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5462659 No.5462659[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the drinking culture like in the USA?

Most people i meet tend to view heavy drinking as something you leave behind in college.... but every so often I meet an american that can drink a metric fuckton.

>> No.5462666

I didn't start drinking heavily until after college. I wasn't about to tank my grades just to be a dumbass. Now that I'm deep into my career I drink almost every day. Real heavily about 4 times a week. Mostly because I can actually afford it now that I'm not a poor student. I regularly rack up sizable bills at bars because it's fun as fuck to hang out with my buddies and not give a shit the cost.

>> No.5462669

I'm from Wisconsin, and drinking is a normal function like eating and shitting.

Different states may differ.

>> No.5462689

I too am curious about this.

I went to a wedding in scoltand. The majority of the guests were american and as it s,eemed to be customary, there was an entirely free bar (usually at a wedding you would only get one or twoo free drinks)...... but nobody took advantage of this. the Americans literally had a couple of drinks.
I was chatting to one of the barmen, who were bored as fuck, asked for a brandy and he gave me the entire fucking bottle "because nobody was drinking".

was this an anomaly...was it normal... is it stupid to to think of america as a singular cohesive cultural entity???

>> No.5462729

I should try slipping bartenders a $10 or so in exchange for a whole bottle of something at open bars.

>> No.5462732

It's weird and backwards, IMO. It's considered completely normal to get fucking trashed on weekends and at parties, do something stupid and report in on a Monday to tell your coworkers about it. But heaven forbid you get caught drinking a beer before work or on your lunch break. It's like people think drinking is only for special occasions and you drink a lot at once but if you order a beer with your lunch everyone in the room thinks your an alcoholic. Not that I'm not one, but still.

>> No.5462748


>Work nights
>Like to go to a restaurant for breakfast on my way home on occasion
>Roadhouse, starts serving at 7:30 am
>Usually get the steak and eggs with home fries, seasonal fruit, and grilled tomatoes with rye bread, and a side of biscuits and gravy
>Order a beer to go with my breakfast
>The other people in there always give me a weird look

Fuck them, this is my dinner. But you're right, ordering a beer at any kind of chain place for lunch will always get people giving you dirty looks. I usually order a second just to piss them off more.

>> No.5462756

I never got that, one or two beers isn't going to fuck with somebody's work.

>> No.5462757

It's that thinking that forms stupid absolutes about drinking while doing other activities. Like working, handling power tools, driving, or handling firearms.

Legally, yes avoid drinking. Practically, two or three beers won't affect you in any tangible way unless you're a lightweight and just shotgunned them.

>> No.5462761

Depends on the area. It is common for beer consumption at sporting events and bars in a lot of places except for parts of the rural south, midwest, and west. Port cities and places that get a lot of tourism (Vegas, New Orleans, Savannah, Miami, etc.) cater to people who drink more than normally but some places like Wisconsin and Georgia tend to be huge drinkers compared to others.

Most people I know drank to excess a couple times a week until they were 24-26 and then cut back to 1 or 2 drinks occasionally if at all. People who drink a lot in their 30s and 40s age hard and don't handle it well.

>> No.5462767

Drinking and driving laws have been used to reinstate prohibition. There really isn't public transportation anywhere other than small sections of major cities. So the social aspect of drinking is marginalized and the majority of drinking is middle aged men watching sports with a case of beer.

>> No.5462775

Fuck it, I drink beer like it's a soda when I'm not in the mood for water or coffee. It doesn't even get me drunk, I just like the taste, if I actually wanted to get a buzz I'd be drinking bourbon. I've actually had faggots call me out for ordering a beer before the sacred 5:00 alcohol hour, and then they proceeded to drink five glasses of free refill Pepsi.

Am I wrong here, or is there something wrong with what is considered normal acceptable drink ordering? I think I made the right choice with my single beer and some water, fuck that soda piss.

>> No.5462782

we have a weekend warrior culture, as extension of our "work hard play hard" ideal.
It's pretty stupid. Everyone goes full degenerate drunk in college and it follows with them throughout life. many become alcoholics

>> No.5462809

is it true americans cant buy beer in the cinema?

>> No.5462815

that has been my experience, but what gentlemen doesn't travel with a flask

>> No.5462816


"Only" one drink significantly increases your chances of causing injury or death


It's this entitled cager culture that causes people to rationlize industrial scale slaughter just so they can live out a fantasy of independence and "every man an island"

If you want to live like a human being, live like a human being and choose a city. In cities, bar culture can coexist with humanity and no one has to endure this cognitive dissonance nonsense about driving better after a few drinks loosens you up.

If you want to live like an animal on the plains, go live like an animal, but don't come crying to me when your kids splatter themselves all over the 6 lane highway because they thought they were entitled to drinking and deathcage culture at exact the same time.

>> No.5462822

I'm in Georgia. Lots of Southern Baptists here who refuse to drink at all. I live in a dry county.

>> No.5462823

Depends. Higher end or more local places allow beer. Regional chains usually don't because of the business aspect of getting licenses and dealing with loud, drunk people while others are trying to enjoy a movie.

>> No.5462826

Big chain cinemas you can't, but there's a local one here that has a bar.

>> No.5462828

I find it funny that UTAH aka Mormonland has better liquor law than most of the south

>> No.5462832

>dry county

as in you have no bars and cant buy alcohol from a store?

>> No.5462836

What in the ever loving FUCK are you trying to convey here?

>> No.5462842

You can't buy liquor in stores. You have to go a county over and give them your money instead.

>> No.5462844


I'm saying that your HR department is not why it's a bad idea to drink before operating a vehicle or handling firearms.

For the record, I have a beer or wine with lunch every so often during the work week, sometimes with my boss at the table. It's ok. Drinking isn't a problem. Murdering strangers with your entitlement complex is a problem.

>> No.5462847

does that mean spirits... or all booze?

>> No.5462850

Spirits. Anything over 20% I think.

>> No.5462851

I've noticed this, it's the more affluent and nice places that allow you to have a beer or glass of wine inside. It sort of makes sense to me. We have lots of poor unruly minorities and rednecks that I wouldn't want walking around the store slugging Busch beer because they'll get out of hand. Civilized people can drink a beer while they shop, I do it often. Same reason they don't sell alcohol at McDonalds and Taco Bell here but you can get anything at a nice restaurant, drunken degenerates aren't the people going to the nice places that serve alcohol.

Some theaters do serve alcohol and have bars, they usually cost more and also serve entrees.

>> No.5462853

I said 2-3 beers you illiterate nigger. And up to the point that it affects your mind/motor function is fine if you're shooting on your own land.

>> No.5462857
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Depends on if you live near crazy religious southerners or true american northerners

>> No.5462859

>Bourbon Country as dry as Utah
Mind Blown

>> No.5462861

If you're a lightweight they actually will
two 8% abv beers can get tons of people slurring

>> No.5462862

Not one person I've ever met has thought drinking and driving was okay. If you're irresponsible, drinking or not, you're still irresponsible. You can be responsible and be intoxicated.

