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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5457111 No.5457111 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good, healthy, and most importantly, tasty vegetable recipies? I'm trying to get my kids to eat healthy foods, but they're so fussy. Help me 4chan?

>> No.5457115

they have no problem eating fruit, but it's not good for them to miss vegetables. I found a good brussle sprout recipe, but I need more.

>> No.5457117

Vegetarian lasagna.

My mother used to make one with spinach, cheese sauce and pine nuts and some other bits and pieces that I forget.
Use the google to find something along those lines.

>> No.5457120

Fuck off back to reddit

>> No.5457133

>Get some turkey mince or lean chicken/pork mince or whatever
>Put a chopped onion in a pan
>And then a chopped up tomato
>Them some chilis or whatever
>Chuck the mince in
>Chuck in a bag of fresh asian stir fry vegetables
>Mix that shit up
Simple, low kj, high protein stir fry

>> No.5457137

Ask a doctor/dietician/nutritionist.

>> No.5457147

Find ways to integrate things like bacon and cheese into it....in moderration....cheese sauce is a must for steamed broccoli. ..bacon chunks are good with brussel sprouts....just par cook them and saute to doneness with minced onion garlic in olive oil and bacon grease.....really good....carmel sauce is amazing with carrots....and a sweet vinegrette will usually make salad tasty...just remember its a flavorant....not the main ingredient....and btw as a kid I was notorious for licking serving dishes...after dinner away from the table...

>> No.5457152

Another good piece of advice is to involve ur kids in shopping for groceries....its important to be able to transition them from just eating what's served to putting food on the table...ie make them cook....but not as a punishment or responsibility....a reward....set loose terms and maintain both veto and supervision....by the time they move out they will be cooking 4 days a week and love it!!

>> No.5457177

>anon trying to get his kids to eat healthy food

>> No.5457212

get out bitch

>> No.5457213

epic new meme

>> No.5457257

fried rice

>> No.5457261

vichy carrots as a side dish.

>> No.5457293


>> No.5457438

Just put spinach on their sandwiches instead of lettuce. I didn't start eating not tomato vegetables regularly until I was 22.

>> No.5457441

>asking 4chan how to raise your kids
Don't go back to reddit, just kill yourself

>> No.5457455


The either eat the vegetables or they don't eat at all. This method can be supplemented with beatings.

>> No.5457466

>I'm trying to get my kids to eat healthy foods, but they're so fussy
Fuck kids. All they do is fuck up your cooking for about 12-15 years. By the time the stop being fussy little shits they have moved out. Then you go to visit them, and they proudly cook you some of the same foods they kept you from cooking for years.

Kids can run on anything. They don't need vegetables. They don't need healthy meals. Middle aged people need healthy meals. Kids can (and will) do fine eating garbage. The point it to keep them from eating too much garbage. They're always hungry, so you need to keep stuff to eat around. The only trick is to make sure what you have for them to eat will not make them fat. That's the only way you can fuck them up.

Limit sugar, and avoid anything sold as snack foods. Fast food only once in a while as a treat. Don't give them too much dairy, for fuck's sake. Make them home cooked meals, even if they pick out all the vegetables. If they refuse to eat something that's OK. Just don't let them sub a frozen pizza or a block of fucking cheese for a meal they turn their nose up at. Cook boring shit they'll eat, don't force foods on them, and as long as they don't get fat you have succeeded.

The hard part is not feeding kids healthy meals, but not getting fat yourself while cooking the kinds of foods kids will eat. Cook healthy for yourself, and let the kids pick through it.

>> No.5457471

>All they do is fuck up your cooking for about 12-15 years.
What? My family has never cooked shit just for kids. You eat what we have or just go to bed.

>> No.5457483

this is great advice on how to raise your kids to be 5'4 scrawny, dumb, pieces of shit.

a solid nutrition through childhood and adolescence has been shown time and time again to directly benefit physical and mental development.

>> No.5457500

I never cooked shit just for kids, either. But after a while it wears on you when you get a negative response at the table after you've spent time cooking something for the family to enjoy. So you start dumbing shit down, because kids are dumb. I had one son who ate everything until he turned 5, then wouldn't touch anything green for over a decade. I still cooked greens, but didn't integrate them with the main meal. It was fucked up.

