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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5447104 No.5447104[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw people go mmm while they're eating

>> No.5447182

Food pet peeves?

>Chewing with your mouth open like a fucking savage.

>> No.5447186


my friend holds his fork like a sword. And refuses to hold it properly.

>> No.5447190

>putting steak on your ketchup

>> No.5447219

I've only very, very rarely made a "mmm" sound while eating. It's usually if it's something I've never had before and it's so good it blows my mind which doesn't happen often I can't even remember the last time I did but I think it was for some slow cooked beef casserole dish.

>> No.5447227
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>Food pet peeves?

People who watch me when I'm eating. My mum does it all the time when I visit, it's so fucking frustrating it's like "what's so entertaining about watching me eat". Also related is I've noticed some people constantly glace at other peoples plates, which is only slightly less annoying, especially when we're eating the same meal. I mean seriously look at your own fucking plate, why do you keep looking at mine?

>> No.5447247

i don't notice shit like that when im eating.... cause im fucking eating. there could be an earthquake and i wouldnt give a fuck.

but... shit like that happens to me when im takling to people. Some people are such weridos.. they think that if they say the same thing as they're saying but STARE DEEPLY INTO YOUR EYES that it somehow means more.

fucking so annoying. My boss would do it to me.. so it was even creepier. Stare me deep deep in the eyes.... repeat my name like 6 times a sentence...

like fucker.... you can just tell me fill out the TPS reports, you don't need to be my soulmate... fuck.

>> No.5447257

It's not like I watch other people to see if they do it. I just tend to see it in my peripheral vision while eating.

>> No.5447860

>Food pet peeves?
when my friend and I order the same thing, she finishes whatever she's eating, and then proceeds to pick things off of my plate.

I'm a slow eater so this happens constantly.

>> No.5447885

>people who will literally slurp/suck food into their mouth because "it's too hawt" instead of gently blowing on it OR just fucking waiting for it to cool down
>chewing with mouth open, bonus points if you're a fatass mouth breather
>"yummy!" no, shut up.
>condiments on everything
One of the most annoying:
>biting spaghetti and letting it drop back onto your plate
Are you a goddamned child? No? Cuz you're eating like one. Here, here's a fucking knife so you can cut that shit up since "Waaah, it's too long"

>> No.5447889

Sounds like all you guys should chill out.

>> No.5447899

Good grief. This stuff used to bother me too until I started drinking so I guess I feel you guys. It really isn't a big deal though, enjoy your fucking food and fuck all. I bet you all do things that annoy people and you don't even realize it.

>> No.5447913

why is tht female priest puking
oh its probably cuz renewal happened

>> No.5447915

I dont understand when people get there food and before even tasting it they reach for the salt.
How do you know it needs salt before you even fucking try it?
Another thing my father does that bothers the fuck out of me-he eats his entire main dish before the side dishes. Say he has a burger and fries. He will eat his entire burger without even touching his fries.
Then, only after he's finished his burger does he eat all the fries! I don't get it.
My girlfriend refuses to use metal silverware, because she says it hurts her teeth.
She only uses plastic and once a piece of plastic fork broke in my dishwasher and I had to pay a guy to come fix it. That pissed me off.
Whenever I eat out with someone that's "gluten free." Last time this happened we were at a pizza place. The table all agreed on a pizza, but this one glutard cunt had to get her own special gluten free piece of shit pizza. Fuck those people.

>> No.5447962

>people who will literally slurp/suck food into

when I try to do that with tea as a joke I end up laughing and spraying everything hot tea

I did it in a class once to mock the kid infront of me, ended up spraying his neck with hot as fuck tea

>> No.5447977

>How do you know it needs salt before you even fucking try it?
When I lived with my parents I sure as fuck knew because she refused to cook with salt. She thinks it's bad for you.

>> No.5447999
File: 231 KB, 863x752, never-ends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat people ordering multiple sandwiches and orders of fries
>and a diet coke

>> No.5448097

buffs plz
buffs plz
buffs plz

>> No.5448125

I know I shouldn't care but
>adults ordering things that should be on the kids menu, like "chicken tenders" or "fingers" depending on where you're from and how immature you are
>mixing soft drinks at self serve area
>drinking soda at all
>adults who still do shit like put potato chips in a sandwich or on soup
I worked with this guy for a while and he would put fucking potato chips on everything. I hated that even when I was a kid and here's this faggot doing it at 26 years old.
>ordering "coffee" drinks with 2/3 cream 1/3 coffee

>> No.5448133

I've never understood why you would care what other people do with their food.

>> No.5448321


>> No.5448324

>Another thing my father does that bothers the fuck out of me-he eats his entire main dish before the side dishes. Say he has a burger and fries. He will eat his entire burger without even touching his fries.
Then, only after he's finished his burger does he eat all the fries! I don't get it.

