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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5465541 No.5465541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>first time on /ck/
>reading various threads
>realize /ck/ is full of really funny people making funny ass comments.
>about to start cruising /ck/ for the comedy

hey /ck/ why is there no sticky? Where do I begin to learn to into /ck/?

>> No.5465553
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lurk moar

>> No.5465557

this isn't /b/ and its not /comedy/.

it's /ck/ food and cooking. There's no sticky because we don't like sticky things.

But in all honestly, you are /ck/'s worst nightmare. We don't want you here. Please, for the love of god go back to >>>/b/

9/10 bait. Points docked for unoriginality (i made almost the same thread yesterday)

>> No.5465559
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Because none of us can agree what should go in a sticky. Also, it's more fun without one.

>> No.5465563


OP is ChexAnon:

>> No.5465570


to be fair I wouldn't mind a sticky so that we might get less than 10 "cheap food recipes", "healthy recipes i'm fat pls help", or "college food ideas" threads per day

>> No.5465578

if we keep a "/ck/ Sticky: ITS HAPPENING" thread going for a while... enough for all the regulars to contribue....

then take all the suggestions and write out one short sticky.... and send it to moot....
i don't see why he wouldn't put it up.

This is OUR community, not his. If we want a sticky, let's make a sticky. /fit/ did it.

>> No.5465590

This isn't your community, and fuck your sticky nigga.

>> No.5465592


go away tetra

>> No.5465620

be nice, I bet everyone here started on /b/ and finally grew up and started going to other boards.

Welcome OP, /ck/ is hilariously great but keep /b/ on /b/ and don't fucking tell them about us. We don't have a sticky because saying there is a right way to cook something is like saying there is a right way to make art. The right way is whatever you want it to be.

and lurk moar

>> No.5465642

I really wonder why /ck/ doesn't have a sticky. Just shit like "cast-iron pan (do not wash with soap), 8" yuropean knife, salt your vinegar" and so on.

>> No.5465643

You'd be surprised. Lots of people skip /b/ entirely.
It's an especially prevalent occurrence on boards that require with subjects that require more effort then sit down press button.

>> No.5465651

that's total bullshit. everyone staretd on /b/ cause it's the main 4chan board.

Only people the went looking for other boards have either gotten bored, grown out of, or otherwise wanted a change from /b/.

Maybe some total newfag didn't know which board was the most active and started on /ck/... but that would be the only one.

Everyone started on /b/. Everyone.

>> No.5465662

don't want it, don't need it, too broad a subject

>> No.5465663

/b/ has absolutely nothing to offer a lot of people and it takes maybe 5 minutes of research (Or just god damn common knowledge at this point.) to find that out. Plenty of people skip /b/.
Personally I started on /tg/ and branched out from there.

>> No.5465696

that is complete hipster posturing.

You went to /b/, you didn't fit in. So you nerd raged out of there and claim "its for stupider people".

cause they didn't like you there. I did the same thing with high school. Dropped out in 10th cause "i wasn't being challenged"

Don't fool yourself. You're just easily impressionable, so you went to /b/, got rejected in... "5 minutes of research' according to you... and now you're here bitching.

i told you - it's just you. Everyone else went to /b/ and it took a lot longer for us to get jaded.

>> No.5465708

That may have been true a few years ago, but google indexes 4chan constantly now. It's easy to land on any board on 4chan directly from a google search.

>> No.5465717

nobody goes to 4chan/ck/ threads from a google search. Unless they're searching for a thread they already saw once there.

You guys are going through the last death throes... last ditch attempts... "bb..but... someone could have GOOOGLED IT."

nope. nobody did. everyone came from /b/

>> No.5465720

No you jack ass. I Started on /tg/ because I wanted to talk about WH40K and pen and paper games and it's a great resource on the matter. After awhile I started going to other boards that peaked my interest.

>> No.5465730


It's piqued.

>> No.5465732

no you started on /b/ with WH40K threads and then someone suggested /tg/ if you want a more focused discussion.

ADMIT IT! I see Wh40k threads on /b/ sometimes til this day. ADMIT IT

>> No.5465743

I didn't even know /b/ has wh40k threads. I assumed it was all porn and people repeating the same jokes over and over.

>> No.5465762

yeah haha... yeah right. false. You're a faker.

We're on /ck/ right now... and when i ask for help here i usually just get a bunch of shitheads heading shit towards my head. shit. I've actually gotten good recipes off /b/ when i was having trouble here.

/b/ is totally random. there's not even a lot of real porn on there - there's just a couple of annoying gay dudes that live on there and keep starting trap and squirrel-hentai threads.

anyway you didn't assume shit. you just didn't fit in cause you're gay. or not gay. not really sure which one.

>> No.5465798

I started on /x/, /wg/ and here pretty much at the same time. have always avoided /b/ and will continue to do so.

I'm sorry that you seem to be having trouble accepting that your experience of the world is not the default you thought it was.

>> No.5465835

you just avoid /b/ cause you're a hipster and /b/ is mainstream....

>> No.5465892

>Lots of people skip /b/ entirely.
Then they missed out on an essential component of 4chan culture.

>> No.5465896

ooh, nice one! Thank you for the laugh.

>> No.5466226

I started on /pol/ and moved to /adv/ and then on to /ck/

I think I've been on /b/ once. Maybe.

>> No.5466668

>this thread

Thats why we dont have a sticky

>> No.5466677

>not having a containment post