Still not as bad as my sister, who has one kid who won't eat any kind of beans, and another who thinks all seafood is disgusting. (So glad I had boys - girls are impossible with their texture bullshit).

>> No.5457502

Fuck. My grandfather would just say, 'Well you don't have to eat it; it'll help you know what starving kids in Africa feel like, because I ain't giving you a damn thing to eat until you eat meals with us.'

>> No.5457503

they can either eat what you cook or nothing at all
quit being a pussy

>> No.5457508

>wouldn't touch anything green
you didn't serve him a plate full of greens and tell him he wasn't getting any thing else to eat until that plate left the table clean? he woulda have broken by lunch time the next day and never said no again after having to finish a plate of soggy, cold, left out over night greens

>> No.5457509

>So glad I had boys - girls are impossible with their texture bullshit).
I'm a 30 year old man and most of the food I dislike is because of texture. Beans are like little vessels of liquid sandpaper and I'm not happy with mushrooms unless they are thinly sliced or finely diced.

I mean, if you give me something like that, I'll eat it, but I won't like it.

>> No.5457512

My mother tried with when I was a kid in the 80's and I lasted 4 days without food before she gave up and just game me meat and bread like I wanted.

I didn't eat vegetables ever growing up; mostly because everything my family cooked was smoothy over boiled and/or soaked in bacon grease garbage.

>> No.5457515

well, what kind of vegetables do you eat?

>> No.5457519

Pizza. You wouldn't believe how many vegetables you can hide in the sauce. Same with pasta sauce. Carrots, peppers, aubergines and courgettes. Just chop them finely or shove the sauce in a blender.
Or you can just take the hard approach, if they don't eat what you cook, then they don't eat.

>> No.5457523

>a solid nutrition through childhood and adolescence has been shown time and time again to directly benefit physical and mental development.
As long as you feed your kids real food they'll be fine. It's the3 fast food and convenience foods that fuck them up. Always have veggies around for yourself, and encourage them to eat everything. But if they want to be fussy little shits there's nothing you can do about it, and fighting them on it only makes it worse.

Like I said, keep them away from the sugar and junk food and they'll be fine. The only way you can raise malnourished kids is either letting them live off fast food, or being a vegan idiot who feeds them nothing but nuts and berries.

As long as they eat and don't get fat you're winning the game. Because half of their peers are gonna be fat. DON'T be the parent of a fat kid. A fat kid is proof of bad parenting.

>> No.5457529

I dunno. I knew a guy that was fat until he was 30 but only ate good home cooking. The problem was his family just ate a ton. I ate with them once and it was a meal with two meat dishes and 5 potato.

It was all good food, but damn.

>> No.5457531

>I'm a 30 year old manchild

>> No.5457543

Having a mildly overdeveloped gag reflex doesn't really make you a 'manchild'.

>> No.5457546

Pfft, you're a fucking idiot. Vegans don't have this sort of problem with their kids because they actually know how to cook vegetables. I've seen vegan toddlers eat curried lentil soup. They eat this shit their whole lives so they don't get it in their heads they can just start refusing things

>> No.5457552

>little vessels of liquid sandpaper
oh, it's this faggot again. i remember you, anon. eat better beans you weirdo

>> No.5457570

Pasta with a tomato+onion+garlic sauce
Veg curry
Stir fried veg w/ rice or noodles
Chili sin carne (use mushrooms and beans)

>> No.5457572

Zucchini Parmesan.


Fuck "healthy". Moderation is the key. Enjoy your senses, & then deadlift your heart out.

>> No.5457575

>they don't get it in their heads they can just start refusing things

Apart from when they go to a friends house and throw a tantrum because they refuse to eat the meat the parents put much time and effort into cooking for the little shitlord.

>> No.5457616


I don't understand how this problem develops. I just make eating the food I cooked non-negotiable. They don't want to eat it? EAT IT. Still no? Okay go to bed. They come up saying they're hungry? Okay your plate is in the fridge under some foil.

The only exemptions are with particularly potent or unusual special meals that defy my kid's ability to cope with like bangna calda, which is usually the rare time they will get something from a fast food restaurant.

