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5459313 No.5459313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm workin up a new sour dough starter. Been goin for 3 days. I just mixed it down and fed it so it doesn't look like much, but it's starting to bubble pretty nice between feedings.

Expect some sort baking thread in 2 or 3 days.

Anyone else bakin it up recently?

>> No.5459352

I can smell that rank shit already.

Enjoy your stank loaf.

>> No.5459377

I baked some baguettes and some hamburger buns today. Still trying to get better consistency in my results. Sometimes they come out perfect other times they don't rise as much as I'd like. I'm not sure what I'm not doing wrong when they don't come out perfect.

>> No.5459389

everything you need to know about buns and how to make em right every time


>> No.5459440

I actually intended to spend tonight baking a shitload of biscuits but then was hijacked into a three hour dinner party by some friends. Biscuits have been delayed until tomorrow.

My wife maintained a sourdough starter for quite a while, though she stopped at one point. I love a good homemade sourdough.

>> No.5459482

Sunday is bake day every week unless I'm travelling.

Recently it's been a ton of ciabatta, fucking love that shit. Also baguettes are classic, though I really need to get a decent peel as mine is way too narrow for a regular (to me--pretty short by professional standards) loaf.

I've gotten very, very bad about my sourdough starter. Only fed it like four times in the past week. Brb, gonna go feed it now.

>> No.5459489

Oh yeah (samefag here)--Hamelman's whole-rye+whole-wheat sourdough is fucking tops for a hearty loaf. Gonna start baking the book this week to force some variety into my routine.

>> No.5459601
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It is unlikely the starter will be ready for baking in 2-3 days if it's only 3 days old. Having built many starters from scratch, the average time to maturity is about 2 weeks, and even then that's cutting it close. It's possible you have a super-starter, but if it's not doubling in 4 hours every time you feed it (assuming ambient temp of around 74F), it's probably not good to go.

>> No.5460016
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Good bubble production for 72 hours in.

Non-chlorinated water and a warm environment help.

>> No.5460025
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Time to go do something else for 12 hours...

>> No.5460034

So, I've never made a starter myself and was thinking about doing it soon. What's the best time to let it grow for, a month? And how should I "feed" it?

>> No.5460035
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I should add that this starter is more watery and doesn't double in size till allowed to get a bit thicker by reducing the water involved. I reduced water a little bit this last time but its probably still not thick enough to change volume.

Run oven preheat for 30 seconds. Oven light on to keep it warm.

>> No.5460038


Feed once or twice a day. A month is more than needed.

You will know when it is ready because it will be super active, doubling in size in 4 hours and it will smell like sour dough.

Probably a week or two.

You can also buy culture packets off the net to get you started. A friend of mine who knows i love baking got me some for my birthday a couple years back. They were faster... Like 4 days.

>> No.5460155

FF check your email son

>> No.5460263
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I keep my sourdough starters at 100% hydration, and they double easily within 3 hours of feeding.

You let it grow for however long it takes to be mature. Ambient temperature plays a big role in getting a healthy and powerful starter. There is also significant variation between starters. The first one I built tasted wonderful, but wasn't a very powerful leavener. My current levain is as good as commercial yeast, but isn't as sour.

Roger that.

>> No.5460328


I keep mine at 200% hydration and they generally double in 45 minutes after only 6 days.

>> No.5460822


FF, will you ever put more breadmaking vids on your yt channel

>> No.5462185
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Things are looking just a bit more bubbly this morning.

Bump, to remind you gentlemen to feed your starters.

>> No.5463846
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Another roughly 12 hours.. Have decided to skip feeding this time. Smells sour...

>> No.5463876


Uh.. You might want to toss it then. I don't think starter is supposed to smell sour.

>> No.5464838
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Pretty good increase in volume overnight. Good smell all of a sudden this morning.

Sour dough goes through a couple phases where different bacteria/fungus/yeast are competing for dominance. The fast multiplying little bugs are able to win at first, but are replaced over the next week by a couple other strains which are slower growing but kill off the first comers.

I think today marks a turning point in the microbial war waging in my bowl.

>> No.5464846
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After knocking it down.. For volume comparison.

The sponge was more spongy and light this morning as well.

I may start baking with part of this sponge, while keeping the rest going. Might make a dough tonight for tomorrow morning.

>> No.5464850


I should add this is only good for a type II sourdough at this stage. (A sour dough where others bakers yeast are added for leavening)

>> No.5466891
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Added 160 g starter to 200 g flour and 70 water. Starter was at 100% hydration.

Doing this to make a sponge... Hydration is a bit off.. Will fix tomorrow when i mix up the rest of the dough in the morning.

>> No.5466898
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I may have to take back what i said about type II sourdough. This sponge doubled in volume in about 4 hours. For starter that started on tuesday evening.. This is really good progress.

>> No.5467571
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Sponge, overnight rise.

Time to figure out what recipe im going with and back solve current flour and water situation...

>> No.5467575
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Lots of starter left of course.

>> No.5467613


Alright recipe calls for 660 g flour and 450g mix of water milk.

Starter was 80/80 g of water flour. Sponge was 200 more g flour. And 70 more g water.. Total everything out and figure the difference, i need 380g flour and 300g water

>> No.5467634
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Dough ball after adding water and flour. Also a touch of xanthan gum, potato starch, and vital wheat gluten.

>> No.5467659

>potato starch
I might try this

>> No.5467703
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After rest.. Not quite doubled.. But time for shaping anyway.

>> No.5467782
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Lookin pretty good for flour and water that started out on tuesday...

Nothing like the smell of fresh sour dough...

>> No.5467801
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Slow food teh winz.

Time to let it all chill and then make some sammiches. Yes. Sam miches. Let that marinate on your ocds.

>> No.5467806

Looks good OP! Enjoy!

>> No.5467826
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Sliced... Crumb is very nice. Nailed 190 F on the nose. So moist and delicious on the inside.

>> No.5467828
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Turkey and smoked provolone.

>> No.5467851


>> No.5467855

always alone

>> No.5468280


>> No.5468670
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i've never done this before.

>> No.5468825
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first loaf done

not perfectly round

>> No.5468923


>never done this before
>proofing baskets

HAHAHA yeah right.

Looks good. Maybe a touch overdone. But good for you for trying something new!

I hope they turn out to be delicious.

>> No.5468961
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second done, and inside shot

well, over the past few days i've been trying to do a different recipe that was 78% hydration. first time i messed up somewhere and couldn't get it to hold together, the next attempt i thought i had it, but when it came time to shape it i absolutely failed.

so this is a different bread, 72% hydration, came together nicely and this was actually the first time i've gotten something baked using the baskets and dutch oven i picked up about a week ago.

as for the bread, the taste is pretty meh, its just a straight dough with a 5-6 hour bulk ferment. the texture is wonderful though.

i need to pick up an oven thermometer to make sure my oven doesn't run hot, it was in there for the short end of the time range recommended.

>> No.5470079


I need to play around with hydration levels and record the difference it makes...

>> No.5470130

I just started a quick beer bread. Never made bread before. Just waiting for the "sponge" to get ready

>> No.5470133

Forgot link

>> No.5470848


That bread looks pretty good. I might have to try a salted chocostout bread one day...