If you were trying to troll, which I think you might've been because this seems like a forced rant from someone who has the Down's, great.

>> No.5462869


>Fuck yeah MA!
>The new mayor of Boston has finally extended the hours of operation for bars in the city on Fri and Sat nights
>Proposing running the trains longer, with the caveat that the prices will be higher when you ride late night (like 12 am - 4 am)
>All for this

>> No.5462877

>Not one person I've ever met has thought drinking and driving was okay

Really? So "drunk driving laws are tyranny to enforce wahabbi style sharia prohibition" isn't you? "I can drink 3 beers without impaired motor functions" isn't a real point of view?

You need to meet more people. America is among the most permissive countries in the allegedly civilized world when it comes to drunk driving. This is expressed in the attitudes of ordinary people as well as the laws of the states.

>> No.5462878

Are you from Canada by any chance? I live in a city where alcohol is the norm and drinking is glorified. People get fucked up in highschool, college, and beyond. I don't think it's much different all over the world, you only see TV shows and movies glorifying binge drinking and partying with people who are in a younger age bracket, for the most part.

>> No.5462882


>It's like people think drinking is only for special occasions

If you regularly do drugs, you're a druggie. Doesn't matter if it's weed, meth, alcohol, or heroin

>> No.5462883

have you ever gotten a DUI?
legally, it is a slap on the wrist relative to rest of the world.
But to bureaucrats its just a way to stack paper.
And socially, when people find out, they treat you a notch above child molesters. The stigma is strong here

>> No.5462885

>ordering a beer at any kind of chain place for lunch will always get people giving you dirty looks
why? it's not like you're downing 4 of them as your lunch, you're just drinking one to wash the meal down.

>> No.5462886

Just like I'm a foodie if I like food and I'm a gamer if I play games?

>> No.5462890

Drinking =/= getting intoxicated.

>> No.5462895

>And socially, when people find out, they treat you a notch above child molesters. The stigma is strong here

You are being a self-pitying drama queen. Child molesters are restricted from living in certain areas. They have to register with the police when they move. In some areas they live under bridges.

On the other hand, DUI is viewed as being somewhere between jaywalking and movie piracy. It's something a person can casually mention at a cocktail party and conversation will not skip a beat. In America it's very similar to saying "I got stuck changing planes in Detroit due to a blizzard" or "my dog puked on my shoes this morning".

Just because someone frowned at you doesn't mean you're a pariah.

>> No.5462905


The point of social drinking isn't to get drunk, it's to loosen yourself up a bit so you can be more social and level with people in a more intimate way than you normally would.

I wish someone had taught me this in college, I spent years drinking to the point where I'd vomit, fight, and break shit. I never got laid and didn't make many friends as a result.

>> No.5462907

I live around pretty conservative people, so they treat me like a leper, that may not be what the country et al considers it to be

>> No.5462909


>drinking in public


>> No.5462911

you're confusing legal and social.

>> No.5462912

Even if someone had told you, you still probably would've gone overboard. Most people do at first.

>> No.5462915

Except that's completely wrong. Saying you have a DUI sets off red flags pretty much everywhere here.

>> No.5462916
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>> No.5462920
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>tfw live here

>> No.5462921

Dude, that's the Mormon stronghold of the world.

>> No.5462922

>DUI is viewed as being somewhere between jaywalking and movie piracy
try to get a job with one.

>> No.5462925 [DELETED] 

There are different kinds of southerners, the retarded southern kind who are crazy evangelical protestants, and the GOAT northern kind who embrace american drinking culture

>> No.5462929

i live like 30 miles away

>> No.5462930

Yeah, but Tenessey and Kentucky practically piss whisky and doesn't enjoy much of it at all

>> No.5462931

did you circle waukesha or jefferson

>> No.5462933


>raising the price of public transport at the times when drunk people are most likely to need it and least likely to make smart decisions

well that's just fucking brilliant

>> No.5462938

There are different kinds of conservatives, the retarded southern kind who are crazy evangelical protestants, and the GOAT northern kind who embrace american drinking culture

>> No.5462940

it's still better than a cab

>> No.5462943

I don't think that's counting private clubs (so it's useless bullshit).

>> No.5462945

Tried to do Washington.

>> No.5462946
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so it just happens to correlate with all other drinking stats?

>> No.5462948

What do you mean by private clubs, and why would they be way more common in the south?

>> No.5462955

Due to various laws and regulations, shit is a lot simpler if it's a 'private club' rather than a bar.

>> No.5462957

damn my homebrew club needs to step it up with the tweets

>> No.5462960


oh my fucking god calm your tits, it just completely depends on the circles of people you run with. I've hung out with criminal degenerates and happy-go-lucky old geezers who could not care less about DUIs. I know college-educated liberal kids and religious conservatives who assume the worst about anyone who would ever even consider driving buzzed. And if you're actually friends with someone who has a DUI, you're way more likely to be forgiving of that sin [at least for them in particular] than if it's just some random motherfucker. It's just much easier to judge people you don't know.

>> No.5462964
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glad I don't live down there

>> No.5462966
File: 490 KB, 625x446, bars-groceries-625x446[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh yeaaah

>> No.5462968

was gonna post that one but got the duplicate image error

>> No.5462988
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>> No.5462989


People are not the best at proper decision-making when they're drunk, so the very last thing you want to do if you're trying to curb drunk driving deaths is impose a fiscal disincentive on the proper transportation choice. There is no guarantee at all that some sloshed frat boy is going to use your logic when he's trying to decide whether or not to drive that car he brought downtown.

I've been to a lot of Midwestern cities where public transportation is free on late weekend nights and/or on popular drinking holidays like New Years and St Patrick's. The resulting reduction in accidents is statistically proven, and this does go both ways.

>> No.5462992

>What's the drinking culture like in the USA?

The county I live in is still dry. It might go wet in the next few years unless the hordes of "good christians" can stop them like always.

>> No.5462996

but what idiot takes a car into boston?
parking is fucked

>> No.5462997

>so the very last thing you want to do if you're trying to curb drunk driving deaths is impose a fiscal disincentive on the proper transportation choice.
still a move in the right direction compared to the service not being available at all

>> No.5462999

lol at calling baptists "christains:" they are no better than mormons

>> No.5463005

>The county I live in is still dry
Being from Wisconsin, it blows my mind that such places exist in america

Really demonstrates how america doesn't have one drinking culture and its quite variable from region to region

>> No.5463028

I live near the boardwalk in Pacific Beach, San Diego. Perfectly acceptable to have a couple beers with your lunch.

Then again, the acceptable attire is no shirt, board shorts, and flip-flops, so it's pretty laid back.

>> No.5463033

and you can blaze it in public right?

>> No.5463037


We've got Pentecostals in large numbers too. Baptists ain't got shit on them fucks.

