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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5444920 No.5444920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5444922

I'm drinking vodka and chasing it with UV Cherry

>> No.5445138

Sapporo because the grocery store was out of Asahi.

>> No.5446604
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it was this some time ago

>> No.5446681
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Decent given the hot weather but I kept thinking I could be drinking better English pales.

>> No.5446737
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I've always been a fag for sours so I bought this one. It's... different.

>> No.5446744
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Had a Chimay Grande Reserve before that. Good stuff.

>> No.5447094

Grapefruit Ricky.

-2 oz. vodka
-1 St. Germaine's or substitue
-1/2 lime juice or sweetened lime juice
-4 oz. grapefruit juice

Earlier I had some nameless drink
-2 oz. cognac
-1 oz. Grand Marnier
-2 oz. orange juice
-1 oz. lemon juice
-top with sparkling white wine

>> No.5447402
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>> No.5447454

I'm hesitating. It's 03:49, should I start drinking now ?

>> No.5448353

anybody here do yay when they drink? I heard it dehydrates the fuck out of you but it is awesome

>> No.5448661

Like it isn't awesome in any situation? That's why people like it.

>> No.5448670

Racer 5

>> No.5450052

i am drinking seagram's 7 on the rocks with a splash of diet coke

>> No.5450059

love it on draft

>> No.5450063

there has never been anyone ever who never drank while blowing lines

>> No.5451215

Brains SA Gold
Sierra Nevada pale ale

Brits, what other light/refreshing beers are there for Summer?

>> No.5451217
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Tap water.

>> No.5451225

G&T Bombay Sapphire with a dash of lime (bottled juice sadly but it's dark outside and the remaining good lemons o the tree are underneath all the branches)

>> No.5451229

John B Stetson bourbon.

I'm not impressed.

>> No.5451233

you're wrong, i used to blow down all the time and not drink. how's it feel to be a faggot?

>> No.5451302

Well good




Whoop dee doooooo!!!!

>> No.5453501
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The official drink of /ck/

>> No.5453507
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>> No.5453509

i actually keep a box of Franzia chablis and merlot on the shelf by my stove just for cooking. suits me for most things and im not wasting good wine in most dishes i use wine in

>> No.5453515
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I love Innis&Gunn

>> No.5453518
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>> No.5453519

yes, 2012 independence was my fav though

>> No.5453521


PBR tallboys

>> No.5453523

i've always pictured the official drink of /ck/ to be some sort of hard liquor

>> No.5453524


I like the Irish Whiskey finish and the original. Haven't tried rum finish yet though,

>> No.5453525


Yes! Delicious choice, anon!

>> No.5453530


It's Mikes Hard Lemonade tehehe =D

>> No.5453544

Rum Finish is like the original but a bit more pronounced.

>> No.5453557

any bourbon drinkers here?

>is jameson good or does it taste like bushmills

>> No.5453562

>Official drink of /ck/
>not Lagunitas IPA

>> No.5453565
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Its a warm night and this was on special and its pretty good.

>> No.5453568
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Yes. This is my favorite. Hard to beat for the price.

>> No.5453569
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Olde English 800

>> No.5453572
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im pretty sure its samuel smiths oatmeal stoutt, most consistant favorite ive seen

>> No.5453635
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Surly Blakkr.

>> No.5453668
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just drinkin some two hearted

>> No.5453689

Killian's Irish Red

>> No.5453699

cherry coke and smirnoff

>> No.5453714
File: 1.13 MB, 2800x2612, willett rye whiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god Willett rye is so delicious.

I don't remember what ahppened though, I bought this bottle at 6PM.

Fuck you, rye whiskey is best American whiskey.

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to start playing Hank Williams? Fuck, gotta cry, brb.

>> No.5453747
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Drinking this and super happy with it. I fucking love blueberries and it tastes just like it. Recommend unless you despise blueberries for some reason.

>> No.5453757

wood chucks my fav widely available cider especially the 802. scrumpys is also very good

>> No.5453805
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Drinking my last Daisy Cutter right now.

>> No.5454055
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not bad for a macro

>> No.5454836
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>> No.5455010
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Neighborhood grocery store that must not go through much craft beer still had this in stock. Pretty gud. I love rye beers.