I can kind of understand this. he just doesn't want to get full on everything else so he can enjoy the main food better.

usually I take a little bit of every part of my food almost equally.

>> No.5448331

why would you dishwasher machine a plastic utensil, thats not good. not meant for that kind of use. also BPA leaching.

>> No.5448333

why do you care about one person getting their own gluten free pizza? different people have different needs. to you it may not matter but to them its what they need at the moment.

>> No.5448334

I always say "Oh my, Yumtastic" if I enjoy a meal

>> No.5448335

you need to chill out. soda does suck though.

>> No.5448336

Personally, I always start with the sides, and keep the main/best food for last.

Thinking about it, I should make eating them the other way round the habit, because it makes much more sense.
If I cook for myself, I often end up only making one main food, without sides. Like eating 4 steaks as a meal. Later that day I might end up just eating 8 potatoes as my second meal.

>> No.5448339


>> No.5448344

I don't care about what they do with their food. But I do find a few eating habits to be pretty nasty. Chewing with open mouth particularly.

>> No.5448350

>fat person orders a salad
>drenches it in mayo/ranch/dressing

>> No.5448356

This is my favourite meme.

>> No.5448357

yea, sometimes it bothers me. I also find myself doing it rarely.

just need to get that right munch or crunch with that freshly baked cookie sometimes.

>> No.5448362

What I can't understand, however, is what problem some people have with slurping hot foods, like tea or soup. That's just natural, if you don't want to burn your tongue.
Doing it with cold foods however, makes it purpose, and then it's annoying.

>> No.5448370

>people telling me not to slurp, particularly stuff like spaghetti
>people telling me how to eat

>> No.5448373

People who stick their tounge out and slurp in food. Look at that on travel channel with the Andrew Zimmern show, not only is he disturbing looking but he sticks out his tounge and laps up bits of food like a fucking lizard then discusses how nice and creamy it is.

>> No.5448382

Nobody's telling you how to eat, your parents should have done that. If you have no manners in front of others you'll come across as a fool directly and indirectly to those that invited you.

I've seen that kind of shit. I was working for a wall street company and one of the owners invited me to his restaurant, so brought a friend with me, and he fucking brings in a soda from outside. That's fucking embarassing to me.

Another friend fucking put a slice of pizza in his pocket once and was walking around with it.

Still friends and stuff, but those aren't the kind of people I'll invite out to other people's restaurants. Some people just don't know how to behave in public situations.

>> No.5448392

I was trying to figure out what M M M stands for like a minute, I am not a particularly clever man.
For me it's far worse when people make load chewing noises, mouth open is nasty but I can look away and mmm doesn't really bother me

But chewing (and snoring) just cut through everything and irritate the core of my being, if you ever wanted to torture me for information just chew and snore at me, I'll give it up.

>> No.5448394

*loud chewing noises

>> No.5448642

>anon stop making noise
>anon twirl it like that
>anon use a napkin
>anon be careful cutting that
>get cut
>I saw you were using the knife and I got scared you would get cut
>be careful
>now take a sip of water

it gets to the point that I always get really rude and say, NO you know what I'm going to do exactly what I want to do Exactly how I want to do it.

>> No.5448646

sometimes its tricky to eat it, so noise happens.

>picking up the rest of some food off the plate to not waste it because I'm still hungry and don't like wasting food


no YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!111111111

>> No.5448701

>mixing soda at self serve area

You sound like a bitch nigga. You'll never know the joy of mixing sprite and lemonade

>> No.5448758

Let me introduce you guys to ASMR videos - eating sounds edition.

>> No.5448762

With two hands?

>> No.5448771

>gf's roommate is a JAP from Skokie
>always goes on about how she's from Chicago etc.
>she has her parents pay over a hundred dollars for portillos and Lou malnattis to be shipped down to uni in dry ice, even though we have great deep dish down here and portillos sucks.
>She burns and skills the portillos when you just had to warm it up.
>She burns the frozen deep dish pizza.
>When she eats the pizza she fucking moans and talks about "oh this tastes like home" in the most obnoxious manner
Fuck Jewesses that think they are special Chicagoans with refined tastes just because they live in the suburbs.

>> No.5448779

I'm okay with sharing stuff, but it pisses me off to no end when I'm eating and people state at my food like a being dog. Have some fucking dignity

>> No.5448780

holy motherfucker, those sounds

>> No.5448797


Those pictures are pretty hot if I remember correctly

>> No.5448801


Japanese people like deep-dish pizza?

>> No.5448811

Jewish American Princess
Spoiled brats being whores off daddy's money.

>> No.5448814


Oh, I see! That does make more sense

>> No.5451246

I do the opposite. I always eat all of my fries first.

I don't know why, it just kind of happened to be the way that I eat.