Yea didn't think much of it until I moved around the states for a few years. This place is all kinds of backwards.

>> No.5463039

being in the upper midwest, I don't think many people would have a problem with a beer at lunch here either

>> No.5463049

>bar's front-of-house seating/smoking area
>picnic site
>on the street

>> No.5463054

how about on the train/bus?

>> No.5463058

bad on a public bus.if the train serves food it's fine to drink with your meal, but not on its own

>> No.5463163

Most beers are around 4-5%

>> No.5463167

>Most beers are around 4-5%
Well by volume sold maybe, but the vast majority of good beer is higher than that (though there are plenty of exceptions)

>> No.5463175

AB/MC is what most muricans drink and all macros are in that range

>> No.5463192

yeah, thats why I specified by volume sold its true, but the majority of available brands in america are not in that range

>> No.5463203

what are some good High-gravities that don't taste like 40s/cut with rubbing alcohol?

>> No.5463210

high gavity a shit. Natty Daddy's are okay if you're already good n' drunk.

Otherwise OE and Colt 45 is great. Mickey's is average. King Cobra is shit. A local store of mine carries Olde English and Colt 45 in 12 packs for a steal!

>> No.5463215

>not ST. IDES/SR211 master race
I do love my 40s, but if there exists a high alcohol content beer that tastes better, I want to know what it is

>> No.5463219

Most Americans are rather immature when it comes to alcohol as a result of their exceedingly high drinking age.

They go through a binge-drinking phase later on in life than most civilized people. Conversely, some people take the "alcohol snobbery" mentality to an extreme. A sort of contrarian response to their binging Bud Light peers.

>> No.5463229

I don't really consider greater than 5% to be high gravity, I would consider something to be high gravity until it reached 9-10%ABV

The vast majority of good beer that is available is greater than 5% ABV

>> No.5463238

pretty much any stronger stout. Breakfast stout is widely available in much of the country (but not in the summer) and delicious. A great go to choice, and a good amount of alcohol at 8.3%

>> No.5463242

It has more to do with college culture than the drinking age. People strongly associate being in college with drinking heavily regardless of the drinking age

>> No.5463245

>They go through a binge-drinking phase later on in life than most civilized people
16-22 is later than most other countries?

>> No.5463246

I should specify, ~8% and exceeding

>> No.5463261

There is a significant cultural difference regarding public intoxication in the US. In most places being obviously drunk in public will attract the attention of the police. They rarely arrest anyone unless they are causing trouble, but they will tell you to go home. It's a good idea to a more sober friend with you if you intend to get really drunk.

>> No.5463266

Depends what you mean by "heavy".

In college, I would drink the absolute worst swill with the purpose of getting laughably drunk. 2-4 drinks over a night? Fuck that, drink 10-15 over an hour or two.

Now that I have a job and a family, I rarely drink more than a few beers after work or with friends... but the booze I drink tends to be of better quality; e.g., no more Evan Williams or Admiral Nelson.

>> No.5463273

>Live in Chicago
>One of the best public transport systems in America
>Have always managed to stumble back home

I love this place. Also, Boston gets honorable mention.

>> No.5463275

no more Evan Williams or Admiral Nelson

>> No.5463277

Congratulations, your entire message is barely understandable through your use of buzz words and politics.

You might go far.

>> No.5463281


Being from Wisconsin, you'd think you can relate with the fucking Tavern League constantly pushing around municipalities to ensure that liquor stores close extra early, can't operate in random counties or on certain days, get taxed like crazy, can't sell you 40's or kegs or any other cheap efficient booze, can't operate out of gas stations or grocery stores or drive-throughs, or pretty much anything else those faggots can think of and force through to keep you paying quadruple for your liquor at one of their bars rather than drinking at home.

>> No.5463284


not advisable but people get away with it all the time

>> No.5463287
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>Not drinking Zachariah Harris

>> No.5463312


When I visited Europe it fucking blew my mind that I could bring my beer along while walking down the street or taking public transport. Only vehicle you can drink in in America without getting arrested is on an airplane.

Also drinking is inexplicably banned but often tolerated in most public nature resorts like parks, beaches, and campsites. Cops will turn a blind eye and only bother you if you're blatant about it, being disruptive or not going through the ritualistic courtesy of pouring your drinks into unmarked cups and hiding the containers.

But if it's a place enforced by park rangers they will actually ticket, detain, and even arrest of-age people for bringing alcohol onsite. Probably because it's a major revenue source and they've got nothing better to do with their time. Makes them feel important.

>> No.5463319


>be in residential area
>20 minute walk to nearest L station
>10 minute walk to nearest street where I can hail a cab
>no such thing as a cab pickup
>it's April and it's still fucking 10 below zero outside
>fuck it

>> No.5463320
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Do any of you americans get into bootleg moonshine?

>> No.5463323

Open alcohol laws are very similar to open carry law restrictions.

There is a lot of reasoning behind them that isn't very solid. On paper, the reasoning is that if you can drink on the streets public drunkenness will go up.

Of course, if you were already drunk on the streets, I doubt a law would stop you from bringing a beer. Then you have your moral reasons, exposure to minors/non drinkers logic, then you have your bar/club encouraging laws, and the general law to harass homeless..

>> No.5463342

Where is Wisconsin can't you buy kegs? Never ran into that problem before

But yeah, the tavern league pushing around non-bar/restaurant alcohol sellers kind of sucks, but we have it much better than almost any other state, the only real issue is the no sales after 9pm thing

>> No.5463343

>, can't operate out of gas stations or grocery stores
What the fuck grocery store or gas station in Wisconsin doesn't sell alcohol? I've never been to one

>> No.5463352

I traded some geese for a jug of corn mash one time. we made 'hot apple pie' which is a warm apple juice and white lighting drink, stir it up with cinnamon sticks. excellent at christmas

>> No.5463361

What the fuck are you talking about? It's literally the exact opposite of what you said except for can't get booze througha drive through. They've kept the beer/liquor tax down for a half century, and I can buy malt liquor until 12:00 almost anywhere statewide (9:00 for booze). And every 75% of the gas stations around me at least sell beer.

The hell do YOU live?

>> No.5463375


TLIDF pls go

>> No.5463377

>What's the drinking culture like in the USA?

We always found it hilarious when the kids would be all like: "You can get BEER at age sixteen? TIME TO PUKE THE PLACE UP!"

God, they drank like it was their only chance to puke and get a hangover within the next five years.

>> No.5463383

its not like underaged drinking isn't common in america, its extremely common in high school, and pretty much ubiquitous in college

>> No.5463407
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Must suck not living in nyc

>> No.5463408

>wanting to live in NYC

>> No.5463421

why would anyone ever want to live in an overcrowded shithole like NY?

>> No.5463456

Eh.. I lived in NYC for college. It's really not that great.

It's not as walkable as midwestern cities, it's all Manhattan if we're using public transport, it's not as warm or temperate as southern cities, it's not as safe as other cities...