>> No.5455061

hurricane. tastes like shit but my life's over, fuck it

>> No.5455271

milwaukee's best ice

>> No.5455307

Oh god that glass is so dirty. I really wish restaurants would put even a little more effort into their beer service.

>> No.5455466

Been working on the perfect sweet tea recipe for mixing with bourbon. Really just want to drink Bourbon Sweet Tea all summer. Depending on the bourbon I'll use different teas.

Right now I'm drinking Elijah Craig 12 with a pretty robust Ceylon blend. Great porch drink.

>> No.5456176

Just started brewing orange juice. Judging from the research I did afterward, I think I've made a terrible mistake.

>> No.5456187
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I bet you will never know how that beverage of Gods tastes like.

>> No.5456188

I've had baltika no 9..

was impressed that russians can into beer

>> No.5456226

I've been straight edge all my life. I've kind of realised that I'm a fucking idiot and I should probably just have fun and enjoy my life doing whatever the fuck I want.

Thing is though, I bought a case of beer and a bottle of Jack Daniels and I can't have more than a sip of each without wanting to puke from how revolting it is. I've always liked wine in cooking though, so that's probably what I'm going to try next.

Can you guys recommend some good wine? I live in Ontario if wine is entirely a regional thing.

>> No.5456247

>Jack Daniels
Look up some cocktail recipes.

>> No.5456261

Generally do you like bitter drinks or sweet drinks, fruity or earthy or what?

What about the beer (what beer?) and JD was revolting to you? If it's the flavor of the alcohol, you're going to get that in every alcoholic drink, but it's least noticeable in beers IMO. It's difficult to enjoy hard liquor unless you want to taste the harshness of the alcohol.

>> No.5456577
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I'm enjoying some Summerfest as well as some Tullamore Dew, very pleased with both.

>> No.5456589
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It's delicious.

>> No.5456748

I'm drinking a $4 bottle of white Zinfandel

>> No.5456786
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>2 in the morning
>secretly drinking my stepmother's wine

Why am I so pathetic.

>> No.5456838

It's okay anon. I'm living in the upstairs bedrooms of my mom's house and debating getting an 11-dollar jug of Carlo Rossi "sangria" from the liquor store down the street so that maybe I can drink myself to sleep for a couple weeks.

>> No.5456842

a bottle of 2009 antichi castelli chianti followed by shots of vodka until i pass out

>> No.5456847

>jug of wine
>drink self to sleep for weeks
a jug is enough to get drunk enough to sleep for like..3 nights tops

>> No.5456850

It's a pretty big jug and lucky for me I have an incredibly low tolerance to alcohol!

>> No.5456853
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damn. you must be like 120 pounds.
>tfw a handle of goose is gone in 4 nights

>> No.5456863

My Islay Nigga.

>> No.5456867


When I was at my worse I would drink a 1.75l bottle of Vodka per day.

>> No.5456870

i don't day drink but if i did i'd probably be up to half a bottle a day. i just can't sleep if i'm not high or drunk or both so i take to drinking until i don't remember going to bed

>> No.5456872
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>> No.5456873

>btw im a gril

>> No.5456877

Nah it was cheap at the gas station and it's empty already

So obviously I'm a gruy

>> No.5456908

>has a penis
>positions a rose next a bottle of gas station wine
have some respect for yourself man.
>just finished my bottle of chianti
>onward to the vodka shots

>> No.5456912

I just started my vodka pulls but not shots
I found that pic on google images

Shots are for pussies

>> No.5456915

>shots are for pussies
>implying i don't just pour a tumbler full and take double-shot's worth swigs from it
mixed drinks are for pussies

>> No.5456927

Who needs dishes when you have a bottle and a big dick

>> No.5457002

So I bought a bottle of stone ruination the other day, didn't check the date because I'm retarded.

Go home, drink it, hops are totally gone. Check date - it doesn't exist.
Not only did those assholes put expired beer on the shelf, they scratched the date off to hide the fact that it's expired.

Who should I bitch at about this?

