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5440936 No.5440936 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no alcohol

>> No.5440943
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>tfw an alcohol

>> No.5440948

Your mind may not appreciate it, but your brain and body do.

>> No.5440961
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>tfw down to 1/4 of my handle
>tfw this won't even get me properly drunk
>tfw out of money until May 30th
>tfw this is the last day I will have alcohol

Truly a worse feel. Knowing you are just about out, and not having the means to get more.

Well, I actually do enjoy the period of sobriety that I usually have in the latter half of the month. Somehow I always end up back on the sauce when I have the means.

>> No.5440966



>> No.5440967

>but your brain and body do

This alcoholic hallucinosis and these delirium tremens beg to differ.

>> No.5440973

i don't think you understood that post's intent

>> No.5440974


Been trying for about 3 years (last job was in 2011, was full time actually). Then my ex-gf cheating whore slag lied, cheated on me, and stole from me.

Then nervous breakdown and on the autismbux.

But I've been working with the DVR to get off the bux and back into the workforce.

Funny, before any of that even happened, I despised alcohol, and only would drink light beer at a cookout with my friends or family.


>> No.5440982


I do, but it's better to taper off instead of going cold turkey.

Wonder what OP's situation actually is. Full time alchy? Just out of money for a Friday night?

I understand and agree alcohol is a poison. I hate the shit.

Most alcoholics hate the shit, but that doesn't stop from abusing.

>> No.5440983


There's a massive shortage of welders in North America, right now.

The median salary is over 21$/hour.

>> No.5440986

make a couple of gallons of homebrew wine that you can drink when nothing else is available

>> No.5440989


>> No.5440990


Cider is easier.

>> No.5440993

you don't necessarily need to taper off depending on how much you drink

>> No.5440995

>go to doctor
>get test results
>have pretty severe liver damage
>just turned 21
>started drinking at 19

That was quick.

>> No.5440998
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I've been contemplating going back to school, and that was what it was for.

But for the DVR, I'm trying to find Call Center/Customer Service positions, as that is what I have the most experience in. If the DVR stuff keeps dragging on though, I likely will go back for a blue-collar type job and go to school for it.

Thanks for the tip, btw.


Thanks, you too. :^)

>> No.5441001


do you have hepatitis or just the worst genetics ever?

>> No.5441006


Well yeah, that's what I was kinda saying. Unless OP is a full-time alchy he likely won't experience the withdrawals, since hangovers are withdrawals in their own right.

I myself don't even drink massively, but on a week bender or so once, I had an almost /dis/ feeling in my life, had waking dreams, was hearing things/people that weren't there, finally fell asleep. Woke up next day was feeling fine all the way up until the time I usually drink. I started getting the shakes, and was getting cold sweats, the chills, while still being hot.

I took 1.5 mg Clonazepam, and 2 mg Etizolam, and then was fine.

Stopped drinking for a long while after that. The Clonazepam is not an issue, as it is rX and I take it as prescribed (up to 3x daily .5) so...

The etizolam I've only recently started ordering to help with either sleep, or an unusually anxiety provoking event.

>> No.5441009
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You can fix that pretty easily. Make sure to take an aspirin or two before drinking, and then immediately upon awakening.

It saved my Uncle's life. Now he continues to drink and is as strong as an ox.

>> No.5441023

Fuck off and die.

Look into wasabi root, N-acetyl cystine, try eating dandelion root, and try milk thistle

>> No.5441055

im an alcoholic too. I even have a dwi. I am too paranoid to drink then drive now and cops are fucking everywhere around here now...but I drink almost everyday. Im hung over right now. I would recommend to someone trying to get sober to just go cold turkey and try your damndest to distract yourself with work, a sober friend, and just force yourself to get clean. The first 3 days will be hell, thats how it is for me anyway when I wanna be sober for a few months. Then after that you just have normal cravings instead of that hardcore thirst you get for booze.
I started drinkin again cause so depressed doin bad in school (again), failed a class, a girl I was dating for a few weeks suddenly said she cant see me anymore and I was stressed out. Weak shit. I was like bitch we fucked without a condom like 4 times, doesnt that mean anything to you? I probably have a std or some shit. Fuck.
Women drive you to drink, so try staying off women for a bit, maybe thatll work.
/personal blog

>> No.5441067

im an alcoholic too and ive had girls leave me blah blah. I have FOUR DWIs. I have served jail time.