What does it have? Well, it never sleeps. Chicago shuts down at like 10pm for legitimate businesses. It has "opportunities" I guess. It's big.

>> No.5463487


>that dry

Bull fucking shit

>> No.5463515

Not all of Louisiana is New Orleans. Luckily for them southern LA is dominated by catholics unlike any other part of the south, but its still the south

>> No.5463523


winner winner.

deciding to drive through Boston is a much dumber decision than deciding to drive drunk

>> No.5463599

why does 4chan keep getting "i turned 21... what should i drink??" threads.

I live in a country where you can't really drink till you're 18. i started drinking at 14.

I read these threads and think "fukc!! where's you're initiative"

>> No.5463612

because once you turn 21 you can start being way the fuck more selective in what you drink. While underaged most people stick to 30 packs of cheap beer or 1.75L bottles of cheap vodka/rum/whiskey. 21 is the first time people have free reign of the liquor store making experimenting much easier

Also probably a factor is a lot of people on 4chan aren't very social and don't get out much

>> No.5463625

Americans usually turn 21 in the last year or two of college. It's summer. Do the math.

>> No.5463629

Heavy drinking is for shit-tier humans.

>> No.5463633

>>5463612 good answer. thank-you

>>5463625 obnoxious, confused, shitty answer

>> No.5463638
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not drinking at all is for even shittier people

>> No.5463658

I swear there's nobody on this board who can drink in moderation.

>> No.5463669

up to 21 beers a week and you are good, not that hard to meet once college is done

>> No.5463706


Drinking in America is viewed by the underage as the proverbial forbidden fruit. Virtually all parents in the country teach their children absolutely nothing about alcohol and so as a result these kids go off to university and develop a seriously unhealthy relationship with the drink.

That and nobody seems to take the consequences of drinking very seriously at all.

Obviously a small minority of people are going to end up problem drinkers or alcoholics, but the issue is that heavy binge drinkers in college:

A. have no idea how few drinks constitute, according to every single physician in the country, binge drinking

and B. These kids have no idea how to gauge whether or not their drinking behavior is problematic. Since they have been taught only never to touch alcohol, they have no idea what the early signs of having a problem actually look like.

>> No.5463713

lol at the idea that kids wait til college to start drinking, its extremely common at high school, about half of parents of high school juniors and seniors pretty much facilitate it

>> No.5463716

the legal definition of binge drinking is an absolute joke, by it about 99% of college kids, and a good half of functioning adults are binge drinkers

>> No.5463722

>Since they have been taught only never to touch alcohol,
Are you by chance from the south?

>> No.5463725

But Brits are also university binge drinkers and they've been around it earlier.

>> No.5463752

Do they have bars in USA like in The Drew Carey Show or do people drink at home?

>> No.5463757

it is from a medical perspective binge. Social context that is called a pregame

>> No.5463763

>it is from a medical perspective binge.
I highly doubt the politicized definition has any real backing in science. According to the research I have seen, it takes quite a lot to outweigh the measured benefits of drinking, much more than the political definition of binge drinking

>> No.5463764


>> No.5463767

I know that but it seemed coincidental that 2-3 drinks is doctor recommended

>> No.5463771

there are a whole lot of bars in america, mostly concentrated in the whiter northern regions

>> No.5463777

2-3 average per day, so if you "binged drank" as the government defines it every day, that would surely not be good, but having 5 beers on a friday when you didn't drink 2 or 3 other nights that week is almost certainly fine

>> No.5463780

If you don't agree with the definition it is "highly politicized" and invalid?

Yeah, because the billion dollar alcohol corporations don't have any vest interests in the perceived benefits of alcohol.

Those studies showing benefits are championed by the media, yet the ones showing negative or no positive impact are ignored. Big surprise.

>> No.5463790

There's two chains in my city where you can buy beer and food from your seat.

>> No.5463791

anything the government does is politicized. The temperance lobby is oddly strong, progressives once actually got them to ban alcohol outright

>> No.5463794

Pretty sure the alcohol lobby is bigger than the temperance lobby these days. The government makes billions of dollars in taxes on alcohol every year.

>> No.5463802

>The government makes billions of dollars in taxes on alcohol every year.
Does the federal government have an excise tax on beer, or is it only local/state governments

>> No.5463805

>Pretty sure the alcohol lobby is bigger than the temperance lobby these days
then why does the 3 tiered system still exist?

>> No.5463828

the alchie lobby funds prohibition

>> No.5463833

Everybody goes liquor crazy when they hit college, because it's socially unacceptable to teach your kids how to drink responsibly in high school. People aged 18-20 drink stupidly, some of them die, most of them live.

After that it's kind of up to you.

Going to a bar/club on a Friday or Saturday is a normal thing, especially for single people. For the most part, insane club drinking is for college-aged people. Though bars tend to have an older crowd, but people who go to bars vary widely on how much they drink there. You might just have a drink and you might get trashed every weekend.

For me, I'm antisocial, but I like to have a drink or three with my friends when I have them over. Sometimes I have a drink at night with my partner. Sometimes I have a drink during the day alone. I'm an alcoholic.

Back to other people, a lot of people are into trying craft beers these days; I guess that's part of american liquor culture. People, especially wealthy people, used to collect wine, though that tradition is dying or shrinking as our country has less of a middle/upper-middle class. Same with having a bottle of wine or two at a formal dinner party.

Cocktail parties aren't really a big thing anymore, but they were around from the '50s to the '90s. Sometimes people have a beer or a glass of wine when they go out to a restaurant-- especially an Italian place or an nicer diner/American place. But it's probably equally as common for adults not to drink at such an event.

That's really all I can think of, though, OP.

>> No.5463841

>because it's socially unacceptable to teach your kids how to drink responsibly in high school.
thats only marginally true

>> No.5463843

The federal government has an excise tax on beer, states also charge a tax.

>> No.5463847

>Cocktail parties aren't really a big thing anymore, but they were around from the '50s to the '90s. Sometimes people have a beer or a glass of wine when they go out to a restaurant-- especially an Italian place or an nicer diner/American place. But it's probably equally as common for adults not to drink at such an event.
It seems like pretty much everyone gets a beer or two at most restaurants, wine in certain situations, but wines really losing a lot of ground to craft beer at quality places

>> No.5463855

It's very dependent on where you are. West Coast or Northeast? Yeah, parents are more likely to introduce their kids to drinking. Bible Belt? Alcohol is as forbidden as sex.

And yes, i know different families do different things no matter where you are. This is just general.

>> No.5463857


I have never known anyone whose parents did that. Ever. I certainly knew kids who drank with their friends before they left home, but I've never met anyone whose family taught them to drink responsibly. My mom's only advice to me before I left home was 'if you have a choice between smoking weed or getting drunk with strangers, take the weed.'

