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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5460883 No.5460883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to Montreal /ck/, wheres a nice place to eat?

>> No.5460900


>> No.5460904

But I'm from Ontario...

>> No.5460907

>nice place to eat

this implies you are looking for a place that is nice, in which to eat, as if the food was irrelevant.

you should be asking

>place to eat nice food

>> No.5460910

get some poutine

ottawa fags?

>> No.5460911

You are correct sir.

I'm looking for a place to eat interesting food, while atmosphere is a factor, I Obviously do want the food.

So do you know of any places?

>> No.5460914

I don't know if you're retarded or what but "a nice place to eat" has meant either or both for a very long time. it's also incredibly common as a phrase in use.

>> No.5460927

There are several very nice restaurants in Montreal. You'll have no trouble finding them.

More pedestrian things not to miss: Their bagels are god tier. Also smoked meat sandwich. And shish taouk sandwich. French Canadian pea soup is good, too. Cretons is not as good, but probably worth trying.

>> No.5460938
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Maison Publique
Joe Beef
Liverpool House
Au Pied Cochon
Tuck Shop


>> No.5460939

i'm not retarded.

i am, however, not a cocksucker.
cocksuckers are prone to stupidity and being inept at language.

clearly you are a cocksucker.

say what you mean, and mean what you say.
if you do not use language correctly, you will be constantly misunderstood, and you will misunderstand everything, and basically are good for nothing except sucking cocks.

>> No.5460941

Joe Beef.

>> No.5460949
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> Shish taouk sandwidch

It's called shawarma you dolt.Otherwise good advice. Get your smoked meat sandwich at Schwartz's

>> No.5460950

If I think of a nice place to eat, a picturesque scene immediately springs to mind. Somewhere on a beach or by a river.

Of course, "nice [place to eat]" also includes food, but you can't help but make the "[nice place] to eat" connection.

>> No.5460951
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fuck man you are almost funny

and when i mean fuck man i mean you are a huge FAGGOT

>> No.5460954

fucking autistic

>> No.5460957

>It's called shawarma you dolt
Not when it's made with chicken. You can get fucking shawarma anywhere, but the Lebanese chicken version I've only had in Montreal. And that shit is good.

>> No.5460958


not as funny as a dim witted cocksucker like you pretending not to be one.

>> No.5460962
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"it is all there" is it not

>> No.5460964

its called language.

you'd have to be autistic to not use it correctly and think your personal bullshit is somehow intelligible to other people in the world.

if you don't use language correctly, you will not understand what people are saying, and they will not understand you.

but hey, guess what. thats the story of your retarded cocksucking life, isn't it, you stupid cunt.

>> No.5460968

Shish means skewer.

>> No.5460972
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>your retarded cocksucking life
Get real I've been having my dick sucked since the age of 8.

>> No.5460974

and you've been sucking them since you where 7, fucking homo.

>> No.5460976
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>> No.5460982

>if you don't use language correctly, you will not understand what people are saying, and they will not understand you.

No, arrtard, the only person that misunderstood him was YOU - on purpose - to make your shitty point.

You win - you are "technically" correct about the wording. Of course, you are absolutely and unequivocally WRONG in the situation.

For example, you're ignoring context, and common usage. Words change, they evolve. Why aren't ye hollering in the tongues of Ye Olde Kovntry?

Anyway, only autistic people care whether you use language "correctly" because there is no such thing and we use language to communicate, not to project our intelligence. Look at ebonics... that shit's an entire dilect.

And ain't a damn thang in the world that gone change it. Especially not you, scrub.

Fucking loser. I be yo got picked on in school cause you wouldn't leave people the fuck alone.
> It's "envious" not "jealous!" you don't LOVE that folder, do you?
> yes, i do. faggot get out! OUT!

>> No.5460986
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>> No.5460988

>>You win


Didn't read the rest.

Fuck off, loser.
Go whine to someone who cares.

>> No.5460990

OP was asking for a nice place to eat, like a house made of chocolate. Way to misunderstand what he was saying.

>> No.5460991 [DELETED] 

how many disgusting dicks have you sucked?

>> No.5460994 [DELETED] 

i clearly understood what he was saying, you moronic bitch.

else i would not have pointed out the more accurate way to express what he was actually asking for.

how fucking retarded are you?
you think i didn't understand what he was asking? do you not see the difference between what he asked, and what he actually meant to ask?

>> No.5460996 [DELETED] 

lol if all you are trying to get out of the convesation is a "you win" and don't care about communicating with others...

why the fuck are you complaining about language? You're not even using it. You didn't read what I said. So why are you talking? Do you understand what I'm asking?

It's like someone getting in their car and driving around the block for no fucking reason. Or one of those crazy russian ladies that yells at everyone on the street....

Fucking retard. I think medically speaking, you're retarded.

>> No.5461000

I don't want to make a new thread, so here it goes
I'm going to be going to LA for a few weeks and I heard LA has really good sushi. What's a good place? I'm looking for somewhere that's kind of a hidden gem rather than a well known place because I'm not a fan of waiting and loud environments.

