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5450358 No.5450358 [Reply] [Original]

Has Sunkist always had caffeine in it?? I'm feeling extremely disillusioned with my life soda choices now...

>> No.5450362

>implying soda has enough caffeine to matter

>> No.5450445

>implying that everybody has built up tolerances to caffeine

I just wanted know if sunkist has always had it. I recently learned mellow yellow had it too. wtf

>> No.5450450

>I recently learned mellow yellow had it too. wtf

Are you dense? It's literally coke's mountain dew.

>> No.5450473


you don't have to have a caffeine tolerance to admit that 41mg caffeine is useless.

unless you're like 5.

>> No.5450498

apparently it has, but i only noticed a month ago

>> No.5451275

they want you addicted like a bitch

>> No.5451277

corn syrup, yellow5, brominated vegetable oil, caffeine, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.5451286


how does this word even fit here

why is this word appropriate in this context

jesus christ

>> No.5451293

because it is literally coke's mountain dew
not figuratively...

IS what I was originally going to type but then i realized, holy shit
>it's figuratively coke's mountain dew
actually makes a lot more sense

sorry anon, you're right and >>5450450
is a subnormal degenerate

>> No.5451300


"figuratively" isn't appropriate either. "basically" would work better in this case.

"literally" is just a fucking filler word nowadays. pisses me right off.

>> No.5451303


does nobody notice caffeine? I can feel the effects of even a chocolate bar these days.

>> No.5451311

>Something that's said figuratively isn't intended to be taken as the literal truth, but as a symbol of something, or as emphasis.

>> No.5451337

What the fuck, I'd have noticed if I read it...
Is this like the Cadbury Conspiracy and only happening now?

>> No.5451341

everything has caffeine

even bottled lipton iced tea

>> No.5451346

im suprised fast food doesn't have it yet, easy way to hook people. like 1mg of caffeine.

or energized fries.

>> No.5451355

its tea tho, tea naturally has caffeine

>> No.5451363

yes but... ironically, you're taking that too literally.

in the context , "figuratively" doesn't really fit. it sounds odd, because the rhetoric is comparing sunkist and mountain dew and offering that they are basically the same.

"figuratively" is more suited to explain symbols or metaphors, or idioms (figurative language).

it's all about context. technically you could use "figuratively" there but it is a bit unnatural.

>> No.5451364

yup! It always did. Its the only orange soda i remember that had it. Fanta doesnt have caffeine.

cactus cooler is the best.

>> No.5451368

you're unnatural

>> No.5451369

I never understood how people got hooked on caffeine. I drank absolutely nothing but mountain dew for 3 years and then stopped cold turkey for about 4 months and noticed 0 difference. I also never noticed any effect of caffeine at any point, though i wish i could so i could stay up and study sometimes.

>> No.5451370


sick burn m8 top kek xD

>> No.5451371

thanks :^)

>> No.5451374


when you sleep an average of 4 hours a night, sometimes only 1 or 2, it's kind of hard not to get hooked. i think i'm on 480 mg per day. i guess that's not as bad as it could be, though.

>> No.5451375

most people have a life, so if you're feeling groggy later in the day and it stacks up and makes your weekends like hangovers where you just sleep the entire time...

obviously if you're a fucking neckbeard or child and you sit on Xbox Live no matter what kind of tumors are growing on you... then you would notice no difference.

When i drank 3 cokes a day, i got jittery by lunch and had a crash by 3pm, then had to re-dose and then couldn't go back to sleep.

Cause i think of shit when im awake. Every minute of every day im trying to improve myself, get to to the next step.

You're just a fucking loser and .... why the fuck were you drinking Mountain Dew in the first place? fucking disgusting. you sound like some guy saying "yeah i sucked dick for crack for 12 years and it didnt affect me"

xcept those dick shaped holes in your teeth

>> No.5451377
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>I never understood how people got hooked on caffeine.
Addiction is apparently genetic.

Personally I was the same way with mountain dew and ended up throwing up, but then was fine. I did however notice a huge difference in my productivity and focus after quitting mountain dew and other sodas for a while

>I also never noticed any effect of caffeine at any point
I don't understand this though. why would anyone drink it if it never made you feel good.

>> No.5451381

> I don't understand this though. why would anyone drink it if it never made you feel good.
cause hes a retard. 1,000 x 0 is still 0. He just DID THE DEW!

DO THE DEW!!! Wooh! Rock on ! USA! USA!

>> No.5451386

how are you bitches getting your caffeine fix from soda? there is like half as much caffeine in a serving of soda as a cup of coffee. it's like trying to drink beer instead of liquor to get wasted.

>> No.5451387

Wow, someone is really bitter. I actually am in the climbing club, fencing club, yoga club, and have an active social life. Besides that believe it or not ive never had a cavity. Maybe its because i actually brush my teeth. I drank mountain dew because it was fucking delicious and i have trouble maintaining weight so i figured since pop has lots of calories it could only help. Learn to discuss things in a civil manner like adults do.
Ah, that sounds like it could be a reason. I usually get enough sleep.

>> No.5451388

>I usually get enough sleep.


and now that i've sprained my neck, i'm on tramadol and cyclobenzaprine every day so i need even MORE caffeine to keep myself functional or i'll just doze off standing up.

>> No.5451389

I drank it because it was delicious and full of calories, so it could possibly help me keep weight with my crohns.
A hipster AND a tripfag. Mommy must be so proud.

>> No.5451396

Damn. that sucks. Get some vyvanse or something. I have a prescription and i can definitely feel that stuff give me energy.

>> No.5451398

>so it could possibly help me keep weight with my crohns.
Tbh any carbonation probably would have worsened chrons and the caffeine would have increased your basal metabolic rate a bit. a little bit, but still.

>> No.5451399

>energized fries.
Huh. Mcdonalds would make bank on grungy teenagers.

>> No.5451401

hm. my doc never mentioned that, but i never mentioned my soda intake. I guess its a little late to fix that now.

>> No.5451405

>"Lisdexamfetamine is also being investigated for possible treatment of major depressive disorder"

interesting. i'm diagnosed with major depression so i wonder if i could acquire this.

>> No.5451409

That is why i got it actually. I got really depressed after a breakup with my ex and got some from a buddy. It totally made it disappear and so i went to a doctor to get a script. Though technically its for adhd, which i believe i have to an extent as well.

>> No.5451435


>Addiction is apparently genetic.

Lol, biggest fucking cop out.

>> No.5451442

It actually is. there's science behind it.

addicts probably use it as a bullshit excuse like fat people use, but there is science out there saying a genetic predisposition to experience withdrawal, tolerance, and addiction to stuff more.

Like there's a ton of stuff written on this, for hundreds of years we've known this.

>> No.5451449
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Yes. There's a reason Sunkist is better than orange fanta, and it sure ain't the packaging design.

>> No.5451737

Good to know! Thanks.

I always liked the flavor better, but I mean it's crazy to think that I drank this stuff as a kid thinking I was being responsible...

>> No.5451777

hahahahahaha no. There are genes that predispose to impulsivity, which tends to lead to criminality and addiction. No gene (or group) has been found which is the root cause of addiction vulnerability. That's lifestyle choice and shitty family modeling. Get out.

>> No.5452092

But it is literally coke's version of mountain dew, or literally a mountain dew analogue made by coke you autist.

>> No.5452122

Orange crush doesnt

>> No.5452124

>Has Sunkist always had caffeine in it?? I'm feeling extremely disillusioned with my life soda choices now...
Yes, it always has, but...other versions of orange sodas do not. Look at labels. You'll see the caffeine in the ingredient list.