I'm 25, so maybe it's changed in the last five years. I hope so. It is so goddamn retarded to just release your kids into the world with no knowledge of alcohol.

>> No.5463870

Upper midwest here, probably the most tolerant drinking culture in america.

>> No.5463874

America by and large still has this puritan culture that shames you for drinking. This is more true in certain areas than others. In some midwest states where they have nothing to do, drinking is their pass time.

Throwing back a beer after work with/without friends is socially acceptable. Drinking hard alcohol outside of the weekend or special occasions is socially unacceptable. Drinking to the point of intoxication becomes more and more stigmatized as you age. Beyond 30+ and you're a pariah if you still drink to intoxication.

>> No.5463881

where i can from, most parents took the "don't do anything stupid" route. Attitudes pretty widely vary from house to house, but most were ok with their kids drinking in the last 2 years of high school so long as they weren't driving, a whole lot of them willing let this happen in their basements as long as all the kids agreed to not drive home.

Then once college came, most didn't care at all and just assumed their kids were alcoholics, usually getting to th point where they had no problem buying alcohol for their still underaged kid at some point (though a hilarious minority were deluded into thinking their kid never touched the stuff)

>> No.5463884

This. Before I turned 21 we'd call random of age people until somebody was bro enough to buy us a case or bottle of the cheapest piss just so we could get drunk, it didn't matter what it was. After I turned 21 is when I started caring about what I drank and getting opinions, before I'd just hand somebody a $20 and tell them to get enough to get drunk lol, don't care what it is.

>> No.5463888

>Drinking to intoxication

I don't drink very often, but when I do I like to get a little drunk and have a good time. This "more than 2-3 drinks in an evening constitutes binge drinking" thing is stupid.

If I limit myself to 2-3 beers over the course of an evening I might as well be drinking iced tea. I literally cannot feel anything.

Note that I don't get fall down, throw up, slurred speech drunk and I never drive when drinking.

>> No.5463890

And when I say "not very often" I mean 1-2 times a month would be really living it up.

>> No.5463892

Nah, smoking weed was a high school thing where I was, not many people drank but everyone smoked. I got drunk maybe 4 times in high school and smoked daily. When I got to college I was surprised at how smoking herb made you weird and different and how everyone drank alcohol everyday like it was nothing.

>> No.5463894

>If I limit myself to 2-3 beers over the course of an evening I might as well be drinking iced tea
except beer tastes way better

I have 2 or 3 beers all the time on random weekdays, I pretty much only get drunk at sporting events, calling 4 or 5 drinks binge drinking is simply ridiculous

>> No.5463895

Jesus, where the hell did you live?

Also, I guess this thread answers OP's question. American subcultures based on location are so disparate that we don't know what our drinking culture is. Also for instance

>It seems like pretty much everyone gets a beer or two at most restaurants

Is completely not true for my social group. I think partially it's because most of my friends don't have an excess of money, but if we go to a restaurant, usually no one will have a drink unless it's a special occasion. Sometimes we might get some sake to share at a sushi place or something or somebody might kick back a beer, but more often not.

But then we might (often) go back and drink at someone's place or (rarely) go to a bar afterwards. Whereas if I go out with my girlfriend's parents or my parents, they usually have a drink. But whether it's a generation thing or that they're financially comfortable, I don't know.

Who fucking knows what America's drinking culture is.

>> No.5463896

I hear you. I drink 6 shots minimum, otherwise it's like 'what's the point?'

>> No.5463898


>> No.5463901

>Who fucking knows what America's drinking culture is.
I think the takeaway is that there isn't one american drinking culture. In the northeast and upper midwest the drinking culture is extremely permissive, in many parts the people are proud of this tolerance. meanwhile in the south people are openly hostile to drinking. Most of the lower midwest is somewhere inbetween. And as always California has no culture

>> No.5463902

Huh. I grew up in eastern PA. Mixed middle- and working-class, urban community. At least for my friends, we really were expected not to drink by our parents. And I honestly didn't until I was about 19. Couldn't afford liquor my first year of college 'cause I fled across the country and was working to pay for shit so I was dead broke/starving.

>> No.5463903

Well you guys have nothing better to do over there, right?

>> No.5463906

>Well you guys have nothing better to do over there, right?
Is there actually a state where there is something better to do than drink?

Also the attitude here is mostly "if something is fun, it will be even better while drinking"

>> No.5463909

Though I guess I should mention that like >>5463892 it was pretty common for high school kids to some weed more than drink. And I did smoke my first year of college in the west coast. But then stopped because I moved to new england and smoking weed was way more taboo over there.

>> No.5463911


Seriously, how is that not a healthy attitude? If you're an adult, you're not stealing to pay for your alcohol, and you're not hurting anybody, what's the big deal?

Living in Texas can be frustrating.

>> No.5463916

Son, we don't need our young people indulging in the devils drink.

>> No.5463917

as a wisconsinite I agree.

But to out-of-staters, we have beaches, sports, hunting, hiking, fishing, boating, and pretty much whatever you want. It's nice.

>> No.5463919

Maybe you shouldn't drive drunk then, faggot.

>> No.5463921

>tfw seeing all those Illinois plates driving north on I43 very Friday in the summer

>> No.5463922


There are still dry counties in Texas. No shit. Drive from Houston to Dallas and you'll pass through quite a few of them, you'll know it by the enormous convenience store billboards visible from the highway that scream "LAST CHANCE FOR BEER!!!"

>> No.5463926

Yes I know, I live in a dry county in NE tx. Every single road leading out of the county has at least one liquor store on it.

>> No.5463931

Smoking was taboo at my college. I mean some people did it, but we were a pretty small minority and were considered the weird ones. I was shocked at how much people drank when I got there, it was foreign and new to me. People were shocked at how I'd smoke weed casually all day but not want to drink all the time.

>> No.5463932


Can your restaurants serve beer or liquor? Guy I knew was explaining to me that he couldn't get a beer or mixed drink with his meal up there unless he joined a 'club' the restaurant operated to skirt the law.

>> No.5463937

You can only purchase alcoholic beverages in a "private club".

And if you think the local govt is going to allow more than 1 or 2 of those in a county outside of any city limits then you're delusional.

>> No.5463938

I thing smoking cigarettes was much more taboo than pot up here

>> No.5463941

Sounds about right. So, do you just drive out for what you want or have you taken matters into your own hands?

Home brewing isn't that tough, you know. It gets easier if you boil away all that nasty ethanol and dispose of it properly.

>> No.5463943

Damn fibs. They'll cross two lanes, speed around merging traffic and cut off a semi just to get one car-length in front of you. That being said, Milwaukee drivers are also complete shit, but moreso because of incompetence and not paying attention instead of aggressiveness.

>> No.5463945

That's been true for me everywhere I've lived. But I've never lived in the deep midwest or south. Though now I'm near a military base and people smoke and 'vape' all the fucking time.

Still better than chew.

>> No.5463946

I've been dipping a can of snuff a week since I was 17. Never had any problems with worms or pretty women for that matter.

