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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 599x615, OC_chipotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5452765 No.5452765[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


the last straw

chipotle can absoloutley go fuck themselves. now

If I can't OC my my M4 whilst ordering an overpriced, bland burrito.... fuck you

>> No.5452767

somebody was on /pol/ last night

>> No.5452768

Sounds more /k/ or /pol/ related, not quite /ck/ except it concerns some fags in a restaurant.

>> No.5452772

Happy I never been there.

>> No.5452775


i live a few blocks from that chipotle

aside from the guns, crazy people of this caliber (hehe) are all over the area. these guys look super tame and prolly wouldve been robbed already if it werent for their pieces

>> No.5452776

its their right not to allow guns on their property if they want to though theyll probably regret the decision when someone comes in with a gun and rounds everyone up into the back room or freezer lines em up and shoots em one by one

>> No.5452777

lol the guy on the right looks to be just breaking the 3 foot mark

>> No.5452780

>chipotle can absoloutley go fuck themselves. now

Go enjoy your fillers elsewhere. FAGGOT

>> No.5452783

im fine with OC in principle but i think in almost every situation CC is better. OC gives away your tactical advantage and makes you more vulnerable

>> No.5452784

>browsing /k/, like usual
>every third fucking thread is about Chipotle's new statement about guns
>"Fuck I'm sick of this shit, I'll come back later"
>click my /ck/ bookmark without considering the consequences
>this is the top thread

>> No.5452790

With which of the two virile American heroes in the OP picture do you identify more closely--the midget or the whale?

>> No.5452794

>implying you own an m4

>> No.5452798

"....group showed up at a Jack in the Box restaurant carrying rifles without notifying police in advance and without carrying signs indicating that it was meant as a political statement. “Officers spoke with Jack-in-the-Box employees who reported that they feared for their lives and believed they were being robbed. They locked themselves inside a freezer for protection out of fear the rifle-carrying men would rob them,”"

fucking hell i just spat milk out my nose. these guys are dumb as a bag of hammers

Is open carrying assault rifles a thing now in america?

>> No.5452803

Its their right as private property owners, this isnt a second amendment issue. The same way they could fire you for statements they disagree with, your first amendment rights wont save you.

>> No.5452807


Yeah, they're pretty dumb. But those aren't assault rifles. Nor or they automatics, or any other scary word.

>> No.5452808

Yes, some people here believe that the entire US legal system can be reduced to one ambiguous line in the constitution about muskets, and their entire lives revolve around starting arguments with everyone else about their hobby.

Imagine the autism of a /ck/ knife fag mixed with notipper entitlement and furfag delusions of persecution, that's our gun subculture. It's a colorful alternative lifestyle, and quite fun to be around in their native environment. Unfortunately they also like to take our entire government hostage with lobbyists who detail productive consumer safety laws, but every country has its problems so I'll stop complaining.

>> No.5452809

>or any other scary word.
yeah.. its the words that freak people out when those of limited inteligence start wandering around with large guns

>> No.5452812

Stupid spellcheck

>> No.5452814

Rapists are going to rape regardless of whatever useless anti-rape laws the government implements. Criminals by definition don't follow laws after all. Literally the only thing rape laws accomplish is making life harder for honest upstanding citizens that get falsely accused of rape. Abolish these ass backward laws.

>> No.5452816

>those of limited inteligence
based intelligence

>> No.5452817

>cars will crash so we don't need license plates


>> No.5452823

>about muskets
>alternative lifestyle
>take our entire government hostage

dis gon b gud

>> No.5452824


>limited inteligence

keep on truckin' lol

>> No.5452827

I'd be happier eating places where police and other gun carrying people actually DO EAT. Makes it safer. When that one customer goes "postal" or some robber comes in, bam, ends quickly. The criminals don't give a shit about whatever ordinance or law or sign on the door, they bring their gun in anyway. I love dining places where police frequent. I feel safer, coming and going to the parking lot, as well. Ever see a cop sit with his back to the door? Hell no. They watch everyone coming and going and all the goings on.

I've said it before, but I think the only solution to all the columbine/movie theatre/school level shootouts is that not enough people carry to end that shit quickly.

>> No.5452830

I'm all for gun rights but it's silly to bring your assault rifles to chipotle. Just get your concealed permit if you want to bring a gun with your everywhere.

>> No.5452833


This thread is going down its inevitable route at a higher rate than I anticipated.

>> No.5452835

>assault rifles
>assault rifles
>assault rifles
I highly doubt everything in this post. It was probably just two guys with semi-automatic rifles.

That stupid picture OP posted is really damning because they're obviously social rejects and are wielding firearms like a complete retard, but running away from someone who likely can't find their own penis because they have a gun that's not being held by either hand is pathetic.

>> No.5452838

I think what happened in the newstory was that they didn't want to leave their valuable shit in the car.

>> No.5452839

If I lived in, say, Detroit I would probably just say fuck it and bring my AR pistol some days.

Single point sling under a coat, I could ready that shit up quick.

>> No.5452843

Why do white college girls like Chipotle so much?

>> No.5452846

But now I can't get my burrito and pretend I'm serving in Iraq (they wouldn't let me join the military because I'm big-boned).

>> No.5452887

In case you forgot to read history, 5.57mm NATO *is* designed for shooting people. You can rationalize all you want about technicalities but it's an anti personnel weapon. Accept it and move on, there are other arguments for gun ownership that don't hinge on nitpicking over a word.

>> No.5452891

Phone keyboard, but I'm looking forward to your autistic seizure over that typo as well.

>> No.5452899


And who cares what it was designed for? So was 30-06, and that's possibly the most popular durr round. Lots of people hunt with .223/5.56.

>> No.5452901

Why would you need two assault rifles in a Chipotle? They just want the attention.

>> No.5452912

>I think what happened in the newstory was that they didn't want to leave their valuable shit in the car.