>> No.5461002
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>> No.5461003 [DELETED] 


but why did you turn this thread about food into YET ANOTHER thread about YOU and how smart you are and how cool you are for knowing grammar?


nobody cares. Good job, here's another gold star... you're nominated for the Biggest Douche In the Universe (Grammar Nazi category). Congradulations!

fucking A. this guy just won't understand the fact that he's just one of 10 billion people on this earth and that NOBODY WILL CARE IF HES GONE... and frankly, noone cares now that he's here.

So just shut the fuck up, man. Go smell some roses, bitch.

>> No.5461006 [DELETED] 
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Correcting how OP phrased his question and not actually answering the question makes you a shitposter and even more of a raging faggot than OP.

>> No.5461011 [DELETED] 


I'm just going to interpret everything you said the way that I want to, rather than as what you actually said in language.

That is what you want, isn't it?

So yes, I agree with your acknowledgement of yourself as a cocksucking cunt with below average intelligence and a glaring lack of education.

I pity the people, including your family, who have to deal with your selfish and contrived abuse of language in your own interest. They can't understand what your whore mouth is babbling, and even worse, you can't understand what they are saying either but are too preoccupied with your self to even notice that you are a FUCKING MORON.

>> No.5461012 [DELETED] 

>you think i didn't understand what he was asking?

Nope. Nobody is thinking about you - at all. Nobody gives a shit. You could be the richest, smartest, and most succesfull man in this thread.

You can literally be Brad Pitt. Nobody gives a fucking shit.... how hard is that to understand.

I know you see the world through the eyes of a self absorbed delusional man child, but the rest of us see it from the other side.... you know... looking at you and the way you act like a psychopath... we have our lives too.

>> No.5461013 [DELETED] 

Nah, his way was perfectly accurate.

"Place to eat" was a noun phrase. "Nice" was a qualifying adjective. There's a whole branch of language studies called "pragmatics". It's something most children intuitively grasp at an early age. He asked the question just as accurately as if he had asked for a scenic location or a tasty building.

I'm sorry your autism limits you to basic semantics. Maybe one day you'll achieve fluency in English, who knows.

>> No.5461014 [DELETED] 


so you admit you where wrong. good.

now answer this.

how many cocks have you sucked, you below average intelligence degenerate moron?

>> No.5461015
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>> No.5461016 [DELETED] 

> So yes, I agree with your acknowledgement of yourself as a cocksucking cunt with below average intelligence and a glaring lack of education.

hahahahahaha. hahaha. you're... you're failing so hard... you're just giving me more material, jesus fucking christ.

Lol alright... you are the Supreme Commander of the Intelligence Squad, Possessor of The Stick Of Truth, and protector of the realm.


>> No.5461019 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5461024 [DELETED] 

> I pity the people, including your family, who have to deal with your selfish and contrived abuse of language in your own interest. They can't understand what your whore mouth is babbling, and even worse, you can't understand what they are saying either but are too preoccupied with your self to even notice that you are a FUCKING MORON.

hahaha. Man, kid. What's wrong? What has hurt you so much, that you resort to this intelligence dick measuring contest?

You have a little dog syndrome for some reason. Something makes you feel utterly insecure.

Do you consider yourself weak? Have you been abused?

See, normal people don't feel this insane about language. Language is just a tool to talk to people. Some people talk differently, everyone understand everyone.

People can understand people that don't even speak the same language. I can buy fruit from mexicans... its not fucking hard. Cuanto? Cuanto? point at fruit.

Are you suggesting i need to learn proper spanish congugation before I go to the market? Or maybe the mexican lady doesn't have autism, and iwll instantly realize tht me pointing at a papaya and saying "papayo" means i want a fucking papaya.

But back to you. You need to find out what the root of your anxiety is. You're not angry at people that are "morons"... you're angry at yourself. You think you deserve more for being smart, but you never worked harder.

In fact, you worked less hard, cause youre more smart. So that's your fault. You've wasted your life and now you're a bitter nerd.

Go back to school, stop yelling at people...
gonna /ignore your posts from now on.

>> No.5461025 [DELETED] 


There is such a thing as accurate communication. That you are incapable of it, does not obviate it.

You are trying to justify a grammatically incorrect expression, after the fact,

For all we know, he could indeed have been asking simply for a nice place where he incidentally can eat something, with no specific mention or reference to a kitchen service or even of the food being any good there.

I know this is hard for a cocksucker like you, who's brain is wired to be self-centered, but if you do not communicate and listen accurately, you will never understand others nor be understood yourself either.

And yet another cocksucker appears.

>> No.5461027 [DELETED] 


>> No.5461029 [DELETED] 


And yet I am right about OPs phrasing, which he also acknowledged.

And I am also right about you being a cocksucker of some kind.

>> No.5461033

What? It's perfectly grammatically correct. It follows all the rules of grammar and syntax. He missed an apostrophe but that's about it.

You are a faggot, and I don't mean a roll of chopped liver.