>> No.5463947

Well, it was a 30 minute round trip drive before a town closer became wet last year. Still about 20 minutes.

Fortunately I suppose I work in one of the liquor stores that border the county now so I get my drink whenever at a 10% discount.

>> No.5463949

That habit is repulsive on every level. It's the spitting, really.


What the fuck? I'm going to regret this, but what do worms and chew have to do with each other? Are these metaphorical worms?

>> No.5463950

>dipping snuff

Snort it you fucking pansy.

>> No.5463951


>> No.5463954


I know, which is why I don't do it in public and always have plenty of mouthwash on hand.


Ingesting tobacco is an old timey remedy for 'shocking' intestinal parasites, allowing you to 'pass them'. They don't like nicotine and neither does your intestinal tract.

>> No.5463955

Whenever stuff goes out of date I can just take it home too.

Also, get to "sample" new liquors once every two weeks and we can still smoke in the store.

>> No.5463956

Why aren't you using snus yet? It's spitless and tastes better.

>> No.5463957

>and we can still smoke in the store.
oh man, thats backwards

>> No.5463959

Nasal snuff has the highest cancer risk of any tobacco product, IIRC. Also nobody sells nasal snuff where I live. And I don't like to sneeze.

Living the dream, anon.

I'd have to make it myself, and I've got a recipe around here, but lack cured leaves. I've got seed but terrible soil, maybe next year I'll manage to grow some plants.

>> No.5463961

I'm from one of those Red Counties in Florida, trust me, the Church tweets are bullshit.

>> No.5463982

>Nasal snuff has the highest cancer risk of any tobacco product, IIRC.
Where did you hear that? I always hear that it's the less likely to give you cancer.

>> No.5463984
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its like an actual fact though

>> No.5463985

I don't recall, a few years ago I was doing reading about tobacco processing/products and their associated risks. I could be mistaken or the info could be bullshit.

>> No.5463990

>Treasure Coast
>Not Orange as fuck

Nope.jpg. I don't buy it, John.

>> No.5463994

do you have any evidence to the contrary

>> No.5463999

Other than the fact that I lived there most of my life? About 30 members of my graduating class are dead already. 4 of them died in a drunken wreck about a year back.

Most kids from the major schools in the area go out and get drunk on the weekend, Muddin' is a national sport. Most people prefer the woods to the beach.

>> No.5464003

anecdotes do not trump data

>> No.5464006

Counterintuitively, South Dakota does not have a huge drinking culture. The staff of the bar I'm at right now literally had to look up Tue recipe for a Long Island.

>> No.5464015

I feel like northern culture is more about beer than mixed drinks

>> No.5464019

What is the recipe?

I know it's a bunch of booze with some coke, but damn that's a magical concoction.

>> No.5464022

Vodka, tequila, rum, gin, triple sec and coke.

>> No.5464024

lol @ any statistic based on "tweets"

>> No.5464031

The stat is literally the number of tweets about the subject tagged with the area. Thats all the data claims to be. Interesting it pretty much looks like you would expect with some noise

>> No.5464058
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You're either an alcoholic or you know one well enough to avoid becoming one. It's very well accepted and joked about here. College is party time, but it's only lightly suggested that you quit the binge drinking after that.

It's the illicit drugs you're expected to stop. "Haha you still smoke pot? Grow up and grab a drink, kid."

Does anyone here not know an alcoholic? If not, I'm jealous but grateful I have so many bad examples to learn from.

>> No.5464060

This is /ck/. We're all alcoholics.

>> No.5464065

I'm trying to figure out what county that lone red dot is in northwest Georgia.
It looks too far north to be Atlanta so maybe Forsyth county but that would be surprising. Seems like the only towns with decent bar scenes around here are college towns and there's not one the
>the rest of the dots are college towns

>> No.5464069

probably a university

>> No.5464071

Athens-Clarke county, location of the University of Georgia.

>> No.5464072

Hey, Jesus turned water into wine! He loved to drink too! Who says I can't go to church drunk and only talk about the church part? People with real alcoholism never talk about it, it's either something that doesn't cross your mind or you avoid thinking about.

Anyone who thinks southerners love bibles more than beer hasn't been here. You TALK about the church because it sounds like a better way to spend you weekend than the hangover you slept off in the pew from saturday.

That's the problem with statistics like these, they rely on truthful information given by people who have no incentive not to lie.

>> No.5464074

I doubt they successfully polled many back woods people

>> No.5464075

Here in murika college and university are used interchangeable so that's what I was referring to when I said "college town"

>> No.5464078


>> No.5464084

Savannah's on the coast m8, not the Appalachain foothills

>> No.5464166

Most of the really heavy drinkers I've known are military veterans. The military seems to encourage it as proof of manhood.

Note, by "really heavy drinkers" I don't mean alcoholics, who are a different category entirely.

>> No.5464213

>start law school
>school has a weekly "happy hour" at which they serve free beer
>out of 250+ classmates, exactly six get drunk, and only one gets shitfaced to the point that it's a miracle he can stand
>school institutes a new policy of hand stamps to limit the number of free beers people can take

>> No.5464228
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Navy vet here. I was on an FFG out of Everett which didn't have barracks rooms for single sailors so YMMV

It's not that the Navy encourages heavy drinking per se, it's just that after a long ass day on the boat, you can either spend it in one of the ship's three tiny ass lounges. After working hours, the lounges are always full of guys watching porn in dark rooms. Or you can go to a bar and try to forget that you live on a tiny boat with no where to go except for miniature rooms with lots of guys jerking off. Oh and you have to put all your worldly belongings in a tiny ass locker.

Then there's port visits. The OP-Tempo is horrendous. Constant pressure with no room for fucking up. And when you hit a port, you're put on such a tight leash so the best way to calm down is to slam as many triples as you can in 5-6 hours of shore leave.

I do miss the exclusivity of it all though

>> No.5464230

It varies. The city I grew up in was "dry", which just meant driving 10-20 minutes to the border to go to a liquor store either on county land or in a neighboring city.

They ended that some time in the 1990s because restaurants wanted to be able to sell beer, wine, and liquor with meals.

However, the city also tried to annex a chunk of county land because there was a liquor store on it and they wanted to shut it down. No reason other than "fuck someone selling booze, we want to destroy that person's business."

It cost a lot in legal fees, but I think the liquor store managed to survive.

>> No.5464231



>> No.5464273

Why? This: >>5464230 was in Chicago.

>> No.5464285

>When I visited Europe it fucking blew my mind that I could bring my beer along while walking down the street
Is that true in Britain? I thought it was, but have read posts that contradict this on /trv/.

I'm just wondering how close I came to being arrested when I was having a beer in the park across from Kensington Palace when I visited.

>> No.5464290

tried it twice, neither was anything special. the only real thrill is knowing that the taxman didn't steal any money from me in exchange for allowing me to drink some alcohol.