And I don't know if this will help you, honestly. You've probably heard it before. But since YOU are not ME, I can say this to YOU.

You sound fucking pathetic! Disgusting! Nobody in their right mind would have sympathy for you ... you have enough sympathy for yourself for a hundred people already.

> waaa waaa girl left me...
> 4 times without a condom doesnt that mean anything to you?
yeah... it means you fuck bitches you barely know without protection. What if you start cheating on her with some bitch with the Herps, and give it to her?

stupid... ive had sex without a condom with more then 4 women... countless times. Just get tested and put her on the pill... standard procedure.

Anyway... what im telling you need to stop being so easy on yourself. Fucking grab your open palms and slap the shit out of yourself. If i was your friend, i would beat you up. To show you that i love you. That you can't be this weak.

You can't be this weak, anon.

> but yeah if saying shit like that worked, wouldnt i be able to improve, too? hahahah. its all bullshit. The dollar that bought the bottle could have struck the lotto.

>> No.5441095
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>this thread

>> No.5441099

jesus was a jew

>> No.5441102

Yeah, that fucking a girl with no condom and it meant something was really just me joking around but ok, I get it.
Ive been with tons of women, I cant bring myself to actually care or worry about shit anymore. Im almost 30. Im aware women dont have souls, its not a big deal. In what time span did you get those dwis? I have a buddy thats 35 and just got his 5th one...they wanna give him 8 years, but if they enhanced that shit he could get 20 to life. Its a cycle of bullshit and people have a hard time understanding how someone can get dwis over and over. I understand though. Im surprised they still allow people with more than 1 to have a license, honestly with all the MADD bullshit. I fucking despise those people. They all have that sad story from fucking 10 years ago, losing someone and cry about it. Everyone loses people. Ive lost buddies in wars and Im not dwelling on it. anyway, dont get your 5th one. If it comes down to having to just not drive at all, just do that.

>> No.5441109

got 2 of em before i was 18, they put me on diversion, then my official 1st one when i was 18, then another one a year later.

that was years ago though.

>> No.5441117

yeah... man. women don't have souls.... and MADD people are crazy.

It's the same reason AA doesn't work for me.. and I'll take a wild guess for you. (Those people are fucking NUTS!)

They just meet up and live the life of a non-drinker... so they're still constnatly thinking about it, talking about it.... it becomes a part of them.

It's like... "hey do you want to have a problem with alcohol and a fucked up life? Or would you rather have no life at all and all of your friends are rock bottom alckies?"

ugh. Also im atheist so i couldn't really get through step 1/12. "Give yourself up to a higher power." yeah, like what? The IRS? 1992 Denver Broncos? Fuck that. Lol. I'm trying to empower myself, not give more of my power away....

>> No.5441120
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>i hope everyone thinks im funny!

>> No.5441121
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>2 before 18

Holy shit

>> No.5441127


I went to some AA meetings where there were a bunch of degenerates and others where it was almost entirely a bunch of rich older white people and a lot of them were athiests

>> No.5441128

> be 16
> got license 30 days ago.
> first night out with Car - it is 3 days old and has 118 miles on it.
> raining
> take the canyons and go 85 mph
> smash into a lexus

> be 30 days later
> chasing some chick from school to mcdonalds
> drunk...
> no plates (new car) No hubcaps (threw them away cause i thought black looked cooler [it doesnt])
> cop pulls up knocks on the window
> as i look for my registration i pick up a fucking gun....
> oh right.. the fucking BB guns... fuck...
> throw it back under seat.... can't find license
> oh thats right... just have the temporary
> finds the gun... and says
> "You have got to be the STUPIDEST son of a bitch I've ever seen. Who the fuck keeps a BB gun under the passanger's seat? I would have emptied my clip into you if I saw you touch that!"

