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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 225x225, Vegan Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5434585 No.5434585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, My SO is Vegan so I imagine her daily diet is something like pic related. What are some of your favorite / great vegan recipies? I'd like to start making her some actual food rather than have her eat instant oatmeal for morning and tree leaves for dinner.

>> No.5434607


>> No.5434608 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 615x345, stoner-laughing-marijuana-shutterstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just let her grow out of it on her own. vegans are like freetards, about 1% of those who start have what it takes, the rest get tired of having life be a constant struggle.

would you help your SO install gentoo? would you argue on her behalf that no one NEEDS working drivers, or flash, or nonfree codecs? what's that you say? that's ridiculous? so is helping her when she's eating instant oatmeal and leaves.

you can't rape the willing. I'm not sure what that has to do with this thread but I like the sound of it and I wanted to throw that in there.

>> No.5434619

>fry onion
>add passata
>add peanutbutter
>add chickpeas
>serve with rice
>put some cashews on top

I'm not even vegan or vegetarian but that recipe is delicious, i had some yesterday.

Also most asian food goes well with tofu instead of meat, i reccomend gaeng ped.
Most things that has ground beef can be done with quorn instead, most things that have chicken can be done with quorn filets instead.
Swedish pea soup without the pork.

>> No.5434621

SO? As in significant other? What a fucking dumb ass chickenshit 21st century term. Just say boyfriend or girlfriend, faggot.

>> No.5434623

ITT: vegan dykes and their smelly vaginas

>> No.5434652

it isn't a constant struggle if you know how to do it right.

>> No.5434653

>confirmed for not even knowing vagina

>> No.5434654
File: 802 KB, 940x680, fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you agreeing with me or disagreeing?

>> No.5434660

>confirmed for stank puss

>> No.5434661

"have what it takes"? you mean a desire to be healthy and eat a sustainable diet? isn't that like, everybody? like the pinterest says, "go vegan, its easy."

>> No.5434662

Do you know where you are? Are you trolling? Bringing up a site like pinterest is almost as bad as saying you go to tumblr or reddit, which I'm sure you do. Just leave.

>> No.5434665


no, not just that. I have the desire to be rich, that's not going to magically make me rich.

I suggest you get out there in the real world and see how people who "want to be healthy" actually fare.

>> No.5434666

>went out with girl who only ate meat all the time
>smells like what she eats
>went out with girl who ate no milk or meat
>smelled like roses
>stank alot. like good smelling flowers.

u r dum

>> No.5434668

I think its disagreement.

>> No.5434670

And you're in denial, stankpuss.

>> No.5434672

>judging some info just based upon what site it came from

it depends if the site is really really bad, but cmon, every website 4chan doesn't like doesn't have to be some meme

>but I like reddit
>U SUCK 2!!11

>> No.5434675

>eat at mcdonalds every day
>eat one salad on the weekend
>WOW I ate SO healthy I have teh desire

see the problem with people?

>> No.5434677


>> No.5434678

Assuming they dont bathe themselves they will smell worse than normal. But perhaps the vegan diet will counteract this...

>> No.5434683

it helps alot to eat cleaner. once I removed all milk and meat and fish and chicken from my food, I smelled a whole lot less than usual, which wasn't alot to begin with, unless i did alot of stuff.

however don't expect that you can go vegan and not take any showers anymore, because you probably still need to do that. perhaps less?

>> No.5434687

Typical redditor shitpost. Just go, vegfag. Nobody wants your bullshit here.

>> No.5434690

There are five websites you never talk about on 4chan unless you want to get railed upon. reddit, tumblr, 9gag, pinterest, and ebaum's world.

>> No.5434694


is that a statement or a question? once again I can't tell if you are disagreeing or agreeing.

>> No.5434705

Meh. I'm a vegan but I don''t really cook that much. Just some chips in the morning, kosher ramen, pb&j at night... but I do have a recipe that's really great

1 medium sweet potato, diced
1 small bunch kale, stems removed, chopped
1 Cup cooked quinoa
1/2 Cup cooked lentils
1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon of your favorite herb blend (rosemary, basil, thyme, etc)
1 small avocado, or 1/4 Cup hummus
2 brown rice tortillas

Steam potatoes and kale, when done combine other ingredients in a bowl. this is the filling. spread a little of the hummus or the avocado on the tortilla (heat those first over the stove). put filling in the tortilla, wrap, and you're done

I know plenty of vegans who have been this way for years... if you're truly in it for the animals and/or the environment, you will stay a vegan. You're pretty misinformed, although I can see what you're saying because a lot of people tend to do it for vanity, which is selfish and never works.

>> No.5434824
File: 53 KB, 729x650, 23453425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even from reddit
>gets this mad

>> No.5434831

honestly those websites do kind of suck, I understand, but you can all suck a cream filled popsicle if you think I will be afraid to say whatever I want.

>> No.5434883

Because saying "boyfriend" will induce unnecessary trolling.