>> No.5464296

>I regularly rack up sizable bills at bars because it's fun as fuck to hang out with my buddies and not give a shit the cost.

People that haven't done that (mainly college students before they have any money) are totally missing out. It's so much fun to just do whatever the fuck at teh bar.

> but you're spending like $80 bucks for 5 drinks! Dude at teh liquor store we could go get a 12 pack of this and a handle of that....

yeah but then we wouldn't be at teh damn bar.

My next logical step is to save up for one of those pointless vegas trips that cost like $4000 bucks cause you get a limo, bottle service, and just party and gamble for 3 days straight.

> with $4000 i could go see europe!

well then go to europe bitch. Im gonna party ! lol. Obviously id want to see europe too but im just saying, doing a really big "day at the bar" or "vacation in vegas" is fucking fun.

its just like the hangover movies, but just the parts where they're having fun....

>> No.5464298

The truth is that some people just can't drink, they either go to far a crash a car or kill there liver and then there are some that start to feel like shit after there third beer Only a few can get it right

>> No.5464304

In my experience, everybody knows at least one guy who makes moonshine.

Most of the time it's sugar liquor (cheap, easy, not so great tasting) flavored with fruit, juice, candy, etc. after it comes off the still.

Guy I know was buying these pint jars full of a really weird concoction. I didn't have the heart to tell him I thought he was being robbed.

If I recall correctly, it was a pint jar of maraschino cherries, liquid drained and refilled with 'moonshine' and 'RED HOTS' candy.

I couldn't stand the shit. The problem is that most moonshiners don't care what the stuff tastes like.

I've only ever met one old timer who didn't add sugar to his mash, aged his whiskey, and didn't sell the stuff mixed with a bunch of bullshit.

>> No.5464321

>tfw getting it right

Also, all this talk about getting arrested/ticketed for drinking in public. Mind your business, walk straight, be polite and presentable. Drink it like you're drinking a coke, I drink in public almost everyday. I talked with a bro cop for 10 mins or so last night with a beer in my hand on a public street.

>> No.5464324

i wouldn't even know one guy that knows another guy that knows a guy that makes moonshine.

I'd have to cross 4 states to even get to the rural are where whistle jugs and moon shine are the norm.

my grandma makes cranberry infused vodka but she doesn't ferment the ethanol herself...

>> No.5464331

The internet has changed everything, man. The odds are good that someone in your extended circle of friends is making it, but has the good sense to keep their mouth shut because it's still technically illegal.

ATF mostly focuses on guns and domestic terrorism now but will still bust moonshiners if they get a tip.

>> No.5464333

> The internet has changed everything, man.
> The odds are good that someone in your extended circle of friends is making it
extended circle of 32 friends, of which a good 15 is family? Doubtful

> ATF mostly focuses on guns and domestic terrorism now but will still bust moonshiners if they get a tip.

i dont know what you said but it sounded stupid. The internet is like LSD. It didn't change shit. It's all in your miiiiind maaaaan

>> No.5464340

Moonshining, like anything in life, is only intimidating if you don't understand it.

The internet has made good information on still design, mash bills, fermentation, distillation and aging freely available.

>the internet didn't change shit

>> No.5464346

moon shine is illegal, flammable, and financially inpractical. the internet didnt change that

>> No.5464350

You can't rustle me, fella! :^)

Only if you get caught.

Fire extinguishers, electric heating elements, good ventilation, common sense.

>Financially impractical
How many hobbies do engage in purely for financial reasons?

>> No.5464353

well, yeah you make sense. I guess I could do that.

Or I could NOT do that. Yeah, I think i'll chose that second one. And just buy my alcohol like a normal person.

>> No.5464356

Calm your autisms, kid. Nobody's talking about YOU moonshining.

>> No.5464638

>moon shine is illegal
if you live somewhere where the home distilling of alcohol does not require a license, or you have a license, then it's not.

>> No.5464652

yeah you're allowed to drink in public. You can go into a shop, walk outside and crack open a beer no problem. There are laws against public intoxication though so if you start acting like an ass you could get fined.
There are also some public places where you have to stop drinking and put away your open containers. Police can take your alcohol and fine you. Its mainly in problem areas though or near schools i think.
You were fine drinking in hyde park. Today its sunny in london and there will be loads of people having picnics in the park, drinking beer and wine.

>> No.5464657
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>live in the US for a year
>drive to a gas station and buy a crate of beer
>lady behind the counter asks for ID (Im 25)
>she wouldnt accept either my German ID, drivers license or American student ID even though they all have the same information on them
>I demand to talk the manager and she reluctantly agrees to sell the beer
>feeling very American at this point because I threatened a badly paid employee to comply to my will
>carry the beer to my car
>police officer talks me up "Excuse me, sir, are you aware that you're breaking the law by transporting alcohol in public?"
>"I am sorry, officer, I just bought this. I'm going to put it in my car and leave."
>he takes the American police man stance with his hand on his pistol for no reason
>"If youre planning on putting the beer on the passenger seat, lemme tell you one thing, kiddo: You'd be breaking the law AGAIN."
>tell him that I have no intent to do so and ask if the trunk was allowed
>he says yes and looks at my car
>he notices my girlfriend waiting
>"Excuse me, sir, is that your girlfriend? Is she over 21? It's against the law to give alcohol to minors."
>"I am aware of this, officer. She's 20 years old, and I bought the beer for myself."
>he still demands to see my drivers license, I hand him my German license
>"What is this, where does it say when it expires?"
>explain to him that German drivers licenses dont expire
>have to hand him my German ID, student ID and registration papers
>another 15 minutes pass as I explain to him that I'm a foreign student and that I am innocent
>he checks my pockets for concealed weapons and proceeds to ransack my car
>he tells me I was lucky that he didn't find any drugs or weapons or he would have taken me into custody for breaking American laws
>all of that just because I bought some beer
>things like these happen on a daily basis in the US
>this is perfectly normal to Americans

This is the prize for freedom.

>> No.5464720

alcohol tolerance is dependent upon how fat you are, the size of your liver, and how often you drink. so obviously once you are out of college you would have less tolerance. and once in a while you will come across someone who can drink a bunch because chances are that person is a functioning alcoholic. my brother is one of them. he drink at least a twelve pack night and still goes to work at 6 am and is really responsible. its not normal to be able to drink that much all the time.

>inb4 that's pussy shit.
its not normal for an average person.

>> No.5464724

well yeah, you are damaging your body pretty significantly by drinking heavily. i mean... it's a socially acceptable self-destructive behavior to varying degrees depending on where you live in the world, and i guess i feel like it SHOULD surprise me that such practice is considered a cultural tradition but then you have cigarettes and such... we are quite the self-damaging race.