No. The bozos were very intentionally trying to alarm people to make their point.

>> No.5452916

Apparently gun nuts care or else they wouldn't get so hung up on "assault rifle". Either it's an innocent mix up, in which case don't get too excited, or you're butthurt that it sounds too non-huntingy.

And 5.56 =\= 223, Mr. Nitpicker.

>> No.5452917

It matters because the term assault rifle is specifically for fear mongering and anti gun legislation is introduced based on it.

And all things chambered in 5.56 can shoot .223, and some .223 can shoot 5.56.

>> No.5452920

You are completely wrong. An assault rifle is a select-fire weapon, not a semi-automatic civilian weapon.

I swear, I could paint a weapon black and put a rail with no attachments on it and you fucks would call it an assault rifle.

>> No.5452933

>the term assault rifle is specifically for fear mongering
No. It's a military term, guns are inanimate objects remember?

The butthurt dates only to the last 20 or so years, before COD and Iraq war 2. Civilians lost familiarity with black rifles and instead of trying to talk to the public with respect for our intelligence, they made up some cockamamie bullshit about hunting deer with small caliber weapons.

The NRA has wised up but the gun nut public never got the memo so you guys still fly off the handle when anyone (correctly) implies that 5.56 is optimized for shooting commies.

>> No.5452958

It's a military term that describes not only the caliber, but the firearm's ability as well. Those are clearly not assault rifles based on the gun. Nor are they battle rifles. They're fucking dumbed-down varients chambered for .223/5.56x45.

There are many 5.56x45 vartients. Lot's of people hunt with .223. Often because they don't want to be labeled by witchhunters like you.

>> No.5452973

"Lots of people" fish with dynamite too, but let's not pretend that's anything but a fringe practice in the sporting community. Let's face it, it's about balancing the need to carry lots of ammo against the need to shoot a flat trajectory and the need to actually damage the guy if you hit him.

You want to hunt some deer, get a weapon that suits the purpose and save your soldier cosplay for attention whore drama queen protests with your fellow neckbeards.

>> No.5452982

The thing about gun laws is that in pretty much any country with them you extremely rarely hear about gun crims and the atrocities committed with guns happening (school shootings for example).

You can say "criminals will have guns regardless of the law" all you like but that doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of atrocities committed with guns are by opportunists or some messed up kid who had access to their parents guns. They're not hardened criminals with a life time of crime behind them regularly interacting with the black market.

>> No.5452984

>equates hunting with .223 Remington to fishing with explosives
>moves the goalposts repeatedly
Just admit that you're anti-gun and write to your senator. I'm clearly not changing your ignorant mind, nor am I willing to waste any more time on your absurd yammering.

>> No.5452989

ragequit b2b petty namecalling

>> No.5452995

But I'm not anti gun. I'm just showing you why you sound like an over sensitive baby whenever you detect the slightest disapproval of your alternative lifestyle. You can dress up in cargo pants and match around all you like, it doesn't affect me but I reserve the right to make fun of your choices.

>> No.5453001

Why do black people smell bad?

>> No.5453004

>"Lots of people" fish with dynamite too, but let's not pretend that's anything but a fringe practice in the sporting community.

Holy hell you're fucking stupid. Are you seriously comparing hunting with .223 to fishing with dynamite? And it's not just deer either, or even hunting for that matter. It's also a good varmint round.

>> No.5453010

>that the vast majority of atrocities committed with guns are by opportunists or some messed up kid who had access to their parents guns

And the vast majority of gun deaths are from gangs and common criminals. There are already laws about stealing guns or people with mental issues owning guns, so if you actually have an idea short of banning guns that will curtail spree shooting, I'm all ears.

>> No.5453014

>alternative lifestyle
I don't open carry. Or wear cargo pants/shorts. I usually don't even concealed-carry.

But you are behaving like an ignorant fuck.

>> No.5453030

Banning guns curtails shooting sprees whether you like it or not.

The last shooting spree to happen in Britain was in 2010, the one before that was in 1996. How often do they happen in America? Nevermind I found a list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States#21st_century

>> No.5453034

What's wrong with cargo shorts? Is this a /fa/ thing? I've only ever heard people deride them on 4chan. They're quite functional for work and not out of the ordinary if you're dressing casual.

>> No.5453036

I don't think I'd want to see two guys walk in with guns either.

Not because I think they're going to shoot me, I mean it's texas. But just because it would force me to accept the fragility of my own life and realize I am wasting it away making lame burritos for fat people. That's something you need to prepare for in the morning, can't just have it pop up on ya, you know?

>> No.5453040

>banning guns in America

And how in your addled mind do you think that would even be possible to implement? Not gonna happen.

Oh, and the same day Sandy Hook happened, there was a mass stabbing at a kindergarten in China. Hell, there's nothing stopping someone from going buck wild with a ball peen hammer in a maternity ward. There's no easy way to prevent these things from the top down, only really on the individual level.

>> No.5453043
File: 75 KB, 990x643, Welcome to Britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banning guns in a submissive culture is only effective because the general population consists of "subjects". Also, banning something in a country that has no civil rights to begin with is laughable. It's not like they can hide their firearms from you.

>> No.5453049

You know what also helps? If the media would stop fucking glorifying it. Have you ever read the Time article on the Columbine shooting? They might as well have been sucking those kids' dicks.

>> No.5453054

/ck/ is the bar I go to to get away from home, and I can't handle domestic violence charges.

>> No.5453060

heh, nice to see more operators in the kitchen

>> No.5453068

you do know knife violence has gone up since then in Britain. People find a way to fuck each other up no mater what. In America you might get shot if someone is pissed at you, in Britain they throw acid at your face. I think I much rather be shot.

>> No.5453084

would love to see a shooting at a gun free zone chipotle now

>> No.5453091

>there was a mass stabbing at a kindergarten in China

And how often does that happen compared to America? I mean just look at that list for the 2010's shootings, it's bigger the the list of massacres in Britain alone.

