can be controversial and sell books. Meanwhile the guys who follow accepted medical guidelines are actually making progress in the medical community, finding dietary answers for our country's leading causes of death.

>Additionally it debunks the idea that cholesterol is at fault.

I recommend you listen to a series of videos called "the futility of cholesterol denialism"


I feel like you have a genuine thirst for knowledge, and I'm glad you'll atleast watch that presentation.

>> No.5483207


Well I'm aware that there is a lot of overlapping data and one person claims that X is good and Y is bad and another will say the opposite.

I'm genuinely trying to be healthy and already avoid all added sugars and processed oils and processed foods.

There's a lot of conflicting data, so what am I supposed to believe in?

Will watch that one too thanks.

>> No.5483249

It will also kill your dog if he eats any of it.
Keep that shit well away from Fido.

>> No.5483289

i like making smoothies with frozen fruit, yogurt, and fruit or juice. i use greek yogurt and i think that's a super food because of probiotics.

trying to get into dark chocolate, but everytime i go to the store i think, no i want to save my money to buy real food.

green tea, blueberries, almonds, walnuts, cayene are all great too.

>> No.5483319

>trying to get into dark chocolate, but everytime i go to the store i think, no i want to save my money to buy real food.

>what is cocoa powder
>what is cocoa nibs

Buy those two.

Make homemade müsli with coca nibs or oatmeal with cocoa powder

My recipes are as follows:

For homemade müsli

60g of rolled oats
15g of almonds
15 g of cashew nuts
15 g of brazil nuts
1 tblsp of sesame seeds
1 tblsp of cocoa nibs

You can also add raisins if you want, make sure you are not adding more than a teaspoon, they have too much sugar.

For oatmeal, just add 2 tblsps of cocoa powder on 250 ml of milk and cook the oats with that milk, stirring well so the flavours really come out. Use steel cut oats or rolled oats.

Eat it while hot, add some cinammon after it's done (and some nuts, I recommend Hazelnuts).


>> No.5483327

I don't even know what to believe anymore....

>olive oil is ok
>suddenly it's not
>well lard is good for you
>saturated fat is bad
>turns out saturated fat isn't that bad hue hue


I just don't know anymore...

What oil can I safely use to cook my chicken breast? or the one that has the least amount of chances of giving me a heart attack...

>> No.5483345

Well I'd say coconut oil, it is the only oil which can be heated and doesn't spoil like all the other oils do. This is explained in the oiling of america video I linked.

But yea I agree, after watching this presentation about the heart attacks I too am slightly confused. I guess that is just the problem these days, conflicting information. I'm not sure who to believe.

Eat a lot of (read: mainly) vegetables I guess is the key take away point.

Would love to hear more about the lifestyle of the person who linked the heart attack proofing video.

>> No.5483433

ye, guess I'll try coconut oil, thanks.

I already eat a lot of veggies, but still...
I love meat, don't want to give up on it.

Guess I should buy a grill

>> No.5483470

Why are so many people obsessed with pooping?

>> No.5483485

>coconut oil
>only oil which can be heated blah blah blah
>forgetting about clarified butter

>> No.5483540

ghee masterrace represent

>> No.5483649

it's like anal without having to feel embarrassed or gay about it.

>> No.5483854

Hey, man. Don't be a square. Morning dumps are the shit.

>> No.5484649


Had never heard of that before, what are the benefits of it?

>> No.5484669

The reason shitting often is good for you is because the cooked food sitting in your intestines could have free radicals which might hit the dna in an intestinal cell and make it mutate in such a way that it doesn't die but becomes cancerous.

You're probably going to die of a heart attack before that happens so get your priorities straight.

>> No.5484896
File: 135 KB, 1000x323, Hodgson-Mill-Whole-Wheat-Angel-Hair-Pasta-071518000332[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There's a lot of conflicting data, so what am I supposed to believe in?

Generally you want to believe mainstream science and treat people who are saying the opposite of what the field's leading researchers are saying with skepticism. The people of the Weston A. Price Foundation are always claiming that nutritional science is based on a bunch of industry-fueled lies and misunderstanding, as if all the data we've gathered over the past century that confirms our understanding of saturated fats, cholesterol, and whole grain and legume intake don't exist.

Sally Fallon is not a doctor; she's just an English major who learned how to manipulate data to shift blame from one thing to another. Caldwell Esselstyn was the president of the Cleveland Clinic, which has been ranked #1 in the country for cardiac care for 19 consecutive years. He, along with Dean Ornish, did studies and published papers proving that heart disease is both preventable and curable by following a diet low in saturated fat/cholesterol and high in whole grains, which you now read on the boxes of foods containing whole grains, an approval of the American Heart Association. With a very similar diet, Dr. Neal Barnard has also shown reversal of Type 2 diabetes.

By contrast, Robert Atkins had 2 heart attacks and then died before being able to muster up any validating studies for his controversial dietary views. Here's one of my favorite Atkins clips; he claimed that his diet can reverse heart disease at a debate, then Ornish, who actually has proven to have reversed heart disease, calls him out, everyone boos Atkins, and then Keith Ayoob starts busting his balls for claiming he can't fund the studies he needs despite the millions of copies of books and supplements he's sold, and he gets bood again.