>> No.5457620

I have never said that on /ck/ before. It pleases me that there is some other crazy person out there.

>> No.5457669
File: 45 KB, 758x600, tmp_1353228103882-1654702500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a vegetarian my advice would be to not cook vegetables.

Stuff like steamed broccoli is fucking disgusting but fresh broccoli is awesome.

>> No.5457671

What kind of faggot kids don't like steamed fresh vegetables?

>> No.5457679

Lightly steamed broccoli is alright.
I always thought broccoli was this terrible gooey pudge until I accidentally ordered some in an Asian restaurant which was almost uncooked and lightly dusted in some kind of light peanut oil based sauce.

Prior to that I had only had my mother's broccoli which had all the stems cut off, was boiled for 20 whole fucking minutes, and then smashed and buttered. Fucking yuck.

>> No.5457688

I just took a portabella cap and filled it with bread crumbs, garlic powder, onion powder, parsley, salt, pepper and put it in the toaster oven for like 10 minutes

I know it isn't a veggie but pretty sure it isn't unhealthy

>> No.5457701


>fighting them only makes it worse

I actually agree with you on this. I dated a guy once who was 28 and refused to eat vegetables. Why? Because his mom FORCED him to eat shitty canned vegetables throughout his youth because they were too poor to afford anything else.

I finally got him to start liking edamame and salad over the span of 3 months but that was it.


>vegan toddlers

that is so sad. poor kid is going to be a manlet.

>> No.5457725

Op, have you thought about trying salads? Kids like to have choices, they like being able to make decisions for themselves. So let them make their own salads, with veggies they pick out. I'm not saying let them pile everything they want in a bowl, just give them options-
- romain or baby herb mix
- shredded carrots or cherry tomatoes
- goat cheese or shredded cheddar
-strawberries or walnuts
Let them each pick out a salad dressing they like (you can refill the bottle with a similar, healthier version if you like).

>> No.5457772
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> that is so sad. poor kid is going to be a manlet.

Haha good one, all vegetarians i know are one head bigger than average, including myself.

>> No.5457773
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Kids wanna be like Hulk, don't they?

>> No.5457775
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>> No.5457813

Look into Italian cooking. Pellegrino Artusi, The Silver Spoon, Antonio Carluccio, Gennaro Contaldo all have great, simple, easy to make things with plenty of deepfried, raw, marinated, etc vegetables.

Example: raw asparagus with Parmesan cheese, olive oil, salt & pepper, vinegar is delicious.

Invest in good black pepper, for instance Tellicherry. Invest in good vinegar: a good chardonnay (e.g. Forum brand) and/or sushi vinegar (e.g. Tosazu or Junmai-Shu) will be expensive but it'll last you months & they make something very basic like grated carrots taste fantastic.

>> No.5457856

Give ur kids a choice...or the illusion of one....let me explain...they have a say in what's being served. ..but their choices all hail from healhy stuff....better yet...incentivise good choices....and aggressivly curtail junk food....replace with alternates like soda> unsweetend juice....potato chips> fried veggie strips...tortilla chips with nacho cheese> tortilla chips with homemade salsa....think bait and switch just not feeling bad on the tail end...and its important to encourage and facilitate an active lifestyle. ...when I was young I knew football players who could pound over5000 calories a day and had trouble keeping weight on...as well as sedentary students who ate less then 1500 caloriesand were health food freaks and were overweight...and the habits ur kids learn now will set the course for their livrs....so no pressure....

>> No.5457866

>all vegetarians i know are one head bigger than average
fantastic research, you're a real scientist

>> No.5457871

And avoid food trends 99% of the time its bullshit or marketing or both....same for health classes....until the last several years it was recomended to eat more refined starch than fruits and veggies....think old school food pyramid. ...then someone figured out it was just a recipie to make a generation fat....white bread....pasta....the base of the food pyramid ru kidding....sadly no.

>> No.5457898

You're sentence structure is terrible and it makes you sound like an idiot.

>> No.5458027


>> No.5458409

has spamming ... become a thing now? mocking that guy who claimed he was from monsanta but could barely speak english and used .... constnatly?

>> No.5459216

tfw I left this thread when it had 5 replies
come back to this shit storm

>> No.5459242

are you OP?