>> No.5464726


>> No.5464729

You should be able to pay some amount of money to go take a test to establish your own legal BAC when driving. Some simulator and an IV drip of alcohol. When you fuck up they take the next 0.01 or 0.02 points below. And you have it until expires in like 3-5 years. When its expired you have 0.08 which is the standard public. but you can pay to have it renewed and retake the test.

im running for president btw.

>> No.5464732

don't worry the people aren't happy about this shit either. the ones who are happy with this shit hole are as brainwashed as north korea.

>> No.5464740

>be Australian in NY
>hanging round with some Albuquerque girls who just moved to there
>go out on a friday night
>stop at a few bars for a pint and a chat
>half an hour in the girls are fucking wasted

These were 23 24 year old women acting like 14 year olds. It was just fucking ridiculous.

One thing about the US is that you can go out as a 22 year old and be the youngest person in the bar. Pretty big shock to the system and it certainly bumped up my average.

>> No.5464752


>> No.5464802

You just don't understand American banter. Accusing you of breaking laws and searching through your stuff how we say hello.

>> No.5464822

when cops like you they caress your weener and put a finger in your butt

>> No.5464885

> It's summer.

Everything became clear all of a sudden.

>> No.5464908

>One thing about the US is that you can go out as a 22 year old and be the youngest person in the bar.

Depends a lot on the bar. One thing I've notice is that most of the people who "go out" to shitty downtown cubs are pretty much exclusively 21-23. Neighborhood/sports bars and upscale bars have a wider demographic, but the novelty of "cool" bars wears out pretty quick.

>> No.5464932
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Du hast deine Chance verpasst, mit deiner Freundin in einem Versteckte Kamera-Porno mitzumachen.

>> No.5465103

Oh there are definitely place with younger people.

But in Australia there is not a single bar without a butt load of 18 19 20 year olds. Most any 'cool' place will be 80% under 21 years old while in the US I can turn up at any bar in my now 25 year old body and not be the old guy.

>> No.5465150

>drinking heavily

>> No.5465206

>People who drink a lot in their 30s and 40s age hard and don't handle it well.

Can you please qualify that statement?

>> No.5465234

They get fat and their faces swell due to increase calorific consumption. Men grow bitch toys. They become sweaty and red faced

>> No.5465246


>> No.5465302

sounds like they don´t take drinking seriously then.

>> No.5465310

Most people can drink excessively in HS and college while physically only getting hangovers and possibly add weight. When you are older your chances of dependence, dementia, depression, strokes, some cancers, and liver disease go up if you drink a lot plus you can have skin problems, bone density loss, and muscles loss. Moderate consumption is obviously not as bad but all of the bar regulars I knew aged quickly.

>> No.5465333

You are quantifying instead of qualifying.
>drinking only this much is good for your health because of the ... in the ...
>drinking that much is bad because ... does ... to ...
That´s not what it´s about at all, though. Being a serious drinker just means being serious about drinking. Which in turn means, you are interested in the topic itself. The quantities you drink are tertiary.

>> No.5465565

>Live in Chi-raq
>Get cops called on me for something similar
>They show up
>They tell us both to stop wasting their time on petty bullshit and leave

Not sure where you were living, but in most places I've lived cops really don't give enough of a fuck.

>> No.5465596

Untrue. In the cities, yes the cops don't give a fuck. In high school towns, they will call the entire department down for a single house party. That's how they make their money. And then there's my county which thrives on DUI moneys. They literally created a monopoly on the county taxi system and ban taxi service after 10pm.

Serve the people my ass.

>> No.5465605

You can legally tell him to fuck off. It's a sealed, closed case of alcohol and he has no reasonable suspicion to search you or your property. You have the right to refuse against unreasonable search and seizure.

>> No.5465619

I can drink heavily, and I don't normally though up, but I'll usually have full-body/all day hangovers if I do.

I tend to stick with 5-8 whiskeys when I drink, or some equivalent.

Last time I drank a shitload, I ended up throwing up unprocessed/undigestive beer and liquor for about an hour. It was pretty bad.

>> No.5465637

in canada one cinema company has a VIP extension

theyve got their own theatres and lounges and it's all licensed for drankin

>> No.5465648

do you live in eastern canada?

>> No.5465679

Much later than here in the north of England. I first got drunk at about 12, first drank in a bar at 13 (in Spain) and was drinking regularly at 14, as were most of my friends.

By the time I was 16 I'd probably been drunk more times than your average US student finishing college, and again, this isn't uncommon around here.

I dunno about the Yanks, but having travelled to the continent quite a lot, I know why the continentals have less of a crazy, violent binge drinking clubbing culture compared to Britain: They always have a meal with their drinks over there. Brits tend to have their food towards the end of the night (hence the mass consumption of doner meat), so they're drinking pretty much on an empty stomach, which amplifies the effect of the alcohol. In countries like France and Germany, people (even teenagers) will always have a meal as part of their night out, leading to a far more civilised evening for all.

>> No.5466581

>is it stupid to to think of america as a singular cohesive cultural entity
It's not stupid, but it's a mistake. There is very little to US culture writ-large, most of the culture in the US is regional. The Bible Belt has different drinking customs than New England, and they're both different from Texas culture and that of the Pacific Northwest.

To your experience with those particular Americans in Scotland, I have no idea. I know that with my family (NE and PNW), if you give them an open bar, they will drink until there is nothing left to be drunk. But that's acceptable in those regions, and it's part of the ethnic cultures (Scandinavian-American and British-American) that my family encompases.

>> No.5466595

Fucking ass backward and irresponsible.

>> No.5466628

>bone density loss
actually, beer consumptions does the opposite of that

>> No.5466740
File: 1.61 MB, 800x533, VE9bMAQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here in America it's considered culturally acceptable to abuse both your mind and body from booze and shitty greasy fast food.

It's literally the epitome of retardation on a mass populous.

>> No.5466833

Straight edge or regular edge?

>> No.5467460

Amerifat expat here. If I were a Freedom Warrior I'd start ranting about how you were shitposting, but the sad fact is that your story is entirely believable and is one of many reasons I'm glad I managed to get a job overseas.

>> No.5467465

>unintentionally posting a gif of american "sheeple" that actually shows something in england


>> No.5467470
File: 117 KB, 634x423, 567648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just America...

>> No.5467471


im american and this is how it is.

>> No.5467473

in some cities we have +21 cinemas where you can drink. only people age 21 and over can enter them though and they're rare.

>> No.5467478


I'm american and it's looked down upon if your coworkers find out you like to "get wasted" every weekend. On the other hand it's fairly common to have a glass of wine or sake with lunch on a slow day at work.

I think it depends mostly on your age group and the company you work for.

>> No.5467479

Although I do agree it's considered pretty bad if you're drinking first thing in the morning before you even get to work, but I'm pretty sure that's not unique to America.

>> No.5467484

what's going on here and who thought those leggings and socks were a good idea?

>> No.5467486


I think they're a good idea. I wish we had had sluts like that at every bus stop in america.

>> No.5467668

I drink on the bus if i'm on my way in to town to party.