>> No.5484907


Interesting, so what do you eat?

>> No.5484937


Some of my staple foods are steel cut oats, barley, black beans, lentils, red rice, sweet potatoes, and whole wheat pasta or bread that I make. I buy whatever fruit and veg are cheap and in season since unfortunately those aren't as cheap as grains and beans (except for bananas and kale, those are cheap as hell year round). I don't use any oils, so when I make a salad dressing I grind up flax seeds in a coffee grinder and mix it with balsamic vinegar, so it soaks up the vinegar and forms a fiberous gel to coat the greens. I also usually have walnuts on hand and eat about a handful a day, either in a salad, by themselves, or in my oatmeal, plus some sunflower seeds here in there for all that vitamin E they have

I don't find that kind of diet hard to follow, but I think it's hard for most people to get into because it's much different than the standard American diet where everything needs meat/cheese/eggs/oil and most things are refined and processed. When you understand what foods you have to work with and how you can prepare them, it's pretty easy, satisfying, and inexpensive

>> No.5484940


Well I'm not American, European here, but I'm kind of averse to not eating any meat. I'm training a lot so I need my protein. I'm not overweigh/fat at all.

Even though I understand the analogy of only pouring gasoline on the fire a few times a week I am wondering if with no problems whatsoever at my age (23) and being in a good condition, is it a problem to keep eating meat etc.

>> No.5484955


In my opinion, if you want a little meat here and there, you'd be fine. I wouldn't recommend daily meat consumption or high meat consumption, but if you were to make your diet mainly plant-based, including mainly plant protein from beans and grains, then most medical science agrees you'll be in pretty good health.

>> No.5484963

Super foods are foods with more nutrient density than others of the category (bar spices) isn't it?
Like a capsium is super food to oranges because they have more vitamin c

>> No.5484971

What is the right ratios then?

And walk around with residual shit between your sweating cheeks all day?
Night shit pre shower master race

>> No.5484974


50% bologna, 30% cornbread, 20% mashed potatoes. trust me, I did a 4 week trial on my body

>> No.5484992

At 23 you should not be worrying about that at all. Eat red meat in moderation, if only because it's resource taxing (and generally expensive).

If you're really concerned about your long-term health, introduce more fish into your diet in place of red meat.

But seriously, everything is fine in moderation; don't let the faggots on this board or /fit/ tell you otherwise.

>> No.5486698

You fart all day.

>> No.5486701

is this shit a new may may? is it going to be posted every week?

>> No.5486758

so which is which?

>> No.5486762

best potato is vodka potato

>> No.5486768

coffee shrinks the small intestine, compressing fecal matter, and giving you the urge to crap. part of a balanced breakfast!

>> No.5486772

it's incredibly relaxing to take five-second breaths. great for my blood pressure

>> No.5486775

The hippocratic oath actually states that you cannot perform surgery. I'd rather have the use of my arms, thank you very much

>> No.5486779

How much water do you drink?

>> No.5486781

or just a lot of loudly misinformed people

>> No.5486890

Because you asshats cant keep on a subject that is interesting, let me ask a few questions in line with OPs intended subject...

What is a way to make you have more jizz?
What is a way that isnt an urban legend to improve the taste of your jizz?
What is a great natural ish hangover cure that isnt greasy shit and acids?
Is there a food/nutrient that truly improves sex drive or can help you get hard (like viagra does even if youre watching the local news)?
What food can help with indigestion?
If i fuck a watermelon and eat it after, what will happen?

>> No.5487242


I think the most effective way to get what you want is to stop jacking off every 10 minutes and to stop eating probably everything that you currently eat and replace it with fruits, vegetables, beans, etc

>> No.5487255
File: 865 KB, 1280x720, Feels Good Man Drake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been taking Psyllium supplements daily for the past 3 weeks and I'm still constipated as shit. Give it to me straight, /ck/, am I die?

>> No.5487264


What's the rest of your diet like? Needing to take a supplement to get dietary fiber is kind of fucked up

>> No.5487299

Usually salmon and broccoli or kale for lunch.
Eggs and onions for dinner.
Been skipping breakfast.

>> No.5487312

>1. Drink more water.
>2. Pineapple, either fresh and very ripe or canned in light syrup.
>3. Drink more water. Gatorade helps too. Proteins are better than carbs.
>4. No.
>5. Ginger, Liquorice root, or you could buy some fucking Tums
>6. You'll be less of a faggot than you were before you clicked post.

>> No.5487320


Sounds a little weird but there's fiber in that. Maybe for dinner try to eat beans or lentils instead of eggs. Fruit would also do you some good. Oatmeal in the morning is one of the best things you can do, but if you don't want to spend the time making it then atleast chow down on some bananas

>> No.5487326

Oh I'd definitely be eating oatmeal, bananas and fruits. Problem is I'm on a candida diet atm. Though I've always suffered from constipation even including the aforementioned unless that's also a result of the candida.

