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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.21 MB, 3456x4608, ZAV1xaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5465395 No.5465395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/,

I need inspiration.

Show me pics of the food you cooked yourself and I'll dump some of my pics in the meantime.

Recipes are more than welcome.

>> No.5465410
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I'm seriously in a rut.

I keep making damn Stromboli or Asian stir fry.

I'm feeling adventurous.

>> No.5465419
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>> No.5465425
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>> No.5465435
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>> No.5465444
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What do you call that?

>> No.5465471

tandoori chicken, bhindi channa, khatte aloo and mushroom pilau

made it in this thread


>> No.5465526

Are you the guy that made the Spanish omelette type thing last week? If so keep posting please.

>> No.5465560
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Baked oatmeal with apples and goat cheese

>> No.5465566
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Macaroni and cheese with bacon

The bacon fat was used to make the roux for the bechamel

>> No.5465575
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Speculoos cookies without the fancy shape cause I ain't got time for that

>> No.5465576


yeah. i'm encouraged by the response so i'll be doing cookalongs again in the future for sure.

>> No.5465644
File: 2.47 MB, 2592x4608, BG9Q98t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cool I hope I can catch that

>> No.5465646


Very impressive.

I think I just found a new recipe to try this friday. Thanks

>> No.5465653
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>> No.5465670
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>> No.5465682
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That frowny face.

I wish I could buy a god damn sausage other than Chorizo here in Mexico. I'm so limited here.

>> No.5465699
File: 1.80 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20131123_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no plain old pork sausage? That's really strange to me.

>> No.5465725
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Tarte tatin with black pudding (zwarte beuling/pens in dutch).

>> No.5465733
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It is bizarre.

I live in a city of 100,000 people and any kind of sausage other than Argentinian and Chorizo is non-existent.

I have to take an hour long bus ride to a nearby town to get Italian sausage and the likes.

>> No.5465739
File: 306 KB, 2048x1536, IMG00128-20120801-1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also some homemade pizza (sauce and dough are homemade)
The dough was with a bit of honey, amazing stuff.

>> No.5465748

Salad with 3 types of smoked fish and hand-peeled shrimps. (currently cutting, the other 2 dishes were from a year or 2 ago)

>> No.5465765
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pic salad

>> No.5465766
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I wish I could get my pizza to look like that. I can make a pretty damn pretty stromboli but my pizza always looks so sad.

pic related, I'm embarassed

>> No.5465769
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and last photo I have is from my homemade limoncello

>> No.5465791
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Just pulled some chocolate and almond cookies from the oven.

Tonight's dinner will be roasted marinated pork loins, baked sweet potato wedged and a salad... might make a cook along for the meat and sweet potatoes, if there's any interest.

>> No.5465799

I'm so stoned and broke this thread is like torture24

>> No.5465807

Recipe for tomatosauce for 2-3 pizza's:
>1 little onion (chopped up)
>2 cloves of garlic (chopped up)
>4 tbls tomato paste
>3 tomatoes (seeds and juice removed, chopped in tiny pieces)
>1 tbls dried oregano
>1 tbls dried basil
>1 tsp salt
>2 tsp sugar
>0.5 tsp pepper
>2 tbls butter
>1 tbls olive oil
Heat up the olive oil, fry the onion in it. Add the garlic and tomato paste, fry with the onion for 1 more minute. Add the chopped tomatoes and herbs. Leave it on a medium shot stove for about 5 min. Add the butter and ready.

Recipe for the dough:
>250ml water
>350g flour
>8g instant yeast
>2 tbsp honey
>3 tbsp olive oil
>3 tsp salt
Mix the water with the yeast and let it rest for a while. Add olive oil and half of the flour. mix it up very good till all the flour has been absorbed. Add the rest fo the flour and mix again really good for about 10-15 min. Place the oil in a bowl (with a bit of olive oil rubbed on the sides), rub a bit of olive oil on top of the dough and let it rise for about 2 hours in a warm and breeze-free environment. AFter the 2 hours your dough si ready. Divide it in 2 or 3, depending how big youwant your pizzas and start working this dough till you have your desired thickness and radius.

The pizza needs to be baked at 225°C for about 12-15 min.

Have fun man.

>> No.5465908

thanks for the recipe!

>> No.5465955

What is that? Or better yet, whats in it? >>5465682
I never get Chorizo. I shop exclusively at Costco and they never have it.
Smoke more.