Fortunately it's a lot easier to get away from a knife than it is a bullet.

>in Britain they throw acid at your face
Lol what? You're thinking of places like Egypt, hon.

>> No.5453093
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>going buck wild with a ball peen hammer in a maternity ward

>> No.5453099

Dude, what the fuck is your point? You have no ideas, just criticism. We've already been over that
A. America is not Britain
B. Guns will never be banned in America
C. Nobody wants spree shooting

So, unless you have anything other than 'hurr durr guns bad, britain good' then you can kindly shove a sock in it with your apples to oranges bitching.

>> No.5453111

there exists a deep, symbiotic relationship between /k/ and /ck/ that i do not fully understand

>> No.5453161

Progun is a mod. Understand yet?

>> No.5453180

get the fuck out... he's a mod?

I thought he slinked off into the internet wilderness and dissapeared.

I dont believe you

>> No.5453199


>> No.5453218

Food that you hunt doesn't come already prepared, most hunters are damn fine cooks.

>> No.5453225

>Progun is a mod. Understand yet?
I applaud this (if it's true). /approved

>> No.5453237

>most hunters are damn fine cooks.

not in my experience. mostly they fuck things up on account of them only showing interest in cooking something a handful of times a year.

>> No.5453240

>most hunters are damn fine cooks.
Not necessarily. Some just fry everything.

>> No.5453254

I come from an area that hunts year round. Pigs, nilgai, and rabbit are always in season.

>> No.5453258
File: 48 KB, 500x324, 1397719957570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not at all how it went. Some bitch called the cops even though the guys OC'ing were talking and taking photos with the manager of the store.

There was never a call to 911 placed by the employees and store footage just shows employees in the back just chillin' and watching.

I'm ambivalent towards open carry activists. I can appreciate their goals, but something lacks in the means in which they work toward their goal. In short;

>seeing firearms in public shouldn't be a big deal
>let's make a big deal about it so we can complain more about how it shouldn't be a big deal

Those aren't assault rifles, either, they're not select fire (i.e. not capable of fully-automatic fire).

nice b8, m8.

>limited inteligence start wandering around with large guns

>we wouldn't want any undesirables to have firearms, only wealthy ruling classes

>In case you forgot to read history, 5.57mm NATO *is* designed for shooting people.

Pic related.

My first rifle and revolver were chambered in cartridges that were expressly military rounds. So what, I can only shoot people with my 98 year old revolver and 78 year old rifle? God forbid I use them to shoot paper or the occasional steel target.

>this just in - the US wants to be like Britain or any other European country - ever
>it's not as if our existence is based on being unlike those countries

>> No.5453270

ignorant as fuck

>> No.5454088

What is that thing on the right, and why has it been fucked by a Tapco catalog?

>> No.5454118

Does this really happen in america?
Shit you don't even PRETEND to be first world any more.

>> No.5454126
File: 66 KB, 550x412, 1341155807655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restaurants are private places of business where your 'public' right to bear arms and everything else ends at the front door.
If they tell you to fuck off and wave your firearms around elsewhere, its their right to do so.

>> No.5454129
File: 17 KB, 396x312, 1016896_540599459311321_1552151926_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw guns are legal in america
>kinder eggs are illegal because they can harm children


>> No.5454132

>morbidly obese
>manlet that is smaller than his rifle


>> No.5454133

>mfw we (mostly) aren't giving kids guns and telling them to go play
>mfw you think guns are pure evil
>mfw you put plastic inedible shit in your food and become spastic when someone points out how stupid it is

>> No.5454138

So are you saying you want more government regulation? You've seen what they do to food products in America, and you'd like to see them to botch firearm control as well?

>> No.5454140
File: 619 KB, 200x150, 1348909511818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America still has states where its illegal to bathe, and you can get fined for using gods name in vain.
(Seriously. Google that shit.)

No amount of retardation from my beloved country will ever surprise me.

>> No.5454144

Those are laws that have not been removed from book, but are not enforceable. The first time it makes it to trial, they disappear.

Now give me a horse and pistol so i can leave.

>> No.5454154

>implying kinder eggs aren't the bomb diggity
>american children too fat and retarded to not eat something whole for once

the rest of the world doesn't carry guns around everywhere they go and feel the need to get pissy when muh gunzzzz are taken. I will agree american food is shite tho

>> No.5454155
File: 13 KB, 318x204, hol horse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5454158

it's not a far stroll.

>> No.5454162

Of course it really happens. We have the freedom to own guns, unlike you "first world" shitholes. And we have the freedom to carry guns, unlike you "first world" shitholes. If you want a nice "first world" shithole, go to NYC, where people piss on the sidewalks and you can get mugged by knife-wielding thugs just like back home in your "first world" hellhole.

>> No.5454167

>american food
Do you have any idea how wide a net you just cast?

And most Americans don't carry guns everywhere, but yeah many do, legally or illegally. There's so damned-much land that both criminals and the innocent alike are well aware that police response time is too slow. So firearms, being the modern weapon, are carried. Plus, some of us live in wild country where bears and other aggressive wildlife are a potential threat.

There's a joke here. Been a long time since I've heard it but it's something like, 'How do you identify bear excrement? It's the stuff that has camper remains in it and smells like bear mace.'

>> No.5454303


Did you learn about NYC from Rumble in the Bronx, or was it Crocodile Dundee?

>> No.5454307

>implying having the right to carry an assault weapon is something to brag about.

What about RPGs brah?

>> No.5454309

No, I learned about NYC by being stuck there for a year on a contract programming job.

>> No.5454310


How many times were you mugged by knife wielding thugs?

>> No.5454311

Sure, go for it, LARPer.