>> No.5441130

did you only go to like 1 meeting? They say all the time that you can use AA as your higher power

>> No.5441132

I just tell people im a pagan now so they get confused and dont wanna talk to me about religion or god stuff. I like having those kinds of discussions with people that dont have fixed religions, its a one way street with these people.
AA is a religion, I met a girl I knew back in highschool, she was a huge slut back then and did tons of drugs and shit, now shes a born again christian and is SUPER serious about AA. I was like ok, someone that doesnt drink, good ill just hang out with her! Then I fucked up and made out with her one day we were hanging out. A few days later she says we cant hang out because an AA step (6 or 7?) is not having new relationships or some shit. What? They tell people not only to not drink but exactly what they should do with their lives. Thats a cult.

>> No.5441134

yeah... but im not fucking driving (read: taking the bus) out to beverly hills just so I can talk to richer alcoholics.

Their problems are the same, they just don't appear to be degenerates because money isn't an issue...

Don't worry about it, it's a common mistake - thinking rich people are better then you because they have more money and look cleaner. Doesn't mean shit.

>> No.5441135

I'm drinking Captain Morgan and coke, which is nearly as bad as no alcohol. They usually give you Captain Morgan Spiced by default. I didn't realise it was original until I got home. Nasty aftertaste.

>> No.5441139

AA is based on christianity. Even though I am baptized, i think there should be a seperation of church and state when it comes to addictions and anything else really cause fuck religion.

I've been to many... i had to do 20 meetings for the DUI... and then 20 more for the second one.

>> No.5441140


Of course it doesn't mean shit on it's own, but it means they have their lives together more than a bunch of homeless people. Also in my experience they tend to be a lot less nutty with the religious aspect.

>> No.5441142

I'm an alcoholic, but i'm an alcoholic with taste. I'll only drink the good stuff. Which seeing as i'm unemployed restricts getting drunk to once a week at the weekend. 3 bottles of wine, or a bottle of Whisky something else on hand. Drink until blackout. Continue next week.

>> No.5441143

I get wasted every weekend. Am I at risk for these withdrawal symptoms?

>> No.5441144

Lots of people in AA aren't religious, and they don't tell you what to do with your lives in a very strict way.

>it's a cult

Sounds like something I would've said when I was like 14. It's free and they're just trying to help people, how is that a cult?

>> No.5441145

Hate to break it to you, but there was something wrong long before you started drinking.

u gonna die.

>> No.5441147


yea but a lot of meetings I've been to don't put emphasis on the religion at all, there are lots of athiests. Even if it's based on religious it doesn't mean you have to incorporate religion into it.

>> No.5441150

Drinking 3 bottles of wine in a sitting is going to fuck your insides up, even if it is once a week. Get it down to 1 a night and you're fine.

>> No.5441151

yeah, that sounds like religion alright. You're right on the money.

I'm gonna steal your pagan thing... that's good. I JUST had a jesus freak talk to me the other day. See... ive been unemployed for a while (unrelated to alcoholism, OF COURSE) hahaha... anyway so i panhandle for a beer once in a while outside the 7-11.

These fuckers come out and start trying to tell me to find Jesus... and... like "oh, you know.. HE wants you to succeed, this and that"

I think religion is just like simantics... God did not create man. Man created God, to deal with fucking issues they can't understand. If it HELPS YOU - to pretend there's a Creator helping you down a Path... and that Everything Will Be Allright... if you have such a bendable mind... I envy you. I WISH i could be religios. Shit, i wish i could be gay so i dont have to deal with girl problems...

But yeah... bottom line is... these people are just brainwashing themselves and youc an always tell a brainwashed person because they will just reject any difference in opinion.