>> No.5465958

You gonna post pics?

>> No.5465961

Omg I totally will smoke more. My bf is making me a pesto pizza and then we are going to 69.

>> No.5465964

Of the cookies or the dinner?

>> No.5465974

Both I guess.

>> No.5465979
File: 741 KB, 1275x4375, deathbychocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cookies I already made a thread/vertical a while back... here you go. I'll make a thread for the rest later tonight.

>> No.5465982

Looking forward to it.

>> No.5465983
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Bison steak. Sorry no post-cut pics, but it was medium.

>> No.5466067


>> No.5466107


It's called Stromboli.

Basically, you just roll out dough like you would for pizza then you can cut it like I did and wrap it or just roll it up as if it looks like a baguette. >>5465444 see pic

Typical pizza ingredients or w/e you want really. Mozzarella or Oaxacan cheese is a must

>> No.5466255
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Tortillas, queso de Oaxaca y pure de tomate con sal

>> No.5466272
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>> No.5466289
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Thanks dude, I'll try using honey next time that's interesting.

>too much dough

>> No.5466331
File: 973 KB, 3000x2250, vrki1pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a few perfectly ripe Avocados.

This is the key to good guac.

Nothing but mashed avocados with a bit of salt (to taste) and a some tomatoes on top.

A pinch of cumin never hurt either. Keeping it simple is the key.

>> No.5466429

I agree simple is key to good quac, but that's not guac, that's an avocado mash as far as I'm concerned, which is delicious but not the same.

Avocados, salt, minced garlic, finely chopped cilantro, maybe some jalapeno, and lime juice is the way to go. No need for tomatoes.

>> No.5466465


>includes garlic
>removes tomatoes


>> No.5466500


that's how i do it too.

>> No.5466519


That looks like masago.

>> No.5466657

Honestly, the only thing tomatoes do to guac is water it down, and you don't need any extra moisture with the lime juice (which is mandatory)

and a little bit of garlic never hurt anything.

>> No.5466697


You gotta dice the tomatoes and just leave them on top. Don't mix it.

>> No.5467048

...except a good guacamole which contains only avocado and salt.
Let the avocados speak for themselves. They don't need you shitting up their flavor with cilantro, garlic, and lime juice. Add that stuff to the food that you are eating the guacamole with.
Only acceptable variation.

>> No.5467064

or you could add it to the guacamole to make it taste better.

>> No.5467084

>being this new

There's a thread about it somewhere. It's some sort of chicken with sour potatoes and okra and stuff.

>> No.5467107

The acidity of the lime juice balances the fattyness of the avocado.

>> No.5467109
File: 309 KB, 968x1296, carnitasaftercooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some carnitas tacos I made

>> No.5467111
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Crab quiche

>> No.5467113
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A trial wellington, tasted great, but didn't look as good as it should have

>> No.5467116
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Chili beef lettuce wraps

>> No.5467121
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Some shrimp nachos I made

>> No.5467194
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mouth watering i love Mexican food

>> No.5467200
File: 2.29 MB, 3264x2448, tmp_muhsliders-105766906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my version of White Castle sliders tonight since we don't have any in Texas, with some loaded mash and cucumber.

>> No.5467257

Looks pretty fucking good to me.

>> No.5467263

>75cl pure alcohol (94°-96°)
>5 big bio lemons (bio becaue you only use the peel of the lemon
>500g simple white sugar
>2l water
You peel the lemons. After you have peeled them, make sure there is as few of the (inside) white part as possible on the peel (it makes the limoncello very bitter, and you don't want that). Put the zeste/peels in a pot with the alcohol and put a lit on it. Leave it in the basement (someplace dark and not too hot) for about 10 days. After the 10 days heat up the 2l water, add the sugar en let it cool down When the sugarwater is cooled down, ad the alcohol and peels/zeste (they should start looking kinda colorless and the alcohol yellow) This process will give your limoncello that blurry look. Leave it in the pot with lit on for 2 more days. After those 2 days filter the peels/zeste out and put it your limoncello in the fridge or freezer. Cheers!

>> No.5467886
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It's a pizza pie.

>> No.5467890
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I love jelly.

>> No.5467894
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Trying out cake making.

>> No.5469249

That's it? We need moar!