>> No.5454312

Myself, zero. OTOH, I got to listen to one of my neighbors getting carved up inside her apartment one night. The cops didn't bother showing up for over an hour after I called.

>> No.5454317


Do you know what a mugging is?

>> No.5454326

Restaurant are in their right to refuse service to anyone they don't fucking like, and most restaurant don't like people who scare other customers with heavy weaponry.

>> No.5454327
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, iU0ZanT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-muh freedoms!

>> No.5454351

>muh semantics

>> No.5454354


It's not semantics. You gun nuts like to pretend a domestic relationship is the same as an armed encounter on the street because your brains are probably damaged from inhaling too much lead dust at the range.

You can't stop a submissive woman from being beaten up and killed by her abusive boyfriend by flooding the streets with guns.

Reality isn't a cowboy movie.

>> No.5454377

There needs to be a massive rework of programs and strategies involved with mental health, particularly those dealing with serious mental health issues where people either remain undiagnosed in the early stages leading to symptoms becoming worse and they start posing a threat to society due to their actions.

>> No.5454383
File: 19 KB, 384x395, 1353448235222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5454858


It's interesting to me that the people who seem to be bitching loudest about Chipotle were the same ones who bitched loudest about George Zimmerman getting a raw deal in being charged with killing Trayvon Martin.

If Trayvon Martin had been walking around with a rifle slung over his shoulder, I wonder if these same people would have been on Martin's side since he would then have been exercising his right to bear arms.

Don't get me wrong. I'm solidly on the side of the right to bear firearms. I also think that they should be used responsibly and have little tolerance for those who abuse them.

>> No.5454874

if tray tray had a gun it would have been illegal and stolen cuz dat nigga was a wannabe thug

>> No.5454887

>gun nuts
hey maybe im just concerned about the bill of rights being eroded

>> No.5454903

And there it is

>> No.5454907
File: 70 KB, 510x530, lean-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>codeine is a higher dose of dxm
stupid to boot

>> No.5454908


As far as I am concerned, there were two thugs having a fist fight and the one who was losing pulled out his handgun and killed the other.

It's too bad that the fight wasn't broken up and both participants sent to jail for fighting without one killing the other.

>> No.5454915

>implying a centuries old document can sanely apply to modern times when it addresses weaponry
>implying writers of that document could even possibly imagine a finely tuned instrument of death
>implying they weren't talking about defense of the homeland from invading forces or militias
>implying the power to instantly kill another human being is an unalienable right

If I ever have kids, I'll probably move to New Zealand to be away from people like you.

>> No.5454926

A chimp and a taco bender mutually killing each other is always the best case scenario here.

>> No.5454932

>If I ever have kids, I'll probably move to New Zealand to be away from people like you.
Deal. I'll pay for your tickets.

>> No.5454939

Let me guess, you live in Commiefornia?

>> No.5454953

so nice living in a country where issues like these are irrelevant because logic rules.

what is it like living in constant fear?

>> No.5454963

>Guy puts object to back
>Gime dat rifle mang
>Call police
>Get home cry

>> No.5454966

Im armed to the teeth, im not afraid of anything


>> No.5454967


No. I live in Kansas, where people like OP, who want to openly carry a deadly toy at a restaurant, actually exist. I deal with them on a daily basis. I know there's no arguing with you people, I know there's no way to convince you that muh freedoms and all that shit is a complete load of crock. I'll never be able to change your mind, so we who don't want to live in a world where even in peacetime the majority of the economy is devoted to the war machine, just have to wait for your kind to slowly die out.

Don't tease me...

>> No.5454972

the second amendment applied to cannon at the ime
and they were certainly aware of the possibility of the gattling gun
>shall not be infringed
you didnt do well in english did you?
its a very simple sentence really
if you dont like it maybe you should leave
Fun fact: children brought up with proper gun safety techniques and aware of their lawful operation are statistically the least likely to be involved in violent crime

>> No.5454973

I'm not afraid of anything
What's it like to be afraid of inanimate objects?

>> No.5454986

>living in fear
literally exactly the opposite
Have fun waiting the 30+ minutes it takes for the pigs to come write a report

>> No.5454997
File: 10 KB, 215x280, enterprise captain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing cannons or gattling gun to a modern military assault weapon
>grammar errors in post, implies I can't read English
>implying 2 century old laws should be applied as written and not changed to apply to evolving concerns and public opinion like literally every other facet of the constitution has
>tangential statistic regarding education of all things, literally grasping at librul straws

>> No.5454998

why shouldnt they be allowed to open carry safely
seriously one reason besides 'its scary'

>> No.5455002

>I never call the cops, I just shoot at my problems

>> No.5455013

heres a little known fact: the policewaited outside until an emt said 'fuck this' and ran in himself
yeah semi automatic rifles are so scary the founding fathers would have trembled at the very thought
i bet youve never fired a gun in your life

>> No.5455014

Open carry safely is an oxymoron, especially when its some fucking mouthbreather like in the OP picture. It would literally take seconds to take control of either of those clowns' weapons and you know it, besides the fact that CC training is NOT the same training you need to have the training to get an accurate shot off the cuff in a fucking restaurant with a fucking rifle. As if as if as if. Go fuck yourself if you think it ISN'T scary. Open carry of properly holstered sidearms is not the same.

>> No.5455019

That's some fucked up double think you got going on there, flyover.

No, you call them after you have neutralized the threat. We are the guys that follow laws.

>> No.5455020

i dont disagree those guys were idiots but all you have to do is carry your mag elsewhere

>> No.5455022

>Cops get their guns taken off their belts all the time

Retention holster

>> No.5455023

So you're scared because people who have the same mindset as you may freak out and start shooting?
Perhaps you should see a doctor?