>> No.5459246

yes, actually

>> No.5459249

I'm gunna screenshot the whole thread

>> No.5459254

hahaha yes cap all the autism

>> No.5459887

Thank you I have terrible order when listing thoughts...english is not my favorite language to convey thoughts.
But it is default here.

>> No.5460044

that was...really...hard to read....

>> No.5460049

You don't have to "deadlift your heart out" if you ate in moderation. Moderation isn't eating your weight in ice cream one night a week, moderation is eating a serving of ice cream when you want some ice cream.

>> No.5460051


Negative. That would be eating ice cream every two hours.

>> No.5460130

are you a child?
honest question, how can you crave something so sweet every couple of hours?

>> No.5460136


>> No.5460312


Suck a...dick

>> No.5460313

I don't buy it. You're fluent enough to converse with people on this board,but not smart enough to follow sentence structure?

>> No.5460340

One of the easiest recipes is just taking some mixed vegetables (carrot's, coliflower, pea's and stuff) mix it with the pasta and some stewed onions and put some grated cheese through the mix, always was a big hit at home

>> No.5460352

Didn't 4chan create the rage comics?

>> No.5460473

Do they dislike veggies or how you cook veggies? Growing up, my dad liked them boiled to mush and I despised them at dinner. Give me a bowl of raw carrots though and I'd go to town.

Maybe ask your children why they don't like them, seeing as they are in fact tiny humans with sensory capabilities and can articulate their thoughts and feelings if goaded to. Some kids don't like the oxalic acid bite to greens or overpowering smell of onions, others it's all texture and context.

But zucchini lasagna or eggplant parmesan will definitely win kids over from the "vegetables are gross" train of thought.

>> No.5460485

Sautes are good.
Broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, all kinda greens work.
Saute with a little butter and choice of sauce (hot, worchestershire, A1 whatever)

>> No.5460486

>Do they dislike veggies or how you cook veggies?

Fucking this. There were many veggies I thought I "hated" when I was a kid but it was because my parents didn't cook them properly. I hated broccoli because the only thing my mom did with it was mix it with some kind of nasty cheap cheese. I hated green beans because she would either buy the canned ones or she'd boil them for waaaay too long...result was the same in either case: a nasty flavor accompanied by that dark green color caused by overcooking.

>>But zucchini lasagna or eggplant parmesan will definitely win kids over from the "vegetables are gross" train of thought.

Maybe most but not all. Even as an adult I think both of those are gross, and there are very very few foods that I won't eat.

Personally I like vegetables that haven't been cooked to hell and back. Keep it simple. You don't need to cook them for ages or slather them with all sorts of sauces or coverings. Get good quality fresh produce, cook only as little as is needed. Stuff like green beans or peas only need a brief blanching.

>> No.5460526

That is true, as a kid I hated: cheese, meat other than chicken, and the dinner veggies if Dad was home. Pasta and butter was my mom's go-to feed for me. Terribly unhealthy, but it made me bored and more curious about the "adult food" as I got older.

Teaching kids about cooking and introducing them to ingredients is a huge leap for picky eaters. One day my mom was chopping onions and garlic and I sneered and called it gross. She looked at me and named all the things that included those two ingredients that I loved- pizza, eggplant parmesan, salad dressing, chicken soup... and suddenly my tiny 3 or 4 year old brain realized ingredients could taste different depending on what was done with them. I began asking about other things I hated, and finding I only hated them sometimes.

We had a rule in my house: you don't have to eat it if you dislike it, but you have to try it. With a mindset like that, and my mother encouraging me to try again a year or so later to "see if my tastes changed", I was slowly brought to liking most foods. Now I actively seek foods I dislike and strive to find a way to prepare them that I enjoy. I went from being the pickiest eater anyone had ever met to someone who lingers by the offal and hamhocks and dreams of different dishes.

Forcing a kid to eat will only give them phobias and mental hang-ups about foods as adults. Kids dislike foods for genuine reasons, once you pinpoint them, you can work around them. "Grittiness" or "gaminess" or "too bitter" or "too rich", ask your kids questions and try to teach them to evaluate and explain problems to you.

Both of my parents were given the "eat or starve" ultimatum as kids. My mother will not allow liver to be cooked in her house to this day because of it. My father didn't learn how to cook and enjoy veggies until I was an adult.