>> No.5469300

Thanks bro. I will try this fairly soon.

>> No.5469312

Where do you live in Texas? I... I need you.

>> No.5469336

Not that anon but im from texas too
Houstonbakerfag reporting

>> No.5469341

What kind of buns did you use?

>> No.5469344

They look like yeast rolls

>> No.5469361

just filled a thread i made with recipes for mashed potatoes, mushroom cream sauce and dry aged grilled new york strip!!


check it out if you like!

>> No.5469363


We should coordinate a /cktex/ meetup sometime. Some folk here are awful but the texbros usually seem cool.

>> No.5469402

pick one, and only one.

>> No.5469425

I'm the guy who made the sliders and I'm a Houstonfag, I'm not really good at cooking though so a meet up would probably be disappointing.

They were some kind of sweet dinner rolls that were on clearance but still very fresh, they were good toasted but I will try something less sweet later.

>> No.5469430

I know this is going to sound very strange, but I have a question:

Could I make a mac-and-cheese bread?

Like.. if I took a pretty simple bread recipe, and right before I cooked it, I kneaded in some (already cooked) pasta and cheese, and then used a loaf-pan to keep it's shape, would that taste good or would that just be really terrible?

>> No.5469435

I would think the act of baking it might dry out the pasta but I'm also a potato.

>> No.5469436

Make a roll type bread and proof into rolls
Use hands or measuring cup to indent a well
Scoop filling in and wrap edges around or leave open faces with extra cheese layer with bread crumbs

>> No.5469443

That actually sounds pretty good.

What if I made rolls, then made mac and cheese, then before baking them I made a sort of "pork bun" out of the MC and dough? Think that could work?

>> No.5469452

Just make sure the mac and cheese is a good recipe and is throughly cooled. Also what is this pork bun method you speak of?

>> No.5469456

Letting the dough rise 1 time, then cutting up the dough into a 6-8 pieces, rolling them somewhat thin, then putting the MC in the center, then 'platting' (pleating?) the dough all around the MC, baking until done.

Obviously the dough would have to be sealed very tightly at the top so none of it spilled out and burned on top. I think the MC would also either need to be more creamy/saucy or atleast more cheesy so it doesn't dry out as much as it might.

>> No.5469459
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>> No.5469531

Holy shit, your view is amazing

>> No.5469546



>> No.5469888
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coconut cream pie with meringue on top. c:

>> No.5469891
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just some homemade white sandwich bread

>> No.5469893
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a pumpkin pie that used a slow-baked pumpkin

>> No.5469896
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rosemary bread

>> No.5469913

Ah. Yes that sounds good just not too thin and egg wash to seal it. Possibly with honey in it

>> No.5469921
File: 2.42 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-05-27 19.33.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made these today at uni, proved in the fridge for 24h. Man they were good, even if they are not too creative.

>> No.5469924

Looks like vagina.

>> No.5469973

Goddamn I wish someone taught me how to cook when I was young. Nothing I make ever looks as good as this.

>> No.5469998

You don't have to have learned it when you were young, just learn it.

>> No.5470000

I don't know how. My food tastes great and I can make things that last a whole week, but they don't look picture perfect like any of this stuff.

>> No.5470005
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Here is my take on shakshouka

>> No.5470010


>> No.5470028

The dish or me? The dish is Israeli but also popular in North Africa. The turks have something almost exact except some spices are different.

>> No.5470029
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Same dude here. Since you mentioned russian. Here is a shitty picture of my borsh.

>> No.5470032

To be fair, cooking eggs in tomato sauce isn't exactly new. Basically any mediterranean country has its own take on this.

>> No.5470037

Yep but its deeeelicious!

>> No.5470040

Extremely so.

>> No.5470328
File: 2.75 MB, 4128x3096, Tamagoyaki gerade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tamagoyaki cut into pieces with mushrooms and tomato slices

>> No.5470440


You're right but that still looks pretty damn good.

>> No.5471055

Shiiiit negros, I am a Houstonbro too. Well technically Wharton right now but who cares. I need cooking/baking buds.

>> No.5471083
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>baking with metric

whatever floats your boat i guess

>> No.5471105

Not you ruining the dish with that fake cheese

>> No.5471116

I just made some carnitas for tacos, might throw some in eggs too.

First time I've done it, highly recommend it. Easy, pretty cheap, yields a lot of tasty porky goodness.