> i use god for happyness.
> well, i use happyness for happyness
> oh, but don't you see? Its GOD thats giving you that... and he WANTS you to feel like that.
> well, i dont think so. I think i am feeling this with my body and mind, and god is not involved.
> oh, but thats because thats what GOD WANTS YOU TO THINK

oh my god.. quit it. go away. you only gave me 19 cents... shoulda thrown a couple bucks in if you're gonna preach for 30 minutes...
> captcha: clergyman petimou

>> No.5441154
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>It's free and they're just trying to help people, how is that a cult?

yeah... totally. I completely agree with this guy. Anyone want a free tour of our new Scientology dunge.... i mean Center?

>> No.5441218
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>Fuck off and die.


Look at these edgy queerbos.

>> No.5441225

>he posts a random, stupid, chinese cartoon
>expects to be taken seriously

End yourself.

>> No.5441256
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yeah, sure. he turns water into wine

>> No.5441326

alcoholic here, I've tried to quit and can't quit because it fucks me up at work. If I stay sober the night before and don't drink in the morning I'm a high strung nervous forgetful bad working motherfucker the next day, I'm just terrible. When I'm trying not to drink I've had coworkers and management ask me if I'm OK, whats wrong, am I sick, did I drink too much the night before (oh the irony). I just have to say I didn't get enough sleep and am feeling tired.

Whats worst is I've started drinking before work. I don't go in drunk but I'll have a tall shot of vodka with my coffee. You'd think this is a bad idea, hell it is a bad idea. But my productivity and overall social status has skyrocketed at work since I've started drinking off the morning edge. I work faster, make less mistakes, come in more enthusiastic, get along better with coworkers, am friendlier, and have just gotten so much praise from management. I love it all but deep down the fact that I'm an invisible hopeless alcoholic is eating away at me. When I try to do something good and quit I look horrible and get asked questions, when I say fuck it and take a couple shots before work I turn into a no mistake making fast friendly comfortable beast.

Its only a matter of time :(

>> No.5441328
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Jesus drank wine and celebrated with his disciples.

Pic related, J-Man's fave flaga.

>> No.5441333

that's not free though

>> No.5441336

yeah man. what you're doing is self medicating. The body will adapt... you're going to need more and more and more. It is in fact only a matter of time until you get fired for alcohol.

Rehab never worked for me, but it did help me at least believe that there was another chance. You know, kind of like a fresh start... You take a week off work, tell people "you know, i realize i have a problem and im going to deal with it".... they respect you for that. You come back and everyone is a little nicer....

But nothing ACTUALLY changes. You have to figure out why you drink. Why you have the edge in the first place. It's probably a combination of the addiction... and a psychological reason. Gotta get over that.

You don't want to wait until you hit rock bottom.. (and there's no such thing because there's ALWAYS lower, no religious shit just in life.)

feel me? Stop drinking. Deal with your issues.

>> No.5441347

>"Give yourself up to a higher power." yeah, like what? The IRS? 1992 Denver Broncos?
fuckin lol'd hard

>> No.5441363

Christ. I almost feel bad for you.

>> No.5441365

youre an idiot. I speak the truth, and out of character. You're too pussy to break character. You're a fucking actor.

>> No.5441367

I'm not sure how that relates to the comment I made.

>> No.5441370

i know. just like you didn't understand the last comment i made. It's okay man. Just forget about it.

>> No.5441373
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I should stop, I just can't do it while I'm working. I'll have to take a week or two off to get my shit together I can't not drink at all and go in normal. And I agree, I am self medicating for insomnia, anxiety, and attention problems. It slows me down and helps me function normally. I wasn't exactly great before I started drinking either, I've just gotten better at everything. Add to that this past year I've gotten /fit/ but I'm drinking more than I ever have at the same time, I don't know what to make of it all.

>only a matter of time until you get fired for alcohol

I get paranoid about this but at the same time I wonder how or why they would fire me. I make them lots of money and come in with my game face on everyday, no off days (unless I'm trying to quit drinking). I started having a little nip in the morning three months ago, two out of those three months I was awarded employee of the month. Coworkers know I go out sometimes on weekends but they say they can't imagine me getting drunk, I'm too nice and too driven.