>> No.5455030

Not only have I fired a wide range of weapons, I've also fired 'semi-automatic' weapons that you people try to pass off as the opposite of 'so scary' with the completely legal modifications required to get full-auto fire. You're not fooling anyone by trying to discredit that buddy. I'm an Eagle Scout

>the founding fathers would have trembled at the very thought

Almost certainly. Think about the accuracy/fire rate/jam rate/lethality differences involved. Are you braindead?

>> No.5455038

Its deadly because its a gun. Its a toy because its a model of some military shit that's dumbed down SPECIFICALLY so that mouthbreathers like you can purchase them on the open market. Don't play dumb, those rifles in the OP are TOYS.

Did you read my post Jethro?
>Open carry of properly holstered sidearms is not the same
>properly holstered

>> No.5455041

wow so youre just actively a faggot
if the cops get them and every soldier can then we should too. Especially when the government has no problem giving them freely to foreigners.

>> No.5455060

> completely legal modifications required to get full-auto fire
*highly illegal and commanding a sentence of 10 years In federal prison

>> No.5455077

Completely legal to purchase, own, trade in my state yes. A fed catches you with it applied to your rife? Sure, then you get jail time. Don't you think that MIGHT be a little bit of a double standard?

>> No.5455086

kansas sticking it to the fucking feds hell yeah motherfucker
>implying the machine gun ban isnt also unconstitutional

>> No.5455092
File: 65 KB, 566x480, 1375268409367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying average cops do or need to carry assault rifles
>implying SWAT teams would even exist if military grade weapons weren't readily available to civillians

The government supplying assault weapons to foreigners as "aid" is a completely different fucked up issue.

>> No.5455098

every cop in the town two over has an m4 in the trunk
in connecticut, where i cant even buy .22 ar analouge anymore

>> No.5455136


I don't know why Americans think that walking around in public with guns is normal.

>> No.5455144

i dont know how the rest of te world got brainwashed into thinking it isnt

>> No.5455145


I don't know why you think it matters if it's "normal" or not.

>> No.5455158

id walk out if i saw these faggots walk in any establishment i was in.

we cant trust that fat neckbeard on the left with being disciplined about food, why would we trust him with a gun?

>> No.5455159

Because they are essentially consumerist cattle who exist to serve their corporate-hijacked government. By allowing them to have their ineffective firearms, the government ensures they toe the line and think they are in control of their lives.

The trillion dollar bailouts, ridiculous imprisonment rate and subsequent laws, insider trading by government officials, etc. are basically met with little opposition. The whole "firearm debate" is basically a kind of misdirection to keep the morons caught up in a non-issue.

>> No.5455165

Are you implying that a NO GUNS sign prevents criminals from entering a place with their guns?

>> No.5455171

I think they took a good decision in not allowing these faggots to eat in their establishments.

>> No.5455175

Why are Americans so obsessed with criminals? How has your life been affected by crime?

It's funny how you guys are obsessed with someone sneaking in your home and shooting you, yet you don't give a fuck about real risks that are preventable (heart disease, diabetes, various cancers).

If you cared about your family, you would encourage them to be physically active and eat well. Not have loaded guns all over your house to protect your landwhale kin.

>> No.5455179

>People think that increasing the amount of guns 'good' people have is the solution
>Implying that wouldn't just cause more escalation and accidents

Its been scientifically proven that owning and carrying a gun makes you more aggressive and willing to start fights. Not to mention if everyone has a gun and one psycho decides to rob a place, sure he may get shot by another person. However, in the panic someone might shoot him as well thinking he is an accomplice sneaking around. It would just result in nobody know who is an accomplice.

>> No.5455183

Changing the subject alert
Instigating nation debate alert

Report and hide.

>> No.5455208


He definitely deserved to get murdered by a trigger happy vigilante. Drug abuse? Who does that? Certainly not decent people.

>> No.5455216

I didn't change the topic at all. The debate about firearms invariably involves crime. Please read my post again and explain why people are more concerned with being shot by a criminal than the far more statistically-probable death from preventable diseases.

>> No.5455235

Australian here. Hunting with semi-auto .223s used to be common practice here before our rights got fucked by Howard. It's a pretty good caliber for foxes, and presumably coyotes in the US.

This is what gun grabbers have been saying would happen for years, over and over again this myth that a shooting domino effect would start, and it never has. Not even once. But people have stopped armed robberies and attempted mass shootings with their carry weapons.

>> No.5455241

>But people have stopped armed robberies and attempted mass shootings with their carry weapons.
I wonder how these numbers compare with deaths due to accidental discharge.

>> No.5455248

It doesn't matter, it would never happen to me. I'm a responsible gun owner
-every gun nut ever

>> No.5455257

It doesn't matter, it would never happen to me. I keep my weapon pointed in a safe direction such as faggots like yourself.

>> No.5455258

Depends, you comparing all accidental discharges or just ones people have while carrying? Seems like a carry gun going off while in public would be big news to a point, in the least we'd see 4chan threads about 'dumb americlaps shoots self in leg, lol amerishoots' every time it happened.

You have to try pretty hard to have an accidental discharge with any gun made in the last few decades.

>> No.5455261

Most firearm owners I know are pretty good. Then again, I'm Canadian and the required education course is a good thing that reinforces proper firearm handling.

When I lived in the US for a couple years I saw some fucked up things. One guy wanted to show off his (unknowingly loaded) revolver at a party. I also witnessed three accidental discharges.

>> No.5455268



That's dumb. It's meant for shooting people wearing shit to prevent you from shooting them. Not for commiting incidental manslaughter. You use an old ak with its giant tumbling round to do that.

>> No.5455277

Open carry rifles? yeah no fuck em. Leave that shit in the car.

Concealed Carry Handguns? Should be legal to move anywhere, except in areas in which a scan by a metal detector is a requirement for all entry.

>> No.5455291

>I also witnessed three accidental discharges.
lol No you didn't you lying moosefucker. I've been shooting for over 20 years, was a cop for 5 and I've seen one.

