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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5461413 No.5461413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>senior "breakfast"

Well, the good thing is I'm done with public school now... right?

Pic related, it's the breakfast I ate with my friends this morning. Fucking garbage. Apparently we were supposed to get catering from Cracker Barrel but this happened instead.

>> No.5461421

I remember mine...

Biscuits and gravy, cafeteria made.

It's all good, OP.

>> No.5461427

>being in high school
kill yourself underage b&

>hating on suncup
kill yourself

>> No.5461430

>being in high school automatically = underage
>senior breakfast is generally served right near the end of the school year
>seniors generally start the year out at the age of 17 and are at or close to the age of 18 by the point of graduation
>18 is generally considered the age of being a legal adult

How fucking dense are you?

>> No.5461564

still means youre fucking young. unless you just started coming to 4chan in the last few weeks (in which case youre a newfag) then you just admitted coming here as an underageb& up until recently.

we were all young when we started coming here but common.. this is 4chan you should know better then to post about it by now, youre 18 fer gods sake.

>> No.5461570

Been here since 2011. I was underageb& then, no longer am as of about 3 weeks ago. Pretty damn sure I can't be retroactively banned for underage posting.

>> No.5461573

I always remember getting a huge sausage, egg & cheese sandwich and stuffing in two hash browns in every day. Good stuff.

>> No.5461725

>Squandering tax dollars on overpriced breakfast food

Fuck off leech

>> No.5461728

you're still a fucking faggot

>> No.5461761

Holy shit, school cafeterias really try to be as cheap as possible

>> No.5461774

That food doesn't look amazing, but it's certainly not "garbage" either.

>> No.5461802

>tax dollars
>implying schools get tax money anymore
top lel, education cuts are so bad that the schools whore themselves out to drink/snack companies. Advertising all over their school, vending machines everywhere, etc. All so they can have books that weren't printed before the moon landings and referred to the civil rights movement as "trouble ahead". Shit, I remember my high school having wall maps that had the Soviet Union on them (in 2005)

>> No.5461820

I've personally been coming on 4chan since 2007, when I was 15.

Moot was 15 when he created 4chan.

>> No.5461845
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>no taters

>> No.5461850

looks better than what they served at my university

>> No.5461854

did the jelly have flavor at least?

>> No.5462431
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>Pretty damn sure I can't be retroactively banned for underage posting.
If that was the case, 90% of 4chan's userbase would disappear over night.

>> No.5462433

>class of 2014
man i remember when "class of 09" made me feel young

>> No.5462450

Um, the school district I work for just passed a 300 million dollar bond measure. They also eliminated soda and vending machines around 2005. You're a dumbass

>> No.5462523

300 Million? For fucking WHAT, a spaceship??? Thats bullshit man the high school I went to was poor as fuck, why do you guys get 300 million? How many students?

>> No.5462531

>whining about not getting food from cracker barrel
you deserve to eat literal garbage, like staples and shit. fuck you.

>> No.5462550


M8, I knew the breakfast was gonna suck somehow anyway, but don't go talking shit about Cracker Barrel. They're bretty gud

>> No.5462577

I don't think I was very clear on why the breakfast was bad. Let me elaborate:

>bacon was crispy, but downright flavorless
>whole wheat biscuit (why?)
>horrid eggs
>juice and honey bun were standard cafeteria fare

There were grits available too but fuck grits. I can't imagine I'd like grits any more if they were served from a school cafeteria.

>> No.5462579

About 46,000 students.

>> No.5462592

>don't go talking shit about Cracker Barrel
it's not good at all. It's total shit. It has far more in common with your cafeteria food than it does with an actual decent restaurant.

>> No.5462605

>It has far more in common with your cafeteria food than it does with an actual decent restaurant

Elaborate. Convince me this isn't just your opinion and you're not talking out your ass.

>> No.5462607
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>went to public school in the ghetto
>had to pay $50 for senior breakfast
>looked the same as OP's

Was your breakfast at least free, OP? Was it?

>> No.5462608

op is a faggot with nothing going on in his life

hope you enjoyed your brecky u little twat

it may be your last

>> No.5462610

Yes, it was free, thankfully.

>> No.5462618
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>implying this shit is defensible

>> No.5462625

about 46,000 students


>> No.5462628

Wow, thanks for the nostalgia, OP. I had completely forgotten that senior breakfast was a thing.

Ours was at a local church and the Mexican grandmas prepared refrieds, rice, chorizo, eggs, tortillas, guac, etc. Shit was so cash.

>tfw live far away from the border now and food is ballsacks

>> No.5462634

fuck yes Cracker Barrel. I want to go now.