>> No.5461034 [DELETED] 


>> No.5461036 [DELETED] 


go suck a dick, pathetic shit.

people like you cause misunderstanding and suffering everywhere around you due to your inherent selfishness and refusal to accept that language REQUIRES you to be accurate in your use of language both in expressing yourself and listening to others.

i pity you, and those who have to put up with your selfishness. you think language is somehow your personal fucking property, and are too stupid and selfish to realise it is infact a commonly owned and mutual tool to facilitate unilateral understanding.

but a cocksucker like you wouldn't understand that.

>> No.5461040
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>> No.5461043

It is grammatically correct, if he was indeed merely asking for a place that is nice, in which to eat.

If his intent was instead to ask for a place in which he can eat something nice, no, the grammar and syntax does not convey that.

>> No.5461046 [DELETED] 

> people like you cause misunderstanding and suffering everywhere around you due to your inherent selfishness and refusal to accept that language REQUIRES you to be accurate

lmao. you are turning inside out. You need a screen for that projector? Lol do you even understand how fucking self centered and absolutely psycho you sound?

lanbguage REQUIRES lol. I don't think so. It looks more like YOU are the one that REQUIRES.... fucking hospitalization. lol....

lol and you really like this word cocksucker... and you're using it over and over as if its such a bad insult.

You sir... are a horse-dick holder. And on occasions, a horse dick taker.

The ball is in your court.

>> No.5461049 [DELETED] 



How many cocks have you sucked?

>> No.5461050 [DELETED] 


just one was large enough - yours. I took it up the ass so hard that it came out of my throat and thats when i sucked it.

>> No.5461053 [DELETED] 

this is a 18+ board

>> No.5461055 [DELETED] 

i think my boredom level is past 18+, maybe at 25+ bored.

>> No.5461070


It's too bad that this thread is a bunch of shitposting, because this is a halfway decent, albeit non-comprehensive list.

>> No.5461087
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>> No.5461119

Holy fucking shit people.
It's "Place to eat AT". There's a reason why this fucking word exists.

As for a place to eat Pendeli's Pizza has some pretty great pizza

>> No.5461174

The park is a good place to eat at. Or the beach.

>> No.5461178
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> ending a sentence with a preposition
> mfw

If you want to get all dickish about it, it ought to say '[...] where's a nice place at which to eat"? Stop being a cunt.

>> No.5461216

It ought to correctly say that only if you're a pedantic cunt.

>> No.5461230


You don't get to flip your shit when someone colloquially implies the word 'at' if you can't even recognize when it's out of position. Don't be a grammarbabby if you aren't ready to bring your a-game, son.

>> No.5461232

>getting mad over a fake rule in English

I know you eat that public school learning shit right up but it is depressing to see it play out here. It's like you don't even smell all the bullshit you have been coated in.

>> No.5461283

what's the difference between shish taouk and shish tawook?

or is it the same thing?

>> No.5461446 [DELETED] 

la chronique
les 400 coups
bouillon bilk
cafe ferreira
jardin iwaki
au pied de cochon

>> No.5461485

Don't go to Sceak's house. I made that mistake once and my butt hasn't been the same since.

>> No.5461494 [DELETED] 

montreal shishtaouk (chicken shawarma) is dry shit.

If you want good middle eastern sandwiches, go to antep kabab for turkish and farhat for north african baguette sandwiches. Most lebanese places are gonna be shit except for some full service sitdowns

>> No.5461507


Unless he's asking now for a trip next month he can forget about Au pied de cochon and probably !Toqué too.

>> No.5462050

>crlf + f "ass"
>no hit

What the fuck /ck/? Either this board is full of fags or straight women.

>> No.5462052


She clearly is not a careful baker, look at all that flour on her bottom.

What kind of slut thinks she can waltz around my kitchen with floury buttocks like that??

>> No.5462062
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Forgot your pic.

>> No.5462151

well Les trois brasseurs is pretty nice, but costs a shitload of cash

there's also Frite Alors!, some belgian french fries restaurant.

otherwise there's one irish pub i can't remember the name, i'll try to find the name out.

>> No.5462168

Pizza st. Viateur
Concordia (check out thali, bustan, nilufar)
Garde manger
Chez Claudette
LA roi du smoked meat
Namaste Montreal (on Milton west of st. Urbain)
LA banquise (very busy.)
Moe's ( maisonneuve west of Concordia) a classical diner
Ta (Australian meat pies (not kidding) its amazing) on parc and mont-royal
Chez Boris (made to order Russian donuts and donut sangwidges)
St. Viateur bagel or fairmount bagel
Bilboquet ice cream
Pawel polish bakery
Fuck crêpes

>> No.5464593
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Joe Beef
Bouillon Bilk
Kazu is good for Montreal standards but it's meh izakaya compared to what Vancouver has (though to be fair we're a colony of Asian)
And there's one of those cash-grab, borderline chain iterations of some famous michelin starred chef's restaurant, I think it's Robuchon's, never been though