>> No.5455296

Well lets get statistics on deaths from negligent discharges towards OTHERS and compare them to robberies, murders, etc. prevented by carriers.

Also one of the biggest issues with gun death statistics is that they include suicides, which is silly. A suicidal person is going to kill themselves one way or another without a gun.

>> No.5455324

Suicide statistics would like to have a word with you

>> No.5455349

If you feel like you need to carry a gun on you at all times you either live in some horrifying shithole that you think you might die in at any moment or are mentally deranged.
But most likely both.

>> No.5455358

>A suicidal person is going to kill themselves one way or another without a gun.
You'd be surprised. Research shows that if you remove a convenient means for suicide, the suicide rate will decrease.

For example, certain bridges attract those who wish to commit suicide. When a barrier is erected, you would think they would just find another bridge or means to kill themselves. But the data shows this isn't the case.

The act of suicide can be somewhat spontaneous. A gun is perceived as a very quick and easy way out.

>> No.5455426

I only use my guns to shoot at cans. Mexicans, Africans, Puerto ricans ...

>> No.5455499


More like childhood bullying victims looking for an excuse to get into a violent confrontation so they can finally 'win the fight'.

>> No.5455616


Or maybe you live in a really great rural area that does have an ongoing problem with rabid skunks.

>> No.5455644


>gun nuts can't even admit when one of their own is wrong and an attention whore

Please don't pretend owning a gun is anything more than a power trip for you morons when you act like this. Don't bring up "MUH RIGHTS" or "MUH FREEDUMBZ", just don't even fucking insult the name of those two virtues. You're a bunch of paranoid idiots who want to feel powerful. End of discussion.

There used to be a time where I could go hunting without worrying some untrained idiot kid like yourselves would blow my head off by accident. That time is now sadly gone. And now you're trying to piss of your parents by carrying guns into public places to show how "rebellious" you are. "YEAH I'M STANDING UP FOR MY RIGHTS!", oh fucking please. You're doing it for attention because Mommy and Daddy didn't give you enough. You're doing it an attempt to be edgy because you're a lame, boring loser with a lame, boring life like the rest of us. You're not doing this for any kind of gun owner's rights, so shut the fuck up and sit down, you stupid children.

You want to make a difference? Do what I do and use your voice. You'll never convince people that owning guns is safe by acting like edgy brats who never grew out of high-school.

>inb4 9001 replies defending their actions as brilliant and life changing when they're neither

>> No.5455649

More of an excuse to focus on our shitty (lack of) public education.

I'm going to say something cold here, something I'm sure someone will call "edgy", but is there a reason we discourage suicide? If they want to go, then let them go.

>> No.5455656

So mad.
I agree that you probably shouldn't own a gun.

>> No.5455674


Human laziness is the most powerful force in the world. Similar example: most of China's firewalls can be penetrated without too much trouble, and they know this, but the censoring methods deter a large enough percentage of the population that there is no incentive to improve them due to the relatively small number of people it would stop (dedicated hackers will get through anyway, and most of the population will give up as long as you make things inconvenient).

>> No.5455706

>muh feels: the post
my rights are absolute and granted to me by God, your opinion is worth nothing.

>> No.5455868

sure are a lot of tiny dicks here

and summer came early to ck

>> No.5455899

>yo dude wat up its yo man doug
>haha dude ive got the wackest idea!!
>lets go to chipotle
>hahahahahahahahahahaha sorry man i lost it
>lets go to chipotle
>and open carry our rifles !!
>everyone will go nuts buts its not illegal !!
>ahaha troll society we are so funny man!
>lets post it to youtube and 9gag afterwards we'll be internet heroes !!

this is what i think must have happened any time i see anyone open carry

>> No.5455908

If someone walked into a restaurant I worked at like this I'd be calling the cops and getting the fuck out of there as quick as possible.

I'm amazed people who walk around like this aren't shot by people with smaller guns in self-defense.

>> No.5455917

Addressing our obesity epidemic means accepting personal responsibility and we can't do that.

>> No.5455932

CC is for getting the drop on people who start shit, OC is a reminder not to start shit in the first place.
Prevention is better than any cure.

>> No.5455946

OC lets a potential assailant know exactly where your weapon is. Look at that fat fuck in the OP pic. How hard do you think it'd be to sidle close to him? He's in a fuckjing Chipotle, at some point he's gonna have a burrito in his hands.

>> No.5455961

He's so fat and disgusting I bet he thinks the rifle is what keeps criminals away from him.

>> No.5455979

>Why are Americans so obsessed with criminals? How has your life been affected by crime?
>It's funny how you guys are obsessed with someone sneaking in your home and shooting you, yet you don't give a fuck about real risks that are preventable (heart disease, diabetes, various cancers).
>If you cared about your family, you would encourage them to be physically active and eat well. Not have loaded guns all over your house to protect your landwhale kin.
T-that's j-just your opinion.

>> No.5456013

>dat pic

what a fuckin pair of losers

>> No.5456021

This. I'm as pro-gun as they come but if comeone OCs in my store (especially knowing my clientele) I have no qualms about respectfully asking him to leave. With these two dumbasses, I'd consider skipping the respect. Responsible gun owners hate guys like this.

>> No.5456038

very few would risk it, especially not for the bountiful supply of cash found within a fast food register.
No gun in sight makes the risk seem much smaller, a sign stating 'no guns' even more so.

>> No.5456044

I agree entirely with this statement. OC is first and foremost people trying to show off their big dicks and actual protection second. I am a staunch supporter of the right to OC but it ashames me that these are the people who actually use it.
Go get a CCW license if you want to actually do something useful.

>> No.5456070

>'I can carry a firearm because of muh freedoms'
>get buttmad when private property owners turn out to have freedoms and rights too

top lel

>> No.5456083

>Muh dick
Nice argument there, shitlord.

>> No.5457074

>CCW license
This is why I prefer Constitutional carry.