Do you think if I was honest with them and took off a couple weeks to get straightened out I'd be looked down on or get fired? I mean I'm doing well, I think they'd be shocked if I told them I had a problem. It would probably be better to make up an excuse like taking a family vacation or something, right?

>> No.5441381

> you think if I was honest with them and took off a couple weeks to get straightened out I'd be looked down on or get fired?

i dont know your situation. I was lucky enough to be in the company of very caring and compassionate people - but even that still didn't do anything for me. I have the same issues as you - anxiety, insomnia and attention problems lol.

Why would you get fired?
i dunno.... everything was going so well i got promoted, couple raises, working from home priveledges. I drank every day anyway, but it didnt affect me. Then i decided "heck since its working so well, im gonna go get a couple shots at the bar"... got so wasted, came bac, never went to sleep, started contacting customers at like 4:30 in the morning and then later in the morning started flirting with my co-worker. Boss noticed the messages and fired me. It wasn't cause of that. It was just... the whoel thing, you know? It was always "something" with me... people at work asked me "are you okay?" also. Fucking hate that question.

> I think they'd be shocked if I told them I had a problem.
unless its already obvious to them in the first place... but don't risk it. If you think this way, then follow your gut and make up an excuse. You can always come clean later if they start dropping hints that "wow, you look so much better ever since you came back from your vacation, way to go!" or some shit.

my point was... when you have a problem like this its not even a ticking timebomb... at least that has a timer. Its just like holding a bunch of really unstable explosives... and any fucking NUDGE in your decision making process can blow everything up in a matter of seconds.

>> No.5441423

>tfw intentionally no alcohol because trying to lose weight
>from alcohol

tis bittersweet

>> No.5441428

i brown out nightly

>> No.5441436

>tfw not old enough to buy alcohol yet
>tfw I know i'll follow my parents and grandparents before and become a raging alcoholic once I can
Complicated feels

>> No.5441437


Me too, anon. No more getting drunk twice a week until I stop being fat or give up after 6 months like I did the last time.

>> No.5441466
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alcohol here, I've been dry for the last 6 days. The worst part is insomnia and extreme boredom.

>> No.5441472


man i was drinking every day, even at work. i've now limited myself to drinking only once to twice a week, and only on outings.

i don't think i can realistically quit 100%. besides, better to practice moderation.

>> No.5441483


I drink at least a fifth a day in addition to my maintenance calories and have been doing so for about 6 months and my weight is essentially the same. I might have gained 2lbs (hard to say since weight fluctuates throughout the day)

not sure how that's possible

>> No.5441533

same here
i still drink semi regularly (1-4 times a week on average). usually have to steal a bottle or ask a bum to buy for me though. have a bunch of friends over 21 but id rather drink by myself..
as soon as im legal in america though i cant imagine not drinking constantly.
both excited and worried i guess

>> No.5441543


Man i dont even drive or have work. I drink about 180 oz of beer a day. And i start drinking immediately upon waking up.

Ive come to a balance - really cheap beer but lots of it - that enables me to never have hangovers, never get "drunk", but always stay buzzed.

Its kind of the dream come true really. But obviously means i smell of alcohol all day every day, so that closes a lot of doors for me.

>> No.5441601
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>tfw you're voluntarily going the whole month of May with no alcohol, cigarettes or drugs


>> No.5441620

When you were 14, huh?
You know that plenty of actual cults let you in for free, right? Then you work for them and also try to recruit other people. Sound familiar? People in AA encourage other people to go to meetings. Im not saying its some evil plot, but its a lot like a cult. Have you ever known someone that is one of the meeting leaders or people that organize those things? They are hardcore strange.
For my DWI, I had to go to a "victim impact panel" so they can tell you what a piece of shit you are and you are EXACTLY like a murderer. Its put together by MADD. The main speaker was an organizer for AA, he said he used to rob stores just to steal booze, did prison time, stabbed someone and shit. He talked non stop without blinking and staring right at everyone. Had like a gallon of starch on all of his clothes and knew down to the day how long he hasnt had a drink. Those are AA people.