>> No.5434954

Whenever I see people mention having any kind of relationship, I call it out, even if they use a term like partner or significant other. Also, OP used female gendered pronouns, so that leads me to believe she's an ugly dyke with a stankpuss.
stankpuss pls go

>> No.5434967

is it because you don't have anyone to be happy with? you hate people who have found love? hate wont solve anything.

>> No.5435013

People who feel that way are so transparently bitter it is hilarious. They are probably convinced 90% of the time that they actually prefer being alone, women are evil, they don't want such trivial and ephemeral pleasures such as sex, etc.

It's a quite common defense mechanism. Some people who possess it are so delusional they think others can't see it for what it is.

>> No.5435045

So instead of someone honestly writing that " my partner did this" , people should instead write " my friend did this " instead to not trigger people like you?

>> No.5435089

If they don't want us shitting up the thread, sure. But we'll probably find another thing to focus in on in order to derail it.

>> No.5435102

It's a vegan thread, it was doomed to begin with.

>> No.5435106


I'm sure someone will object to the use of "friend" just as much as "partner" or "boyfriend/girlfriend"


>> No.5435120 [DELETED] 

Exactly. I don't feel bad when I shit up shit threads. Also, it's fun, and has nothing to do with >>5435013 or >>5434967
It's trolling; I've seen that people get annoyed when someone says something about someone else having a boyfriend or girlfriend, so I do that. You all know that you kill a troll by starving it. You have nobody else to blame but yourself.

>> No.5435129
File: 36 KB, 482x512, sirhan-sirhan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking pinterest

>> No.5435132

>working drivers, or flash, or nonfree codecs? what's that you say? that's ridiculous?
Yeah it is ridiculous, because I have all of those things, and I'm a freetard.

>> No.5435136

And you're in the minority.

>> No.5435137

so edgy. where can i read your blog?

>> No.5435138

Fuck off to pinterest. It's facebook for girls, and a cesspool of homosexuality. Anyway, I think Vegans are total retards.

>> No.5435142

nobody cares what you think, braindead scum

>> No.5435147

Not on /g/.

You clearly do cause you mad lol

>> No.5435148

Except the rest of 4chan agrees with him. Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.5435149

Okay? /g/ is not the majority of anyone anywhere.

>> No.5435158
File: 10 KB, 225x225, sanic hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay? 4chan is not the majority of anyone anywhere.

I'm off to upgrade from debian unstable to gentoo, my ssd came in the mail a few days ago, ooh baby kill em

>> No.5435164
File: 81 KB, 500x333, Vegan Chilli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, OP here.
She's not going to grow out of it. Previously before this the only meat she really ate were (Realy good) Steaks, and Chicken. She's always been mainly vegetarian, and avoided dairy products even then. I expected her to stop being vegan about 1 month into it, but here we are 4 months later. so I'm going to support her decision because it's not mine to make. I tried being vegan for a week, iddn't like it, went back to meat. At the end of the day she's not Bashing my lifechoice to eat meat so i won't do the same for her. What sense does it make for me to Sperglord out on her for this? And besides personal life choices in life, stay on topic and Help me out with your favourite vegan recipies or don't bother responding.

I The Term i use (Which is correct) doesn't means hit to this thread. And besides my diction, stay on topic and Help me out with your favourite vegan recipies or don't bother responding, containt he inner autist.

It's fine if you troll. But anyways as said before.

People attempt to remain relevant to what i'm asking here. At least keep it at least loosely /ck/ related. This is usually one of the more relevant boards to not sperg out, (Though i admit some subjects just cause shitstorms).

I'll check back on this thread in an hour or two.

>> No.5435171

Typing on my phone, forgive the horrid spelling that is probably within that post. in a rush.

>> No.5435172

>Previously before this the only meat she really ate were (Realy good) Steaks, and Chicken.
you forgot dick

>> No.5435179

>bad people will try to ruin good things so lets never do good things

they win

you happy?

the world was built upon defiance. screw these people, I go against evil. I wont be afraid to speak the truth.

>> No.5435181

I can blame you for being a bad person

>> No.5435185

>4chan is one person

>> No.5435189

That was exactly my point. I'm glad you agree with me. You are in the minority of freetards.
Why the fuck do you type like that? Random capitalization, unnecessary words, odd punctuation; it's all very strange. Are you retarded?

Also, fuck off with your lesbian vegan horse shit. Nobody cares.

>> No.5435193

someone had too much homo lovin and is really sore :)

>> No.5435194

>you can't rape the willing.
that's euh, pretty good said.

>> No.5435199

Are you fucking serious? Is this a serious post?

Trolling on 4chan is not evil. 4chan is no place for actual discussion. You aren't fighting shit. Were you the same idiot who said this copypasta originally?

>This isn't people's special playground where you can say whatever you want and excuse it just because of the place you posted it. We're not in some secret parallel universe. We're on fucking 4chan. Anything you say here can be held against you, just like any other website.

>> No.5435201

make roast veg pasta

a can of tomates, an oinion or twpo, a bulb of garlic

mince it all up and put in a oven proof safe kajigger
drizzle about a 1/4 cup of olive oil on it and bakeat 2350 for 2 hours ish

mush it up and apply to pasta

>> No.5435204

Says the gay vegan.