>> No.5451249
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Mmm, yumyum.

I say it out loud very frequently when I am eating something amazing. Alone.

Does it hurt your feelings OP?

>> No.5451252

i hate when people don't clear their plate and throw away the remaining food or just leave it for the wait staff, because i know that unless it's a best friend/significant other it's not really cool to ask to finish the food someone was about to waste. and then like 1/3 of their meal is disposed of...

>> No.5451253


Because some people don't want to eat so much? Many places have fucking huge portion sizes. When I visited America I could never finish a meal. What, is it because there are starving children in Afri- no, Russia?

Whether it goes into their mouth or not, the food is disposed of. The food is either disposed into the bin, or disposed into your friends fat layers.

Personally id get extra uneaten food taken away to eat later. I wouldn't force myself to take in extra calories just to not be wasteful. Its more difficult to work the extra calories away.

>> No.5451254

>Whenever I eat out with someone that's "gluten free."
Holy shit celiac disease sucks and I hope you get it anon

>> No.5451261

>My girlfriend refuses to use metal silverware, because she says it hurts her teeth.

Heh, I used to be like that when I was like 10. Didn't want to use metal utensils because I "didn't like how they tasted".

>> No.5451268


then don't order something you know is gonna be huge, or at least offer it to your table-mates when you're finished. it's a waste of money and food.

i would be thrilled to eat the half-eaten plates of food strangers leave at other tables, but i'm pretty sure i'd get kicked out of the restaurant or at least humiliated somehow.

>> No.5451285

>People who reach for condiments or salt before tasting a meal I/someone else has prepared.
Just taste it first, you mongoloid

>people who order their steak anything above medium rare

>slurping, loud chewing

>people who are shitty to wait staff

>smoking or chewing tobacco during meals

>people who order unrelated shit at restaurants.
ex. ordering fried chicken at a steakhouse, a burger at a mexican restaurant, chicken tenders at a chinese restaurant

>> No.5451287

>someone who has identified as a vegetarian and then orders fish

Those peskytarians

>> No.5451288

I forgot to tack on people who are extremely picky and have to make it known to the entire table why they hate this particular thing.

The worst is those that pretend to have an allergy because they're so picky. I have an onion allergy and it's so fucking annoying to watch people do this because most places think I'm full of shit when I say it. Just say you don't like it, god damn it.

>> No.5451291

lmao that image in my head

why shouldn't people say mmm

>> No.5451313
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>mfw people post anime faggot shit

>> No.5451357

Oh god, that second one. The allergy faking. I almost had to start up a lawsuit at a fucking red robins once. I asked for my meal. Asked the waitress to ask if they used peanut oil or any peanut products in their food. She said yeah. I asked if they would be willing to prepare a peanut-free dish since I have allergies. (They said it was just like seasoning they used, not oil, so I figured they could just.. Y'know, not use the seasoning). They bring the course out, I take a bite, taste the peanuts, and have a fucking allergic reaction, and have to go to the hospital. With the 30-40 hours I spent on the phone cumulatively going up the chain of the fucking red robins command, I accumulated about $800 in gift cards, got the manager and waitress shitcanned (chef said that the waitress never said shit, and I believed him), and almost had to start a fucking lawsuit to get them to state on their menu that they used peanuts in some of their food products.

It's ridiculous how much work you have to put in because of fucking assholes saying they're allergic to shit when they're not. Then you get people working in the business that don't take it seriously. I know that's not because of people who fake it, obviously they should do it all the time. But god damn it, I know it's people cutting corners because they don't take it seriously, and i'm pretty damn sure it's because of some hipster fucker wearing his birth control glasses saying he's allergic to this and allergic to that because he doesn't like it.

God DAMN it boils my blood.

>> No.5451366

>Mfw any time someone says they are allergic to pickles

>> No.5451385

I'd just flat out ask about which ingredient in pickles they are allergic against.
> "Our cook has to create an allergen free workspace, bla bla bla"

>> No.5451395


>complaining about anime on an anime website

Kill yourself

>> No.5451402

Absolutely disgusting. Why would anybody want to listen to that? Why would anybody record this shit?

>> No.5452977

>not mixing cranberry juice and ginger ale

>> No.5452980


This hasn't been "an anime website" sinde 2006. We've taken over and ran you out of town, pussy. Keep your stupid Japanese shit in the /jap/ ghetto boards we created to herd you into

>> No.5452990

Meow? Meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow.

>> No.5453033

I never say this but god damn you people should see a doctor about your autism

at best these things could be slightly annoying but getting so bent out of shape over slurping, or mixing drinks or people eating food they way they like to eat food is fucking dumb.

take your "patrician" attitude elsewhere

>> No.5453037

there are retarded people that claim to be able to have orgasms from sounds

>> No.5453041






>> No.5453103

meow meow meooww meow.