>> No.5441647

(un)fortunately got a job doing manual labor recently so definitely have had to cut back.
I agree on the cheap beer though, living the dream. i started drinking liquor cause the bottles are easy to steal and added heavy malt liqour (homeless shwill) and expensive dark beer when i had the extra cash because I got tired of being fucking wasted and super hungover all the time. didnt help too much though. just now starting to actually appreciate cheap beer. whats yer poison? Im a fan of olympia and sometimes natty ice to be honest.

>> No.5441649

I just drink coffee and browse several boards of 4chan at once, watching and participating in several threads of each board, add a few side chans and miscellaneous forums in the mix, news websites up, music in the background, etc.

Then just binge watch a good, long series when I'm bored of that, video games are good at time wasting if you're into that... Do all of that and time goes by pretty quickly, most days seem pretty short to me.

>> No.5441652
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>>5441533 here btw

>> No.5441655


More fat less muscle mass.

>> No.5441672

Fuck. I don't think I could ever bring myself to beg for change and shit. Oh god I would starve to death as a hobo or just try to live in a National Park and be a shady mountain man. I have too much pride. Sorry you got to that level, that is really rough. If you need some work and don't mind bustin your ass for minimum wage, try a day labor place.

I worked for a place called Labor Ready, they are nation wide if you are in the US, I think they have places in Canada too maybe. Check out their website, or maybe there is a similar place to work. You just show up at 5 or 6 AM, and make sure to wear work boots or some places won't take you. They then farm you out to companies that need extra work like construction sites and shit. I had to do that for a few months to avoid starving. It was depressing, but hay, it's work. It's mostly ex-cons and scumbag niggers that work at Labor Ready, but you CAN get hired by a company you are being contracted to if you work well and obviously have a good head on your shoulders. I got hired eventually by a molding company. Good luck.

>having to get up at 4AM 5 times a week keeps you sober

>> No.5441684

I have a job. How do you think I fund my usually degenerate lifestyle? So that keeps me busy M-F, But weekends suck. Last night my friends went to karaoke (which is great if your drunk) and clubbing (which is great if you're on pills). I can usually have a good time sober but not doing those particular activities.

>> No.5441709

Thanks for the advice bro. We share similar problems, but I'm a little different. Everybody is different, but I don't get sloppy or make regrettable decisions when I'm drinking, unless I drink a whoooooole lot. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse but I function so well that it scares me. I've been drinking more and keep hearing from family, friends, and coworkers that I seem much brighter and happier and am looking much better. Part of this might have to do with getting in better shape but it bothers me that I'm poisoning myself yet my outward appearances and interactions are not only maintaining normalcy but are actually improving. Its fucked, I'm doing and looking better now than I have in several years. I'm not depressed anymore, I quit having panic attacks, I go to sleep on time and for some reason stopped getting hangovers altogether. I've quit smoking weed and quit taking any other random drugs, it's just coffee and alcohol now. All outward signs would seem that I'm clean and doing better than ever. But I am not.

I'm not trying to justify it, I know I'm fucked and have to stop. This is just my situation and the lack of consequences along with all the improvements are making it even harder to quit. I'll be the first to admit that my drinking is self medication for a handful of problems I had before I even had my first drink.

>> No.5441714


I don't see how that would make sense, my weight wouldn't have remained the same.

>> No.5441726

>At uni
>Drinking 7 nights a week
>One handle every 3 days
>Drunk or hungover 24/7
>2/3 of way through semester and grades go to shit
>Risking complete failure in 3 of my 5 courses
>Run out of money
>Can't buy alcohol anymore
>Biological clock is fucked without alcohol
>Can only sleep 2-3 hours a day, usually around noon
>Study out of sheer 5:30 am boredom
>Almost constantly awake
>End up studying a shit ton
>Pass all my classes

It worked out OK I guess. I just wish I could sleep now that the semester is over.

>> No.5441749

>implying I wouldn't pass out early and have a drink at 4-5 a.m.