>> No.5487335


Well shit. I don't know anything about candida, but going by what you say you already eat, I think if you were to just increase the amount of broccoli and kale you eat, you'd be shitting with more regularity. Psyllium husk is a good source of soluble fiber, but those vegetables will provide more insoluble fiber, meaning more bulky, volumetric shit for the soluble fiber to bind to and carry out your ass

>> No.5489710


>> No.5490505

Anyone else find it hard to meat Vit A requirements??

>> No.5492438

Chia seeds! They are awesome!

Gonna try that psyllium thing too, looks nice.

>> No.5492669


Avodado, almonds, blueberries, kale, olive oil, coconut oil, flax seed

I ruined my health by chain-smoking and alcoholism. Quit everything cold-turkey, but I still got winded easy, had heartbeat irregularity/skipped beats, and generally felt like I was seconds from a heart attack every day, even though I hadn't touched either alcohol or cigs in almost a year.

Been eating healthy with daily servings of the aforementioned foods, and after a month I feel much better. No more palpitations.

And suddenly, I have a raging erection every morning. And every ten minutes. It's like I'm fucking 14 again. This time last year, I couldn't even get it up for sex or porn, now I get it up when my jeans rub the right way when walking.

I forget the exact numbers, but the Dr was very enthusiastic about my last blood pressure and cholesterol/triglyceride level tests. I've also cut down on all carbs to only that which comes from fruit (not keto, I have too much fruit for that), and my blood sugar is now quite stable rather than pre-diabetic.

10/10 would eat hippie foods again

>> No.5492672


No. Eat some vegetables. Carrots and sweet potatoes in particular have lots of vitamin A, but leafy green vegetables have a good amount too

>> No.5492678


>I've also cut down on all carbs to only that which comes from fruit (not keto, I have too much fruit for that), and my blood sugar is now quite stable rather than pre-diabetic.

That's not sustainable though. Your diet should be mainly carbohydrate, just eat healthy sources like whole grains, beans, fruit, and sweet potatoes

>> No.5492689

>Your diet should be mainly carbohydrate

Why? My bloodwork came back pretty positive and subjectively I feel great, so why should I eat more potatoes?

>> No.5492704


Because your short-term bloodwork coming off a shittier diet doesn't mean a fatty, carb-deficient diet is going to work out for you in the long run


>so why should I eat more potatoes?

I didn't say potatoes (aside from sweet potatoes, which are a very healthy food). I said whole grains and legumes, two of the food groups most associated with good health, the backbone of the human diet since civilization began.

>> No.5492723


That video doesn't really strike me as very trustworthy. I've gone through a bit of the research on pubmed and haven't seen anything suggesting that long-term ketogenic diets cause heart problems. If you know of any such studies, please post them so I can see what sorts of problems they experimentally determined from KD alone...

That said, I'm not *doing* keto, like I said, I eat way too much fruit for that. I just don't eat grains or things like that. Somehow I doubt there are vital nutrients that I'm missing out on by not eating bread or beans or potatoes or whatever. Fruit and nuts have plenty of carbs.

>> No.5492734


Yeah, just finished watching it, he kept referencing the dangers exposed in studies of high-protein low-carb diets. Keto is not a high-protein diet, so that's completely irrelevant. Atkins isn't a high-protein diet, either. And the fact that he targets Atkins by name rather than LCHF diets as are used in the medical literature makes him seem like a salesman more than a scientist or medical professional.

>> No.5492742


How can you have a high fat diet without lots of protein too? Just drinking oil all day?

>makes him seem like a salesman more than a scientist or medical professional.

Selling what?

>> No.5492748


Looked up the guy in question, Michael Greger, Jesus Christ you aren't taking that guy seriously are you? He's a Dr. Oz guest (which should, alone, tell you to immediately ignore everything he says), and FFS his website pushes a PLANT BASED ALTERNATIVE TO CHEMOTHERAPY.

>> No.5492766

>How can you have a high fat diet without lots of protein too? Just drinking oil all day?

Fat? Avocado, fatty fish, nuts/seeds, cheese, milk, etc. The actual protein content of KD isn't really any higher than on the standard USDA diet, and especially vegetarian diets high in beans/soy.

>Selling what?

An agenda. Also, DVDs and speaking engagements. It's not necessarily that he's malevolent, but the guy is very much pushing a vegan diet and likes to cherry pick evidence. That video was a perfect example, since he criticized ketogenic diets by looking at LCHP studies instead of LCHF. Anyone can go on PubMed, search ketosis or LCHF or LCHP, and find a wealth of scientific studies into either of those. He looks at a very small number of LCHP diet studies and uses those to judge LCHF, which is disingenuous at best.

>> No.5492773


> He's a Dr. Oz guest (which should, alone, tell you to immediately ignore everything he says)

What a convenient excuse for you to ignore contradictory evidence presented to you


What, eating fruits and vegetables that are clinically proven to fight cancer and avoiding animal foods that are clinically proven to cause and contribute to cancer growth instead of blasting your body with harsh radiation? Yeah, it's called preventative healthcare

>> No.5492785
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>no no no no, that's a high PROTEIN high fat fiet, it's not the same

The fuck do you think the difference is, health-wise, and especially refering to bloodflow?