>> No.5457019

If you bitch at the liquor store maybe they'll stop doing it.
If you bitch at Stone they might give you some free beer.
So obv. go for the free beer.

>> No.5457029


Send Stone an e-mail. They take care of things like this all the time.

>> No.5457094

Cantillon Kriek

Step it up you fucking plebs.

>> No.5457914
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the beverage of bakas

>> No.5459881

This I would need to try sometime.

>> No.5459885

Bulliet bourbon and finishing off some edmund fitz porter

Its up there with nitro milk stout for favorite beer

>> No.5461801
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Asahi is really good man.
Fuckin based.

>> No.5463703
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are you me?

>> No.5463797
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I am in romantic love with this beer.

>> No.5463965

Is this stuff that good? I keep seeing it in the store.

>> No.5464012

Just had a Central Waters Barrel aged Le Petit Mort, good, but not as good as I was expecting. Now drinking a Lakefront East Side Dark Lager

>> No.5464245

Anyone recommend a good drink for a nightcap or to drink with some guests?

I normally have year 12 glen whisky but getting tired of it. Looking for something on the sweeter side

>> No.5464249

you could do port if you're serious about wanting it sweet.

>> No.5464257
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>> No.5464261
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Benedictine is a nice sweet after dinner drink.

>> No.5464266
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>> No.5464271

>implying I'll ever buy unbalanced fruit shit some asshole makes in a trailer when I can get proper beers made by fucking monks for less.

>> No.5464272

im drinking some terrible whiskey from a flask

>> No.5464279

I prefer the experience of drinking whisky,bourbon,etc to wine

Always felt liquer doesn't taste right by itself. Its something you to mix with another thing

>> No.5464299
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Good for a session IPA, it isn't grassy like many tend to be.

>> No.5464311

IPAs are shit and you should feel bad for drinking them

How's your phyc major going :)

>> No.5464316

Two edgy

>> No.5464339

>glorified wine cooler
grow up

>> No.5464347
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this is my stash please rate it

>> No.5464349

are you having a IPA tasting party or do you not know there are other kinds of beer?

>> No.5464354

thats the kind of beer that i like the best, HOPS

>> No.5464370

Go get some Green Flash brews and ditch the Breckenridge.

>> No.5464376

>session ipa

God I wish that term would die with all the other hipster faggots.

>> No.5464393

you watch your mouth talking about breckenridge , however what is this Green Flash you speak of? also why don't you like brecken nigga ? you need to breckenizz '

>> No.5464466
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I'm fairly new to beer, after drinking only cider for ages, and I'm a fan of Hahn's Super Dry.

I can only drink low carb beer thanks to my diet for beetus prevention, anyone got some recommendations? I'm from Australia if that helps.

>> No.5464476

you should kill yourself

>> No.5466082
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>> No.5466105
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a Trappist Tripel at the moment.
its bloody great.
still need to get started on the case of Corona i got from a friend as a prank gift.
Fucking hate corona, shit is considered "speciality beer" here in Denmark

>> No.5466116

coffee with ever clear in it and sugar and cream

>> No.5466499
File: 48 KB, 652x428, brussels-hoegaarder1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best i have ever had.

>> No.5466568

Hoegaarden is great on a hot day, best with a fat slice of lemon thrown in there. So refreshing.

I just finished my vodka (mixed with ginger ale) and now I start on the wifebeater (Stella for you non-toplads).

>> No.5466616

Dogfish head 60 minute
pretty tasty

>> No.5466650
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Just drank a New Glarus Dubbel and Ale Asylum Bedlam, now about to drink this

>> No.5466655

try the 90, but let it warm up a bit. so much better

>> No.5466672


God I wish they'd come back to Illinois.

>> No.5466678

Its worth the occasional drive to the border

>> No.5466680
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Old fashioned any day.

Otherwise I neck some bottle like a slob.

>> No.5466998
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For the fallen soldiers.

>> No.5468613
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I got this as a gift. I think it is too good for my Wodka drinking taste buds.

What do I do with it?

>> No.5468704

Send it to me.

>> No.5469102
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>I love rye beers

As do I, friend

pic related is a local brew for me, and what got me into rye.