>> No.5435208

>go out with girl who ate only grains and meat
>she smells great

>went out with vegan chick on a dare
>smelled like literal shit

>> No.5435220

>Reading is very difficultz lolz

>> No.5435221

if she has OP so whipped he is catering to her shitty hipster diet than you know he isn't getting BJs

>> No.5435224

OP is a dyke

>> No.5435227

Make her a vegan wrap. Or grill some eggplant. Because she's worth it.

>> No.5435229

stop making assumptions.
OP is a friendzoned beta male who got locked in the kitchen by this girl. He will forever be damned to cook for her

>> No.5435233

4chan is about discussion, especially boards that aren't /b/.

you can pretend that it is your "playground" and try to troll every thread into the dust but
we will resist you and we will have conversations weather you like it or not. nana nana boo boo ha ha ha ha hoo hoo

does anyone like broccoli? care to share some broccoli recipes?

>> No.5435234

If he were a dude he would have said girlfriend.

>> No.5435241

I am very hungry now.

>> No.5435242

he is too beta for that.

>> No.5435243

I take part in conversations on here all the time. I also shitpost all the time. They're both fun, and you're a faggot. Also, since you didn't deny it, I know you posted that shit I quoted.

>> No.5435244

you're the one who eats meat.

>> No.5435246

>going out with super super hippie "never take showers" girl
>yea that girl

you messed up

>> No.5435249

>implying I don't subsist off of Plumpy'nut

>> No.5435251

I was actually going to tell OP to just dump her or something, but just being vegan isn't total reason to do that. It's just that most vegans are homos and should realize that if they eat a bit of meat once in a while they won't burst into flames. We have no evidence what OP's gf is like though. I think veganism has a bad rap because of the rampant nature of the two things I mentioned. Anyway, I'm not vegan but I've had good vegan burgers, and chickpea salad.

Honestly I don't know how the fuck you could go without meat, cheese, tobacco, alcohol, and milk. Why live a little longer if you're not going to enjoy it? I'm probably offing myself when life becomes joyless anyway. Not that veganism includes alcohol and tobacco, but I'm guessing if she's deciding to boycott meat and cheese forever it would be hypocrisy to drink anything other than water or juice/gatorade. Perhaps she can drink it to rehydrate after she does her vigorous daily workout, consisting of sprinting twenty blocks, various weight lifting exercises, an hour of yoga, pushups, situps, and muay thai sparring.

yfw that response was helping him shit up the thread, and the only good thing you could have done if you were mature is ignore him and report him if he deserves it

>> No.5435254

all these assumptions, ooh lala

>> No.5435258

people go vegan because they choose to for their own reasons, not your delusions.

>> No.5435259

This. Go ahead and report me. I get banned all the time(even if I only deserve it about half the time). However, you run the risk of getting banned yourself if the mods think the report is frivolous. The only way to make a troll go away is to ignore him, however.

>> No.5435263

I made one assumption, which you did not deny. Everything else was about me.

>> No.5435265

>because they choose to for their own reasons, not your delusions.
But I already thought that about everything.

>> No.5435290

for what purpose they need not acknowledge every insignificant detail of your blasphemy?

>> No.5435295

This isn't people's special playground where you can say whatever you want and excuse it just because of the place you posted it. We're not in some secret parallel universe. We're on fucking 4chan. Anything you say here can be held against you, just like any other website.

>> No.5435309


>> No.5435314


>> No.5435337


>> No.5435341



>> No.5435345


>> No.5435358

Didn't think if have to give my life story to satisfy you anons who are just SO riled up. I refer to her as SO on the internet because that's what she is. In real life I say girlfriend for the possessive connotation it implies. She's sucked two dicks. Her first boyfriend, and me. I've been with her 4 years and she is hinting at wanting to be engaged, I'm not ready for that. So she is more than a gf to me so I will refer to her as such when I feel. And I took her virginity I know you guys wanted to know that. And none of that matters but wank your cock to the thought because it's irrelevant, others who aren't lonely virgins worried about specifics of my relationship post recipes please, thanks.

>> No.5435386


>muh obscure thing I am bedder den u
>oh cool you can watch movies and TV in one click for chump change I want that too
>not supported because ur obscure thing
>this is TYRANNY
>oh god I look like such a faggot now
>I mean uh, you don't need that lol the pirate bay has what u need

>> No.5435476

hey don't let them get to you. you wanted to talk about vegan food not get trolled. you went to /ck/ for a reason.

>> No.5435516

the fuck are you talking about

who cares? who caaaaaaaaaares? not me youknowwhatimsayin

>> No.5435518

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.5435524

*sigh* I hate all women.

>> No.5437363

screw you dude, everyone is different.

>> No.5438209

Fried rice / stir fry can be vegan pretty easily

Bean chili is also fine

>> No.5438306

OP here, bumping for more recipies, hoping to have the thread on track this time.

>> No.5438588


some women like giving blowjobs, you know.

>> No.5438666

Can you make risotto using vegan "cheese"?

>> No.5438767

You imagine? You mean you don't know what she eats?