Anyone who says "eat or starve" is abusive or doesn't have kids. Money isn't a reason either; serve them plain noodles or cereal if they won't eat dinner.

>> No.5461853

I remember vaguely reading something that says kids have more sensitive taste buds so they taste the bitterness of veggies more than adults.

Now I know this is anecdotal, but I didn't eat veggies growing up because I remember they tasted bitter to me.

>> No.5462088

>this is how fat as fatasses are made

I will never fucking understand parents who won't just nut up and get their kid to eat the vegetables.

>> No.5462098

Cool your vegetables into something like a beef stew.

I haven't read this thread but I imagine its full of people saying that forcing kids to eat solitary vegetables on their own instead of cooked into a meal like they should be is going to make them hate veg.

Healthy food doesn't have to be a plate of broccoli and baked chicken.

>> No.5462099


>integrate bacon and cheese into vegetables to make them edible
>fucking sugar base sauces with carrots when carrots are full of sugar already
>excessive ellipsis

This isn't yelp.com please fuck off

>> No.5462109

Blanched and grilled aspargus is tasty as fucking hell. Easy and convenient to prepare too.

>> No.5462118

Holy fuck, I swear you brits haven't got a clue how to cook worth a damn.

>> No.5462891
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WHat are you talking about? He basically just explained cooking sloppy joe mix with less sauce, more veg....


>> No.5463009


just blacken that shit in a little olive oil (e.g. "a little" being to the point where it retains its crunch and does not get soggy from the oil) and douse in sea salt. Any vegetable tastes good when you fry or bake it like this. Awesome for veggies like brussel sprouts, cauliflower, fresh broccoli, eggplant, carrots...

>> No.5463106

My dad would shout if anyone had the slightest negative reaction to whatever my mother cooked.

Needless to say, I am not a fussy eater.

>> No.5463107

We created ms paint comics, retarded vectorized bullshit is all Reddit.

>> No.5463113

Kid won't want to eat that shit
most people wouldn't want to eat that shit
only people looking to stretch their meals further or get high protein/veg meals would ever attempt to make that

I think it's the lack of clear instruction and detail to ingredients that makes him super mad

>> No.5464171

That's strange! When I was a child, vegetables were much sweeter. I got pretty possessive of those raw broccoli stems.

I still love vegetables, but they have a stronger sour and bitter element these days.

This way for brussel sprouts, all of the time every time. Add chopped walnuts and diced garlic, less salt.

>> No.5464879

>that I forget.

Worthless asshole.

>> No.5464881
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>but they have a stronger sour and bitter element these days.

Lying sack of shit.

>> No.5464901

>brussel sprouts
>not tasting like piss

pick one

>> No.5464906

Instructions wont help them.

>> No.5464912

Try beating them hungry. If that doesn't work trade them in for new ones.

>> No.5464921

Give them fresh vegetables. Mom always used to give us carrots, snow peas and radishes as an evening snack. Let them taste the vegetables raw, and avoid vegetables that are bitter, like salads. Boiled cabbage with salt is great, it doesn't taste much. Corn on the cob is great too. I was a very picky eater when I was young, and my parents didn't care, they made me eat whatever was on that plate and I hated them for it. A much better way to deal with it would have been to introduce the tastes of the vegetables separately first, and to introduce them raw before cooked. A good way to introduce many root vegetables is to roast them in the oven. Sprinkle them with some sugar and salt.

>> No.5464970

Kale chips.
Wash kale. Tear into small pieces.
Lightly spritz with EVOO.
Spread on cookie sheet in single layer.
Salt, garlic, pepper as desired.
Bake until they get nice and crisp.

heh, captcha: soul dledght

>> No.5466996

Now why would I lie about that? I still enjoy vegetables, they just taste less sweet.

>> No.5467021

A stick blender can puree vegetables that can then be integrated, unnoticeably, into a variety of dishes. Spaghetti sauce with pureed veg is pretty classic for getting nutrients into your pathetically spoiled children's guts. You get bonus points for acclimating them to the flavors while they're unaware, thus when they become adults they eat these things and go "Why god dammit, I didn't know I liked this!"