>> No.5462646

I don't see anything wrong with that menu page.

>> No.5462667

Holy shit you are retarded. Education costs are extremely expensive because of what they are forced to offer each student.

If that was not OP, they are also incredibly ignorant. Why should the school pay out the ass for something that will be wasted? A large percentage of food served in schools are thrown away by picky children who would prefer to live off of fast food. I see it firsthand every day I have lunch duty. Kids throw away vegetables and fruit more than anything else.

>> No.5462679

>buttermilk biscuits or corn muffins and real butter
>Chicken fried chicken
>sugar cured ham
It's bad because of how they make it, but if you can't recognize that it's cafeteria food I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.5462691

What the fuck is wrong with buttermilk biscuits or corn muffins? I think the Cracker Barrel has really gone downhill in the last 5 years and aren't especially good but you are a piece of shit for that list.

>> No.5462695

Once again, I don't see anything wrong.

>> No.5462699

Would it kill you to use objective reasoning and not "I don't like it, therefore it is bad"?

>> No.5462702

is it bad because it's "cafeteria food"? I don't understand

>> No.5462704

>What the fuck is wrong with buttermilk biscuits or corn muffins
nothing, they're just total cafeteria food. There are a plethora of things wrong with the biscuits and muffins at cracker barrel and most of them are sugar.

>> No.5462711

Education costs are extremely expensive because of unions and the incestuous relationship between the staff and school board.

>> No.5462721

My senior picnic got snowed out last week.
Fucking Chicago, man.

>> No.5462727

*tips fedora

>> No.5462737

A huge portion of 4chan users are between 16 and 18. The only reason you shouldn't post about your age is to avoid bans, not to keep people like you from cringing at the thought of teenagers on 4chan. They really only have the rule for legal reasons anyway.

>> No.5462791

You do realize that round rock is in Texas, where teacher unions basically do not exist except to offer teachers litigation protection, right? Education is expensive because to be a "good" school you have to have a relatively recent building, lots of computers/textbooks/furniture/supplies/copiers/software/testing materials, be able to attract and keep degreed professionals in an environment with a massive turnover rate, be prepared to feed all the kids for basically free, offer ongoing training and education for your staff, keep a fleet of buses, have lawyers ready to counter inevitable lawsuits, etc. Schools require a shitton of money if you want to live up to the expectations set in this country for what they must provide.

Yes, places that have strong unions can have an additional financial burden, but education is expensive period. It's cost is heightened significantly due to people thinking it's "free" and not treating the facilities or offerings with proper respect.

>> No.5462808
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wow OP you're a whiny little cunt, who actually gives a fuck...i guarantee you are no fun to be around and that your friends find you a total and complete drag, and probably speak badly of you when you're not around

>> No.5462831

>not liking shitty food makes me a whiny cunt

I'm on fucking /ck/. While we're in this glass house, why don't you throw some more stones?

>> No.5462835

Considering it was offered to you free of charge, I'd say so. Be more of a cunt.

>> No.5462841

Free or not, it was still bad.

>> No.5462843
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yeah, you cared enough about a free school meal to post about it on the internet, that makes you a whiny cunt. get a fuckin' life

>> No.5462852

For your next review, why don't you go bitch how thin the soup is at the homeless shelter?

>> No.5462855

Yeah. Right.

>> No.5462856

Oh man, the TGWTG audience would really love that, wouldn't they?

>> No.5462867

>While we're in this glass house, why don't you throw some more stones?


The problem with /ck/ is that faggots like you are constantly posing pics of normal mediocre food and acting like you're five star chefs, it's almost like this whole board is role playing.

>> No.5462941

>tfw 20
>tfw been coming to 4chan since I was 14

it's a cruel life I've chosen.

>> No.5462983

>cancerous newfag that has killed /b/ detected

>> No.5463069

I started going here in 2006. I'm turning 21 this November. Yes, I'm a NEET.

>> No.5463088

nah, /b/ was always shit.

>> No.5463089

>Tfw private school
>tfw catering from various fast food places
>tfw I'll never have those years again
could have been better
like the pizza could have been not papajohns, and I know for a fact that the one last year was much better

>> No.5463111

Class of 1998 here, bitches.

>> No.5463119

except when it wasn't you fucking newfag

>inb4 the moot n' wtsnax shitpost screencap within the first year of 4chan's creation

>> No.5463120


>apparently we were supposed to get catering from Cracker Barrel

Well, it looks like you were going to have shit either way.

Hopefully a few of my tax dollars were saved, you useless eater.