>> No.5457088

Just leave your gun at home or in your trunk while you go in to order your burrito. It's not that big of a deal. This really isn't that different from stores that have signs that say "no pets" or "no outside food/drink" or "no video cameras". It's the store's right to ban whatever they want. If you don't like it, don't spend your money there.

>> No.5457134

I believe it's the responsibility of law abiding citizens to carry guns, but open carry is douchey as fuck. This isn't fucking Mogadishu, put that shit away.

>> No.5457194

I'm all for gun ownership, but if you're carrying long arms in an urban or suburban environment I'm going to call the cops on you myself. You're either a criminal or an attention whore, so it's win-win.

>> No.5457235

Poverty Americans have been turned into retards on a vast scale to keep the republican voter roles alive. That's the only reason you see idiots like this on the planet. They need utterly mindless people who are brainwashed cradle to grave or they'll cease to exist. They know their brand is dying because of hispanics regardless.

>> No.5457252

As an outsider looking in, both sides are retarded and brainwashed into hating the other side/blaming them for all the problems.

That said, these guys are doing nothing illegal and the only thing that makes it noteworthy is the amount of people who complain about it, if nobody cared they did it they'd stop, just like if people stopped complaining about gay pride rallies, they'd stop too.

>> No.5457263

>that false equivalence

Republicans are notorious for trying to fuck up America based on oversimplified party doctrine. Literally all they can shriek about is immigrants, terrists, muh gunz, and "big gubmint". Look at how they took us hostage over the budget negotiations multiple times over the past few years, causing US debt to be downgraded, because of some gold bugs who don't understand economics but managed to hypnotize the general public with their AM radio shills.

The reason Democrats did so badly for so long is that they're a pluralistic party so they couldn't maintain a unified front. Considering the incompetence of recent Democrats, it's amazing that they've done so well for so long; obviously the only explanation for their success in the polls is that Republican extremism is so alienating to most Americans, despite or no doubt because of being a simple and easy to understand platform of fear and hostility, that regular folk have taken to just checking the other box out of exasperation.

>> No.5457276

>them democrap talking points
Democrats are notorious for having fucked up America based on partisanship and giving away free shit. Literally all they can shriek about is racism, muh abortions, welfare, and growing bigger government. Look at how they took us hostage over the budget negotiations multiple times over the last few years, shutting down public toilets while declaring welfare "critical services" so they could keep pumping out checks and EBT cards, all because they want to buy the votes of illegal immigrants and poor stupid niggers.

The reason Democrats have been in control of Congress for all but two years of the last sixty or more is that they're a tax-and-spend party that preaches class warfare against "the rich", which buys them votes. Considering the incompetence of recent Democrats, it's amazing they've done so well for so long. Eventually, though, the overwhelming national debt (which Obama is on track to double in just eight years, after it took most of fifty to accumulate) is going to crush America just as it did the Weimar Republic, the Soviet Union, Italy, Greece, and dozens of third-world nations.

>> No.5457315

>the Weimar Republic, the Soviet Union, Italy, Greece, and dozens of third-world nations.
>Hey everyone here's a great idea: let's just intentionally default on our loans and fuck up the economy, that will teach dem welfare libruls that no gubmint is good gubmint

This is what people who vote Republican *actually* believe

>> No.5457318

The government invariably grows under right-wing leadership. Spending too.

I do not understand how people do not understand this.

>> No.5457339

What's funny is that this post, while probably trying to be serious, reads like a joke/troll. The other one doesn't.

This is because American right wingers are actually delusional, and love to make invent the magnitude of issues to match the fuck ups they've created.

See Benghazi, IRS, and other non issues.

>> No.5457522

>false equivalence
>a republican is someone who believes salt is fine, we should consume as much as we want
>a democrat is someone who believes salt is unhealthy and should be avoided where possible
>a nutritionist has been trying to tell both of them 1. they need salt to live and 2. it needs to be less than a certain amount, but neither party seem to want to follow both points 1 and 2
>both parties point at eachother's salt-related health issues and declare it evidence in favour of their own salt habits

And that is what it's like watching people argue about being a dumbocrat or republitard.

>> No.5457526


>m-muh gun free zone...

>> No.5457549

It's a cloak & dagger, disguised as a two party system. Both ides are fucking you. The balance for the American people is forever gone. You are not being represented. Fighting in this current system is futile.

>> No.5457565

>Officers spoke with Jack-in-the-Box employees who reported that they feared for their lives and believed they were being robbed. They locked themselves inside a freezer for protection out of fear the rifle-carrying men would rob them

>> No.5457602

does /k/ even give a shit? i don't want to go there

>> No.5457681

>Crazy shooter guy comes into chipotle
>Shoots Bert and Ernie here first, before anyone can react
>Now has access to two more tacticool weapons

>> No.5457687

>If you cared about your family, you would encourage them to be physically active and eat well. Not have loaded guns all over your house to protect your landwhale kin.
I do both.

>> No.5457738

is he crazy because of his mutation that allows him to wield 3 weapons at once?
Is his mental illness the inability to kill people when others with guns are not present?

>> No.5457747

>teach kids how to cook/eat healthy
>teach kids how to exercise/stay healthy
>teach kids how to handle a firearm
>teach kids how to handle their drink

These four things aren't as important as teaching your child how to read, do math, or use the toilet, but they're up there

>> No.5457790

Sir, you know the constirutuon was writted for to keep ma kids out o' them misceginatin relations, not for your pinko librarian kids to force they gender studies on me.

>> No.5457798

>if it werent for their pieces
sounds like they are doing the right thing than, my fine fellow of dark complexion B^)

>> No.5457804

People can go their whole life without needing to know how to use a firearm. This isn't caveman days. Theres rarely any danger left unless you live in NYC or Detroit.

>> No.5457808

>the term assault rifle is specifically for fear mongering
assault rifles are automatic rifles chambered in an intermediate cartridge


>> No.5457814

where does the word assault come from though?

>> No.5457821

They're for assaulting and skirmishing.

>> No.5457896

>The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American … the unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people

Basically, the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed.

>> No.5457904

Puckle Gun.

Founding fathers knew of it, thought it was pretty cool.
It was one of the first machine guns.

>> No.5457905

>public opinion
Public opinion has shit to do with the principles of liberty. Most any law based on public opinion shouldn't have existed in the first place. See: Prohibition.

>> No.5457959

lol, I bet you grow a neckbeard too

>> No.5459279

This comment only made me pro-gun actually. It made me think that the banning of chocolate eggs was just fucking retarded. Canada can have most of the same firearms, it's just a few select guns are banned by name, instead of function.

>> No.5459283

> Take ten seconds to google when semi/full auto was invented
> Realize how god damned retarded the ' muh muskeets ' argument is

>> No.5459311

> Implying my firearms are ineffective
Why? Because I don't have full auto? Nigger I could convert anything I own to full auto in five minutes on my own, or with a simple parts change.

>> No.5459429

I can't even tell if the dude on the right has trigger discipline. If someone's holding a gun in a position where it even _matters_ if they have trigger discipline, they're fucking brandishing.

>> No.5459447
File: 90 KB, 700x700, 1380079395248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with public freedom to do whatever, but It's up to a privately owned establishment what they do and do not allow on their premises. Also, they didn't outright kick them out or ban them or anything, they just asked to not bring their guns into the store. Even then, these gentlemen were normally allowed to do so before now, but Chipotle got strong-armed by a jew backed political group into changing their policy. You can't seriously be mad at Chipotle for this.

>> No.5459533

That photo perfectly captures the types that insist on open carrying. Fat fuck autistic neckbeards and little bitch manlets with Napolean complex.

>> No.5459625

king cakes are a tradition in parts of murrica, they have lil babbies in them

>implying king cakes aren't better

>> No.5459639

>>trying to appear serious,
bullshit, they don't admit a single flaw, and crucify democrats for everything, thats hardly a counter point to what the original poster mentioned. nothing in this post criticizes the republican party for anything.

>> No.5459643

>>no safe sex
I fucking want to strangle you right now.

>> No.5459658

>implying gatling guns were around during those savage times
>implying the 2nd amendment isn't obviously referencing militias and not private citizens

>> No.5459670



I bet none of you fucks have ever killed a deer.

>> No.5459678

they were very aware of crank fed guns even though they werent past the schematic stage, and militia has referred to every male citizen between 17 and 45 since 179~
if you have qualms with the current interpretation take it up with the supreme court
in any case, the 2nd is an incredibly simple sentence
a well regulated militia (well armed or equiped citizenry), being necessary to the security of a free state (a state can not be truly free or safe without it), the right to keep and bear arms (the aformentioned citizens must be able to not only own but carry publically) shall not be infringed (SHALL NOT BE FUCKING INFRINGED ITS NOT UP FOR DEBATE GO FUCK YOURSELF IF YOU DONT LIKE IT FUCKING LEAVE YOU MISERABLE SACK OF SHIT)

>> No.5459685

You could own any sort of automatic weapon you wanted until the 1980's. In fact due to an ATF fuck up there is a loophole that lets certain people get around the registration for such weapons.
Also since the assault weapon ban's repeal violent gun crime has dropped almost 50%. Even school shootings have dropped in frequency, although they do get a fair bit more coverage nowadays.

>> No.5459905

>I bet none of you fucks have ever killed a deer.
Why would I kill a deer? No deer has ever harmed me. In fact, they're kinda cute.

>implying the Second Amendment is about duck hunting

>> No.5459907

>implying that I don't know that
Why do you think I left?

>> No.5459913

>No deer has ever harmed me. In fact, they're kinda cute.

I was fishing on a creek leading into a lake one day when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around and there was a deer stripping leaves off of a tree about 20 feet behind me.

I turned around and watched him for a few minutes and he didn't seem at all alarmed.

After a bit, I walked up to him and petted him!

I asked a state trooper about him and he said that someone had raised him by hand in town until they got caught and the deer was taken away from them and let loose at the lake.

Over the course of that summer, I saw the deer on a number of occasions and was able to walk up to him every time. He showed more scars over the course of the summer and was maybe a bit more skittish, but all in all, he was doing okay.

I moved away after that and so I never found out if he made it through his first hunting season in the wild.

>> No.5459929

>teaching children how to sex
fuck off, paedo.

>> No.5459935

>I can't even tell if the dude on the right has trigger discipline
Then you admit you have no right to comment on any of this
>If someone's holding a gun in a position where it even _matters_ if they have trigger discipline, they're fucking brandishing.
If you knew what trigger discipline meant, or what brandishing meant, you would never have made this comment

>> No.5459945

>Why would I kill a deer? No deer has ever harmed me. In fact, they're kinda cute.
>massive culling of deer's natural predators (due to the danger they pose to human settlement) cause overpopulation
>overpop. is detrimental to the health of the forest, increases deforestation (one way is deer eating saplings to such a degree there is no next generation to replace any fallen trees)
>abundance of deer causes a road hazard, causing hundreds of deaths per year and slightly more than hundreds in property damage
>also, deer can be eaten
>also, deer can be used to make leather, glue, and a few other things

The only way in which deer hunting would become unnecessary is if either the predator population returned to natural, pre-settlement levels(which is dangerous to humans), or deer were brought to extinction, too(which could have unforeseen consequences)

>> No.5459990

best comment of the thread

>> No.5459994


Would you say the same for "no chicken has ever harmed me, so i would never eat them"?

I think deer are cute and i really like em, but I still kill them because I want venison. I also know that the quick death I give them is much more ethical than those pigs stuck in stinking crates in factory farms.