>> No.5463137

>not liking country fried steak or a fried catfish sandwich

There are some dishes, no matter the vendor, that cannot be inherently bad.

>> No.5463148
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>People shitting on Cracker Barrel

I don't understand, what is so bad about it?

>> No.5463155


I like both of those dishes, and am happy to see them on a diner menu where they'll be delicious.

Cracker Barrel is literally public-school cafeteria tier food, though. It's shit. They ruin everything.

>> No.5463158


>Why are they so bad?
>Because I said so!

Nice argument

>> No.5463174


you can't really make an "argument" about something subjective like the quality of a restaurant.

You have your opinion (which is bullshit) and I have mine (which is the truth). Let's agree to disagree (and that I'm right).

>> No.5464008

Ray Rizzo pls go

>> No.5464035

>tfw graduating from a small college soon
>tfw all they're giving to the graduating seniors are free pizza from the shity pizza place near by

Good thing I'm graduating without student debt.

>> No.5464047

Are senior breakfasts a normal thing? We didn't get shit. Though I'm thankful, it probably would've been awful.

>> No.5464053

Glad 2 here u graduate whAT size bus did u ride.?

>> No.5464054
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Window licker heehee

>> No.5464056

I used to be on the varsity tennis team when I was in high school. Our only mode of transportation was a short bus.

It did not help intimidating the other team when we walked off the bus.

>> No.5464064

>not being in culinary arts
>not doing amazing breakfast for yourself

I fucking loved my breakfast, lol this is why I chose a career focused high school

>> No.5464066

People actually gave a shit about bus size...? What the fuck? The short bus was the best because it meant there were less noisy assholes.

>> No.5464067

idk where you're from, but here in the states, short buses are almost exclusively used for Special Ed.

>> No.5464070

It also gives you the connotation of being a retard.

>> No.5464079

It's been a long, long, time since I was in high school, but I still remember my senior breakfast. A bunch of senior moms got together and cooked it at a local church's activity center. It was eggs, hashbrowns, biscuits, gravy, bacon and sausage, orange juice, apple juice, etc. Which isn't a super special breakfast, but it was really good, because the people cooking knew what they were doing. I also remember throwing scrambled eggs on my buddy's car afterwards. High school should just be called Asshole Time.

>> No.5464081


oh wow the only time i've ever had suncup was in detox. drank the fuck out of those during withdrawals.

>> No.5464094

Holy fucking Christ.
>OP is a whiny cunt
>Cracker Barrel is such shit
Someone is displeased with something, so they're an ungrateful, whiny cunt.
You don't like something so its shit and that's that.

Fuck every single one of you and your elitist attitudes. Goddamn, you all make me sick. This one reason 4chan is such a shithole.

>> No.5464105
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>> No.5464113
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4 Chan is shithole ...u got that right.

>> No.5464117


>someone saved the .gif I made

>> No.5464133
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He's right this is a shitpile.I Think 95% of chaners will turn out 2 B alkies+drug addicts+bums+child molesters +or just plain fags.

>> No.5465797


>> No.5466079

>implying underage even applies on blue boards

>> No.5466594

>juice in a little cup with a tin foil top.

God damn you just can't get that once you graduate High School. It's like a sign of adulthood. I remember the ones we had used to be frozen half the time but that was a long time ago.

Is there anyplace you can get these other than them falling off the back of a sysco truck?

>> No.5466618


>> No.5466636
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Faggot ass OP needs to get off his high horse and underageb& hisself

>> No.5466643

damn nigga you old af

>> No.5466649

I had already graduated highschool by the time 4chan was created.

>> No.5467448


>> No.5467453
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Yeah, I admit it. What little social life I had withered away after my friends and I all grew up and scattered geographically, so I fill many of the empty hours with 4chan. Oh well.

Here's a picture that dates me. I wonder if anyone else here will recognize it.

>> No.5467469


Is that high school or college? I graduated high school in '96

>> No.5467476


High school. I graduated college in '02

>> No.5467493

my nig-
>no snake
what the fuck man

>> No.5467494


Nibbles was a game where you were a snake that ate dots

>> No.5467496

I feel like the quality stayed the same; we just got older.

Still, I have generally been pleased with what I've gotten from Cracker Barrel in the past. You do have to have some care with what you order, and it's definitely cafeteria fare... but there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

>> No.5467499

ah i take that back then. the snake program i used on my ti-83 was just called "snake" as far as i can remember

>> No.5467510
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>you will never again play Phoenix on your TI-89 after finishing your quiz in Mrs. Orletsky's calculus class

>> No.5467513


literally rising from the ashes and saving your grade by doing super-well on a test after fucking off all semester